Part 6


The Adventures of Tom Thumb

A LONG tîmè ágô, a wōōdcutter livèd with hiś wîin a småll cottáĝè not far fróm a grèât forést. They had sevén childrénåll boyś; and thé yòuñgést wáśwoś thé smållést littlè fellôw ever seen. Hê wáśwoś cållèd Tom thumb. But thôùgh hê wáśwoś sô småll, hê wáśwoś far cleverer than ãný ofuv hiś brőtherś, and hê hèàŕd a grèât deal morè than ãnýbodý ever imaĝínèd.

It happénèd that just at this tîmè theŕè wáśwoś a famínè in thé land, and thé wōōdcutter and hiś wîbėcâmè sô pōōr that they cōūld nô loñger givè their boyś enoughėnòuf tótö eat.

Onewőnè night—after thé boyś had gonè tótö bedthé huśbánd sighing deeplý, sãìd

"Wê cannot feed õυŕ childrén ãný loñger, and tótö see them starvè bėforè õυŕ èŷèś iś morè than Î can beár. Tótö-morrôw morning, theŕèforè, wê will tâthem intö thé forést and leavè them in thé thickėst part ofuv it, sô that they will not bê âblè tótö fînd their way back."

We cannot feed our chldren any longer.

Hiś wîwept bitterlý at thé thøùght ofuv leaving their childrén tótö perish in thé forést; but shê, töö, thøùght it better than tótö see them dîè bėforè her èŷèś. Sô shê cónsentėd tótö her huśbánd's plan.

But åll this tîmè Tom thumb had bėèn-been áwâkè, and hê had ôverhèàŕd åll thé conversâtion. Hê lay áwâa long whîlè thiñking whåt tótö dö. Then, slipping qυîétlý out ofuv bed, hê ran down tótö thé river and fillèd hiś pockét with småll whîtè pebblèś fróm thé river's briñk.

In thé morning thé pãrénts cållèd thé childrén, and, after giving them a crust ofuv breàd, they åll set out for thé wōōd. Tom thumb did not say a wòŕd tótö hiś brőtherś ofuv whåt hê had ôverhèàŕd; but, liñgéring bėhînd, hê droppèd thé pebblèś fróm hiś pockét onewőnè bŷ onewőnè, aś they wålkèd, sô that hê shōūld bê âblè tótö fînd hiś way hômè. When they reachèd a verý thick part ofuv thé forést, thé fāther and mőther tôld thé childrén tótö wait whîlè they went a littlè farther tótö cut wōōd, but aś söön aś they werè out ofuv sight they turnèd and went hômè bŷ ánőther way.

When darknéss fell, thé childrén bėgan tótö rêálîzè that they werè dėśertėd, and they bėgan tótö crŷ loudlý. Tom thumb, however, did not crŷ.

"Dö not weep, mŷ brőtherś," hê sãìd ėnuráĝiñglý. "Ônlý wait until thé möön rîśėś, and wê shall söön bê âblè tótö fînd õυŕ way hômè."

When at length thé möön rôśè, it shonè down upon thé whîtè pebblèś which Tom thumb had scatterèd; and, follôwing this path, thé childrén söön reachèd their fāther's housè.

But at first they werè áfraid tótö gô in, and waitėd outsîdè thé dòor tótö hėàŕ whåt their pãrénts werè tålking ábout.

They all set out for the wood.

Now, it happénèd that when thé fāther and mőther reachèd hômè, they found a rich ĝentlèmán had sent them ten crownś, in paymént for wòŕk which had bėèn-been dőnè long bėforè. Thé wîwent out at őnçèwőnçè and bøùght breàd and meat, and shê and her huśbánd sat down tótö mâaartý meal. But thé mőther cōūld not fòŕget her littlè oneswőnèś; and at last shê crîèd tótö her huśbánd:

"Álas! Wheŕè arè õυŕ pōōr childrén? How they wōūld havè enjoyèd this gōōd feast!"

Thé childrén, listéning at thé dòor, hèàŕd this and crîèd out, "Hėŕè wê arè, mőther; hėŕè wê arè!" and, ôverjoyèd, thé mőther flew tótö let them in and kissèd them åll round.

Their pãrénts werè dėlightėd tótö havè their littlè oneswőnèś with them ágãìn; but söön thé ten crownś werè spent, and they found themselvèś aś badlý off aś bėforè. Őnçèwőnçè morè they ágreed tótö leavè thé childrén in thé forést, and őnçèwőnçè ágãìn Tom thumb ôverhèàŕd them. This tîmè hê did not tròublè himself verý much; hê thøùght it wōūld bê eaśý for him tótö dö aś hê had dőnè bėforè. Hê got up verý yèàŕlý thé next morning tótö gô and get thé pebblèś; but, tótö hiś dismay, hê found thé houdòor sėcûrèlý lockèd. Then, indeed, hê did not knôw whåt tótö dö, and for a littlè whîlè hê wáśwoś in grèât distress. However, at breàkfást thé mőther gâvè each ofuv thé childrén a slîçè ofuv breàd, and Tom thumb thøùght hê wōūld manáĝè tótö mâkè hiśêçè ofuv breàd dö aś well aś thé pebblèś, bŷ brèâking it up and dropping thé crumbś aś hê went.

This tîmè thé fāther and mőther tōōk thé childrén still deeper and farther intö thé wōōd, and then, slipping áway, left them álônè.

Tom thumb cónsôlèd hiś brőtherś aś bėforè; but when hê câmè tótö lōōk for thé crumbś ofuv breàd, not onewőnè ofuv them wáśwoś left. Thé birdś had eatén them åll up, and thé pōōr childrén werè lost in thé forést, with nô possíblè meanś ofuv fînding their way hômè.

He climbed to the top of a high tree.

Tom thumb did not löśè còuráĝè. Hê clîmbèd tótö thé top ofuv a high tree and lōōkèd round tótö see if theŕè wáśwoś ãný way ofuv getting help. In thé distánçè hê saw a light burning, and, cőming down fróm thé tree, hê led hiś brőtherś tówård thé housè fróm which it câmè.

When they knockèd at thé dòor, it wáśwoś ôpénèd bŷ a pleàśánt-lōōking wōmán, and Tom thumb tôld her they werè pōōr childrén whö had lost their road, and beggèd her tótö givè them a night's shelter.

"Álas, mŷ pōōr childrén!" sãìd thé wōmán, "yöü dö not knôw wheŕè yöü havè cőmè tótö. This iś thé houofuv an ôgrè whö eats up littlè boyś and girlś."

"But, madám," rėplîèd Tom thumb, "whåt shall wê dö? If wê gô back tótö thé forést wê arè çertáìn tótö bê torn tótöêçėś bŷ thé wōlvèś. Wê had better, Î thiñk, stay and bê eatén bŷ thé ôgrè."

Thé ôgrè's wîfè had pitý on thé littlè thingś, and shê thøùght shê wōūld bê âblè tótö hîdè them fróm her huśbánd for onewőnè night. Shê tōōk them in, gâvè them fööd, and let them wårm themselvèś bŷ thé fîŕè.

Verý söön theŕè câmè a loud knocking at thé dòor. It wáśwoś thé ôgrè cőmè hômè. Hiś wîfè hid thé childrén under thé bed, and then húrrìêd tótö let her huśbánd in.

Nô sööner had thé ôgrè enterèd than hê bėgan tótö sniff this way and that. "Î smell flesh," hê sãìd, lōōking round thé rööm.

"It must bê thé calf which haś just bėèn-been killèd," sãìd hiś wîfè.

"Î smell chîld's flesh, Î tell yöü!" crîèd thé ôgrè, and hê suddénlý mâdè a dîvè under thé bed, and drew out thé childrén onewőnè bŷ onewőnè.

Tom Thumb told her they were poor children who had lost their road.

"Ôh, hô, madám!" sãìd hê; "sô yöü thøùght tótö cheat mê, did yöü? But, rêallý, this iś verý lucký! Î havè invîtėd three ôgrèś tótö dinner tótö-morrôw; thêśè brats will mâa nîçè dish."

Hê fetchèd a hûĝè knîand bėgan sharpéning it, whîlè thé pōōr boyś fell on their kneeś and beggèd for merçý. But their prâyerś and entreaêś werè ûléss. Thé ôgrè sêìzèd onewőnè ofuv thé childrén and wáśwoś just ábout tótö kill him, when hiś wîfè sãìd

"Whåt in thé wòŕld mâkès yöü tâthé tròublè ofuv killing them tótö-night? Whŷ dôn't yöü leavè them till thé morning? theŕè will bê plentý ofuv tîmè, and they will bê much fresher."

"That iś verý trüè," sãìd thé ôgrè, thrôwing down thé knîfè. "Givè them a gōōd supper, sô that they may not get lean, and send them tótö bed."

The ogre had seven young daughters.

Now, thé ôgrè had sevén yòung daughterś, whö werè åll ábout thé sâmè âĝè aś Tom thumb and hiś brőtherś. Thêśè yòung ôgrèssės åll slept tógether in onewőnè larĝè bed, and evèrý onewőnè ofuv them had a crown ofuv gôld on her heàd. Theŕè wáśwoś ánőther bed ofuv thé sâmè sîzè in thé rööm, and in this thé ôgrè's wîfè, having próvîdėd them åll with nightcaps, pūt thé sevén littlè boyś.

Every one of them had a crown of gold on her head.

But Tom thumb wáśwoś áfraid that thé ôgrè might chânĝè hiś mînd in thé night, and kill him and hiś brőtherś whîlè they werè ásleep. Sô hê crept softlý out ofuv bed, tōōk off hiś brőtherś' nightcaps and hiś ôwn, and stôlè ôver tótö thé bed wheŕè thé yòung ôgrèssės lay. Hê drew off their crownś verý ĝentlý, and pūt thé nightcaps on their heàdś insteàd. Then hê pūt thé crownś on hiś brőtherś' heàdś and hiś ôwn, and got intö bed ágãìn.

He drew off the crowns very gently, and put the nightcaps on their heads instead.

In thé middlè ofuv thé night thé ôgrè wôup, and bėgan tótö bê sorrý that hê had pūt off killing thé boyś until thé morning.

"Never pūt off till tótö-morrôw whåt yöü can dö tótö-day," hê sãìd; and, jumping out ofuv bed, hê got hiś knîand wålkèd steàlthilý tótö thé rööm wheŕè thé boyś werè. Hê wålkèd up tótö thé bed, and they werè åll ásleep ėxcept Tom thumb, whö, however, kept hiś èŷèś fast shut, and did not shôw that hê wáśwoś áwâkè. Thé ôgrè tòuchèd their heàdś, onewőnè after ánőther, and feeling thé crownś ofuv gôld, hê sãìd tótö himself:

"Whåt a mistâÎ wáśwoś gôing tótö mâkè!" Hê then went tótö bed wheŕè hiś ôwn daughterś werè sleeping, and, feeling thé nightcaps, hê sãìd:

"Ôh, hô, hėŕè yöü arè, mŷ ladś!" and in a mômént hê had killèd them åll. Hê then went back tótö hiś ôwn rööm tótö sleep till morning.

What a mistake I was going to make.

Aś söön aś Tom thumb hèàŕd him snoring, hê rouśèd hiś brőtherś, and tôld them tótö dress qυicklý and follôw him. Hê led them downstãirś and out ofuv thé housè; and then, stealing on tiptôè thröügh thé gardén, they jumpèd down fróm thé wåll intö thé road and ran swiftlý áway.

In thé morning, when thé ôgrè found whåt a dreàdful thing hê had dőnè, hê wáśwoś terríblý shockèd.

"Fetch mê mŷ sevén-leagùè bööts," hê crîèd tótö hiś wîfè. "Î will gô and catch thôśè yòung vîperś. They shall pay for this pìêçè ofuv wòŕk!" And, drawing on thé maĝic bööts, thé ôgrè set out.

The ogre soon fell fast asleep.

Hê went strîding ôver théuntrý, stepping fróm mountáìn tótö mountáìn, and crossing riverś aś if they had bėèn-been streamś. Thé pōōr childrén wātchèdwotchèd him cőming in fėàŕ and trembling. They had found thé way tótö their fāther's hômè, and had verý nėàŕlý reachèd it when they saw thé ôgrè râçing after them.

Tom thumb thøùght for a mômént whåt wáśwoś tótö bê dőnè. Then hê saw a hollôw plâçè under a larĝè rock.

"Get in theŕè," hê sãìd tótö hiś brőtherś.

When they werè åll in hê crept in himself, but kept hiś èŷèś fixèd on thé ôgrè, tótö see whåt hê wōūld dö.

Tom Thumb put the seven-league boots on his own feet.

Thé ôgrè, sêeing nőthing ofuv thé childrén, sat down tótö rest himself on thé verý rock under which thé pōōr boyś werè hîding. Hê wáśwoś tîrèd with hiś jòurnêy, and söön fell fast ásleep, and bėgan tótö snorè sô loudlý that thé littlè fellôwś werè terrífîèd. Tom thumb tôld hiś brőtherś tótö creep out softlý and run hômè; which they did. Then hê crept up tótö thé ôgrè, pūllèd off thé sevén-leagùè bööts verý ĝentlý and pūt them on hiś ôwn feet, for bêing fãírý bööts they cōūld fit themselvèś tótö ãný fōōt, however småll.

Aś söön aś Tom thumb had pūt on thé ôgrè's sevén-leagùè bööts, hê tōōk ten steps tótö thé Paláçè, which wáśwoś sevéntý mîlèś off, and askèd tótö see thé King. Hê offerèd tótö carrý newś tótö thé King's armý, which wáśwoś then a long way off; and sô ûsèful wáśwoś hê with hiś maĝic bööts, that in a short tîmè hê had mâdè mőnêy enoughėnòuf tótö keep himself, hiś fāther, hiś mőther and hiś six brőtherś without thé tròublè ofuv wòŕking for thé rest ofuv their lîvèś.

And now let us see whåt haś bėcőmè ofuv thé wickéd ôgrè, whöm wê left sleeping on thé rock.

When hê áwôkè hê missèd hiś sevén-leagùè bööts, and set off for hômè verý añgrý.

On hiś way hê had tótö cross a bog; and, fòŕgetting that hê wáśwoś nô loñger weáring hiś maĝic bööts, hê trîèd tótö cross it with onewőnè strîdè. But, insteàd, hê pūt hiś fōōt down in thé middlè and bėgan tótö siñk. Aś fast aś hê trîèd tótö pūll out onewőnè fōōt, thé őther sañk deeper, until at last hê wáśwoś swāllôwèdswollôwèd up in thé black slîmè—and that wáśwoś thé end ofuv him.