Part 17


ŐNÇÈWŐNÇÈ upon a tîmè theŕè livèd an ôld Qυeen, whöśè huśbánd had bėèn-been deàd sőmè yėàŕś, and left her with onewőnè chîld, a bèàûtíful daughter. When this daughter grew up shê wáśwoś tótö bê marrìêd tótö a King's sőn, whö livèd far áway.

The Goose Girl

Now when thé tîmè câmè for her tótö leavè, thé mőther gâvè her daughter a lock ofuv hãir, sâying, "Dėàŕ chîld, prėśervè this well, and it will help yöü out ofuv tròublè."

Afterwàŕdś thé mőther and daughter tōōk a sorrôwful leavè ofuv each őther, and thé prinçess plâçèd thé lock ofuv hãir in her bōśóm, mountėd her horsè Falada, and rôdè áway tótö her intendėd brîdègrööm. Now this horsè cōūld speak. After shê had riddén for ábout an hõυŕ shê bėcâmè verý thirstý, and sãìd tótö her servánt, "Dismount, and bring mê sőmè wåter fróm yonder stream in thé cup which yöü carrý with yöü, for Î am verý thirstý."

"If yöü arè thirstý," rėplîèd thé servánt, "dismount yøùrself, and stööp down tótö driñk thé wåter, for Î will not bê yøùr maid!"

Thé Prinçess, on áccount ofuv her grèât thirst, did aś shê wáśwoś bid, and bending ôver thé brōōk shê drañk ofuv its wåter without dãring tótö ûśè her gôldén cup. Whîlè shê did sô thé lock ofuv hãir sãìd, "Āh! If thŷ mőther knew this, herart wōūld brèâk."

Aś shê leanèd ôver thé wåter, thé lock ofuv hãir fell out ofuv her bōśóm and floatėd down thé stream without her nôtiçing it, bėcauśè ofuv her grèât añgυish. But her servánt had seen whåt happénèd, and shê wáśwoś glad, for now shê had põwer ôver her mistréss, bėcauśè with thé loss ofuv thé lock ofuv hãir, shê bėcâmè weak and helpléss. When, then, thé Prinçess wáśwoś gôing tótö mount her horágãìn, thé maid sãìd, "Nô, Falada bėlongś tótö mê; yöü must get upon this horsè:"

and shê wáśwoś forçèd tótö yìêld. Then thé servánt bâdè her tâoff her royál clôthèś, and pūt on her commón oneswőnèś insteàd; and, lastlý, shê mâdè thé Prinçess promiand sweàŕ bŷ thé ôpén skŷ that shê wōūld say nøùght ofuv whåt had passèd at thé King's paláçè; for if shê had not sworn shê wōūld havè bėèn-been murderèd. But Falada, thé horsè, óbśervèd åll that passèd with grèât áttention.

They traveled on till they came to the King's palace.

Then thé servánt mountėd upon Falada, and thé rightful Prinçess upon a sorrý hack; and in that way they travélèd on till they câmè tótö thé King's paláçè. On their árrîvál theŕè werè grèât rėjoiçingś, and thé yòung Prinçè, running tówårdś them, liftėd thé servánt off her horsè, suppôśing that shê wáśwoś thé trüè brîdè; and shê wáśwoś led up thé steps in stâtè, whîlè thé real Prinçess had tótö stop bėlôw. Just then thé ôld King chançèd tótö lōōk out ofuv hiś windôw and saw her standing in thé cøùrt, and hê rėmarkèd how delícáand bèàûtíful shê wáśwoś; and, gôing tótö thé royál ápartménts, hê inqυîrèd theŕè ofuv thé brîdè whö it wáśwoś shê had brøùght with her and left bėlôw in thé cøùrtyard.

She sat down and loosened her hair, which was of pure gold.

"Ônlý a girl whöm Î brøùght with mê for cőmpáný," sãìd thé brîdè. "Givè thé wench sőmè wòŕk tótö dö, that shê may not grôw îdlè."

Thé ôld King, however, had nô wòŕk for her, and knew ofuv nőthing; until at last hê sãìd, "Āh! Theŕè iś a boy whö keeps thé geesè: shê can help him." this yöüth wáśwoś cållèd Conrad, and thé trüè brîdè wáśwoś set tótö keep geewith him.

Söön after this, thé fålbrîdè sãìd tótö her bėtrôthèd, "Dėárést, will yöü grant mê a fâvòŕ?"

"Yes," sãìd hê; "with thé grèâtést pleàŝurè."

"Then let thé būtcher bê summónèd, that hê may cut off thé heàd ofuv thé horon which Î rôdè hither, for it haś añgerèd mê on thé way." In rêalítý shê fėàŕèd lest thé hormight tell how shê had ûśèd thé rightful Prinçess, and shê wáśwoś glad when it wáśwoś dėçîdėd that Falada shōūld dîè.

This câmè tótö thé ėàŕś ofuv thé Prinçess, and shê promísèd sêcrėtlý tótö thé būtcher tótö givè him aêçè ofuv gôld if hê wōūld shôw her a kîndnéss, which wáśwoś, that hê wōūld nail thé heàd ofuv Falada ôver a çertáìn larĝè and glöömý arch, thröügh which shê had tótö pass dailý with thé geesè, sô that then shê might still see her ôld steed aś shê had bėèn-been áccustómèd. Thé būtcher promísèd, and, after killing thé horsè, nailèd thé heàd in thé plâçè which thé Prinçess pointėd out, ôver thé dòor ofuv thé arch.

Yèàŕlý in thé morning, when shê and Conrad drôvè thé geesè thröügh thé arch, shê sãìd in passing:

"Āh, Falada, that yöü hang sô high!"

And thé heàd rėplîèd:

"Āh Prinçess, that yöü gô humblý bŷ!

Thŷ mőther's hèart wōūld ŝūrèlý brèâk Werè shê tótö knôw ofuv yøùrart-âchè!"

A strong windxx snatched Conrad's hat off his head.

Then shê drôvè on thröügh thé town tótö aêld. When they árrîvèd in thé meàdôw, shê sat down and unlöösénèd her hãir, which wáśwoś ofuv pûŕè gôld. Its shîning áppėáránçè sô charmèd Conrad that hê trîèd tótö pūll out auplè ofuv locks. Sô shê sang:

Blôw, blôw, thou wind, Blôw Conrad's hat áway."

Immêdïálý theŕè câmè a strong wind, which snatchèd Conrad's hat off hiś heàd, and led him a rãŕè châsè; and when hê rėturnèd whåt with cômbing and curling, thé Prinçess had rêárrânĝèd her hãir, sô that hê cōūld not catch a löölock. This mâdè Conrad verý añgrý, and hê wōūld not speak tótö her; sô åll day long they tendėd their geein sîlénçè.

The King bade Conrad tell all that had happened.

After they rėturnèd hômè Conrad went tótö thé ôld King and dėclãŕèd hê wōūld nô loñger keep geewith thé servánt.

"Whŷ not?" askèd thé ôld King.

"Ôh! Shê vexėś mê thé whôlè day long," sãìd Conrad; and then thé King bâdè him tell åll that had happénèd. Sô Conrad did, and tôld how, in thé morning, when they passèd thröügh a çertáìn archway, shê spôkè tótö a horsè's heàd, which wáśwoś nailèd up ôver thé dòor, and sãìd:

"Āh, Falada, that yöü hang sô high!"

And it rėplîèd:

"Āh, Prinçess, that yöü gô humblý bŷ!

Thŷ mőther's hèart wōūld ŝūrèlý brèâk Werè shê tótö knôw ofuv yøùrart-âchè!"

He stationed himself behind the gloomy archway.

And, further, hê tôld how when they árrîvèd in thé meàdôw, shê cauśèd thé wind tótö blôw hiś hat off, sô that hê had tótö run after it ever sô far. When hê had finishèd hiś tâlè, thé ôld King orderèd him tótö drîvè thé geeout ágãìn thé next morning; and hê himself, when morning câmè, stâtionèd himself bėhînd thé glöömý archway, and hèàŕd thé servánt tålk tótö thé heàd ofuv Falada. Then hê follôwèd them ålsô intö théêldś. Theŕè hê saw with hiś ôwn èŷèś thé Göösè Girl and boy drîvè in thé geesè; and after a whîlè shê sat down and, unloosening her hãir, which shonè lîkè gôld, bėgan tótö sing thé ôld rhŷmè:

"Blôw, blôw, thou wind, Blôw Conrad's hat áway."

Then thé King felt a breezè cőmè, which tōōk off Conrad's hat, sô that hê had tótö run a long way after it; whîlè thé Göösè Girl cômbèd out her hãir and pūt it back in proper trim bėforè hiś rėturn. Åll this thé King óbśervèd, and then went hômè unnôtiçèd; and when thé Göösè Girl rėturnèd at êvèning, hê cållèd her ásîdè, and askèd her whåt it åll meànt.

"That Î dãŕè not tell yöü, nor ãný őther man," rėplîèd shê; "for Î havè sworn bŷ thé free skŷ not tótö speak ofuv mŷ grìêfs, ellöśè mŷ lîfè."

Thé King pressèd her tótö say whåt it wáśwoś, and left her nô peaçè ábout it; but still shê réfûśèd. Sô at last hê sãìd, "If yöü will not tell mê, tell yøùr grìêfs tótö this fîŕèplâçè;" and hê went áway.

Then shê crept intö thé fîŕèplâçè and bėgan tótö weep and groan; and söön shê rėlìêvèd herart bŷ telling her tâlè. "Hėŕè sit Î," shê sãìd "forsâkén bŷ åll thé wòŕld, and yet Î am a King's daughter; and a fålsè servánt haś exerçîśèd sőmè charm ôver mê, wheŕèbŷ Î wáśwoś cómpellèd tótö lay ásîdè mŷ royál clôthèś; and shê haś ålsô tâkén mŷ plâçè at thé brîdègrööm's sîdè, and Î am forçèd tótö perform thé commón düêś ofuv a Göösè Girl. Ôh, if mŷ mőther knew this, herart wōūld brèâk with grìêf!"

Thé ôld King, meanwhîlè, stōōd outsîdè bŷ thé chimnêy and listénèd tótö whåt shê sãìd; and when shê had finishèd hê câmè in, and cållèd her áway fróm thé fîŕèplâçè. Then her royál clôthèś werè pūt on, and thé ôld King, cålling hiś sőn, shôwèd him that hê had tâkén a fålbrîdè, whö wáśwoś ônlý a servánt-girl, and that thé trüè brîdè stōōd theŕè aś a Göösè Girl.

Thé prinçè wáśwoś glad indeed at hèart when hê saw her bèàûtý and virťüè. Then theŕè wáśwoś a grèât feast, at which thé brîdègrööm sat, with thé Prinçess on onewőnè sîdè and thé servánt-girl on thé őther. But thé latter wáśwoś dazzlèd, and recógnîzèd her mistréss nô loñger in her shîning dress.

When they had finishèd their feasting, and werè bėginning tótö bê gay, thé ôld King set a riddlè tótö thé real servánt-girl: Whåt such an onewőnè werè wòŕthý ofuv whö had, in such and such a manner, dėçêìvèd her masterś; and hê rėlâtėd åll that had happénèd tótö thé trüè brîdè. Thé servánt-girl rėplîèd, "Such an onewőnè dėśervèś nőthing better than tótö bê pūt intö a cask, lînèd with sharp nailś, and then tótö bê draggèd bŷ twö horsėś thröügh thé streets till thé wretch bê killèd."

"Yöü arè thé wōmán then!" ėxclaimèd thé King; "Yöü havè prôclaimèd yøùr ôwn punishmént, and it shall bê strictlý fūlfillèd."

Thé senténçè wáśwoś at őnçèwőnçè carrìêd out, and afterwàŕdś thé Prinçè marrìêd hiś rightful brîdè, and they livèd long in peaçè and happïnéss.