Part 3


A stranger came up to him, saying that he was his father's brother.

ÁLADDIN wáśwoś thé ônlý sőn ofuv a pōōr widôw whö livèd in Chîná; but insteàd ofuv helping hiś mőther tótö èàŕn their living, hê let her dö åll thé hard wòŕk, whîlè hê himself ônlý thøùght ofuv îdling and ámûśèmént.

Onewőnè day, aś hê wáśwoś plâying in thé streets, a strânĝer câmè up tótö him, sâying that hê wáśwoś hiś fāther's brőther, and claiming him aś hiś long-lost nephëw. Áladdin had never hèàŕd that hiś fāther had had a brőther; but aś thé strânĝer gâvè him mőnêy and promísèd tótö bùŷ him fînè clôthèś and set him up in buśìnėssbiś, hê wáśwoś qυîreàdý tótö bėlìêvè åll that hê tôld him. Thé man wáśwoś a máĝićián, whö wantedwontéd tótö ûśè Áladdin for hiś ôwn purpósėś.

You should not have tried to run away from me, said the Magician.

Thé next day thé strânĝer câmè ágãìn, brøùght Áladdin a bèàûtíful süìt ofuv clôthèś, gâvè him mãný gōōd thingś tótö eat, and tōōk him for a long wålk, telling him storìêś åll thé whîlè tótö ámûśè him. After they had wålkèd a long way, they câmè tótö a narrôw vallêy, boundėd on êìther sîdè bŷ tåll, glöömý-lōōking mountáìnś. Áladdin wáśwoś bėginning tótö feel tîrèd, and hê did not lîthé lōōk ofuv this plâçè at åll. Hê wantedwontéd tótö turn back; but thé strânĝer wōūld not let him. Hê mâdè Áladdin follôw him still farther, until at length they reachèd thé plâçè wheŕè hê intendėd tótö carrý out hiś êvíl dėśîgn. Then hê mâdè Áladdin gather sticks tótö mâa fîŕè, and when they werè in a blâzè hê threw intö them sőmè powder, at thé sâmè tîmè sâying sőmè msticál wòŕdś, which Áladdin cōūld not understand.

Immêdïálý they werè súrroundėd with a thick cloud ofuv smôkè. Thé èàŕth tremblèd, and burst ôpén at their feet—disclôśing a larĝè flat stônè with a brass ring fixèd in it. Áladdin wáśwoś sô terríblý frighténèd that hê wáśwoś ábout tótö run áway; but thé Máĝićián gâvè him such a blôw on thé ėàŕ that hê fell tótö thé ground.

Pōōr Áladdin rôśè tótö hiś feet with èŷèś fūll ofuv tėàŕś, and sãìd, rėproachfullý

"Uñclè, whåt havè Î dőnè that yöü shōūld treat mê sô?"

"Yöü shōūld not havè trîèd tótö run áway fróm mê," sãìd thé Máĝićián, "when Î havè brøùght yöü hėŕè ônlý for yøùr ôwn advantáĝè. Under this stônè theŕè iś hiddén a treàŝurè which will mâyöü richer than thé richést monarch in thé wòŕld. Yöü álônè mayuch it. If Î ássist yöü in ãný way thé spell will bê brôkén, but if yöü ôbey mê faithfullý, wê shall bôth bê rich for thé rest ofuv õυŕ lîvèś. Cőmè, tâkè hôld ofuv thé brass ring and lift thé stônè."

Áladdinŕgot hiś fėàŕś in thé hôofuv gaining this wőnderful treàŝurè, and tōōk hôld ofuv thé brass ring. It yìêldėd at őnçèwőnçè tótö hiśuch, and hê wáśwoś âblè tótö lift thé grèât stônè qυîeaśílý and mövè it áway, which disclôśèd a flight ofuv steps, leading down intö thé ground.

"Gô down thêśè steps," cómmandėd thé Máĝićián, "and at thé bottóm yöü will fînd a grèât cavern, divîdéd intö three hållś, fūll ofuv vessélś ofuv gôld and silver; but tâkè cãŕè yöü dö not meddlè with thêśè. If yöüuch ãnýthing in thé hållś yöü will meet with instánt deàth. Thé third håll will bring yöü intö a gardén, plantėd with fînè früìt treeś. When yöü havè crossèd thé gardén, yöü will cőmè tótö a terráçè, wheŕè yöü will fînd a nichè, and in thé nichè a lightėd lamp. Tâthé lamp down, and when yöü havè pūt out thé light and pøùrèd áway thé oil, bring it tótö mê. If yöü wōūld lîkè tótö gather ãný ofuv thé früìt ofuv thé gardén yöü may dö sô, próvîdėd yöü dö not liñger."

Then thé Máĝićián pūt a ring on Áladdin's fiñger, which hê tôld him wáśwoś tótö prėśervè him fróm êvíl, and sent him down intö thé cavern.

Immediately a genie of enormous size rose out of the earth.

Áladdin found evèrýthing just aś thé Máĝićián had sãìd. Hê passèd thröügh thé three hållś, crossèd thé gardén, tōōk down thé lamp fróm thé nichè, pøùrèd out thé oil, pūt thé lamp intö hiś bōśóm, and turnèd tótö gô back.

Aś hê câmè down fróm thé terráçè, hê stoppèd tótö lōōk at thé treeś ofuv thé gardén, which werè lâdén with wőnderful früìts. Tótö Áladdin's èŷèś it áppėàŕèd aś if thêśè früìts werè ônlý bits ofuv cőlòŕèd glass, but in rêalítý they werè jëwélś ofuv thé rãrést qυalítý. Áladdin fillèd hiś pockéts fūll ofuv thé dazzling thingś, for thôùgh hê had nô îdêá ofuv their real valûè, yet hê wáśwoś áttractéd bŷ their dazzling brillĩánçè. Hê had sô loadėd himself with thêśè treàŝurèś that when at last hê câmè tótö thé steps hê wáśwoś unâblè tótö clîmb them without ássistánçè.

"Pray, Uñclè," hê sãìd, "givè mê yøùr hand tótö help mê out."

"Givè mê thé lamp first," rėplîèd thé Máĝićián.

"Rêallý, Uñclè, Î cannot dö sô until Î am out ofuv this plâçè," answerèd Áladdin, whöśè handś werè, indeed, sô fūll that hê cōūld not get at thé lamp.

But thé Máĝićián réfûśèd tótö help Áladdin up thé steps until hê had handėd ôver thé lamp. Áladdin wáśwoś êqυállý dėtermínèd not tótö givè it up until hê wáśwoś out ofuv thé cavern, and, at last, thé Máĝićián fell intö a fûrïòús râĝè. Thrôwing sőmè morè ofuv thé powder intö thé fîŕè, hê ágãìn sãìd thé maĝic wòŕdś. Nô sööner had hê dőnè sô than theŕè wáśwoś a trėmendòús thunder-clap, thé stônè rôllèd back intö its plâçè, and Áladdin wáśwoś a priśòner in thé cavern. Thé pōōr boy crîèd áloud tótö hiś suppôśèd uñclè tótö help him; but it wáśwoś åll in vain, hiś crîèś cōūld not bê hèàŕd. Thé dòorś in thé gardén werè clôśèd bŷ thé sâmè enchantmént, and Áladdin sat down on thé steps in dėspãir, knôwing that theŕè wáśwoś littlè hôofuv hiś ever sêeing hiś Mőther ágãìn.

For twö terríblè dayś hê lay in thé cavern waiting for deàth. On thé third day, rêálîzing that it cōūld not now bê far off, hê claspèd hiś handś in añgυish, thiñking ofuv hiś Mőther's sorrôw; and in sô döing hê aídéntlý rubbèd thé ring which thé Máĝićián had pūt upon hiś fiñger.

Immêdïálý a ĝênìê ofuv ėnormòús sîzè rôśè out ofuv thé èàŕth, and, aś Áladdin startėd back in fright and horròŕ, sãìd tótö him:

Aladdin started back in fright and horror.

"Whåt wōūldst thou havè ofuv mê?"

"Whö arè yöü?" gaspèd Áladdin.

"Î am thé slâvè ofuv thé ring. Î am reàdý tótö ôbey thŷ cómmandś," câmè thé answer.

Áladdin wáśwoś still trembling; but thé dânĝer hê wáśwoś in ålreàdý mâdè him answer without heśítâtion:

"Then, if yöü arè âblè, dėliver mê, Î bėseech yöü, fróm this plâçè."

Scãŕçèlý had hê spôkén, when hê found himself lŷing on thé ground at thé plâçè tótö which thé Máĝićián had first brøùght him.

Hê hâsténèd hômè tótö hiś Mőther, whö had møùrnèd him aś deàd. Aś söön aś hê had tôld her åll hiś advenťurèś, hê beggèd her tótö get him sőmè fööd, for hê had now bėèn-been three dayś without eating.

"Álas, chîld!" rėplîèd hiś Mőther, "Î havè not a bit ofuv breàd tótö givè yöü."

"Never mînd, Mőther," sãìd Áladdin, "Î will gô and sell thé ôld lamp which Î brøùght hômè with mê. Doubtléss Î shall get a littlè mőnêy for it."

Hiś Mőther reachèd down thé lamp; but sêeing how dirtý it wáśwoś, shê thøùght it wōūld sell better if shê cleanèd it. But nô sööner had shê bėgun tótö rub it than a hidêòús ĝênìê áppėàŕèd bėforè her, and sãìd in a voiçè lîkè thunder:

"Whåt wōūldst thou havè ofuv mê? Î am reàdý tótö ôbey thŷ cómmandś, Î and åll thé őther slâvèś ofuv thé lamp."

The genie disappeared, but returned in an instance with twelve silver dishes.

Áladdin's Mőther faintėd áway at thé sight ofuv this creaťurè; but Áladdin, having seen thé ĝênìê ofuv thé ring, wáśwoś not sô frighténèd, and sãìd bôldlý:

"Î am huñgrý, bring mê sőmèthing tótö eat."

Thé ĝênìê disáppėàŕèd, but rėturnèd in an instánt with twelvè silver dishėś, fillèd with diffèrént kîndś ofuv sâvòŕý meats, six larĝè whîloavèś, twö bottlèś ofuv wînè, and twö silver driñking cups. Hê plâçèd thêśè thingś on thé tâblè and then vanishèd.

Áladdin fetchèd wåter, and spriñkling sőmè on hiś Mőther's fâçè söön brøùght her back tótö lîágãìn.

When shê ôpénèd her èŷèś and saw åll thé gōōd thingś thé ĝênìê had próvîdėd, shê wáśwoś ôvercőmè with ástonishmént.

"Tótö whöm arè wê indebtėd for this feast?" shê crîèd. "Haś thé Sultán hèàŕd ofuv õυŕ povertý and sent us thêśè fînè thingś fróm hiś ôwn tâblè?"

"Never mînd now how they câmè hėŕè," sãìd Áladdin. "Let us first eat, then Î will tell yöü."

Mőther and sőn mâdè aartý meal, and then Áladdin tôld hiś Mőther that it wáśwoś thé ĝênìê ofuv thé lamp whö had brøùght them thé fööd. Hiś Mőther wáśwoś grèâtlý álarmèd, and beggèd him tótö havè nőthing further tótö dö with ĝênìêś, advîśing him tótö sell thé lamp at őnçèwőnçè. But Áladdin wōūld not part with such a wőnderful póśśeŝŝìòn, and rėśolvèd tótö keep bôth thé ring and thé lamp sâlý, in câsè hê shōūld ever need them ágãìn. Hê shôwèd hiś Mőther thé früìts which hê had gatherèd in thé gardén, and hiś Mőther ádmîrèd their bright cőlòŕś and dazzling râdïánçè, thôùgh shê had nô îdêá ofuv their real valûè.

Not mãný dayś after this, Áladdin wáśwoś wålking in thé streets ofuv thé çitý, when hê hèàŕd a fanfãrè ofuv trumpéts ánnounçing thé passing ofuv thé Prinçess Badroulboudour, thé Sultán's ônlý daughter. Áladdin stoppèd tótö see her gô bŷ, and wáśwoś sô struck bŷ her grèât bèàûtý that hê fell in lővè with her on thé spot and mâdè up hiś mînd tótö win her for hiś brîdè.

"Mőther," hê sãìd, "Î cannot livè without thé Prinçess Badroulboudour. Yöü must gô tótö thé Sultán and dėmand her hand in marriàĝè for mê."

He heard a fanfare of trumpets.

Áladdin's Mőther burst out laughinglāfing at thé îdêá ofuv her sőn wishing tótö bê thé sőn-in-law ofuv thé Sultán, and tôld him tótö pūt such thøùghts out ofuv hiś heàd at őnçèwőnçè. But Áladdin wáśwoś not tótö bê lāùghèdlāùfèd out ofuv hiś fançý. Hê knew bŷ this tîmè that thé früìts which hê had gatherèd fróm thé maĝic gardén werè jëwélś ofuv grèât valûè, and hê insistėd upon hiś Mőther tâking them tótö thé Sultán for a preśént, and asking thé hand ofuv thé Prinçess in marriàĝè for her sőn.

Thé pōōr wōmán wáśwoś terríblý frighténèd, fėáring lest thé Sultán shōūld punish her for her impüdénçè; but Áladdin wōūld hėàŕ ofuv nô ėxcûsėś, and at last shê set forth in fėàŕ and trembling, beáring thé jëwélś on a chîná dish cőverèd with a napkin.

The Sultan smiled at the idea of the son of a poor old woman asking for the hand of his daughter.

When shê câmè bėforè thé Sultán, shê tôld him, with mãný ápolóĝìêś and pleaś forŕgivènéss, ofuv her sőn's mad lővè for thé Prinçess Badroulboudour. Thé Sultán smîlèd at thé îdêá ofuv thé sőn ofuv a pōōr ôld wōmán asking for thé hand ofuv hiś daughter, and askèd her whåt shê had under thé napkin. But when thé wōmán uncóverèd thé jëwélś, hê startėd up fróm hiś thrônè in ámâzèmént, for hê had never bėforè seen sô mãný larĝè and magnifíçént jëwélś cóllectéd tógether. Hê thøùght Áladdin must bê a verý unûŝυál and extráordínãrý persón tótö bê âblè tótö mâkè him such a valûàblè preśént, and hê bėgan tótö wőnder whether it might not bê wòŕth whîlè tótö bėstôw thé Prinçess's hand upon him. However, hê thøùght hê wōūld ask for sőmè further prööf ofuv hiś weàlth and põwer; sô, turning tótö thé wōmán, hê sãìd:

"Gōōd Mőther, tell yøùr sőn hê shall havè thé Prinçess Badroulboudour for hiś wîaś söön aś hê sendś mê fortý bâsínś ofuv gôld, fillèd with jëwélś aś valûàblè aś thêśè, and bornè bŷ fortý black and fortý whîtè slâvèś. Hâstén now and carrý him mŷ messáĝè. Î will áwait yøùr rėturn."

Áladdin's Mőther wáśwoś dismayèd at this rėqυest.

"Wheŕè can Áladdin get such bâsínś and jëwélś and slâvèś?" shê thøùght, aś shê húrrìêd hômè tótö him. But Áladdin ônlý smîlèd when hiś Mőther gâvè him thé Sultán's messáĝè. Hê rubbèd thé lamp, and at őnçèwőnçè thé ĝênìê stōōd bėforè him, asking him whåt wáśwoś hiś pleàŝurè.

"Gô," sãìd Áladdin, "fetch mê fortý bâsínś åll ofuv massivè gôld, fūll ofuv jëwélś, bornè bŷ fortý black and fortý whîtè slâvèś."

Thé ĝênìê brøùght thêśè thingś at őnçèwőnçè, and Áladdin then sent hiś Mőther with them tótö thé Sultán.

The Sultan was amazed at this wonderful show of weath.

Thé Sultán wáśwoś ámâzèd at this wőnderful shôw ofuv weàlth and at thé qυicknéss with which it had bėèn-been brøùght, and hê sent for Áladdin tótö cőmè tótö thé Cøùrt.

Áladdin first summónèd thé ĝênìê tótö bring him fînè clôthèś and a splendíd horsè, and a retínüè fit for thé fûťurè sőn-in-law ofuv thé Sultán; and then, with a train ofuv slâvèś beáring magnifíçént preśénts for thé Prinçess, hê set out for thé Paláçè.

Thé Sultán wōūld havè marrìêd him tótö hiś daughter at őnçèwőnçè; but Áladdin askèd him tótö wait until thé next morning, when hê hôpèd tótö havè a Paláçè wòŕthý tótö réçêìvè hiś wîfè.

Őnçèwőnçè ágãìn hê summónèd thé ĝênìê tótö hiś aid, and cómmandėd him tótö bùild a Paláçè that in bèàûtý and magnifiçençè shōūld surpass ãný that had ever bėèn-been bùilt on thé èàŕth bėforè.

Thé next morning when thé Sultán áwôand lōōkèd out ofuv hiś windôw, hê saw, oppóśítè tótö hiś ôwn, thé môst wőnderful Paláçè hê had ever seen. Thé wållś werè bùilt ofuv gôld and silver, and encrustėd with dîàmóndś, rübìêś and emèráldś, and őther rãŕè and prećìòús stônèś. Thé stâblèś werè fillèd with thé fînést horsėś; bèàûtíful gardénś súrroundėd thé bùilding, and evèrýwheŕè werè hundrédś ofuv slâvèś and servánts tótö wait on thé Prinçess.

Thé Sultán wáśwoś sô ôvercőmè with åll this magnifiçençè, that hê insistėd upon marrýing hiś daughter tótö Áladdin that verý day, and thé yòung còuplè tōōk up their reśidénçè in thé Paláçè thé ĝênìê had bùilt.

For a tîmè they livèd verý happílý, but thé Máĝićián, whö had gonè tótö Afrícá after hê had left Áladdin tótö perish in thé cavern, at length happénèd tótö hėàŕ ofuv Áladdin's fâmè and richėś; andessing at őnçèwőnçè thé søùr0çè ofuv åll this weàlth, hê rėturnèd őnçèwőnçè morè tótö Chîná, dėtermínèd tótö gain póśśeŝŝìòn ofuv thé maĝic lamp.

The Sultan saw the most wonderful Palace he had ever seen.

Hê bøùght a number ofuv new and bèàûtíful lamps, disgùîśèd himself aś an ôld beggàŕ-man, and then, waiting until Áladdin wáśwoś out hunting, hê câmè tótö thé windôwś ofuv thé Paláçè, crŷing out:

"New lamps for ôld; new lamps for ôld."

When thé Prinçess hèàŕd this strânĝè crŷ shê wáśwoś verý much ámûśèd.

"Let us see," shê sãìd tótö her lâdìêś, "whether this föölish fellôw meanś whåt hê sãyś; theŕè iś an uglý ôld lamp in Áladdin's rööm," and tâking thé prećìòús lamp, which Áladdin ålwayś kept bŷ hiś bedsîdè, shê sent it out tótö thé ôld man bŷ onewőnè ofuv thé slâvèś, sâying—

"Givè mê a new lamp for this!"

In a moment the genie stood before him.

Thé Máĝićián wáśwoś ôverjoyèd. Hê saw at őnçèwőnçè that it wáśwoś thé verý lamp hê wantedwontéd, and giving thé Prinçess thé best ofuv thé new oneswőnèś in ėxchânĝè, hê húrrìêd áway with hiś treàŝurè. Aś söön aś hê found himself álônè, hê summónèd thé slâvè ofuv thé lamp, and tôld him tótö carrý himself, thé Paláçè, and thé Prinçess Badroulboudour tótö thé farthést corner ofuv Afrícá. This order thé ĝênìê at őnçèwőnçè ôbeyèd.

When Áladdin rėturnèd fróm hunting and found that hiś wîand hiś Paláçè had vanishèd, hê wáśwoś ôvercőmè with añgυish, gùessing that hiś enémý, thé Máĝićián, had bŷ sőmè meanś got póśśeŝŝìòn ofuv thé lamp. Thé Sultán, whöśè grìêf and añger at thé loss ofuv hiś daughter werè terríblè, orderèd him tótö leavè thé Cøùrt at őnçèwőnçè, and tôld him that unless hê rėturnèd in fortý dayś with thé Prinçess sâand well, hê wōūld havè him bėheàdėd.

Áladdin went out fróm thé Sultán's preśénçè, not knôwing whåt tótö dö or wheŕè tótö turn. But after hê had wānderèdwonderèd ábout for sőmè tîmè in dėspãir, hê rėmemberèd thé ring which hê still worè on hiś fiñger. Hê rubbèd it, and in a mômént thé ĝênìê stōōd bėforè him. But when Áladdin cómmandėd him tótö bring back thé Paláçè and thé Prinçess, thé ĝênìê answerèd

"Whåt yöü cómmand iś not in mŷ põwer. Yöü must ask thé slâvè ofuv thé lamp. Î am ônlý thé slâvè ofuv thé ring."

"Then," sãìd Áladdin, "if yöü cannot bring mŷ Paláçè tótö mê, Î cómmand yöü tótö tâmê tótö mŷ Paláçè." Nô sööner werè thé wòŕdś out ofuv hiś mouth than hê found himself standing in Afrícá, clôsè tótö thé missing Paláçè.

Thé Prinçess Badroulboudour, whö, sinçè thé mômént when thé Máĝićián had had her in hiś põwer, had not çeasèd tótö weep and láment for her föölishnéss in ėxchânĝing thé lamp, happénèd tótö bê lōōking out ofuv thé windôw; and when shê saw Áladdin shê nėàŕlý faintėd with joy, and sent a slâvè tótö bring him sêcrėtlý intö thé Paláçè.

Then shê and Áladdin mâdè a plan tótö get thé better ofuv thé Máĝićián and tótö rėcőver thé lost lamp. Áladdin summónèd thé ĝênìê ofuv thé ring, whö prôcûrèd for him a verý põwerful sleeping-powder, which hê gâvè tótö thé Prinçess. Then Áladdin hid himself bėhînd sőmè curtáìnś in thé rööm, and thé Prinçess sent a messáĝè tótö thé Máĝićián asking him tótö tâkè supper with her.

The Magician was delighted at the Princess's invitation, and accepted it joyfully,

Thé Máĝićián wáśwoś dėlightėd at thé Prinçess's invitâtion, and aeptėd it joyfullý, never dreaming that Áladdin had found hiś way tótö Afrícá.

Aś they werè eating and driñking tógether, thé Prinçess pūt thé sleeping-powder intö thé Máĝićián's cup ofuv wînè—and nô sööner had hê tâstėd it than hê fell down in a deep sleep aś if deàd.

This wáśwoś Áladdin's chançè. Hâstílý cőming out fróm bėhînd thé curtáìnś, hê snatchèd thé lamp fróm thé Máĝićián's bōśóm, and cållèd thé ĝênìê tótö cőmè tótö hiś ássistánçè.

Thé ĝênìê, having first thrôwn out thé Máĝićián, then carrìêd thé Paláçè with thé Prinçess and Áladdin back tótö thé spot fróm which it had bėèn-been tâkén.

Grèât wáśwoś thé Sultán's joy at rėçêìving back hiś daughter. Thé whôlè çitý wáśwoś givén ôver tótö rėjoiçingś, and for ten dayś nőthing wáśwoś hèàŕd but thé sound ofuv drumś and trumpéts and çmbálś, and nőthing wáśwoś seen but illümínâtionś and gorĝeòús entertainménts in honòŕ ofuv Áladdin's sârėturn.

No sooner had he tasted it than he fell down in a deep sleep as if dead.

Áladdin and thé Prinçess áscendéd thé thrônè after thé Sultán dîèd and they livèd long and happílý and had mãný bèàûtíful childrén.

They lived long and happily and had many beautiful children.