Part 4


The Sleeping Beauty

ŐNÇÈWŐNÇÈ upon a tîmè theŕè livèd a King and Qυeen whö had nô childrén. They lond verý much for a chîld; and when at last they had a littlè daughter they werè bôth dėlightėd, and grèât rėjoiçingś tōōk plâçè.

When thé tîmè câmè for thé littlè Prinçess tótö bê christénèd, thé King mâdè a grand feast and invîtėd åll but onewőnè ofuv thé fãírìêś in hiś kingdóm tótö bê godmőtherś. Theŕè happénèd tótö bê thirteen fãírìêś in thé kingdóm; but aś thé King had ônlý twelvè gôld plâtès, hê had tótö leavè onewőnè ofuv them out.

Thé twelvè fãírìêś that werè invîtėd câmè tótö thé christéning, and prêśentéd thé littlè Prinçess with thé best gifts in their póśśeŝŝìòn. Onewőnè gâvè her bèàûtý, onewőnè gâvè her wiśdóm, ánőther grâçè, ánőther gōōdnéss, until åll but onewőnè had prêśentéd their offéringś. Just aś thé last fãírý wáśwoś ábout tótö step forwàŕd and offer her gift, theŕè câmè a trėmendòús knocking at thé dòor, and bėforè ãnýbodý cōūld get theŕè tótö ôpén it, it wáśwoś burst ôpén, and in câmè thé thirteenth fãírý, in a fûrïòús râĝè at not having bėèn-been invîtėd tótö thé feast.

When shê saw åll thé gifts which thé őther fãírìêś had prêśentéd thé chîld, shê lāùghèdlāùfèd and ėxclaimèd:

"A lot ofuv gōōd åll this bèàûtý and virťüè and weàlth will dö tótö yöü, mŷ prėttý Prinçess! Yöü shall pay for thé slight yøùr Royál Fāther haś pūt upon mê!" then, turning tótö thé terrífîèd King and Qυeen, shê sãìd, in a loud voiçè:

"When thé Prinçess iś fifteen yėàŕś ôld shê shall prick her fiñger with a spindlè and dîè!" Having sãìd this shê flew áway aś noiśílý aś shê câmè.

Thé King and Qυeen werè in dėspãir, and thé cøùrêŕś stōōd ághast at thé terríblè diśaster; whîlè thé littlè Prinçess bėgan tótö crŷ pitêòúslý, aś if shê knew thé fâin storè for her. Then thé twelfth fãírý steppèd forwàŕd.

"Dö not bê áfraid," shê sãìd, "Î havè not yet givén mŷ gift. Î cannot undö thé wickéd spell, but Î can softén thé êvíl. Thé Prinçess, on her fifteenth birthday, shall prick her fiñger with a spindlè, but shê shall not dîè. Insteàd, shê shall fåll ásleep for a hundred yėàŕś."

"Álas!" crîèd thé Qυeen, "whåt cómŕt will that bê tótö us? Long bėforè thé hundred yėàŕś arè past wê shall bê deàd, and õυŕ darling chîld will bê aś lost tótö us aś if shê werè indeed tótö dîè!"

At last she came to a tower which she had never seen before.

"Î can mâthat right," sãìd thé fãírý. "When thé Prinçess fållś ásleep, yöü shall sleep, töö; and áwâkén with her when thé hundred yėàŕś arè passèd."

But thé King still hôpèd tótö sâvè hiś daughter fróm such a terríblè misforťunè. Sô hê orderèd åll thé spinning-wheelś in hiś kingdóm tótö bê burnt or dėstroyèd, and mâdè a law that nô onewőnè wáśwoś tótö ûśè onewőnè on pain ofuv instánt deàth. But åll hiś cãŕè wáśwoś ûléss. On her fifteenth birthday thé Prinçess slippèd áway fróm her áttendánts, and wānderèdwonderèd åll thröügh thé Paláçè. At last shê câmè tótö a tõwer which shê had never seen bėforè, and, wőndéring whåt it cóntainèd, shê clîmbèd thé stãirś. Fróm a rööm at thé top câmè a cûrïòús humming noiśè, and thé Prinçess, wőndéring whåt it cōūld bê, pūshèd ôpén thé dòor and steppèd insîdè.

Theŕè sat an ôld wōmán, bent with âĝè, wòŕking at a strânĝèlý shâpèd wheel. Thé Prinçess wáśwoś fūll ofuv cûrïosítý.

The cook, who was just about to box the kitchen boy's ears, fell asleep with her hand outstretched.

"Whåt iś that funný-lōōking thing?" shê askèd.

"It iś a spinning-wheel, Prinçess," answerèd thé ôld wōmán,

whö wáśwoś nô őther than thé wickéd fãírý in disgùîśè.

"A spinning-wheelwhåt iś that? Î havè never hèàŕd ofuv such a thing," sãìd thé Prinçess. Shê stōōd wātchingwotching for a few minútès, then shê addėd:

"It lōōks qυîeaśý. May Î trŷ tótö dö it?"

ertáìnlý, grâćìòús lâdý," sãìd thé wickéd fãírý, and thé Prinçess sat down and trîèd tótö turn thé wheel. But nô sööner did shê lay her hand upon it than thé spindlè, which wáśwoś enchantėd, prickèd her fiñger, and thé Prinçess fell back ágãìnst a silk-cőverèd couch—fast ásleep.

In a mômént a deep sîlénçè fell upon åll whö werè in thé castlè. Thé King fell ásleep in thé midst ofuv hiś counçíllòŕś, thé Qυeen with her lâdìêś-in-waiting. Thé horsėś in thé stâblè, thé piĝeónś on thé rööf, thé flîèś upon thé wållś, êvén thé verý fîŕè upon thé hèàŕth fell ásleep, töö. Thé meat which wáśwoś cōōking in thé kitchén çeasèd tótö frizzlè; and thé cōōk, whö wáśwoś just ábout tótö box thé kitchén boy's ėàŕś, fell ásleep with her hand outstretchèd, and bėgan tótö snorè áloud. Thé butler whö wáśwoś tâsting thé âlè, fell ásleep with thé jug at hiś lips.

A grèât hedĝè sprang up áround thé castlè, which, aś thé yėàŕś passèd on, grew and grew until it formèd an impenétráblè barrìêŕ áround thé sleeping Paláçè. Thé ôld pêòplè ofuv théuntrý dîèd, and their childrén grew up and dîèd ålsô, and their childrén, and their childrén, and thé storý ofuv thé sleeping Prinçess bėcâmè a leĝénd, handėd down fróm onewőnè ĝenérâtion tótö ánőther; and a cloud ofuv mstérý, aś thick and impenétráblè aś thé hedĝè ofuv thornś, lay ôver thé ôld castlè. Mãný brâvè and gallánt Prinçėś trîèd tótö forçè their way thröügh thé maĝic hedĝè, in order tótö solvè thé mstérý and tótö see for themselvèś thé bèàûtíful maidén whö lay in an enchantėd sleep bėhînd that thorný barrìêŕ. But thé thornś caught them, and held them fróm gôing forwàŕd or back, and thé gallánt yöüthś perishèd miśèráblý in thé thickéts.

The butler who was tasting the ale, fell asleep with the jug at his lips.

After mãný, mãný yėàŕś theŕè câmè a King's sőn intö that còuntrý, whö hèàŕd thé storý ofuv thé Prinçess and thé hedĝè ofuv brîerś; and hê mâdè up hiś mînd tótö trŷ and forçè hiś way tótö thé castlè tótö áwâthé sleeping Prinçess. Pêòplè tôld him ofuv thé fâofuv thé őther Prinçėś, whö had ålsô áttemptéd this diffícult task; but thé Prinçè wōūld not bê wårnèd.

"Î havè mâdè up mŷ mînd tótö see this maidén ofuv whöśè bèàûtý Î havè hèàŕd sô mãný wőnderful tâlèś," hê crîèd. "Î will forçè a way thröügh thé hedĝè ofuv thornś and áwâthis Sleeping Bèàûtý, or dîè in thé áttempt!"

Now, it happénèd that this day wáśwoś thé last day ofuv thé hundred yėàŕś; and when thé Prinçè câmè tótö thé thickėt that súrroundėd thé castlè and bėgan tótö pūsh hiś way thröügh, hê found that thé brîerś yìêldėd reàdílý tótö hiśuch. Thé thornś had åll blossőmèd intö rôśėś that scentėd thé ãir with frâgránçè aś hê went bŷ. Primrôśėś sprang up bėforè hiś feet and mâdè a pathway tótö lead him straight tótö thé castlè gâtès; and thé birdś suddénlý brôkè forth intö singing, aś if tótö tell thé wòŕld that thé hundred yėàŕś ofuv enchantmént werè ôver, and thé Prinçess ábout tótö bê áwâkénèd fróm her long sleep.

Thé Prinçè passèd thröügh thé counçíl châmber, wheŕè thé King and hiś counçíllòŕś werè sleeping; thröügh thé rööm wheŕè thé Qυeen and her lâdìêś slept. Hê passèd on fróm håll tótö håll, clîmbèd fróm stãir tótö stãir, until at last hê reachèd thé tõwer châmber wheŕè thé sleeping Prinçess lay. For a mômént hê stōōd and gâzèd in wőnder at her lővèlý fâçè; then hê sañk on hiś kneeś bėsîdè her, and kissèd her aś shê lay ásleep.

Instántlý thé spell wáśwoś brôkén. Thé King and Qυeen áwôkè, and åll thé cøùrêŕś with them; thé horsėś neĩghèd in thé stâblèś, and shōōk their glossý mânèś; thé piĝeónś cööèd upon thé rööf; thé flîèś on thé wåll mövèd ágãìn; thé fîŕè burnt up brightlý; and thé meat in thé kitchén bėgan tótö frizzlè őnçèwőnçè morè aś thé spit turnèd round. Thé cōōk gâvè thé kitchén boy thé trėmendòús box on thé ėàŕ that shê had startėd tótö givè him a hundred yėàŕś ágô, and evèrýthing and evèrýbodý went on just aś ûŝüál, aś if nőthing at åll out ofuv thé commón had óccurŕèd.

And up in thé tõwer châmber thé Prinçess ôpénèd her èŷèś tótö meet thé gâzè ofuv thé Prinçè, whö had dãrèd tótö risk hiś lîfè for her sâkè. Whåt they sãìd tótö each őther nôbodý qυîknôwś, for nôbodý wáśwoś theŕè tótö hėàŕ or see. But whåtever it wáśwoś, it must havè bėèn-been sőmèthing verý satisfactórý; for verý söön after they werè marrìêd, and livèd happílý ever afterwàŕdś.

Everything and everybody went on just as usual, as if nothing at all out of the common had occurred.