Part 16


Hansel and Gretel

ŐNÇÈWŐNÇÈ upon a tîmè theŕè dwelt nėàŕ a larĝè wōōd a pōōr wōōd-cutter, with hiś wîand twö childrén bŷ hiś former marriàĝè, a littlè boy cållèd Hansél and a girl nâmèd Gretél. Hê had littlè enoughėnòuf tótö eat; and őnçèwőnçè, when theŕè wáśwoś a grèât famínè in thé land, hê cōūld not get êvén hiś dailý breàd. Aś hê lay thiñking in hiś bed onewőnè êvèning, rôlling ábout for tròublè, hê sighèd, and sãìd tótö hiś wîfè, "Whåt will bėcőmè ofuv us? How can wê feed õυŕ childrén, when wê havè nô morè than wê can eat õυŕselvèś?"

"Well, then, mŷ huśbánd," answerèd shê, "wê will lead them áway, qυîyèàŕlý in thé morning, intö thé thickėst part ofuv thé wōōd, and theŕè mâthem a fîŕè, and givè them each a littlè pìêçè ofuv breàd. Then wê will gô tótö õυŕ wòŕk and leavè them álônè, sô they will not fînd thé way hômè ágãìn, and wê shall bê freed fróm them."

"Nô, wîfè," rėplîèd hê; "that Î can never dö. How can yöü bring yøùrart tótö leavè mŷ childrén åll álônè in thé wōōd; for thé wîld beasts will söön cőmè and teàŕ them tótöêçėś?"

"Ôh, yöü simplèton!" sãìd shê. "Then wê must åll føùr dîè ofuv huñger."

But shê gâvè him nô peaçè until hê cónsentėd, sâying, "Āh, but Î shall régret thé pōōr childrén."

Thé twö childrén, however, had not gonè tótö sleep for verý huñger, and sô they ôverhèàŕd whåt thé stepmőther sãìd tótö their fāther. Gretél wept bitterlý, and sãìd tótö Hansél, "Whåt will bėcőmè ofuv us?"

What will become of us?

"Bê qυîét, Gretél," sãìd hê. "Dö not crŷÎ will söön help yöü." And aś söön aś their pãrénts had fāllén ásleep hê got up, pūt on hiś coat, and, unbarring thé back dòor, slippèd out. Thé möön shonè brightlý, and thé whîtè pebblèś which lay bėforè thé dòor seemèd lîkè silverêçėś, they glitterèd sô brightlý. Hansél stööpèd down, and pūt aś mãný intö hiś pockét aś it wōūld hôld; and then, gôing back, hê sãìd tótö Gretél, "Bê cómŕtėd, dėàŕ sister, and sleep in peaçè; God will not forsâus." And sô sâying, hê went tótö bed ágãìn.

Thé next morning, bėforè thé sun árôśè, thé wîwent and áwôthé twö childrén. "Get up, yöü lâzý thingś; wê arè gôing intö thé forést tótö chop wōōd." then shê gâvè them each aêçè ofuv breàd, sâying, "theŕè iś sőmèthing for yøùr dinner; dö not eat it bėforè thé tîmè, for yöü will get nőthing elsè."

Gretél tōōk thé breàd in her âprón, for Hansél's pockét wáśwoś fūll ofuv pebblèś; and sô they åll set out upon their way. When they had gonè a littlè distánçè, Hansél stōōd still, and peed back at thé housè; and this hê rėpeatėd sevèrál tîmèś, till hiś fāther sãìd, "Hansél, whåt arè yöü peeping at, and whŷ dö yöü lag bėhînd? Tâkè cãŕè, and rėmember yøùr legś."

They all set out upon their way.

"Āh, fāther," sãìd Hansél, "Î am lōōking at mŷ whîtè cat sitting upon thé rööf ofuv thé housè, and trŷing tótö say gōōd-bŷè."

"Yöü simplèton!" sãìd thé wîfè, "that iś not a cat; it iś ônlý thé sun shîning on thé whîtè chimnêy."

But in rêalítý Hansél wáśwoś not lōōking at a cat; but evèrý tîmè hê stoppèd hê droppèd a pebblè out ofuv hiś pockét upon thé path.

Everytime he stopped he dropped a pebble out of his pocket upon the path.

When they câmè tótö thé middlè ofuv thé wōōd thé fāther tôld thé childrén tótö cóllect wōōd, and hê wōūld mâthem a fîŕè, sô that they shōūld not bê côld. Sô Hansél and Gretél gatherèd tógether qυîa littlè mountáìn ofuv twigś. Then they set fîŕè tótö them; and aś thé flâmè burnt up high, thé wîfè sãìd, "Now, yöü childrén, lîè down nėàŕ thé fîŕè, and rest yøùrselvèś, whîlè wê gô intö thé forést and chop wōōd. When wê arè reàdý Î will cőmè and cåll yöü."

Hansél and Gretél sat down bŷ thé fîŕè, and when it wáśwoś nöön each âthéêçè ofuv breàd; and bėcauśè they cōūld hėàŕ thé blôwś ofuv an axè, they thøùght their fāther wáśwoś nėàŕ; but it wáśwoś not an axè, but a branch which hê had bound tótö a witherèd tree, sô aś tótö bê blôwn tótö and frô bŷ thé wind.

They waitėd sô long, that at last their èŷèś clôśèd fróm wėárïnéss, and they fell fast ásleep. When they áwôit wáśwoś qυîdark, and Gretél bėgan tótö crŷ, "How shall wê get out ofuv thé wōōd?" But Hansél trîèd tótö cómŕt her, sâying, "Wait a littlè whîlè till thé möön rîśėś, and then wê will qυicklý fînd thé way."

Thé möön söön shonè forth, and Hansél, tâking hiś sister's hand, follôwèd thé pebblèś, which glitterèd lînew-coinèd silverêçėś, and shôwèd them thé path. Åll night long they wålkèd on, and aś day brôthey câmè tótö their fāther's housè. They knockèd at thé dòor, and when thé wîôpénèd it and saw Hansél and Gretél, shê ėxclaimèd, "Yöü wickéd childrén! Whŷ did yöü sleep sô long in thé wōōd? Wê thøùght yöü werè never cőming hômè ágãìn." But their fāther wáśwoś verý glad, for it had grìêvèd hiśart tótö leavè them åll álônè.

Not long afterwàŕdś theŕè wáśwoś ágãìn grèât scãrçitý in evèrý corner ofuv thé land; and onewőnè night thé childrén ôverhèàŕd their mőther sâying tótö their fāther, "Evèrýthing iś ágãìn eatén. Wê havè ônlý hālf a loaf left, and then wê must starvè. Thé childrén must bê sent áway. Wê will tâthem deeper intö thé wōōd, sô that they may not fînd thé way out ágãìn; it iś thé ônlý meanś ofuv ėscâpè for us."

But her huśbánd felt heàvý at hèart, and thøùght. "It werè better tótö shãŕè thé last crust with thé childrén." Hiś wîfè, however, wōūld listén tótö nőthing that hê sãìd, and scôldėd and rėproachèd him without end.

Now thé childrén had hèàŕd whåt had bėèn-been sãìd aś they lay áwâkè, and aś söön aś thé ôld pêòplè went tótö sleep Hansél got up, intending tótö pick up sőmè pebblèś aś bėforè; but thé wîfè had lockèd thé dòor, sô that hê cōūld not get out. Neverthéless hê cómŕtėd Gretél, sâying, "Dö not crŷ; sleep in peaçè; thé gōōd God will not forsâus."

Yèàŕlý in thé morning thé stepmőther câmè and pūllèd them out ofuv bed, and gâvè them each a slîçè ofuv breàd, which wáśwoś still småller than thé onewőnè they had last tîmè. On thé way Hansél brôkè hiś in hiś pockét, and, stööping evèrý now and then, droppèd a crumb upon thé path.

"Hansél, whŷ dö yöü stop and lōōk ábout?" sãìd thé fāther. "Keep in thé path."

"Î am lōōking at mŷ littlè dővè," answerèd Hansél, "nodding a gōōd-bŷè tótö mê."

"Simplèton!" sãìd thé wîfè, "That iś nô dővè, but ônlý thé sun shîning on thé chimnêy."

But Hansél kept still dropping crumbś aś hê went álong.

Thé mőther led thé childrén deep intö thé wōōd, wheŕè they had never bėèn-been bėforè, and theŕè, mâking an immensè fîŕè, shê sãìd tótö them, "Sit down hėŕè and rest, and when yöü feel tîrèd yöü can sleep for a littlè whîlè. Wê arè gôing intö thé forést tótö hew wōōd, and in thé êvèning, when wê arè reàdý, wê will cőmè and fetch yöü."

When nöön câmè Gretél shãŕèd her breàd with Hansél, whö had strewn hiś on thé path. They then went tótö sleep; but thé êvèning árrîvèd and nô onewőnè câmè tótö viśit thé pōōr childrén, and in thé dark night they áwôkè, and Hansél cómŕtėd hiś sister bŷ sâying, "Ônlý wait, Gretél, till thé möön cőmèś out, then wê shall see thé crumbś ofuv breàd which Î havè droppèd, and they will shôw us thé way hômè."

When thé möön shonè they got up, but they cōūld not see ãný crumbś, for thé thouśándś ofuv birdś which had bėèn-been flŷing ábout in thé wōōdś andêldś had pickèd them åll up. Hansél kept sâying tótö Gretél, "Wê will söön fînd thé way." But they did not. They wålkèd thé whôlè night long and thé next day, but still they did not cőmè out ofuv thé wōōd; and they got verý huñgrý, for they had nőthing tótö eat but thé berrìêś which they found upon thé būshéś. Söön they got sô tîrèd that they cōūld not drag themselvèś álong, sô they lay down under a tree and went tótö sleep.

It wáśwoś now thé third morning sinçè they had left their fāther's housè, and they still wålkèd on; but they ônlý got deeper and deeper intö thé wōōd, and Hansél saw that if help did not cőmè verý söön they wōūld dîè ofuv huñger. Ábout thé middlè ofuv thé day they saw a bèàûtíful snôw-whîbird sitting on a bough, which sang sô sweetlý that they stōōd still and listénèd tótö it. It söön left off and, spreàding its wingś, flew áway. They follôwèd it until it árrîvèd at a cottáĝè, upon thé rööf ofuv which it perchèd; and when they went clôup tótö it they saw that thé cottáĝè wáśwoś mâdè ofuv breàd and câkès, and thé windôw-pânèś werè ofuv clėàŕ ŝūŕ.

"Wê will gô in theŕè," sãìd Hansél, "and havè a glorïòús feast. Î will eat aêçè ofuv thé rööf, and yöü can eat thé windôw. Will they not bê sweet?"

Sô Hansél reachèd up and brôaêçè off thé rööf, in order tótö see how it tâstėd; whîlè Gretél steppèd up tótö thé windôw and bėgan tótö bîit. Then a sweet voiçè cållèd out in thé rööm, "Tip-tap, tip-tap, whö raps at mŷ dòor?" and thé childrén answerèd, "Thé wind, thé wind, thé chîld ofuv heàvén;" and they went on eating.

Hansél thøùght thé rööf tâstėd verý nîçè, and sô hê torè off a grèât pìêçè; whîlè Gretél brôa larĝè round pânè out ofuv thé windôw and sat down qυîtè cóntentédlý. Just then thé dòor ôpénèd, and a verý ôld wōmán, wålking upon crutchėś, câmè out. Hansél and Gretél werè sô frighténèd that they let fåll whåt they had in their handś; but thé ôld wōmán, nodding her heàd, sãìd, "Āh, yöü dėàŕ childrén, whåt haś brøùght yöü hėŕè? Cőmè in and stay with mê, and nô harm shall bėfåll yöü." And sô sâying, shê tōōk them bôth bŷ thé hand and led them intö her cottáĝè.

Just then the door opened.

A gōōd meal ofuv milk and pancâkès, with ŝūŕ, applès and nuts, wáśwoś spreàd on thé tâblè, and in thé back rööm werè twö nîçè littlè bedś, cőverèd with whîtè, wheŕè Hansél and Gretél laid themselvèś down, and restėd happílý after åll their hardships. Thé ôld wōmán wáśwoś verý kînd tótö them, but in rêalítý shê wáśwoś a wickéd witch whö waylaid childrén, and bùilt thé breàd-houin order tótö ėntîçè them in; then aś söön aś they werè in her põwer shê killèd them, cōōkèd and âthem, and mâdè a grèât festívál ofuv thé day.

Witchėś havè red èŷèś and cannot see verý far; but they havè a fînè senofuv smell, lîwîld beasts, sô that they knôw when childrén ápproach them. When Hansél and Gretél câmè nėàŕ thé witch's housè shê lāùghèdlāùfèd wickėdlý, sâying, "Hėŕè cőmè twö whö shall not ėscâmê." And yèàŕlý in thé morning, bėforè they áwôkè, shê went up tótö them, and saw how lővinglý they lay sleeping, with their chubbý red cheeks; and shê mumblèd tótö herself, "That will bê a gōōd bîtè." then shê tōōk up Hansél with her ròughròuf hand, and shut him up in a littlè câĝè with a lattiçè-dòor; and ålthôùgh hê screamèd loudlý it wáśwoś ofuv nô ûsè. Gretél câmè next, and, shâking her till shê áwôkè, shê sãìd, "Get up, yöü lâzý thing, and fetch sőmè wåter tótö cōōk sőmèthing gōōd for yøùr brőther, whö must rėmain in that ståll and get fat; when hê iś fat enoughėnòuf Î shall eat him."

Gretél bėgan tótö crŷ, but it wáśwoś åll ûléss, for thé ôld witch mâdè her dö aś shê wishèd. Sô a nîçè meal wáśwoś cōōkèd for Hansél, but Gretél got nőthing but a crab's claw.

Evèrý morning thé ôld witch câmè tótö thé câĝè and sãìd, "Hansél, stretch out yøùr fiñger that Î may feel whether yöü arè getting fat." But Hansél ûśèd tótö stretch out a bônè, and thé ôld wōmán, having verý bad sight, thøùght that it wáśwoś hiś fiñger, and wőnderèd verý much that hê did not get fatter.

When føùr weeks had passèd, and Hansél wáśwoś still qυîlean, shê lost åll her pâţìénçè, and wōūld not wait ãný loñger. "Gretél," shê cållèd out in a paŝŝìòn, "get sőmè wåter qυicklý; bê Hansél fat or lean, this morning Î will kill and cōōk him."

Ôh, how thé pōōr littlè sister grìêvèd, aś shê wáśwoś forçèd tótö fetch thé wåter, and fast thé tėàŕś ran down her cheeks! "Dėàŕ gōōd God, help us now!" shê ėxclaimèd. "Had wê ônlý bėèn-been eatén bŷ thé wîld beasts in thé wōōd, then wê shōūld havè dîèd tógether."

Then she shut Hansel up in a little cage.

But thé ôld witch cållèd out, "Stop that noiśè; it will not help yöü a bit."

Sô, yèàŕlý in thé morning, Gretél wáśwoś forçèd tótö gô out and fill thé kettlè, and mâa fîŕè.

"First, wê will bâkè, however," sãìd thé ôld wōmán; "Î havè ålreàdý heatėd thé ővén and kneadėd thé dôùgh;" and sô sâying, shê pūshèd pōōr Gretél up tótö thé ővén, out ofuv which thé flâmèś werè burning fierçèlý. "Creep in," sãìd thé witch, "and see if it iś hot enoughėnòuf, and then wê will pūt in thé breàd." But shê intendėd when Gretél got in tótö shut up thé ővén and let her bâkè, sô that shê might eat her aś well aś Hansél.

Gretél saw whåt her thøùghts werè and sãìd, "Î dö not knôw how tótö dö it; how shall Î get in?"

"Yöü stüpíd göösè," sãìd shê, "thé ôpéning iś big enoughėnòuf. See, Î cōūld êvén get in mŷself!" And shê got up, and pūt her heàd intö thé ővén.

Then Gretél gâvè her a pūsh, sô that shê fell right in, and then, shutting thé îŕòn dòor, shê bôltėd it. Ôh! How horríblý shê howlèd; but Gretél ran áway, and left thé wickéd witch tótö burn tótö ashėś.

Now shê ran tótö Hansél, and, ôpéning hiś dòor, cållèd out, "Hansél wê arè sâvèd; thé ôld witch iś deàd!" Sô hê sprang out, lîa bird out ofuv hiś câĝè when thé dòor iś ôpénèd; and they werè sô glad that they fell upon each őther's neck, and kissèd each őther ôver and ôver ágãìn.

And now, aś theŕè wáśwoś nőthing tótö fėàŕ, they went intö thé witch's housè, wheŕè, in evèrý corner, werè caskéts fūll ofuv pèàŕlś and prećìòús stônèś. "Thêśè arè better than pebblèś," sãìd Hansél, pūtting aś mãný intö hiś pockét aś it wōūld hôld; whîlè Gretél thøùght, "Î will tâkè sőmè hômè töö," and fillèd her âprón fūll. "Wê must bê off now," sãìd Hansél, "and get out ofuv this enchantėd forést."

When they had wålkèd for twö hõυŕś they câmè tótö a larĝè pìêçè ofuv wåter. "Wê cannot get ôver," sãìd Hansél. "Î can see nô bridĝè at åll."

"And theŕè iś nô boat, êìther," sãìd Gretél; "but theŕè swimś a whîduck—Î will ask her tótö help us ôver," and shê sang:

"Littlè Duck sô blîthè and merrý, Hansél, Gretél, hėŕè wê stand;

Theŕè iś nêìther bridĝè nor ferrý, us on yøùr back tótö land."

Sô thé Duck câmè tótö them, and Hansél sat himself on her back, and bâdè hiś sister sit bėhînd him.

"Nô," answerèd Gretél, "that will bê töö much for thé Duck; shê shall tâus ôver onewőnè at a tîmè."

This thé gōōd littlè bird did, and when bôth werè happílý árrîvèd on thé őther sîdè, and had gonè a littlè way, they câmè tótö a wōōd, which they knew thé better evèrý step they went, and at last they saw their fāther's housè. Then they bėgan tótö run, and, bursting intö thé housè, they fell on their fāther's neck.

Hê had not had onewőnè happý hõυŕ sinçè hê had left thé childrén in thé forést; and hiś wîwáśwoś deàd. Gretél shōōk her âprón, and thé pèàŕlś and prećìòús stônèś rôllèd out on thé flòor, and Hansél threw down onewőnè handfūl after ánőther out ofuv hiś pockét. Then åll their sorrôwś werè endėd, and they livèd tógether in grèât happïnéss.