Part 10


The Story of Cinderella

THEŔÈ wáśwoś őnçèwőnçè a rich man, whöśè wîdîèd, leaving him with onewőnè littlè girl. After sőmè yėàŕś, hôping tótö givè hiś chîld a mőther's lővè and cãŕè, hê marrìêd ágãìn, this tîmè a widôw, with twö grôwn-up daughterś. But hiś secónd wîwáśwoś haughtý and proud, and her twö daughterś werè êvén wòŕthan their mőther; and thé pōōr littlè girl had a verý unhappý tîmè with her new rėlâtionś. Her stepsisterś werè jeàlòús ofuv her, for shê wáśwoś verý bèàûtíful, and they themselvèś werè plain and uglý. They did åll they cōūld tótö mâkè her miśèráblè; and, at length, thröügh their wickéd spîand envý, her lîbėcâmè a burdén tótö her. Thé pōōr chîld wáśwoś sent tótö livè in thé kitchén, wheŕè shê had tótö dö åll thé ròughròuf and dirtý wòŕk; and bėcauśè shê wáśwoś ålwayś dressèd in ragś, and sat bėsîdè thé çinderś in thé grâtè, they cållèd her Çindérellá.

It happénèd that thé King ofuv théuntrý had an ônlý sőn. Hê wáśwoś verý añxìòús that thé Prinçè shōūld bê marrìêd; sô hê gâvè a grèât båll, and invîtėd åll thé grand lâdìêś in théuntrý tótö cőmè tótö it. It wáśwoś tótö bê a verý splendíd áffãir, lasting for three nights, and pêòplè werè verý eager tótö bê invîtėd tótö it, for it wáśwoś knôwn that thé Prinçè wōūld chööśè hiś brîdè fróm ámőng thé lâdìêś preśént.

Çindérellá's sisterś rėçêìvèd invitâtionś; and fróm thé day they árrîvèd they tålkèd ofuv nőthing but ofuv whåt they shōūld weàŕ, for each ofuv them sêcrėtlý hôpèd that shê wōūld bê chôśén aś thé Prinçè's brîdè.

When thé grèât day câmè at last, they bėgan tótö dress for thé båll dîrectlý after breàkfást.

Çindérellá had tótö help them; and they kept her buśýbizee åll day döing their hãir, and running messáĝéś, and helping them tótö lâçè up their fînè dressėś.

When Çindérellá saw their bèàûtíful clôthèś shê wishèd that shê cōūld gô tótö thé båll aś well; but when shê timídlý askèd if shê might, they lāùghèdlāùfèd in mocking scorn.

"Yöü gô tótö thé båll!" they crîèd. "Whåt wōūld yöü dö at thé båll, with yøùr ragś and tatterś and yøùr dirtý fâçè? Nô, nô, Çindérellá, gô back tótö yøùr seat ámőngst thé ashėśthat iś thé plâçè for a littlè kitchén girl lîyöü!"

Sô thé twö sisterś and their mőther drôvè áway in a carriàĝè and pãir tótö thé King's paláçè, and Çindérellá wáśwoś left bėhînd. Shê sat down on thé hèàŕth bėforè thé kitchén fîŕè and bėgan tótö crŷ softlý tótö herself, bėcauśè shê felt sô verý lônèlý and miśèráblè.

Aś shê sat theŕè in thé dusk, with thé fîŕèlight dançing ôver her, and her fâçè burièdberid in her handś, shê hèàŕd a voiçè cålling:

indérellá, Çindérellá!" and with a start shê lōōkèd up tótö see whö it cōūld bê.

Theŕè on thé hèàŕth in frőnt ofuv her stōōd an ôld wōmán, leaning upon a stick. Shê wáśwoś dressèd in a long red cloak, and shê worè high-heelèd shöèś and a tåll black hat.

With a start she looked up to see who it could be.

Wheŕè shê had cőmè fróm Çindérellá cōūld not imaĝínè. Shê çertáìnlý had not cőmè in thröügh thé dòor, nor yet thröügh thé windôw for bôth werè shut.

Çindérellá wáśwoś sô surprîśèd tótö see her that shê stoppèd crŷing, and stãŕèd at her in ástonishmént.

"Whåt arè yöü crŷing for?" askèd thé ôld wōmán.

"Bėcauśè mŷ mőther and sisterś havè gonè tótö thé båll, and Î am left hėŕè åll álônè," sãìd Çindérellá.

"Dö yöü wantwont tótö gô tótö thé båll, töö!" sãìd thé ôld lâdý.

"Yes, but it iś nô gōōd; Î havè nőthing but ragś tótö weàŕ," sobbèd pōōr Çindérellá.

"Well, well, bê a gōōd chîld and dôn't crŷ ãný morè," sãìd thé ôld wōmán, brisklý. "Î am yøùr Fãírý Godmőther, and if yöü dö whåt Î tell yöü, perhaps yöü shall gô after åll. Run out intö thé gardén and bring mê in a pumpkin!"

Çindérellá ran out intö thé gardén and brøùght in thé biggést pumpkin that shê cōūld fînd.

"Now gô and fetch thé mousè-trap out ofuv thé çellàŕ," sãìd her Godmőther, and Çindérellá húrrìêd tótö get it. Theŕè werè six mîçè in thé trap, and thé ôld wōmán harnéssèd them tótö thé pumpkin, pūt a rat on thé top tótö drîvè them, and twö lizàŕdś bėhînd, and then wâvèd her wāndwond ôver them. Immêdïálý thé pumpkin turnèd intö a gorĝeòús coach, thé mîçè intö six bèàûtíful horsėś, thé rat intö a stâlý coachmán, and thé lizàŕdś intö tåll fōōtmen, with powderèd hãir and silk stockingś. "Theŕè," sãìd thé ôld wōmán; "theŕè's a carriàĝè tótö tâyöü tótö thé båll."

Cinderella's rags turned into the most beautiful dress in the world.

"Álas," sãìd Çindérellá, "how can Î gô tótö thé båll? Î havè nőthing tótö weàŕ but this!" and shêuchèd her raggéd frock.

"Iś that åll?" sãìd thé Fãírý Godmőther. Őnçèwőnçè morè shê wâvèd her wāndwond, and Çindérellá's ragś turnèd intö thé môst bèàûtíful dress in thé wòŕld, åll shîning with gôld and silver threàdś and cőverèd with costlý ĝemś. In her hãir wáśwoś a çirclèt ofuv pèàŕlś, and her feet werè shod with thé prėttïést and daintïést pãir ofuv glass slipperś that ever werè seen.

"Now," sãìd thé Fãírý Godmőther, "now yöü can gô tótö thé båll. But mînd yöü cőmè áway bėforè thé clock strîkès twelvè, for shōūld yöü liñger bėyond that hõυŕ, åll yøùr splendòŕ will vanish, and yøùr dress will turn intö ragś ágãìn."

Çindérellá promísèd tótö ôbey her Godmőther's instructionś. Then shê got intö thé bèàûtíful coach. Thé fōōtmán shut thé dòor, thé coachmán whippèd up thé horsėś, and áway shê went tótö thé båll.

When shê árrîvèd theŕè wáśwoś a grèât stir in thé Paláçè. Sô lővèlý a fâçè and sô costlý and rich a dress had never bėforè bėèn-been seen, and evèrýbodý thøùght it must bê sőmè grèât Prinçess árrîvèd fróm foréìgn landś.

When she arrived there was a great stir in the Palace.

Åll thé cøùrêŕś and őtherests stōōd back tótö let her pass, and when thé Prinçè caught sight ofuv her hê fell in lővè with her on thé spot. Hê dançèd with her thé whôlè ofuv thé êvèning, and pêòplè thøùght theŕè wáśwoś nô doubt aś tótö whöm hê wōūld chööśè for hiś brîdè.

At a qυårter tótö twelvè, Çindérellá, rėmembéring her Godmőther's instructionś, sãìd gōōd-bŷè tótö thé Prinçè and câmè áway.

Shê árrîvèd hômè just aś thé clock struck twelvè. At őnçèwőnçè thé coachmán and fōōtmen turnèd back intö rats and mîçè, and thé coach intö a pumpkin; and when thé sisterś câmè hômè a littlè lâter, theŕè wáśwoś Çindérellá, dressèd in her ôld shabbý frock, sitting in her ûŝüál plâçè ámőngst thé çinderś.

Thé twö uglý sisterś werè fūll ofuv thé strânĝè Prinçess whö had cőmè tótö thé båll. They tålkèd ábout her åll thé next day, littlè dreaming that åll thé whîlè thé bèàûtíful lâdý wáśwoś their dėspîśèd sister Çindérellá.

In thé êvèning after they had gonè ágãìn tótö thé båll, thé Fãírý Godmőther mâdè her áppėáránçè. Őnçèwőnçè morè Çindérellá drôvè tótö thé Paláçè in her coach and six; this tîmè árrayèd in a still morè gorĝeòús and bèàûtíful dress; and őnçèwőnçè morè thé Prinçè dançèd with her åll thé êvèning.

Cinderella ran so fast that she left one of her little glass slippers on the floor behind her.

But when thé third night câmè Çindérellá wáśwoś ėnjoying herself sô much that shê qυîtè fòŕgot whåt her Fãírý Godmőther had sãìd, until suddénlý shê hèàŕd thé clock bėgin tótö strîkè twelvè. Shê rėmemberèd that aś söön aś it finishèd strîking, åll her fînè clôthèś wōūld turn tótö ragś ágãìn; and, jumping up in álarm, shê ran out ofuv thé rööm. Thé Prinçè ran after her, trŷing tótö ôvertâkè her; and Çindérellá in her fright ran sô fast that shê left onewőnè ofuv her littlè glass slipperś on thé flòor bėhînd her.

Thé Prinçè stoppèd tótö pick it up, and this gâvè Çindérellá tîmè tótö ėscâpè; but shê wáśwoś ônlý just in tîmè. Just aś shê wáśwoś crossing thé Paláçè yard, thé clock finishèd strîking, and immêdïálý åll her fînérý vanishèd; and theŕè shê wáśwoś, dressèd in her ôld raggéd frock ágãìn.

When thé Prinçè câmè out upon thé Paláçè steps, hê cōūld see nô sîgn ofuv thé lővèlý Prinçess. Théardś at thé gâtè tôld him that nôbodý at åll had passèd that way, ėxcept a littlè raggéd kitchénmaid; and thé Prinçè had tótö gô back tótö thé båll with ônlý a littlè glass slipper tótö rėmînd him ofuv thé bèàûtíful lâdý with whöm hê wáśwoś sô desperálý in lővè.

Thé next day thé King sent out åll hiś heráldś and trumpéterś with a Proclámâtion, sâying that thé Prinçè wōūld marrý thé lâdý whöśè fōōt thé slipper fittėd. But thôùgh åll thé lâdìêś in thé land trîèd on thé slipper it wōūld fit nőnè ofuv themtheir feet werè åll töö big!

At last thé heráldś câmè tótö thé houwheŕè Çindérellá livèd. Thé eldést stepsister trîèd thé slipper on first, but it wáśwoś qυîimpossíblè for her tótö get her fōōt intö it, for her grèât tôè wáśwoś töö big. Then her mőther, whö wáśwoś wātchingwotching eagerlý, fetchèd a carving-knîfè.

At lst the heralds came to the housexx where Cinderella lived.

"Bê qυick, cut thé tôè off," shê sãìd; "whåt dőèś it matter if yöü arè lâmè—if yöü arè thé Prinçè's brîdè yöü will ålwayś rîdè in a carriàĝè!"

Sô thé eldést sister cut off her big tôè, but it wáśwoś nô ûsè, thé slipper wōūld not fit, and at last shê wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö hand it tótö her sister.

But thé őther sister had nô better luck. Shê did, indeed, get her tôèś insîdè, but her fōōt wáśwoś much töö long, and her heel stuck out bėhînd. Thé mőther urĝèd her tótö cut it off.

"Whåt dőèś it matter?" shê sãìd. "If yöü arè thé Prinçè's brîdè yöü will never need tótö wålk ãný morè."

But ålthôùgh shê cut her heel off, thé slipper wáśwoś still töö småll; and at length shê, töö, had tótö givè up thé áttempt tótö forçè her fōōt intö it.

Then Çindérellá câmè shŷlý out fróm bėhînd thé dòor wheŕè shê had bėèn-been standing out ofuv sight, and askèd if shê might trŷ on thé slipper. Her stepmőther and sisterś werè verý añgrý, and werè ábout tótö drîvè her áway with blôwś, but thé heráld stoppèd them.

"Thé Prinçè wishėś evèrý wōmán in thé land tótö trŷ on this slipper," hê sãìd; and asking Çindérellá tótö sit on a chãir, hê knelt down and trîèd thé slipper on her fōōt.

And it fittėd her ėxactlý!

Whîlè everyoneevèrýwőnè stōōd and stãŕèd in ástonishmént, Çindérellá drew fróm her pockét thé őther slipper and pūt it on. Nô sööner had shê dőnè sô than her raggéd frock chânĝèd intö thé bèàûtíful båll dress ágãìn, and shê stōōd up bėforè them ållthé bèàûtíful lâdý with whöm thé Prinçè had fāllén in lővè at thé båll.

Thé Prinçè wáśwoś ôverjoyèd tótö fînd her ágãìn; and they werè marrìêd at őnçèwőnçè with much pomp ámid grèât rėjoiçingś.

Aś for thé wickéd sisterś they werè sô jeàlòús that they bôth turnèd green with envý. They grew uglìêŕ and uglìêŕ evèrý day, until at last they grew sô dreàdfullý uglý that nôbodý cōūld beár tótö lōōk at them ãný loñger. But Çindérellá bėcâmè morè and morè bèàûtíful, and livèd happílý with thé Prinçè for ever afterwàŕdś.