Part 7


The Three Bears

THEŔÈ werè őnçèwőnçè three beàŕś whö livèd tógether in a littlè houin thé middlè ofuv a wōōd. Onewőnè ofuv them wáśwoś a Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár; onewőnè wáśwoś a Middlè-Sîzèd Beár; and thé őther wáśwoś a Grèât, Hûĝè Beár.

And they each had a pot tótö eat their porrídĝè fróm: a littlè pot for thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár; a middlè-sîzèd pot for thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár; and a grèât big pot for thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár.

And they each had a chãir tótö sit on: a littlè chãir for thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár; a middlè sîzèd chãir for thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár; and a grèât big chãir for thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár.

And they each had a bed tótö sleep in: a littlè bed for thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár; a middlè-sîzèd bed for thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár; and a grèât big bed for thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár.

First she peeped through the keyhole.

Onewőnè day they mâdè thé porrídĝè for their breàkfást, and pøùrèd it intö their porrídĝè-pots, and then went out in thé wōōd for a wålk whîlè thé porrídĝè for their breàkfást wáśwoś cööling. And whîlè they werè out wålking, a littlè Ôld Wōmán câmè tótö thé houin thé wōōd and peed insîdè.

First shê peed thröügh thé kêyhôlè; then shê peed thröügh thé windôw. Then shê liftėd thé latch and peed thröügh thé dòorway; and, sêeing nôbodý in thé housè, shê wålkèd in. And when shê saw thé porrídĝè cööling on thé tâblè shê wáśwoś verý pleaśèd, for shê had wålkèd a long way, and wáśwoś getting huñgrý.

Sô first shê tâstėd thé porrídĝè ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, but that wáśwoś töö hot. Then shê tâstėd thé porrídĝè ofuv thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár, but that wáśwoś töö côld. And then shê tâstėd thé porrídĝè ofuv thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, and that wáśwoś nêìther töö hot nor töö côld, but just right. And shê lîkèd it sô much that shê âit åll up!

Then thé littlè Ôld Wōmán sat down in thé chãir ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, but that wáśwoś töö hard. Then shê sat down in thé chãir ofuv thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár, but that wáśwoś töö soft. Then shê sat down in thé chãir ofuv thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, and that wáśwoś nêìther töö hard nor töö soft, but just right. And shê lîkèd it sô much that shê sat in it until suddénlý thé bottóm câmè out, and shê fell down plump upon thé ground.

Then thé littlè Ôld Wōmán went upstãirś intö thé bedrööm, wheŕè thé three Beàŕś slept. And first shê lay down on thé bed ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, but that wáśwoś töö high at thé heàd for her. Then shê lay down on thé bed ofuv thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár, but that wáśwoś töö high at thé fōōt for her. Sô then shê lay down on thé bed ofuv thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, and that wáśwoś nêìther töö high at thé heàd nor töö high at thé fōōt, but just right. And shê lîkèd it sô much that shê cőverèd herself up and lay theŕè till shê fell fast ásleep!

She lay down on the bed of the Little, Small, Wee Bear.

Bŷ and bŷ thé three Beàŕś câmè hômè tótö breàkfást. Now, thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had left thé spöön ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár standing in hiś porrídĝè pot.

Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been at mŷ porrídĝè!"

Sãìd thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, in hiś grèât, ròughròuf, gruff voiçè.

And when thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár lōōkèd, shê saw that thé spöön wáśwoś standing in her porrídĝè-pot töö.

Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been at mŷ porrídĝè!"

Sãìd thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár in her middlè-sîzèd voiçè.

Then thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár lōōkèd, and theŕè wáśwoś thé spöön in hiś porrídĝè-pot; but thé porrídĝè wáśwoś åll gonè.

Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been at mŷ porrídĝè and haś eatén it åll up!"

Sãìd thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, in hiś littlè, småll, wee voiçè.

Somebody has been sitting in my chair.

Then thé three Beàŕś bėgan tótö lōōk ábout them. Now, thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had not pūt thé hard cūshión straight after shê had sat in thé chãir ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár.

"Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been sitting in mŷ chãir!"

Sãìd thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, in hiś grèât, ròughròuf, gruff voiçè.

And thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had sqυåshèd thé soft cūshión ofuv thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár.

"Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been sitting in mŷ chãir!"

Sãìd thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár, in her middlè-sîzèd voiçè.

And yöü knôw whåt thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had dőnè tótö thé third chãir.

"Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been sitting in mŷ chãir and haś sat thé bottóm out!"

Sãìd thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, in hiś littlè, småll, wee voiçè.

Then thé three Beàŕś went upstãirś intö their bedrööm. Now, thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had pūllèd thé pillôw ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár out ofuv its plâçè.

"Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been lŷing in mŷ bed!"

Sãìd thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, in hiś grèât, ròughròuf, gruff voiçè.

And thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had pūllèd thé bôlster ofuv thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár out ofuv its plâçè.

"Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been lŷing in mŷ bed!"

Sãìd thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár, in her middlè-sîzèd voiçè.

And when thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár câmè tótö lōōk at hiś bed, theŕè wáśwoś thé bôlster in its plâçè, and thé pillôw in its plâçè upon thé bôlster; and upon thé pillôw wáśwoś thé littlè Ôld Wōmán's heàd, which wáśwoś not in its plâçè, for shê had nô buśìnėssbiś theŕè at åll.

"Sőmèbódý haś bėèn-been lŷing in mŷ bedand hėŕè shê iś!"

Crîèd thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, in hiś littlè, småll, wee voiçè.

She jumped out of the window and ran away.

Thé littlè Ôld Wōmán had hèàŕd in her sleep thé grèât, ròughròuf, gruff voiçè ofuv thé Grèât, Hûĝè Beár, but shê wáśwoś sô fast ásleep that it seemèd tótö her nô morè than thé røáring ofuv thé wind, or thé rumbling ofuv thunder. And shê had hèàŕd thé middlè-sîzèd voiçè ofuv thé Middlè-Sîzèd Beár, but it wáśwoś ônlý aś if shê had hèàŕd sőmè onewőnè speaking in a dream. But when shê hèàŕd thé littlè, småll, wee voiçè ofuv thé Littlè, Småll, Wee Beár, it wáśwoś sô sharp and shrill that it wôkè her up at őnçèwőnçè. Up shê startėd, and when shê saw thé three Beàŕś, on onewőnè sîdè ofuv thé bed, shê tumblèd out at thé őther, jumpèd out ofuv thé windôw and ran áway thröügh thé wōōd tótö her ôwn hômè. And thé three Beàŕś never saw ãnýthing morè ofuv her.