Part 12


Jack and the Beanstalk

JACK wáśwoś an îdlè, lâzý boy whö wōūld dö nô wòŕk tótö support hiś widôwèd mőther; and at last they bôth câmè tótö such povertý that thé pōōr wōmán had tótö sell her cow tótö bùŷ fööd tótö keep them fróm starving. Shê sent Jack tótö markėt with thé cow, telling him tótö bê ŝūrè and sell it for a gōōd prîçè.

He made up his mind to ask for a night's lodging.

Aś Jack wáśwoś gôing álong thé road tótö markėt hê met a būtcher. Thé būtcher offerèd tótö bùŷ thé cow in ėxchânĝè for a hatful ofuv cőlòŕèd beanś. Jack thøùght thé beanś lōōkèd verý prėttý, and hê wáśwoś glad tótö bê sâvèd thé long hot wålk tótö markėt; sô hê struck thé bargáìn on thé spot and went back tótö hiś mőther with thé beanś, whîlè thé būtcher went off with thé cow.

But thé pōōr widôw wáśwoś verý disáppointėd. Shê scôldėd her sőn for an îdlè, lâzý, gōōd-for-nőthing boy, and flung thé beanś out ofuv thé windôw in a paŝŝìòn.

The ogre's wife hid Jack in the oven.

Now thé beanś werè maĝic beanś, and thé next morning, when Jack áwôkè, hê found sőmè ofuv them had tâkén rööt in thé night and had grôwn sô tåll, that they reachèd right up intö thé skŷ.

Jack wáśwoś fūll ofuv wőnder and cûrïosítý; and, bêing fond ofuv ádvenťurè and ėxcîmént, hê set out at őnçèwőnçè tótö clîmb thé beanstålk, tótö see whåt wáśwoś up at thé top ofuv it.

And hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèduntil at last hê clîmbèd right up tótö thé verý tiptop ofuv thé beanstålk.

Then hê found himself standing in a strânĝè còuntrý. In thé distánçè hê cōūld see a big castlè; and, aś hê wáśwoś hot and tîrèd with hiś long clîmb, hê thøùght hê wōūld gô and ask for sőmèthing tótö eat and driñk.

Hê had not gonè verý far bėforè hê met a fãírý, whö tôld him that thé castlè bėlond tótö a wickéd ôgrè, whö had killèd and eatén a grèât number ofuv pêòplè.

He began to count his money.

"It wáśwoś hê whö killèd yøùr fāther," shê sãìd. "And it iś yøùr dûtý tótö dö yøùr utmôst tótö dėstroy thé wickéd monster. Gô now, and see whåt yöü can dö. If yöü can carrý off ãný ofuv hiś treàŝurèś yöü arè at libertý tótö dö sô—for nőnè ofuv them rêallý bėlongś tótö him. Hê haś tâkén them åll bŷ forçè fróm thé pêòplè whöm hê haś robbèd and killèd."

Jack wáśwoś dėlightėd at thé îdêá ofuv this ádvenťurè, and set off in high spiríts tówårdś thé castlè.

Thé castlè wáśwoś farther off than hê had thøùght, and bŷ thé tîmè hê reachèd thé gâtès, it wáśwoś sô lâthat hê mâdè up hiś mînd tótö ask for a night's lodĝing. Theŕè wáśwoś a wōmán standing in thé dòorway; but when Jack mâdè hiś rėqυest, shê wáśwoś verý frighténèd, and sãìd

"Indeed, Î dãŕè not tâyöü in and givè yöü fööd and lodĝing. Mŷ huśbánd iś an ôgrè whö livèś on hûmán flesh. If hê werè tótö fînd yöü hėŕè, hê wōūld thiñk nőthing ofuv eating yöü up in three mouthfūlś. Î ádvîśè yöü tótö gô áway at őnçèwőnçè, bėforè hê cőmèś hômè."

But when shê saw how tîrèd and huñgrý Jack rêallý wáśwoś, shê tōōk him intö thé houand gâvè him plentý tótö eat and driñk. Whîlè Jack wáśwoś eating hiś fööd in thé kitchén theŕè câmè a loud knocking at thé dòor. Thé ôgrè's wîfè, in a grèât flurrý, hid Jack in thé ővén, and then húrrìêd tótö let her huśbánd in. Jack peed thröügh thé ővén dòor, and saw a terríblè-lōōking ôgrè, whö câmè stamping intö thé kitchén, and sãìd in a voiçè lîkè thunder

"Wîfè, Î smell fresh meat!"

"It iś ônlý thé pêòplè yöü arè fatténing in thé dunĝeón," sãìd thé wîfè.

Sô thé ôgrè sat down and âtè hiś supper. After supper, hê cómmandėd hiś wîfè tótö bring him hiś mőnêy-bagś. Hê then bėgan tótö count hiś mőnêy—thouśándś and thouśándś ofuvêçėś ofuv gôld and silver.

Jack escaped down the beanstalk with the bags of money.

Jack wishèd hê cōūld tâkè sőmè ofuv this mőnêy hômè tótö hiś mőther; and, preśéntlý, when thé ôgrè fell ásleep, hê crept out ofuv hiś hîding-plâçè, and hoisting thé bagś upon hiś shôùlder, slippèd qυîétlý áway with them. Thé ôgrè wáśwoś snoring sô loudlý that it soundėd lîthé wind in thé chimnêy on a stormý night. Sô hê never hèàŕd thé littlè noiśè Jack mâdè, and Jack got sâlý áway and ėscâpèd down thé beanstålk.

Hiś mőther wáśwoś ôverjoyèd tótö see him, for shê had bėèn-been verý añxìòús ábout him when hê did not cőmè hômè thé night bėforè; and shê wáśwoś dėlightėd with thé bagś ofuv mőnêy, which werè enoughėnòuf tótö keep them in cómŕt and luxúrý for sőmè tîmè.

For mãný mőnths Jack and hiś mőther livèd happílý tógether; but after a whîlè thé mőnêy câmè tótö an end, and Jack mâdè up hiś mînd tótö clîmb thé beanstålk ágãìn, and carrý off sőmè morè ofuv thé ôgrè's treàŝurèś. Sô onewőnè morning hê got up yèàŕlý, pūt on a diffèrént süìt ofuv clôthèś, sô that thé ôgrè's wîfè shōūld not recógnîzè him, and set out tótö clîmb thé beanstålk.

Down Came the Beanstalk, Down Came the Ogre
Jack and thé Beanstålk

Down Câmè thé Beanstålk, Down Câmè thé Ôgrè

And hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèduntil at last hê clîmbèd tótö thé verý top and found himself in thé ôgrè's còuntrý ágãìn.

When hê reachèd thé castlè thé ôgrè's wîwáśwoś ágãìn standing in thé dòorway. But when Jack askèd for a night's lodĝing, shê sãìd shê dãrèd not givè him onewőnè, for ônlý a few mőnths bėforè shê had tâkén in a pōōr boy whö seemèd hālf deàd with fátïgùè and huñger, and in rėturn for her kîndnéss, hê had stôlén sőmè ofuv her huśbánd's mőnêy and run áway in thé night.

But Jack beggèd sô hard that at last shê rėlentėd. Shê gâvè him a gōōd supper and hid him in a clośét bėforè her huśbánd câmè hômè.

Preśéntlý theŕè wáśwoś a grèât noiśè outsîdè and heàvý fōōtsteps that shōōk thé castlè tótö its foundâtionś. It wáśwoś thé ôgrè cőmè hômè. Aś söön aś hê enterèd thé kitchén, hê sniffèd suspićìòúslý, and sãìd:

"Î smell fresh meat!"

"It iś ônlý thé crôwś on thé housètops," sãìd hiś wîfè. "They havè brøùght hômè aêçè ofuv carrïón for their yòung."

After supper, thé ôgrè tôld hiś wîfè tótö fetch hiś hen. This hen wáśwoś a verý wőnderful bird. Whenever thé ôgrè sãìd "Lay" shê laid an egg ofuv solíd gôld. Jack thøùght that if hê cōūld ônlý get this wőnderful hen tótö tâkè hômè tótö hiś mőther, they wōūld never wantwont ãný morè. Sô when thé ôgrè fell ásleep—aś hê did after a littlè whîlè—hê câmè out ofuv thé clośét, and, sêìzing thé hen in hiś armś, mâdè off with her. Thé hen sqυawd, but thé ôgrè's snoring wáśwoś lîthé røáring ofuv thé sea when thé tîdè iś cőming in, and Jack got sâlý down thé beanstålk.

Thé hen laid sô mãný gôldén eggś that Jack and hiś mőther bėcâmè qυîrich and prospéròús; and theŕè wáśwoś rêallý nô need for Jack tótö gô ágãìn tótö thé ôgrè's còuntrý. But hê lîkèd thé dânĝer and ėxcîmént, and hê rėmemberèd that thé fãírý had tôld him tótö tâaś mãný ofuv thé ôgrè's treàŝurèś aś hê cōūld; and at last, without sâying a wòŕd tótö ãnýbodý, hê startėd off őnçèwőnçè morè tótö clîmb thé maĝic beanstålk.

And hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèd, and hê clîmbèduntil at last hê reachèd thé verý tiptop, and stōōd in thé ôgrè's còuntrý.

This tîmè when hê reachèd thé castlè hê bėgan tótö bê áfraid that thé ôgrè's wîrêallý wōūld not let him in.

"Indeed and indeed, Î dãŕè not," shê sãìd. "Twîçè lâlý havè Î givén shelter tótö a wayfãrïng yöüth, and each tîmè hê stôlè sőmè ofuv mŷ huśbánd's treàŝurèś, and mâdè off with them. Now mŷ huśbánd haś forbiddén mê, on pain ofuv instánt deàth, tótö givè fööd or lodĝing tótö ãný travéler."

But Jack pleadėd and pleadėd, and at last thé gōōd-nâtûŕèd wōmán, mövèd tótö pitý bŷ hiś travél-stainèd áppėáránçè, gâvè way and let him intö thé castlè.

Jack took the harp.

When thé ôgrè câmè hômè, thé wîfè hid Jack in thé copper. Aś ûŝüál, thé ôgrè's first wòŕdś werè:

"Wîfè, wîfè, Î smell fresh meat!" And, in spîofuv åll hiś wîfè cōūld say, hê insistėd upon sèàŕching åll round thé rööm. Jack wáśwoś in a terríblè fright whîlst hê wáśwoś hunting: but forťúnálý, hêŕgot tótö lōōk in thé copper, and after a tîmè hê sat down tótö hiś supper.

When supper wáśwoś ôver, thé ôgrè tôld hiś wîfè tótö fetch hiś harp. Jack peed out ofuv thé copper and saw thé harp brøùght in and set down bėforè thé ôgrè. It wáśwoś marvéllòúslý mâdè; and when thé ôgrè sãìd "Play!" it playèd thé fînést mûśic without bêing tòuchèd. Jack wáśwoś enchantėd, for hê had never bėforè hèàŕd such wőnderful mûśic, and hê felt that hê must havè thé harp for hiś ôwn.

Thé ôgrè wáśwoś söön lullèd tótö sleep bŷ thé sweet sound ofuv thé harp; and when hê wáśwoś snoring heàvílý, Jack crept out ofuv thé copper, and tâking up thé harp wáśwoś ábout tótö mâoff with it. But thé harp wáśwoś a fãírý harp, and it cållèd out loudlý: "Master, master, master;" and, ålthôùgh thé ôgrè wáśwoś snoring sô noiśílý that it wáśwoś lîthé sound ofuv a hundred dragónś røáring at őnçèwőnçè, yet tótö Jack's dismay and horròŕ hê hèàŕd thé voiçè ofuv hiś harp, and, starting tótö hiś feet with a bellôw ofuv añger, rushèd after thé dãring thìêf.

Jack ran faster than hê had ever run in hiś lîbėforè—still carrýing thé prećìòús harp—whîlè thé ôgrè ran after him, shouting and røáring and mâking such a noiśè that it soundėd lîa thouśánd thunder stormś åll gôing at őnçèwőnçè. If hê had not druñk sô much wînè for supper, thé ôgrè must verý söön havè caught Jack; but aś it wáśwoś, thé wînè had got intö hiś heàd, and sô hê cōūld not run nėàŕlý sô fast aś ûŝüál, and Jack reachèd thé beanstålk just in frőnt ofuv him.

It wáśwoś a verý clôsè shâvè. Jack slid down thé beanstålk at hiś top speed, cålling at thé top ofuv hiś voiçè for hiś mőther tótö fetch him an axè. Thé ôgrè câmè tumbling down thé beanstålk after him; but Jack sêìzèd thé aand choppèd thé beanstålk off clôsè tótö thé rööt. Down câmè thé beanstålk, down câmè thé ôgrè, and fālling heàdlong intö thé gardén hê wáśwoś killèd on thé spot.

After this, Jack qυîtè gâvè up hiś lâzý, îdlè wayś, and hê and hiś mőther, with thé maĝic hen and thé wőnderful harp, livèd in happïnéss and prosperítý thé rest ofuv their lîvèś.