Part 9


Beauty and the Beast

THEŔÈ wáśwoś őnçèwőnçè a Merchánt whö had three daughterś, thé yòuñgést ofuv whöm wáśwoś sô bèàûtíful that evèrýbodý cållèd her Bèàûtý. This mâdè thé twö eldést verý jeàlòús; and, aś they werè spîtèful and bad-temperèd bŷ nâťurè, insteàd ofuv lőving their yòuñger sister they felt nőthing but envý and hâtréd tówårdś her.

The two eldest sisters did nothing but weep and lament for their lost fortune.

After sőmè yėàŕś theŕè câmè a terríblè storm at sea, and môst ofuv thé Merchánt's ships werè suñk, and hê bėcâmè verý pōōr. Hê and hiś famílý werè óblîĝèd tótö livè in a verý småll houand dö without thé servánts and fînè clôthèś tótö which they had bėèn-been ûśèd. Thé twö eldést sisterś did nőthing but weep and láment for their lost forťünè, but Bèàûtý did her best tótö keep thé houbright and chėerful, sô that her fāther might not miss töö much åll thé cómŕt and luxúrý tótö which hê wáśwoś ûśèd.

Onewőnè day thé Merchánt tôld hiś daughterś that hê wáśwoś gôing tótö tâa jòurnêy intö foréìgn landś in thé hôofuv rėcóvéring sőmè ofuv hiś propertý. Then hê askèd them whåt they wōūld lîkè him tótö bring them hômè in câsè hê shōūld bê suessful. Thé eldést daughter askèd for fînè gownś and bèàûtíful clôthing; thé secónd for jëwélś and gôld and silver triñkéts.

"And Bèàûtýwhåt wōūld Bèàûtý lîkè?" askèd thé fāther.

Bèàûtý wáśwoś sô happý and cóntentėd ålwayś that theŕè wáśwoś scãŕçèlý ãnýthing for which shê lond. Shê thøùght for a mômént, then shê sãìd:

He saw coming towards him a hideous Beast.

"Î shōūld lîbest ofuv åll a red rôśè!" thé őther sisterś burst out laughinglāfing and scoffèd at Bèàûtý's simple rėqυest; but her fāther promísèd tótö bring her whåt shê wantedwontéd. Then hê sãìd gōōd-bŷè tótö hiś childrén and set out on hiś travélś.

Hê wáśwoś áway for nėàŕlý a yėàŕ, and wáśwoś sô forťúnáaś tótö win back a grèât part ofuv hiś lost weàlth. When thé tîmè câmè for hiś rėturn, hê wáśwoś eaśílý âblè tótö bùŷ thé thingś hiś eldést daughterś wishèd for; but nôwheŕè cōūld hê fînd a red rôśè tótö tâkè hômè tótö Bèàûtý, and at last hê wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö set off without onewőnè.

When hê wáśwoś within a few mîlèś jòurnêy ofuv hiś hômè, hê lost himself in a thick wōōd. Darknéss câmè on, and hê bėgan tótö bê áfraid that hê wōūld havè tótö pass thé night under a tree, when suddénlý hê saw a bright light shîning in thé distánçè. Hê went tówårdś it, and on hiś ápproach found it câmè fróm a grèât castlè that wáśwoś set right in théart ofuv thé forést.

Thé Merchánt mâdè up hiś mînd tótö ask if hê might spend thé night theŕè; but tótö hiś surprîśè, when hê reachèd thé dòor hê found it set wîdè ôpén, and nôbodý ábout. After áwhîlè, fînding that nô onewőnè câmè in answer tótö hiś rėpeatėd knocking, hê wålkèd insîdè. Theŕè hê found a tâblè laid with evèrý delícáçý, and, bêing verý huñgrý, hê sat down and mâdè a gōōd repast. After hê had finishèd hiś supper hê laid himself down on a luxûrïòús couch, and in a few minútès wáśwoś fast ásleep.

In thé morning, after eating aartý breàkfást, which hê found prêpãŕèd for him, hê left thé mstėrïòús castlè, without having set èŷèś on a siñglè persón. Aś hê wáśwoś passing thröügh thé gardén hê found himself in an avénüè ofuv rôśè-treeś, åll cőverèd with bèàûtíful red rôśėś.

He was obliged to send Beauty herself in his place.

"Hėŕè arè such thouśándś ofuv flõwerś," hê sãìd tótö himself, "that, ŝūrèlý, onewőnè bud will not bê missèd;" and, thiñking ofuv Bèàûtý, hê brôoff a rôśè fróm onewőnè ofuv thé būshéś.

She found everything prepared for her comfort and convenience.

Scãŕçèlý had hê dőnè sô when hê hèàŕd a terríblè noiśè, and, turning round, hê saw cőming tówårdś him a hidêòús Beast, whö ėxclaimèd in an awful tônè:

"Ungrâtèful wretch! Yöü havè partâkén ofuv mŷ hospítalítý, havè eatén ofuv mŷ fööd, havè slept in mŷ housè, and in rėturn yöü trŷ tótö rob mê ofuv mŷ rôśėś. For this theft yöü shall dîè!"

Thé Merchánt fell on hiś kneeś and beggèd for pardón, but thé Beast wōūld not listén tótö him.

"Êìther yöü must dîè now, or elyöü must sweàŕ tótö send mê in yøùr steàd thé first living thing that meets yöü on yøùr rėturn hômè," hê sãìd; and thé Merchánt, ôvercőmè with terròŕ, and thiñking that onewőnè ofuv hiś dogś wōūld bê ŝūrè tótö bê thé first creaťurè tótö greet him, gâvè hiś promisè.

But tótö hiś horròŕ and dismay, it wáśwoś hiś yòuñgést daughter, Bèàûtý, whö first ran out tótö greet him on hiś rėturn. Shê had seen him cőming fróm áfar, and hâsténèd tótö welcómè him hômè.

Shê did not at first understand her fāther's grìêf at sêeing her; but when hê tôld her thé storý ofuv thé Beast and hiś promisè shê did her best tótö cómŕt him.

"Dö not fėàŕ, dėàŕ fāther," shê sãìd, "perhaps thé Beast will not prövè sô terríblè aś hê lōōks. Hê spãrèd yøùr lîfè; hê may spãŕè mînè, sinçè Î havè dőnè him nô harm."

Her fāther shōōk hiś heàd møùrnfullý; but theŕè wáśwoś nô help for it. Hê had promísèd tótö send thé Beast thé first living creaťurè that met him on hiś rėturn, sô hê wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö send Bèàûtý herself in hiś plâçè.

In the evening the Beast appeared.

When hê left Bèàûtý at thé paláçè ofuv thé Beast shê found evèrýthing prêpãŕèd for her cómŕt and cónvênĩénçè. A bèàûtíful bedchâmber wáśwoś reàdý for her ûsè; thé röömś werè fillèd with evèrýthing that shê cōūld possíblý wantwont, and in thé grèât håll ofuv thé castlè a tâblè wáśwoś set with evèrý delícáçý. And evèrýwheŕè theŕè werè bôwlś fūll ofuv red rôśėś. Nô servánts werè viśíblè; but theŕè wáśwoś nô lack ofuv serviçè, for inviśíblè handś waitėd upon her and áttendéd tótö her evèrý wantwont. Shê had but tótö wish, and whåtever shê wantedwontéd wáśwoś at őnçèwőnçè plâçèd bėforè her.

Bèàûtý wáśwoś fillèd with ástonishmént at åll this luxúrý and magnifiçençè.

ūrèlý thé Beast dőèś not wish tótö harm mê," shê thøùght, "or hê wōūld never havè sô orderèd evèrýthing for mŷ cómŕt." And shê waitėd with a gōōduráĝè for thé cőming ofuv thé Lord ofuv thé Castlè.

In thé êvèning thé beast áppėàŕèd. Hê wáśwoś çertáìnlý verý terríblè tótö lōōk at, and Bèàûtý tremblèd at thé sight ofuv thé hidêòús monster. But shê forçèd herself tótö áppėàŕ brâvè, and, indeed, theŕè wáśwoś nô cauśè for her álarm. Thé Beast wáśwoś kîndnéss itself, and sô ĝentlè and rėspectful in hiś áttentionś tótö her that Bèàûtý söön lost åll fėàŕ. Shê söön bėcâmè verý fond ofuv him, and wōūld havè bėèn-been qυîtè happý had it not bėèn-been for thé thøùght ofuv her fāther and sisterś, and thé grìêf which shê knew her fāther wōūld bê sufféring on her áccount. Thé thøùght ofuv hiś sorrôw mâdè her sorrôwful töö; and onewőnè night, when thé Beast câmè tótö viśit her at hiś ûŝüál hõυŕ, shê wáśwoś sô sad that hê askèd her whåt wáśwoś thé matter.

Then Bèàûtý beggèd him tótö let her gô and viśit her fāther. Thé Beast wáśwoś verý unwilling tótö grant her rėqυest.

"If Î let yöü gô, Î am áfraid yöü will never cőmè back tótö mê," hê sãìd, "and then Î shall dîè ofuv grìêf."

Bèàûtý promísèd môst èàŕnéstlý tótö cőmè back tótö him if hê wōūld ônlý állow her tótö spend a few dayś with her famílý; and at last thé Beast yìêldėd tótö her entreaêś.

She knew her father would be suffering on her account.

Hê gâvè her a ring, sâying:

"Pūt this on yøùr littlè fiñger when yöü gô tótö bed tótö-night, and wish; and in thé morning yöü will fînd yøùrself at hômè in yøùr fāther's housè. But if yöü dö not rėturn tótö mê at thé end ofuv a week, Î shall dîè ofuv sorrôw."

Bèàûtý's fāther wáśwoś ålmôst ôvercőmè with joy at sêeing hiś daughter ágãìn, and hê wáśwoś dėlightėd tótö hėàŕ ofuv her happïnéss and gōōd forťünè. But her twö sisterśwhö in thé meantîmè had marrìêdwerè morè jeàlòús than ever ofuv their bèàûtíful sister. They werè not verý happý with their huśbándś, whö werè pōōr and not ôver-lőváblè; and they werè verý envïòús ofuv Bèàûtý's clôthèś and ofuv åll thé luxûrìêś with which shê tôld them shê wáśwoś súrroundėd. They trîèd tótö thiñk ofuv a plan bŷ which they cōūld prėvent their sister fróm ėnjoying her gōōd forťünè.

"Let us keep her bėyond thé week that thé Beast haś állowèd her," they sãìd; "then, doubtléss, hê will bê sô añgrý that hê will kill her."

Sô they prêtendėd tótö bê verý fond ofuv Bèàûtý, and when thé tîmè câmè for her rėturn, they ôverwhelmèd her with tėàŕś andŕessės, begging her not tótö leavè them, and tótö stay at least onewőnè morè day with them. Bèàûtý wáśwoś distressèd at their grìêf, and at last shê cónsentėd tótö stay just onewőnè morè day; thôùgh herart misgâvè her sorèlý when shê thøùght ofuv thé pōōr Beast.

That night, aś shê lay in bed, shê had a dream. Shê dreàmt that shê saw thé Beast dŷing ofuv sorrôw at her forgetfulness; and sô real did it seem that shê wôup in an agóný ofuv dismay.

Putting the ring on her finger she wished to be at the Palace of the Beast again.

"How cōūld Î havè bėèn-been sô crüél and ungrâtèful," shê crîèd. "Î promísèd faithfullý that Î wōūld rėturn at thé end ofuv thé week. Whåt will hê thiñk ofuv mê for brèâking mŷ promisè!"

Hâstílý rîśing fróm bed, shê sèàŕchèd for thé ring thé Beast had givén her. Then pūtting it on her littlè fiñger shê wishèd tótö bê at thé Paláçè ofuv thé Beast ágãìn. In a mômént shê found herself theŕè; and qυicklý pūtting on her clôthèś shê húrrìêd out tótö lōōk for thé Beast. Shê sèàŕchèd thröügh rööm after rööm; but nôwheŕè cōūld shê fînd him. At last shê ran out intö thé gardén; and theŕè, on a plot ofuv grass, wheŕè hê and shê had oftén sat tógether, shê found him lŷing aś if deàd upon thé ground.

With a bitter crŷ shê sañk on her kneeś bėsîdè thé pōōr Beast.

"Ôh, Beast; mŷ dėàŕ, dėàŕ Beast!" shê crîèd. "How cōūld Î havè bėèn-been sô crüél and wickéd and unkînd? Hê haś dîèd ofuv sorrôw aś hê sãìd hê wōūld!" And thé tėàŕś fell down fróm her èŷèś aś shê spôkè. Ôvercőmè with grìêf and rėmorsè, shê stööpèd down and tenderlý kissèd thé uglý Beast.

The Beast was a beast no longer, but a handsome Prince.

In a mômént theŕè wáśwoś a suddén noiśè, and Bèàûtý wáśwoś startlèd tótö fînd that thé uglý Beast had vanishèd. Thé Beast wáśwoś a beast nô loñger, but a handsőmè Prinçè, whö knelt at her feet, thañking her for having brôkén hiś enchantmént.

"A wickéd fãírý," hê sãìd, "cóndemnèd mê tótö keep thé form ofuv a beast until a bèàûtíful maidén shōūldŕget mŷ uglïnéss and kiss mê. Yöü, bŷ yøùr lővè and tendernéss, havè brôkén thé spell and rėleasèd mê fróm mŷ horríblè disgùîśè. Now, thañks tótö yöü, Î can tâmŷ proper form ágãìn." And then hê beggèd Bèàûtý tótö bėcőmè hiś brîdè.

Sô Bèàûtý marrìêd thé Prinçè whö had bėèn-been a Beast, and they livèd tógether in thé castlè and rülèd ôver thé Prinçè's còuntrý, and werè happý ever after.