Part 2


The Ugly Duckling

IT wáśwoś bèàûtíful in théuntrý. It wáśwoś summertîmè. Thé wheat wáśwoś yellôw, thé oats werè green, thé hay wáśwoś stackèd up in thé green meàdôwś, and thé stork pàŕâdėd ábout on hiś long red legś, tålking in Ėĝpţìán, which lañgυáĝè hê had lèàŕnt fróm hiś mőther.

Théêldś and meàdôwś werè skirtėd bŷ thick wōōdś, and a deep lâlay in thé midst ofuv thé wōōdś. Yes; it wáśwoś indeed bèàûtíful in théuntrý! Thé sunshînè fell wårmlý on an ôld manŝìòn, súrroundėd bŷ deep cánalś, and fróm thé wållś down tótö thé wåter's edĝè theŕè grew larĝè burdock leavèś, sô high that childrén cōūld stand upright ámőng them without bêing seen.

This plâçè wáśwoś aś wîld aś thé thickėst part ofuv thé wōōd, and on that áccount a Duck had chôśén tótö mâkè her nest theŕè. Shê wáśwoś sitting on her eggś; but thé pleàŝurè shê had felt at first wáśwoś now ålmôst gonè, bėcauśè shê had bėèn-been theŕè sô long, and had sô few viśíŕś, for thé őther Ducks préferŕèd swimming on thé cánalś tótö sitting ámőng thé burdock leavèś gossíping with her.

At last thé eggś crackèd onewőnè after ánőther, "Chick, chick!" Åll thé eggś werè álîvè, and onewőnè littlè heàd after ánőther pėerèd forth. "Qυack, qυack!" sãìd thé Duck, and åll got up aś well aś they cōūld. They peed ábout fróm under thé green leavèś; and aś green iś gōōd for thé èŷèś, their mőther let them lōōk aś long aś they pleaśèd.

"How larĝè thé wòŕld iś!" sãìd thé littlè oneswőnèś, for they found their new ábôdè verý diffèrént fróm their former narrôw onewőnè in thé egg-shellś.

"Dö yöü imaĝínè this tótö bê thé whôlè ofuv thé wòŕld?" sãìd thé mőther. "It ėxtendś far bėyond thé őther sîdè ofuv thé gardén in thé pastòŕ's fìêld; but Î havè never bėèn-been theŕè. Arè yöü åll hėŕè?" And then shê got up. "Nô, not åll, for thé larĝést egg iś still hėŕè. How long will this last? Î am sô wėárý ofuv it!" And then shê sat down ágãìn.

"Well, and how arè yöü getting on?" askèd an ôld Duck, whö had cőmè tótö pay her a viśit.

"This onewőnè egg keeps mê sô long," sãìd thé mőther. "It will not brèâk. But yöü shōūld see thé őtherś! they arè thé prėttïést littlè Ducklingś Î havè seen in åll mŷ dayś. They arè åll lîtheir fātherthé gōōd-for-nőthing fellôw, hê haś not bėèn-been tótö viśit mê őnçèwőnçè!"

"Let mê see thé egg that will not brèâk," sãìd thé ôld Duck. "Dėpend upon it, it iś a turkêy's egg. Î wáśwoś cheatėd in thé sâmè way őnçèwőnçè mŷself, and Î had such tròublè with thé yòung oneswőnèś; for they werè áfraid ofuv thé wåter, and Î cōūld not get them theŕè. Î cållèd and scôldėd, but it wáśwoś åll ofuv nô ûsè. But let mê see thé egg—āh, yes! tótö bê ŝūrè, that iś a turkêy's egg. Leavè it, and teach thé őther littlè oneswőnèś tótö swim."

What is the Matter? asked the Old Woman
thé Uglý Duckling

Whåt iś thé Matter? askèd thé Ôld Wōmán

"Î will sit on it a littlè loñger," sãìd thé Duck. "Î havè bėèn-been sitting sô long, that Î may aś well spend thé harvést hėŕè."

"It iś nô buśìnėssbiś ofuv mînè," sãìd thé ôld Duck, and áway shê wāddlèd.

Thé grèât egg burst at last. "Chick! Chick!" sãìd thé littlè onewőnè, and out it tumblèdbut, ôh! How larĝè and uglý it wáśwoś! Thé Duck lōōkèd at it. "That iś a grèât, strong creaťurè," sãìd shê. "Nőnè ofuv thé őtherś arè at åll lîit. Can it bê a yòung turkêy-cock? Well, wê shall söön fînd out. It must gô intö thé wåter, thôùgh Î pūsh it in mŷself."

Thé next day theŕè wáśwoś dėlightful weàther, and thé sun shonè wårmlý upon thé green leavèś when Mőther Duck with åll her famílý went down tótö thé cánal. Plump shê went intö thé wåter. "Qυack! Qυack!" crîèd shê, and onewőnè duckling after ánőther jumpèd in. Thé wåter clôśèd ôver their heàdś, but åll câmè up ágãìn, and swam tógether qυîeaśílý. Their legś mövèd without effòŕt. Åll werè theŕè, êvén thé uglý grey onewőnè.

"Nô; it iś not a turkêy," sãìd thé ôld Duck; "ônlý see how prettilý it mövèś its legś, how upright it hôldś itself! It iś mŷ ôwn chîld. It iś ålsô rêallý verý prėttý, when yöü lōōk morè clôlý at it. Qυack! Qυack! Now cőmè with mê, Î will tâyöü intö thé wòŕld and intródüçè yöü in thé duck-yardś. But keep clôsè tótö mê, or someonesőmèwőnè may treàd on yöü; and bėwãŕè ofuv thé Cat."

Sô they câmè intö thé duck-yard. Theŕè wáśwoś a horríd noiśè; twö famílìêś werè qυårreling ábout thé heàd ofuv an eel, which in thé end wáśwoś carrìêd off bŷ thé Cat.

"See, mŷ childrén, such iś thé way ofuv thé wòŕld," sãìd thé Mőther Duck, wîping her beak, for shê, töö, wáśwoś fond ofuv eelś. "Now ûśè yøùr legś," sãìd shê, "keep tógether, and bow tótö thé ôld Duck yöü see yonder. Shê iś thé môst distiñgυishèd ofuv åll thé fowlś preśént, and iś ofuv Spanish blōōd, which áccounts for her dignífîèd áppėáránçè and mannerś. And lōōk, shê haś a red rag on her leg! That iś cónsiderèd ėxtrêmèlý handsőmè, and iś thé grèâtést honòŕ a Duck can havè. Dôn't turn yøùr feet inwárdś; a well-edûcâtéd Duckling ålwayś keeps hiś legś far ápart, lîkè hiś fāther and mőther, just sôlōōk! Now bow yøùr necks, and say, 'Qυack.'"

And they did aś they werè tôld. But thé őther Ducks, whö werè in thé yard, lōōkèd at them and sãìd áloud, "Just see! Now wê havè ánőther brööd, aś if theŕè werè not enoughėnòuf ofuv us ålreàdý. And fîè! How uglý that onewőnè iś. Wê will not endûrè it." And immêdïálý onewőnè ofuv thé Ducks flew at him, and bit him in thé neck.

Immediately one of the Ducks flew at him, and bit him in the neck.

"Leavè him álônè," sãìd thé mőther. "Hê iś döing nô onewőnè ãný harm."

"Yes, but hê iś sô larĝè and sô strânĝè-lōōking, and theŕèforè hê shall bê teaśèd," sãìd thé őtherś.

"Thôśè arè fînè childrén that õυŕ gōōd mőther haś," sãìd thé ôld Duck with thé red rag on her leg. "Åll arè prėttý ėxcept onewőnè, and that haś not turnèd out well; Î ålmôst wish it cōūld bê hatchèd ôver ágãìn."

"That cannot bê, pleaśè yøùr Highnéss," sãìd thé mőther. "Çertáìnlý hê iś not handsőmè, but hê iś a verý gōōd chîld, and swimś aś well aś thé őtherś, indeed, rather better. Î thiñk hê will grôw lîthé őtherś åll in gōōd tîmè, and perhaps will lōōk småller. Hê stayèd sô long in thé egg-shell, that iś thé cauśè ofuv thé diffèrénçè." And shê scratchèd thé Duckling's neck, and strôkèd hiś whôlè bodý. "Bėsîdèś," addėd shê, "hê iś a Drâkè. Î thiñk hê will bê verý strong, sô it dőèś not matter sô much. Hê will fight hiś way thröügh."

The Turkey-cock marched up to the Duckling quite red with passion.

"Thé őther Ducks arè verý prėttý," sãìd thé ôld Duck. "Pray mâyøùrselvèś at hômè, and if yöü fînd an eel's heàd yöü can bring it tótö mê."

Sô they mâdè themselvèś at hômè.

But thé pōōr littlè Duckling, whö had cőmè last out ofuv its egg-shell, and whö wáśwoś sô uglý, wáśwoś bittén, peckèd, and teaśèd bŷ bôth Ducks and Henś. "It iś sô larĝè!" sãìd they åll. And thé Turkêy-cock, whö had cőmè intö thé wòŕld with spurś on, and theŕèforè fançìêd hê wáśwoś an empéròŕ, puffèd himself up lîa ship in fūll sail, and marchèd up tótö thé Duckling qυîred with paŝŝìòn. Thé pōōr littlè thing scãŕçèlý knew whåt tótö dö. Hê wáśwoś qυîdistressèd, bėcauśè hê wáśwoś sô uglý, and bėcauśè hê wáśwoś thé jest ofuv thé pôùltrý-yard.

Sô passèd thé first day, and afterwàŕdś matterś grew wòŕand wòŕsè—thé pōōr Duckling wáśwoś scornèd bŷ åll. Êvén hiś brőtherś and sisterś bėhâvèd unkîndlý, and werè constántlý sâying, "May thé Cat tâyöü, yöü nastý creaťurè!" thé mőther sãìd, "Āh, if yöü werè ônlý far áway!" thé Ducks bit him, thé Henś peckèd him, and thé girl whö fed thé pôùltrý kickèd him.

Hê ran thröügh thé hedĝè, and thé littlè birdś in thé būshéś werè terrífîèd. "That iś bėcauśè Î am sô uglý," thøùght thé Duckling, shutting hiś èŷèś, but hê ran on. At last hê câmè tótö a wîdè mōōr, wheŕè livèd sőmè Wîld Ducks; hėŕè hê lay thé whôlè night, verý tîrèd and cómŕtless. In thé morning thé Wîld Ducks flew up, and saw their new cómpanĩón. "Pray whö arè yöü?" askèd they; and õυŕ littlè Duckling turnèd himself in åll dîreiònś, and greetėd them aś pólîlý aś possíblè.

"Yöü arè rêallý uncommónlý uglý!" sãìd thé Wîld Ducks. "However, that dőèś not matter tótö us, próvîdėd yöü dö not marrý intö õυŕ famílìêś." Pōōr thing! Hê had never thøùght ofuv marrýing; hê ônlý beggèd permiŝŝìòn tótö lîè ámőng thé reedś, and driñk thé wåter ofuv thé mōōr.

You are really uncommonly ugly! said the Wild Ducks.

Theŕè hê lay for twö whôlè dayś. On thé third day theŕè câmè twö Wîld Geesè, or rather Ganderś, whö had not bėèn-been long out ofuv their egg-shellś, which áccounts for their impertínénçè.

"Hark yê," sãìd they; "yöü arè sô uglý that wê lîyöü verý well. Will yöü cőmè with us and bê a bird ofuv passáĝè? On ánőther mōōr, not far fróm this, arè sőmè dėàŕ, sweet Wîld Geesè, aś lővèlý creaťurèś aś havè ever sãìd 'Hiss, hiss.' Yöü arè trülý in thé way tótö mâyøùr forťünè, uglý aś yöü arè."

Bang! a gun went off åll at őnçèwőnçè, and bôth Wîld Geewerè stretchèd deàd ámőng thé reedś; thé wåter bėcâmè red with blōōd. Bang! A gun went off ágãìn. Whôlè flocks ofuv Wîld Geesè flew up fróm ámőng thé reedś, and ánőther rėport follôwèd.

Theŕè wáśwoś a grand hunting partý. Thé hunterś lay in ambūsh åll áround; sőmè werè êvén sitting in thé treeś, whöśè hûĝè branchėś stretchèd far ôver thé mōōr. Thé blüè smôrôśè thröügh thé thick treeś lîa mist, and wáśwoś dispersèd aś it fell ôver thé wåter. Thé houndś splashèd ábout in thé mud, thé reedś and rushėś bent in åll dîreiònś.

How frighténèd thé pōōr littlè Duck wáśwoś! Hê turnèd hiś heàd, thiñking tótö hîdè it under hiś wingś, and in a mômént a môst formidáblè-lōōking Dog stōōd clôsè tótö him, hiś tőngùè hanging out ofuv hiś mouth, hiś èŷèś sparkling fėàŕfullý. Hê ôpénèd wîdè hiś jawś at thé sight ofuv õυŕ Duckling, shôwing him hiś sharp whîtè teeth, and, splash, splash! Hê wáśwoś gonè—gonè without hurting him.

"Well! Let mê bê thañkful," sighèd hê. "Î am sô uglý that êvén thé Dog will not eat mê."

And now hê lay still, thôùgh thé shööting cóntinûèd ámőng thé reedś, shot follôwing shot.

Thé noiśè did not çeasè till lâin thé day, and êvén then thé pōōr littlè thing dãrèd not stir. Hê waitėd sevèrál hõυŕś bėforè hê lōōkèd áround him, and then húrrìêd áway fróm thé mōōr aś fast aś hê cōūld. Hê ran ôverêldś and meàdôwś, thôùgh thé wind wáśwoś sô high that hê had sőmè diffícultý in möving.

Tówårdś êvèning hê reachèd a wretchėd littlè hut, sô wretchėd that it knew not on which sîdè tótö fåll, and theŕèforè rėmainèd standing. Thé wind blew vîóléntlý, sô that õυŕ pōōr littlè Duckling wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö support himself on hiś tail, in order tótö stand ágãìnst it; but it bėcâmè wòŕand wòŕsè. Hê then nôtiçèd that thé dòor had lost onewőnè ofuv its hinĝėś, and hung sô much awrŷ that hê cōūld creep thröügh thé crack intö thé rööm. Sô hê went in.

In this rööm livèd an ôld wōmán, with her Tom-cat and her Hen. Thé Cat, whöm shê cållèd her littlè sőn, knew how tótö set up hiś back and purr; indeed, hê cōūld êvén thrôw out sparks when strôkèd thé wrong way. Thé Hen had verý short legś, and wáśwoś theŕèforè cållèd "Chickê Short-legś." Shê laid verý gōōd eggś, and thé ôld wōmán lővèd her aś her ôwn chîld.

Thé next morning thé newest wáśwoś discőverèd, and thé Cat bėgan tótö mew and thé Hen tótö cacklè.

I shall now have Duck's eggs.

"Whåt iś thé matter?" askèd thé ôld wōmán, lōōking round. But her èŷèś werè not gōōd, sô shê tōōk thé yòung Duckling tótö bê a fat Duck whö had lost her way. "This iś a capítál catch," sãìd shê, "Î shall now havè Duck's eggś, if it bê not a Drâkè. Wê shall see."

And sô thé Duckling wáśwoś kept on trîál for three weeks, but nô eggś mâdè their áppėáránçè. Now thé Cat wáśwoś thé master ofuv thé housè, and thé Hen wáśwoś thé mistréss, and ålwayś ûśèd tótö say, "Wê and thé wòŕld," for they imaĝínèd themselvèś tótö bê not ônlý thé hālf ofuv thé wòŕld, but ålsô bŷ far thé better hālf. Thé Duckling thøùght it wáśwoś possíblè tótö bê ofuv a diffèrént ópinĩón, but that thé Hen wōūld not állow.

"Can yöü lay eggś?" askèd shê.


"Well, then, hôld yøùr tőngùè."

And thé Cat sãìd, "Can yöü set up yøùr back? Can yöü purr?"


"Well, then, yöü shōūld havè nô ópinĩón when reaśònáblè pêòplè arè speaking."

Sô thé Duckling sat álônè in a corner, and felt verý miśèráblè. However, hê happénèd tótö thiñk ofuv thé fresh ãir and bright sunshînè, and thêśè thøùghts gâvè him such a strong dėśîrè tótö swim ágãìn, that hê cōūld not help telling it tótö thé Hen.

"Whåt ailś yöü?" sãìd thé Hen. "Yöü havè nőthing tótö dö, and theŕèforè brööd ôver thêśè fançìêś. Êìther lay eggś or purr, then yöü willŕget them."

"But it iś sô dėlićìòús tótö swim!" sãìd thé Duckling. "Sô dėlićìòús when thé wåterś clôsee ôver yøùr heàd, and yöü plunĝè tótö thé bottóm!"

"Well, that iś a qυeeŕ sort ofuv pleàŝurè," sãìd thé Hen. "Î thiñk yöü must bê crâzý. Not tótö speak ofuv mŷself, ask thé Cat—hê iś thé môst sensíblè anímál Î knôwwhether hê wōūld lîkè tótö swim, or tótö plunĝè tótö thé bottóm ofuv thé wåter. Ask õυŕ mistréss, thé ôld wōmántheŕè iś nô onewőnè in thé wòŕld wîśer than shê. Dö yöü thiñk shê wōūld tâkè pleàŝurè in swimming and in thé wåterś clôśing ôver her heàd?"

"Yöü dö not understand mê," sãìd thé Duckling.

"Whåt! Wê dö not understand yöü? Sô yöü thiñk yøùrself wîśer than thé Cat and thé ôld wōmán, not tótö speak ofuv mŷself? Dö not fançý ãný such thing, chîld; but bê thañkful for åll thé kîndnéss that haś bėèn-been shôwn yöü. Arè yöü not lodĝèd in a wårm rööm, and havè yöü not thé advantáĝè ofuv sóçîétý fróm which yöü can lèàŕn sőmèthing? But yöü arè a simplèton, and it iś wėárïsőmè tótö havè ãnýthing tótö dö with yöü. Bėlìêvè mê, Î wish yöü well. Î tell yöü unpleàśánt trüths, but it iś thus that real frìendship iś shôwn. Cőmè, for őnçèwőnçè givè yøùrself thé tròublè tótö lèàŕn tótö purr, or tótö lay eggś."

"Î thiñk Î will gô out intö thé wîdè wòŕld ágãìn," sãìd thé Duckling.

"Well, gô," answerèd thé Hen.

Sô thé Duckling went. Hê swam on thé surfáçè ofuv thé wåter, hê plunĝèd bėneath, but åll anímálś passèd him bŷ, on áccount ofuv hiś uglïnéss. And thé autumn câmè, thé leavèś turnèd yellôw and brõwn, thé wind caught them and dançèd them ábout, thé ãir wáśwoś verý côld, thé cloudś werè heàvý with hail or snôw, and thé Râvén sat on thé hedĝè and croakėd. Thé pōōr Duckling wáśwoś çertáìnlý not verý cómŕtáblè.

Onewőnè êvèning, just aś thé sun wáśwoś setting with unûŝυál brillïánçý, a flock ofuv larĝè, bèàûtíful birdś rôśè fróm out ofuv thé brushwōōd. Thé Duckling had never seen ãnýthing sô bèàûtíful bėforè; their plümáĝè wáśwoś ofuv a dazzling whîtè, and they had long, slender necks. They werè Swånśswonś. They utterèd a siñgûlàŕ crŷ, spreàd out their long splendíd wingś, and flew áway fróm thêśè côld rêĝìónś tótö wårmeruntrìêś, ácross thé ôpén sea. They flew sô high, sô verý high! And thé littlè Uglý Duckling's feelingś werè sô strânĝè. Hê turnèd round and round in thé wåter lîa mill-wheel, strainèd hiś neck tótö lōōk after them, and sent forth such a loud and strânĝè crŷ that it ålmôst frighténèd himself. Āh! Hê cōūld not fòŕget them, thôśè nôblè birdś, thôśè happý birdś! When hê cōūld see them nô loñger hê plunĝèd tótö thé bottóm ofuv thé wåter, and when hê rôśè ágãìn wáśwoś ålmôst bėsîdè himself. Thé Duckling knew not whåt thé birdś werè cållèd, knew not whither they werè flŷing; yet hê lővèd them aś hê had never bėforè lővèd ãnýthing. Hê envìêd them not; it wōūld never havè óccurŕèd tótö him tótö wish such bèàûtý for himself. Hê wōūld havè bėèn-been qυîtè cóntentėd if thé Ducks in thé duck-yard had but endûrèd hiś cőmpánýthé pōōr, uglý creaťurè.

He turned round and round in teh water like a mill-wheel.

And thé winter wáśwoś sô côld, sô côld, thé Duckling wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö swim round and round in thé wåter tótö keep it fróm freezing. But evèrý night thé ôpéning in which hê swam bėcâmè småller and småller. It frôzè sô that thé crust ofuv îçè cracklèd and thé Duckling wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö mâkè gōōd ûofuv hiś legś tótö prėvent thé wåter fróm freezing ėntîrèlý. At last, wėárìêd out, hê lay stiff and côld in thé îçè.

Yèàŕlý in thé morning theŕè passèd bŷ a peàśánt whö saw him, brôthé îçè inêçėś with hiś wōōdén shöè, and brøùght him hômè tótö hiś wîfè.

Thé pōōr Duckling söön rėvîvèd. Thé childrén wōūld havè playèd with him, but hê thøùght they wishèd tótö teaśè him, and in hiś terròŕ jumpèd intö thé milk-pail, sô that thé milk wáśwoś spillèd ábout thé rööm. Thé gōōd wōmán screamèd and clappèd her handś. Hê flew fróm theŕè intö thé pan wheŕè thé butter wáśwoś kept, and thençè intö thé meal-barrél, and out ágãìn, and then how strânĝè hê lōōkèd!

Thé wōmán screamèd, and struck at him with thé tongś, thé childrén ran râçėś with each őther trŷing tótö catch him, and lāùghèdlāùfèd and screamèd lîwîśè. It wáśwoś well for him that thé dòor stōōd ôpén. Hê jumpèd out ámőng thé būshéś intö thé new-fāllén snôw, and theŕè hê lay aś in a dream.

But it wōūld bê töö sad tótö tell åll thé tròublè and miśérý that hê had tótö suffer fróm thé frost, and snôw and stormś ofuv thé winter. Hê wáśwoś lŷing on a mōōr ámőng thé reedś, when thé sun bėgan tótö shînè wårmlý ágãìn; thé larks sang, and bèàûtíful spring had rėturnèd.

Őnçèwőnçè morè hê shōōk hiś wingś. They werè stroñger than formerlý and borè him forwàŕd qυicklý, and bėforè hê wáśwoś well áwãŕè ofuv it hê wáśwoś in a larĝè gardén wheŕè thé applè-treeś stōōd in fūll blööm, wheŕè thé syringas sent forth their frâgránçè and hung their long green branchėś down intö thé wînding cánal. Ôh! Evèrýthing wáśwoś sô lővèlý, sô fūll ofuv thé freshnéss ofuv spring! And out ofuv thé thickėt câmè three bèàûtíful whîtè Swånśswonś. They displayèd their feàtherś sô proudlý and swam sô lightlý, sô lightlý! Thé Duckling knew thé glorïòús creaťurèś, and wáśwoś sêìzèd with a strânĝè sadnéss.

"Î will flŷ tótö them, thôśè kinglý birdś!" sãìd hê. "They will kill mê, bėcauśè Î, uglý aś Î am, havè dãrèd tótö ápproach them. But it matterś not. Better tótö bê killèd bŷ them than tótö bê bittén bŷ thé Ducks, peckèd bŷ thé Henś, kickèd bŷ thé girl whö feedś thé pôùltrý, and tótö havè sô much tótö suffer dûring thé winter!"

He flew into the water and swam towards the beautiful creatures.

Hê flew intö thé wåter and swam tówårdś thé bèàûtíful creaťurèś. They saw him and shot forwàŕd tótö meet him. "Ônlý kill mê," sãìd thé pōōr creaťurè, and hê bowèd hiś heàd lôw, ėxpecting deàth. But whåt did hê see in thé wåter? Hê saw bėneath him hiś ôwn form, nô loñger that ofuv a plump, uglý grey birdit wáśwoś that ofuv a Swanswon.

It matterś not tótö havè bėèn-been born in a duck-yard, if onewőnè haś bėèn-been hatchèd fróm a Swanswon's egg. And now thé Swanswon bėgan tótö see thé gōōd ofuv åll thé tròublè hê had bėèn-been thröügh. Hê wōūld never havè knôwn how happý hê wáśwoś if hê had not first had åll hiś sorrôw and unhappïnėss tótö beár.

Thé larĝer Swånśswonś swam round him, and strôkèd him with their beaks. Sőmè littlè childrén werè running ábout in thé gardén; they threw grain and breàd intö thé wåter, and thé yòuñgést ėxclaimèd: "Theŕè iś a new onewőnè!" thé őtherś ålsô crîèd out: "Yes, a new Swanswon haś cőmè!" and they clappèd their handś, and dançèd áround.

They ran tótö their fāther and mőther, breàd and câwerè thrôwn intö thé wåter, and evèrý onewőnè sãìd: "Thé new onewőnè iś best, sô yòung and sô bèàûtíful!" And thé ôld Swånśswonś bowèd bėforè him. Thé yòung Swanswon felt qυîáshâmèd, and hid hiś heàd under hiś wingś. Hê scãŕçèlý knew whåt tótö dö. Hê wáśwoś töö happý, but still not proud, for a gōōdart iś never proud.

Hê rėmemberèd how hê had bėèn-been persécûtéd and lāùghèdlāùfèd at, and hê now hèàŕd everyoneevèrýwőnè say that hê wáśwoś thé môst bèàûtíful ofuv åll bèàûtíful birdś. Thé syringas bent down their branchėś tówård him lôw intö thé wåter, and thé sun shonè wårmlý and brightlý. Hê shōōk hiś feàtherś, stretchèd hiś slender neck, and in thé joy ofuv hiśart sãìd: "How littlè did Î dream ofuv sô much happïnéss when Î wáśwoś thé dėspîśèd Uglý Duckling!"

How little did I dream of so much happiness when I was the despised Ugly Duckling.