Part 11


Jack the Giant Killer

IN thé reign ofuv King Arthur theŕè livèd in thé Countý ofuv Cornwåll a wòŕthý farmer, whö had an ônlý sőn, nâmèd Jack. Jack wáśwoś strong and brâvè and verý dãring, and wáśwoś never backwàŕd when dânĝer wáśwoś in thé way.

Now, in thôśè dayś theŕè livèd a hûĝè ĝîánt in a glöömý cavern on St. Mîcháèl's Mount, which rîśėś out ofuv thé sea nėàŕ thé shorèś ofuv Cornwåll. Thé Cornish pêòplè had sufferèd grèâtlý fróm hiś thefts and pilláĝing; for hê ûśèd tótö wâdè thröügh thé sea tótö thé mainland, and carrý off hālf a dőzén or morè ofuv their oxén at a tîmè.

At last Jack mâdè up hiś mînd tótö dėstroy this monster. Hê tōōk a horn, a shóvél, a pickaxè, and a dark lantern, and onewőnè winter's êvèning swam ôver thé sea tótö thé Mount. Then hê set tótö wòŕk, and bėforè morning had dug a grèât pit. Hê cőverèd it cãŕèfullý ôver with sticks and straw, and strewèd sőmè èàŕth on thé top tótö mâit lōōk lîkè solíd ground. And then hê blew hiś horn sô loudlý that thé Ĝîánt áwôkè, and câmè out røáring lîkè thunder:

"Yöü impüdént villaínyöü shall pay dėàŕlý for disturbing mŷ rest. Î will broil yöü for mŷ breàkfást!"

But ålmôst aś hê spôkè, hê tumblèd heàdlong intö thé pit.

"Ôh, hô, Mr. Ĝîánt!" sãìd Jack. "How iś yøùr appétînow! Will nőthing servè yöü for breàkfást but broiling pōōr Jack?" then hê struck thé ĝîánt such a blôw on thé heàd with a pickathat hê killèd him.

When thé Justiçėś ofuv Cornwåll hèàŕd ofuv this valĩánt deed, they sent for Jack, and dėclãŕèd that hê shōūld ålwayś bê cållèd Jack thé Ĝîánt Killer; and they gâvè him a sword, and a belt upon which wáśwoś writtén, in letterś ofuv gôld:

"This iś thé valĩánt Cornishman.

Whö slew thé ĝîánt Cormòŕán."

He fell asleep by the side of the fountain.

Theŕè wáśwoś ánőther ĝîánt in Ėñglánd cållèd Blunderborè, whö vowèd tótö târėvenĝè on Jack for this exploit. Onewőnè day, aś Jack wáśwoś passing thröügh a wōōd on a jòurnêy tótö Wâlèś, hê fell ásleep bŷ thé sîdè ofuv a fountáìn. Thé Ĝîánt, cőming álong, found him theŕè; and, sêeing bŷ thé wrîting on thé belt whö Jack wáśwoś, hê liftėd him on hiś shôùlder and carrìêd him off tótö hiś castlè.

When Jack áwôand found himself in thé clutchėś ofuv Blunderborè hê wáśwoś terríblý frighténèd. Thé ĝîánt carrìêd him intö a rööm and lockèd him up, whîlè hê went tótö fetch ánőther ĝîánt whö livèd clôbŷ tótö help him eat Jack for dinner. Whîlè hê wáśwoś gonè, Jack hèàŕd dreàdful shrìêks and groanś fróm diffèrént parts ofuv thé castlè, and söön after hê hèàŕd a møùrnful voiçè sâying:

"Hâstè, valĩánt strânĝer, hâstè áway, Lest yöü bėcőmè thé ĝîánt's prey."

On hiś rėturn hê'll bring ánőther, Still morè saváĝè than hiś brőther;

A horríd, crüél monster, whö Bėforè hê killś will torťurè yöü!"

Pōōr Jack lōōkèd out ofuv thé windôw, which wáśwoś just ôver thé gâofuv thé castlè, and saw twö ĝîánts cőming álong arm in arm.

Poor Jack looked out of the window.

"Now," thøùght hê, "deàth or freedóm iś at hand." theŕè happénèd tótö bê twö strong cordś in thé rööm, and Jack mâdè a larĝè nööwith a slip-knot in each ofuv them. Then, just aś thé ĝîánts werè cőming thröügh thé gâtè hê threw thé rôpès ôver their heàdś, and, fasténing thé őther endś tótö a beam in thé çêìling, hê pūllèd thé rôpès with åll hiś might until hê had nėàŕlý strañglèd thé ĝîánts. Then hê drew hiś sword and slippèd down thé rôpès and killèd them bôth.

Next Jack tōōk thé kêyś fróm Ĝîánt Blunderborè and sèàŕchèd thröügh thé castlè. In onewőnè ofuv thé röömś hê found three lâdìêś whö tôld him that their huśbándś had bėèn-been killèd bŷ thé ĝîánt, whö had afterwàŕdś cóndemnèd them tótö bê starvèd tótö deàth.

Jack gâvè them thé castlè and åll thé richėś it cóntainèd tótö mâkè sőmè ámendś for thé dreàdful painś they had sufferèd, and then went on hiś way.

After travèling sőmè dayś, hê lost himself in a lônèlý vallêy; but, when hê had wānderèdwonderèd ábout sőmè whîlè, hê at length sueedėd in fînding a larĝè housè. Hê went up tótö it and knockèd loudlý at thé gâtè, when, tótö hiś grèât horròŕ, a monstròús ĝîánt with twö heàdś câmè forth. Hê spôverý çivillý, however, and tōōk Jack intö thé housè, leading him tótö a rööm wheŕè theŕè wáśwoś a gōōd bed, in which hê cōūld pass thé night.

He lost himself in a lonely valley.

Jack tōōk off hiś clôthèś; but, thôùgh hê wáśwoś verý tîrèd, hê cōūld not gô tótö sleep. Preśéntlý hê hèàŕd thé ĝîánt wålking ábout in thé bedchâmber, which wáśwoś thé next rööm, sâying tótö himself:

"Thôùgh hėŕè yöü lodĝè with mê this night;

Yöü shall not see thé morning light;

Mŷ club shall dash yøùr brainś out qυîtè."

When hê hèàŕd this, Jack got out ofuv bed, and, tâking a larĝè, thick pìêçè ofuv wōōd, hê laid it in hiś ôwn plâçè in thé bed, and hid himself in a dark corner ofuv thé rööm.

In thé middlè ofuv thé night, thé ĝîánt câmè with hiś grèât club, and struck sevèrál heàvý blôwś upon thé bed. Then hê went off, thiñking hê had brôkén åll Jack's bônèś.

Yèàŕlý next morning Jack wålkèd intö thé ĝîánt's rööm and thañkèd him for thé night's lodĝing. Thé ĝîánt wáśwoś terríblý startlèd tótö see him, and stammerèd out:

"Ôh, dėàŕ mê! Iś it yöü? Pray, how did yöü sleep last night? Did yöü hėàŕ or see ãnýthing tótö disturb yöü?"

"Nőthing wòŕth speaking ofuv, thañk yöü," answerèd Jack, cãrèlésslý. "A rat, Î bėlìêvè, gâvè mê three or føùr slaps with hiś tail; but that wáśwoś åll."

Thé ĝîánt sãìd nőthing; but went and fetchèd twö bôwlś ofuv hâstý pūdding for their breàkfást.

Jack did not wish thé ĝîánt tótö thiñk that hê cōūld not eat aś much aś himself, sô hê cóntrîvèd tótö fastén a leàthern bag insîdè hiś coat. Hê then manáĝèd tótö slip thé pūdding intö this bag, whîlè prêtending tótö eat it. When breàkfást wáśwoś dőnè, hê sãìd tótö thé ĝîánt:

"Now Î will shôw yöü a fînè trick. Î can cûrè åll wöündś with auch. Yöü shall see an ėxamplè." Hê then tōōk a knîfè, rippèd up thé leàthern bag, and åll thé hâstý pūdding tumblèd out upon thé flòor.

"Ods splutter hur nailś!" crîèd thé ĝîánt, whö wáśwoś áshâmèd tótö bê outdónè bŷ such a littlè fellôw. "Hur can dö that hurself!" and, snatching up thé knîfè, hê plunĝèd it intö hiś stómách and fell down deàd.

Jack and the Prince traveled on together.

After this, Jack went farther on hiś jòurnêy. In a few dayś hê met King Arthur's ônlý sőn, whö wáśwoś travèling intö Wâlèś tótö dėliver a bèàûtíful lâdý fróm thé põwer ofuv a wickéd máĝićián. Jack áttachèd himself tótö thé Prinçè, and they travélèd on tógether.

Thé Prinçè wáśwoś verý ĝenéròús, and söön gâvè áway åll thé mőnêy hê póśśessèd.

After having partėd with hiś last penný tótö an ôld beggàŕ-wōmán, hê wáśwoś verý uneaśý aś tótö wheŕè they werè tótö pass thé night.

Jack rode on to the gates of the castle, and gave a loud knock.

"Sir," sãìd Jack, "twö mîlèś farther on theŕè livèś a ĝîánt with three heàdś, whö can fight fîvè hundred men at őnçèwőnçè and mâthem flŷ. Î will gô on and viśit himdö yöü wait hėŕè until Î rėturn."

Jack rôdè on tótö thé gâtès ofuv thé castlè, and gâvè a loud knock. Thé ĝîánt, with a voiçè lîkè thunder, røàrèd out:

"Whö iś theŕè?"

"Nô onewőnè but yøùr pōōruśín Jack."

"Well, whåt newś, Còuśín Jack?"

"Dėàŕ Uñclè, Î havè bad newś for yöü. Hėŕè iś thé King's sőn cőming with twö thouśánd men tótö kill yöü!"

"Còuśín Jack, this iś bad newś indeed! But Î havè a larĝè çellàŕ underground, wheŕè Î shall hîdè mŷself, and yöü shall lock, bôlt and bar mê in until thé King's sőn iś gonè."

Sô Jack lockèd, bôltėd and barrèd thé ĝîánt in thé çellàŕ, and then went back and fetchèd thé Prinçè, and they feastėd and mâdè merrý, and spent thé night verý cőmŕtáblý in thé castlè.

Jack took the gifts, thanked the gaint, and quickly caught up with the Prince.

In thé morning Jack gâvè thé Prinçè gôld and silver fróm thé ĝîánt's treàŝúrý. Then thé Prinçè set forth on hiś jòurnêy, whîlè Jack let thé ĝîánt out ofuv thé çellàŕ.

Thé ĝîánt thañkèd Jack verý much for sâving him, and askèd whåt hê shōūld givè him aś a rėwård?

"Whŷ, gōōd Uñclè," sãìd Jack, "Î dėśîrè nőthing but thé coat and cap, with thé rustý sword and thé slipperś which arè hanging bėsîdè thé bed."

"Tâthem," sãìd thé ĝîánt, "and keep them for mŷ sâkè. They will bê verý ûsèful tótö yöü. Thé coat will mâyöü inviśíblè; thé cap will givè yöü knowlédgè; thé sword will cut thröügh ãnýthing, nô matter whåt it may bê, and thé shöèś arè ofuv vast swiftnéss."

Jack tōōk thé gifts, thañkèd thé ĝîánt, and then qυicklý caught up with thé Prinçè.

After a few day's further jòurnêy they reachèd thé dwelling ofuv thé bèàûtíful lâdý whöm thé Prinçè had cőmè tótö rescûè.

Shê rėçêìvèd thé Prinçè verý grâćìòúslý and mâdè a feast for him. When it wáśwoś endėd shê rôśè, and, tâking her hañdkerchièf, sãìd:

"Mŷ lord; tótö-morrôw morning Î cómmand yöü tótö tell mê on whöm Î havè bėstôwèd this hañdkerchièf—or ellöśè yøùr heàd."

Jack set off in search of new adventures.

Thé Prinçè went tótö bed verý møùrnfullý; but Jack pūt on thé cap ofuv knowlédgè, which tôld him that thé lâdý wáśwoś forçèd bŷ thé põwer ofuv enchantmént tótö meet thé wickéd máĝićián evèrý night in thé forést.

Hê, theŕèforè, pūt on hiś coat ofuv darknéss, and hiś shöèś ofuv swiftnéss, and wáśwoś theŕè bėforè her. When thé lâdý câmè, shê gâvè thé hañdker chìêf tótö thé máĝićián. Jack with hiś sword ofuv sharpnéss cut off hiś heàd with onewőnè blôw; and thé enchantmént wáśwoś endėd in a minútè.

Thé next day thé lâdý wáśwoś marrìêd tótö thé Prinçè, and söön after went with her huśbánd tótö thé Cøùrt ofuv King Arthur, wheŕè Jack wáśwoś mâdè onewőnè ofuv thé Knights ofuv thé Round Tâblè for hiś herôiśm.

He cut both the monster's legs just below the garter.

Verý söön Jack set off in sèàŕch ofuv new advenťurèś. On thé third day ofuv hiś travél hê câmè tótö a wîdè forést. Hardlý had hê enterèd it when hê hèàŕd dreàdful shrìêks and crîèś, and söön hê saw a monstròús ĝîánt dragging álong bŷ thé hãir ofuv their heàdś a handsőmè knight and a bèàûtíful lâdý. Their tėàŕś and crîèś meltėd Jack's hèart. Hê álightėd fróm hiś horsè, and pūt on hiś inviśíblè coat, and immêdïálý áttackèd thé ĝîánt. Hê cōūld not reach up tótö thé ĝîánt's bodý; sô, tâking a mightý blôw, hê cut off bôth thé monster's legś just bėlôw thé garter, sô that hê fell fūll length upon thé ground. Then Jack set hiś fōōt upon hiś neck and plunĝèd hiś sword intö thé ĝîánt's bodý.

One room contained a great boiling cauldron.

Thé knight and thé lâdý, ôverjoyèd, beggèd Jack tótö cőmè tótö their housè tótö rėfresh himself after this fight; but Jack, hėáring that thé ĝîánt had a brőther whö wáśwoś morè crüél and wickéd êvén than himself, wōūld not rest until hê had ålsô dėstroyèd him.

Söön hê câmè in sight ofuv thé cavern wheŕè thé ĝîánts livèd. Theŕè wáśwoś thé őther ĝîánt sitting on a hûĝè block ofuv timber, with a knottėd îŕòn club lŷing bŷ hiś sîdè. Jack, in hiś coat ofuv darknéss, wáśwoś qυîinviśíblè. Hê drew clôup tótö thé ĝîánt and struck a blôw at hiś heàd with hiś sword ofuv sharpnéss; but hê missèd hiś aim and ônlý cut off hiś nôśè. Thé ĝîánt røàrèd with pain, and hiś røàrś werè lîkè claps ofuv thunder. Hê tōōk up hiś îŕòn club and bėgan tótö lay ábout him, but not bêing âblè tótö see Jack, hê cōūld not hit him; for Jack slippèd nimblý bėhînd, and jumping upon thé block ofuv wōōd, stabbèd thé ĝîánt in thé back; and after a few howlś, thé monster droppèd down deàd.

Having thus killèd thé twö monsterś Jack enterèd thé câvè tótö sèàŕch for thé treàŝurè. Onewőnè rööm cóntainèd a grèât boiling cauldron and a dîning tâblè, wheŕè thé ĝîánts feastėd. Ánőther part ofuv thé câvè wáśwoś barrèd with îŕòn and wáśwoś fūll ofuv miśèráblè men and womenwimėn whöm thé ĝîánts had impriśónèd. Jack set them åll free and divîdéd thé treàŝurè ámőng them.

Jack cut off thé ĝîánt's heàd, and sent it with thé heàd ofuv hiś brőther tótö thé Cøùrt ofuv King Arthur; then hê rėturnèd tótö thé houofuv thé knight and hiś lâdý.

Hê wáśwoś rėçêìvèd with thé grèâtést joy; and thé knight gâvè a grand feast in hiś honòŕ. When åll thé cőmpáný wáśwoś gatherèd tógether, thé knight prêśentéd Jack with a ring, on which wáśwoś ėngrâvèd thé piurè ofuv thé ĝîánt dragging thé knight and thé lâdý bŷ thé hãir, with this mottô round it—

"Bėhôld, in dîrè distress werè wê, Under a ĝîánt's fierçè cómmand, But gainèd õυŕ lîvèś and libertý Fróm valĩánt Jack's victorïòús hand.

But whîlè thé merrïment wáśwoś at its hèight, a heráld rushèd intö thé rööm and tôld thé cőmpáný that thundel, a saváĝè ĝîánt with twö heàdś, had hèàŕd ofuv thé deàth ofuv hiś twö kinśmen, and wáśwoś cőmè tótö tâkè hiś rėvenĝè on Jack. Théests tremblèd with terròŕ and fright; but Jack ônlý drew hiś sword and sãìd, "Let him cőmè!"

The knight gave a grand feast in his honor.

Thé knight's houwáśwoś súrroundėd bŷ a moat ôver which theŕè wáśwoś a drawbridĝè. Jack set men tótö wòŕk tótö cut thé bridĝè on bôth sîdèś, nėàŕlý tótö thé middlè, and then, dressèd in hiś maĝic coat, went out tótö meet thé ĝîánt. Aś thé ĝîánt câmè álong, ålthôùgh hê cōūld not see Jack, yet hê cōūld tell that someonesőmèwőnè wáśwoś nėàŕ for hê crîèd out:

"Fa, fĕ, fi, fô, fum,

Î smell thé blōōd ofuv an Ėñglishmán

Bê hê álîvè, or bê hê deàd,

Î'll grînd hiś bônèś tótö mâmŷ breàd."

"Say yöü sô, mŷ frìend," crîèd Jack. "Yöü arè indeed a monstròús miller!"

"Āh!" crîèd thé ĝîánt; "yöü arè thé villaín that killèd mŷ kinśmen! Î will teàŕ yöü with mŷ teeth, and grînd yøùr bônèś tótö powder!"

The door was opened by an old man with a beard as white as snow.

"Yöü must catch mê first!" sãìd Jack. Then hê threw off hiś coat and pūt on hiś shöèś ofuv swiftnéss, and bėgan tótö run, thé ĝîánt follôwing him lîa wålking castlè. Jack led him round and round thé housè, and then hê ran ôver thé drawbridĝè, whîlè thé ĝîánt rushèd after him with hiś club. But when hê câmè tótö thé middlè ofuv thé bridĝè, wheŕè it had bėèn-been cut on bôth sîdèś, hiś grèât weĩght brôit, and hê tumblèd intö thé wåter.

Jack now got a cart rôand flung it ôver hiś twö heàdś, and then, bŷ thé help ofuv a team ofuv horsėś, drew him tótö thé edĝè ofuv thé moat, wheŕè hê cut off hiś heàdś.

Őnçèwőnçè ágãìn, Jack set out in sèàŕch ofuv new advenťurèś. Hê went ôverêldś and dâlèś without meeting with ãný, until hê câmè tótö thé fōōt ofuv a high mountáìn. Hėŕè wáśwoś a littlè, lônèlý housè; and when hê knockèd at thé dòor it wáśwoś ôpénèd bŷ an ôld man with a bėàŕd aś whîaś snôw. This ôld man wáśwoś a gōōd hermít, and when Jack had eatén well, hê sãìd:

At the top of this mountain there is an enchanted castle.

"Mŷ sőn, Î knôw that yöü arè thé fâmòús coñeròŕ ofuv ĝîánts. Î knôw, at thé top ofuv this mountáìn theŕè iś an enchantėd castlè, kept bŷ a ĝîánt nâmèd Galligantes, whö, bŷ thé help ofuv a máĝićián, gets mãný knights intö hiś põwerwhöm hê chânĝėś intö beasts. Ábővè åll, Î láment thé hard fâofuv a dükè's daughter, whöm they havè chânĝèd intö a dėer. Mãný knights havè trîèd tótö dėstroy thé enchantmént, yet nőnè havè bėèn-been âblè tótö dö sô, bėcauśè ofuv twö fîérý griffinś whöard thé gâtès ofuv thé castlè. But aś yöü, mŷ sőn, havè an inviśíblè coat, yöü may pass them bŷ without bêing seen. On thé gâtès ofuv thé castlè yöü will fînd ėngrâvèd thé meanś bŷ which thé enchantmént may bê brôkén."

Jack promísèd that in thé morning hê wōūld risk hiś lîin an ėndeàvòŕ tótö brèâk thé enchantmént; and, after a sound sleep, hê árôśè yèàŕlý and set out on hiś áttempt.

Hê passèd bŷ thé fîérý griffinś without thé least fėàŕ ofuv dânĝer; for they cōūld not see him, bėcauśè ofuv hiś inviśíblè coat.

On thé castlè gâtè hê found a gôldén trumpét hanging, under which werè writtén thêśè wòŕdś

"Whöever can this trumpét blôw, Shall cauśè thé ĝîánt's ôverthrôw."

Jack sêìzèd thé gôldén trumpét and blew a mightý blast, which mâdè thé gâtès flŷ ôpén and shōōk thé castlè tótö its foundâtionś. Thé ĝîánt and thé máĝićián, knôwing that their end wáśwoś now nėàŕ, stōōd bîting their thumbś and shâking with terròŕ. Jack, with hiś maĝic sword, söön killèd thé ĝîánt, and thé máĝićián wáśwoś carrìêd off bŷ a whirlwind. Thé castlè vanishèd áway lîkè smôkè, and thé dükè's daughter and åll thé knights and lővèlý lâdìêś whö had bėèn-been turnèd intö birdś and beasts rėturnèd tótö their proper shâpè.

Jack's fâmè rang thröügh thé whôlè còuntrý, and thé King gâvè him a larĝè ėstâtè tótö rėwård him for åll hiś brâvè and knightlý deedś. And Jack marrìêd thé dükè's daughter, and livèd in joy and cóntentmént for thé rest ofuv hiś dayś.