Part 15


Sindbad the Sailor

SINDBAD THÉ SAILÒŔ, after åll hiś advenťurèś and wāndéringśwond, settlèd down in happïnéss and prosperítý in Bagdad. Hėŕè arè thé storìêś which hê tôld tótö hiś frìendś ofuv hiś sevén marvéllòús voyáĝėś.


Mŷ fāther dîèd whîlè Î wáśwoś yòung and left mê a forťünè. Having nô onewőnè tótö rėstrain mê, Î fell intö bad wayś, bŷ which Î not ônlý wâstėd mŷ tîmè, but injurèd mŷ heàlth, and dėstroyèd mŷ propertý.

When Î récőverèd, Î cóllectéd tógether whåt wáśwoś left ofuv mŷ forťünè, and bøùght merchándîśè, which Î loadėd on bøàrd a vessél for thé port ofuv Balsora.

Upon this piece of timber I was carried away by the current.

Dûring thé voyáĝè wêuchèd at sevèrál îslándś, wheŕè wê sôld or ėxchânĝèd õυŕ gōōdś. Wê werè onewőnè day bėcālmèd nėàŕ a småll îslánd. Aś its áppėáránçè wáśwoś invîting, wê dėtermínèd tótö dînè upon it. But whîlè wê werè laughinglāfing and prêpãring for dinner, thé îslánd bėgan tótö mövè, and at thé sâmè mômént thé pêòplè in thé ship cållèd out that wê werè on thé back ofuv a monstròús whâlè. Sőmè jumpèd intö thé boat, and őtherś swam tótö thé ship; but bėforè Î cōūld get off thé anímál dîvèd intö thé sea, and Î had ônlý tîmè tótö catch hôld ofuv aêçè ofuv wōōd that had bėèn-been brøùght fróm thé ship tótö servè aś a tâblè. Upon this pìêçè ofuv timber Î wáśwoś carrìêd áway bŷ thé currént. Thé őtherś reachèd thé vessél, but a gâlè sprang up and thé ship sailèd without mê. Î floatėd dûring that and thé next night, but thé follôwing morning wáśwoś thrôwn on a småll îslánd.

Î found fresh wåter and früìt. Î lōōkèd ábout for sőmè housè, but found nőnè. Theŕè werè a number ofuv côlts grâzing tógether, but nô trâçėś ofuv őther anímálś. When êvèning ápproachèd Î tōōk sőmè morè früìt and clîmbèd in a tree tótö sleep. Ábout midnight thé sound ofuv trumpéts and drumś seemèd tótö pass áround thé îslánd, which cóntinûèd until morning, when ágãìn it seemèd tótö bê uninhabítėd. On thé next day Î found that thé îslánd wáśwoś småll, and that nô őther land wáśwoś in sight. Î theŕèforè gâvè mŷself up aś lost. Nor werè mŷ fėàŕś lessénèd when Î found that thé shorè áboundėd with ėnormòús serpénts and őther sea monsterś. Î found, however, that they werè timid, and that thé rattling ofuv sticks wōūld mâthem dîvè intö thé wåter.

We Rowed as Fast as we Could
Sindbad thé Sailòŕ
Wê Rôwèd aś Fast aś wê Cōūld

Î clîmbèd thé tree next night, and thé drumś and trumpéts rėturnèd aś bėforè. On thé third day, Î had thé satísfaction ofuv sêeing a bodý ofuv men, whö, on landing, werè ástonishèd tótö see mê theŕè. Having rėlâtėd tótö them how Î câmè hither, they tôld mê they werè gröömś ofuv King Mihrage; that thé îslánd bėlond tótö ĝênìî, whö viśítėd it evèrý night with drumś and trumpéts; that thé ĝênìî had állowèd their sovèreígn tótö train hiś côlts upon thé îslánd; and that they, bêing sent evèrý six mőnths tótö sélect sőmè, had árrîvèd for that purpósè.

Thé gröömś carrìêd mê tótö King Mihrage, whö állowèd mê ápartménts in hiś paláçè.

Onewőnè day Î saw men unloading a ship in thé harbòŕ, and saw that sőmè ofuv thé bâlèś werè thôśè which Î had sent tótö Balsora. Gôing up tótö thé captáìn, Î sãìd:

"Captáìn, Î am Sindbad."

ūrèlý," sãìd hê, "Î and thé passénĝerś saw Sindbad swāllôwèdswollôwèd in thé wâvèś mãný hundred mîlèś áway."

Sőmè őtherś, however, cőming up, Î wáśwoś recógnîzèd; and thé captáìn then rėstorèd mê thé bâlèś, with mãný cóngraťulâtionś. Î mâdè a valûàblè preśént tótö King Mihrage, whö bėstôwèd a rich gift on mê in rėturn; and, having mâdè sőmè advántâĝeòús purchásėś, Î árrîvèd at Balsora, wheŕè, after Î had sôld mŷ gōōdś, Î found mŷself póśśessèd ofuv a hundred thouśánd sêqυinś.


The bird flew away, and carried me from this desert island.

Bėcóming wėárý ofuv a qυîét lîin Balsora, and having bøùght trâding gōōdś, Î ágãìn went tótö sea with sőmè merchánts. Afteruching at sevèrál plâçėś, wê landėd at an uninhabítėd îslánd. Wê ámûśèd õυŕselvèś in diffèrént wayś, but Î, having tâkén mŷ wînè and próviŝìónś, sat down and fell ásleep. When Î áwôkè, Î found that mŷ cómpanĩónś werè gonè, and that thé ship had sailèd. Î clîmbèd tótö thé top ofuv a verý high tree, and perçêìvèd at a distánçè an object that wáśwoś verý larĝè and whîtè. Î dėscendėd tótö thé ground, and ran tówård this strânĝè-lōōking object. When Î ápproachèd it Î found it wáśwoś ábout fiftý pâçėś in çircumrénçè, qυîround, and aś smööth aś îvòrý, but had nô sort ofuv ôpéning. It wáśwoś now ålmôst sunset, and suddénlý thé skŷ bėcâmè darkénèd. Î lōōkèd up and beheld a bird ofuv ėnormòús sîzè, möving lîa pródiĝìòús cloud tówård mê. Î recóllectėd that Î had hèàŕd ofuv a bird cållèd thé roc, sô larĝè that it cōūld carrý áway yòung eléphánts, and Î theŕèforè cónjeurèd that thé larĝè object Î had bėèn-been lōōking at wáśwoś thé egg ofuv this bird.

Aś thé bird ápproachèd Î crept clôsè tótö thé egg, sô that Î had onewőnè ofuv thé legś ofuv this wind anímál bėforè mê when it álightėd. This limb bêing aś larĝè aś thé truñk ofuv a tree, Î tîèd mŷself firmlý tótö it with mŷ turbán.

I lay down upon my face to wait for the eagles.

Thé next morning thé bird flew áway, and carrìêd mê fróm this deśert îslánd. Î wáśwoś bornè sô high that Î cōūld not see thé èàŕth, and then carrìêd downwàŕd sô swiftlý that Î lost mŷ sensėś. When Î récőverèd, Î wáśwoś on thé ground.

Î qυicklý untîèd thé cloth that bound mê, and scãŕçèlý wáśwoś Î free when thé bird, having tâkén up a larĝè serpént, ágãìn flew áway. Î found mŷself in a deep vallêy, thé sîdèś ofuv which werè töö steep tótö bê clîmbèd. Aś Î wålkèd up and down in dėspãir Î nôtiçèd that thé vallêy wáśwoś cőverèd with dîàmóndś ofuv ėnormòús sîzè. But Î söön saw őther objects ofuv much less ágrêeáblè áppėáránçè. Immensè serpénts werè peeping out ofuv hôlèś on evèrý sîdè. When night câmè, Î tōōk shelter in a câvè, thé entránçè ofuv which Îardėd with thé larĝést stônèś Î cōūld fînd, but thé hissing ofuv thé serpénts ėntîrèlý dėprîvèd mê ofuv sleep. When day rėturnèd, thé serpénts rėtîŕèd tótö their hôlèś; and Î câmè out ofuv mŷ câvè, but with ėxtrêmè fėàŕ. Î wålkèd heedléss ofuv thé serpénts until Î bėcâmè wėárý, and then sat down and fell ásleep. Î wáśwoś áwâkénèd bŷ sőmèthing which fell nėàŕ mê. It wáśwoś a larĝè pìêçè ofuv fresh meat, and preśéntlý Î saw sevèrál őtherêçėś.

Î wáśwoś now cónvinçèd that Î must bê in thé fâmòús vallêy ofuv dîàmóndś, and that théêçėś ofuv meat werè thrôwn in bŷ merchánts, whö ėxpectėd eaglèś tótö pounçè upon thé flesh, tótö which dîàmóndś werè ålmôst ŝūrè tótö ádhėrè. Î hâsténèd tótö pick up sőmè ofuv thé larĝést dîàmóndś Î cōūld fînd, which Î pūt intö a littlè bag, and fasténèd it tótö mŷ girdlè. Î then sélectėd thé larĝést pìêçè ofuv flesh in thé vallêy, which Î tîèd tótö mŷ waist with thé cloth ofuv mŷ turbán, and then lay down upon mŷ fâçè tótö wait for thé eaglèś. Verý söön onewőnè ofuv thé stroñgést pounçèd upon thé meat on mŷ back, and flew with mê tótö its nest on thé top ofuv thé mountáìn. Thé merchánts bėgan shouting tótö frightén thé eaglèś, and when they had forçèd thé birdś tótö qυit their prey, onewőnè ofuv them câmè tótö thé nest wheŕè Î wáśwoś. At first thé man wáśwoś frighténèd when hê saw mê theŕè, but after rėcóvéring himself, askèd mê how Î got theŕè. Î tôld him and thé rest ofuv thé merchánts mŷ storý. Î then ôpénèd mŷ bag, and they dėclãŕèd that they had never seen dîàmóndś ofuv êqυál luster and sîzè with mînè. Thé merchánts having gatherèd their dîàmóndś tógether, wê left thé plâçè thé next morning, and crossèd thé mountáìnś until wê reachèd a port. Wê theŕè tōōk ship and prôçeedėd tótö thé îslánd ofuv Roha. At that plâçè Î ėxchânĝèd sőmè ofuv mŷ dîàmóndś for őther merchándîśè, and wê went on tótö Balsora. Fróm Balsora Î reachèd mŷ nâtivè çitý, Bagdad, in which Î livèd eaśílý upon thé vast richėś Î had wőn.

Immense serpents were peeping out of holes on every side.


Î söön rėśolvèd upon a third voyáĝè, and őnçèwőnçè morè tōōk ship at Balsora. After wê had bėèn-been at sea a few weeks, wê werè ôvertâkén bŷ a dreàdful storm, and werè óblîĝèd tótö cast añchòŕ nėàŕ an îslánd which thé captáìn had ėndeàvòŕèd tótö ávoid; for hê áŝŝūrèd us that it wáśwoś inhabítéd bŷ pigmý saváĝėś, cőverèd with hãir, whö wōūld speedílý áttack us in grèât numberś. Söön an innümeráblè multítüdè ofuv frightful saváĝėś, ábout twö feet high, bøàrdėd thé ship. Rėśistánçè wáśwoś ûléss. They tōōk down õυŕ sailś, cut õυŕ câblè, tôwèd thé ship tótö land, and mâdè us åll gô on shorè. Wê went tówårdś thé intėrïòŕ ofuv thé îslánd and discőverèd a larĝè bùilding. It wáśwoś a loftý paláçè, having a gâofuv ebóný, which wê pūshèd ôpén, and söön discőverèd a rööm in which werè hûmán bônèś and roasting spits. Preśéntlý theŕè áppėàŕèd a hidêòús black man, whö wáśwoś aś tåll aś a pālm tree. Hê had but onewőnè èŷè, hiś teeth werè long and sharp, and hiś nailś lîthé talónś ofuv a bird. Hê tōōk mê up aś Î wōūld a kittén, but fînding Î wáśwoś littlè better than skin and bônè, pūt mê down with cóntempt. Thé captáìn, bêing thé fattŝèst ofuv thé partý, wáśwoś sacrífîçèd tótö hiś appétîtè. When thé monster had finishèd hiś meal hê stretchèd himself upon a grèât stônè bench in thé portícô, and fell ásleep, snoring louder than thunder. In this manner hê slept till morning. In thé morning hê went out. Î sãìd tótö mŷ cómpanĩónś:

"Dö not wâstè tîmè in ûléss sorrôw; let us hurrý tótö lōōk for timber tótö mârafts."

We soon were awakened by the hissing of an enormous serpent.

Wê found sőmè timber on thé seashorè, and lâbòŕèd hard; but having nô töölś, it wáśwoś êvèning bėforè wê had finishèd; and whîlè wê werè on thé point ofuv pūshing thé raft off thé beach, õυŕ hidêòús tránt rėturnèd and drôvè us tótö hiś paláçè, aś if wê had bėèn-been a flock ofuv sheep. Wê saw ánőther ofuv õυŕ cómpanĩónś sacrífîçèd, and thé ĝîánt lay down tótö sleep aś bėforè. Õυŕ despèrátè cóndition gâvè us còuráĝè; nînè ofuv us got up verý softlý, and held thé points ofuv thé roasting spits in thé fîŕè until wê mâdè them red-hot; wê then thrust them at őnçèwőnçè intö thé monster's èŷè. Hê utterèd a frightful scream, and having trîèd in vain tótö fînd us, ôpénèd thé ebóný gâand left thé paláçè. Wê did not stay long bėhînd him, but ran tótö thé seashorè, got õυŕ rafts reàdý, and waitėd for daylight tótö embark. But at dawn wê beheld õυŕ monstròús enémý, led bŷ twö ĝîánts ofuv êqυál sîzè, and follôwèd bŷ mãný őtherś. Wê jumpèd upon õυŕ rafts, and pūshèd them fróm thé shorè, thé tîdè helping us. Thé ĝîánts sêeing us lîlý tótö ėscâpè, torè grèât pìêçėś ofuv rock, and wâding in thé wåter up tótö their waists, hurlèd them at us with åll their might. They sañk evèrý onewőnè ofuv thé rafts but that on which Î wáśwoś; thus åll mŷ cómpanĩónś, ėxcept twö, werè drownèd. Wê rôwèd aś fast aś wê cōūld, and got out ofuv thé reach ofuv thêśè monsterś. Wê werè at sea twö dayś, but at last found a pleàśánt îslánd. After eating sőmè früìt, wê lay down tótö sleep, but werè söön áwâkénèd bŷ thé hissing ofuv an ėnormòús serpént. Onewőnè ofuv mŷ comradèś wáśwoś instántlý dėvõúrèd bŷ this terrific creaťurè. Î clîmbèd up a tree aś fast aś Î cōūld, and reachèd thé topmôst branchėś; mŷ rėmaining cómpanĩón wáśwoś follôwing mê, but thé dreàdful reptîlè entwînèd itself round thé tree and caught him. Thé serpént then went down and glîdėd áway. Î waitėd until lâthé next day bėforè Î ventûŕèd tótö dėscend. Êvèning ágãìn ápproachèd, and Î gatherèd tógether a grèât qυantitý ofuv småll wōōd, bramblèś, and thornś. Having mâdè them intö fagóts, Î formèd a çirclè round thé tree, and fasténèd thé uppermôst tótö thé branchėś ofuv thé tree. Î then clîmbèd up tótö thé highést branchėś. At night thé serpént câmè ágãìn, but cōūld not reach thé tree; and crawling vainlý round and round mŷ littlè fortífícâtion until daylight, hê went áway.

Thé next day Î spîèd a ship in fūll sail a long way off. With thé linén ofuv mŷ turbán Î mâdè a signál, which wáśwoś perçêìvèd. Î wáśwoś tâkén on bøàrd thé ship and theŕè tôld mŷ advenťurèś. Thé captáìn wáśwoś verý kînd tótö mê. Hê sãìd that hê had sőmè bâlèś ofuv gōōdś which had bėlond tótö a merchánt whö had unintentionállý left him sőmè tîmè ágô on an uninhabítėd îslánd. Aś this man wáśwoś undoubtėdlý deàd, hê intendėd tótö sell thé gōōdś for thé benéfit ofuv hiś relátivèś, and Î shōūld havè thé profit ofuv selling them. Î now recóllectėd this wáśwoś thé captáìn with whöm Î sailèd on mŷ secónd voyáĝè. Î söön cónvinçèd him that Î wáśwoś rêallý Sindbad, whöm hê suppôśèd tótö havè bėèn-been lost. Hê wáśwoś dėlightėd at thé discővèrý, and eagerlý acknowlėdĝèd that thé propertý wáśwoś mînè. Î cóntinûèd mŷ voyáĝè, sôld mŷ gōōdś tótö grèât advantáĝè, and rėturnèd tótö Bagdad.


They left me to take care of an old man, from whom I escaped.

Mŷ dėśîrè ofuv sêeing foréìgnuntrìêś renderèd mŷ pleàŝurèś at hômè unsatisfactórý. Î theŕèforè árrânĝèd mŷ áffãirś, cómmençèd a voyáĝè tótö Perŝiá, and having bøùght a larĝè stock ofuv gōōdś loadėd a ship and ágãìn embarkèd. Thé ship struck upon a rock, and thé cargô wáśwoś lost. A few őtherś and mŷself werè bornè bŷ thé currént tótö an îslánd, on which wê werè súrroundėd bŷ black saváĝėś, and carrìêd tótö their huts. Thé saváĝėś offerèd us herbś; mŷ cómpanĩónś eagerlý tōōk them, for they werè huñgrý. Grìêf wōūld not állow mê tótö eat; and preśéntlý Î saw that thé herbś had mâdè mŷ comradèś senléss. Rîçè, mixèd with oil ofuv côcoanuts, wáśwoś then offerèd tótö us, which mŷ cómpanĩónś âtè greedílý and grew fat. Mŷ unhappý frìendś werè then dėvõúrèd onewőnè after ánőther, having bėcőmè appėtîzing tótö thé canníbálś. But Î lañgυishèd sô much that they did not thiñk mê fit tótö eat. They left mê tótö thé cãŕè ofuv an ôld man, fróm whöm Î manáĝèd tótö ėscâpè; and tâking cãŕè tótö gô a contrãrý way fróm that which thé saváĝėś had tâkén Î never stoppèd till night. At thé end ofuv sevén dayś, on thé seashorè Î found a number ofuv whîtè persónś gathéring pepper. They askèd mê in Arabic whö Î wáśwoś, and whençè Î câmè; and Î gâvè them an áccount ofuv thé shipwreck, and ofuv mŷ ėscâpè. They treatėd mê kîndlý and prêśentéd mê tótö their King, whö treatėd mê with grèât libéralítý. Dûring mŷ stay with them, Î óbśervèd that when thé King and hiś nôblèś went hunting, they rôdè their horsėś without brîdlè or saddlè. With thé ássistánçè ofuv sőmè wòŕkmen Î mâdè a brîdlè and saddlè, and having pūt them upon onewőnè ofuv thé King's horsėś, prêśentéd thé anímál, thus ėqυippèd, tótö Hiś Majéstý. Hê wáśwoś sô dėlightėd that hê instántlý mountėd and rôdè ábout thé groundś ålmôst thé whôlè day. Åll thé ministerś ofuv stâand thé nôbilítý indüçèd mê tótö mâkè saddlèś and brîdlèś for them, for which they mâdè mê such magnifíçént preśénts that Î söön bėcâmè verý rich. Thé King at last rėqυestėd that Î wōūld marrý, and bėcőmè onewőnè ofuv hiś nâtion. Fróm a várîétý ofuv çircumstançéś Î cōūld not réfûśè, and hê theŕèforè gâvè mê onewőnè ofuv thé lâdìêś ofuv hiś Cøùrt, whö wáśwoś yòung, rich, bèàûtíful, and virťüòús. Wê livèd in thé grèâtést harmóný in a paláçè bėlonging tótö mŷ wîfè. Î had mâdè a gōōd frìend ofuv a verý wòŕthý man whö livèd in this plâçè. Hėáring onewőnè day that hiś wîfè had just dîèd, Î went tótö condôlè with him on this unėxpectėd cálamítý. Wê werè álônè tógether, and hê áppėàŕèd tótö bê in thé deepést grìêf. After Î had tålkèd with him sőmè tîmè on thé ûléssness ofuv sô much sorrôw, hê tôld mê that it wáśwoś an ėstablishèd law that thé living huśbánd shōūld bê burièdberid with thé dėçeasèd wîfè, and that within an hõυŕ hê must submit. Î shudderèd at thé dreàdful custóm. In a short tîmè thé wōmán wáśwoś áttîrèd in her môst costlý dress and jëwélś, and plâçèd in an ôpén coffin. Thé próçeŝŝìòn then bėgan, thé huśbánd follôwing thé corpsè. They áscendéd tótö thé top ofuv an ėxceedinglý high mountáìn, and a grèât stônè wáśwoś rėmövèd, which cőverèd thé mouth ofuv a deep pit. Thé corpsè wáśwoś let down, and thé huśbánd, having tâkén leavè ofuv hiś frìendś, wáśwoś pūt intö ánőther ôpén coffin, with a pot ofuv wåter and sevén småll loavèś, and hê wáśwoś let down. Thé stônè wáśwoś rėplâçèd and they åll rėturnèd. Thé horròŕ ofuv this wáśwoś still fresh upon mŷ mînd, when mŷ wîfè fell sick and dîèd. Thé King and thé whôlè Cøùrt, out ofuv rėspect tótö mê, instántlý prêpãŕèd tótö ássist at a simílàŕ çerémôný with mê. Î rėstrainèd thé feeling ofuv dėspãir until wê árrîvèd at thé top ofuv thé mountáìn, when Î fell at thé feet ofuv thé King and beggèd him tótö spãŕè mŷ lîfè. Åll Î sãìd wáśwoś inéffeüál, and after mŷ wîwáśwoś let down, Î ålsô wáśwoś pūt intö thé deep pit, everyoneevèrýwőnè bêing tôtállý indiffèrént tótö mŷ crîèś and lámentâtionś. Î mâdè thé câvè echô with mŷ vain cómplaints. Î livèd sőmè dayś on thé breàd and wåter which had bėèn-been pūt intö mŷ coffin, but this supplŷ wáśwoś at length ėxhaustėd. Î then wānderèdwonderèd tótö a rėmôtè part ofuv this frightful câvè and lay down tótö prêpãŕè for deàth. Î wáśwoś thus wishing ônlý for a speedý termínâtion ofuv mŷ miśérý, when Î hèàŕd sőmèthing wålking and panting. Î startėd up, upon which thé thing pantėd still morè, and then ran áway. Î pursüèd it, and sőmètîmèś it seemèd tótö stop, but on mŷ ápproach cóntinûèd tótö gô on bėforè mê. Î pursüèd it, until at last Î saw a glimméring light lîa star. This rêdóùblèd mŷ eagernéss, until at last Î discőverèd a hôlè larĝè enoughėnòuf tótö állow mŷ ėscâpè. Î crept thröügh thé apertûŕè, and found mŷself on thé seashorè, and discőverèd that thé creaťurè wáśwoś a sea monster which had bėèn-been áccustómèd tótö enter at that hôlè tótö feed upon thé deàd bodìêś. Having eatén sőmè shellfish, Î rėturnèd tótö thé câvè, wheŕè Î cóllectéd åll thé jëwélś Î cōūld fînd in thé dark. Thêśè Î carrìêd tótö thé seashorè, and tîèd them up verý neatlý intö bâlèś with thé cordś that let down thé coffinś. Î laid them on thé beach, waiting till sőmè ship shōūld pass. In twö dayś a ship câmè out ofuv thé harbòŕ, and passèd bŷ that part ofuv thé coast. Î mâdè a signál, and a boat tōōk mê on bøàrd. Î wáśwoś óblîĝèd tótö say that Î had bėèn-been wreckèd; for, had they knôwn mŷ real storý, Î shōūld havè bėèn-been carrìêd back, aś thé captáìn wáśwoś a nâtivè ofuv this còuntrý. Wêuchèd at sevèrál îslándś, and at thé port ofuv Kela, wheŕè Î found a ship reàdý tótö sail for Balsora; and having prêśentéd sőmè jëwélś tótö thé captáìn whö had brøùght mê tótö Kela, Î sailèd, and at last árrîvèd at Bagdad.

I made a bridle and saddle and put them on one of the king's horses.


I took him on my back, and crossed the brook.

Having fòŕgottén mŷ former perílś, Î bùilt a ship at mŷ ôwn ėxpensè, loadėd it with a rich cargô, and, tâking with mê őther merchánts, őnçèwőnçè morè set sail. Wê werè much drivén ábout bŷ a storm, and at length landėd upon a deśert îslánd tótö sèàŕch for fresh wåter. Theŕè wê found a roc's egg, êqυál in sîzè tótö thé onewőnè Î had seen bėforè. Thé merchánts and sailòŕś gatherèd round it, and thôùgh Î ádvîśèd them not tótö meddlè with it, they neverthéless mâdè a hôlè in it with their hatchéts, and pickèd out thé yòung roc, pìêçè afterêçè, and roastėd it. They had scãŕçèlý finishèd when twö ofuv thé ôld birdś áppėàŕèd in thé ãir. Wê húrrìêd on bøàrd ship and set sail, but had not gonè far bėforè wê saw thé immenbirdś ápproaching us, and söön after they hóverèd ôver thé ship. Onewőnè ofuv them let fåll an ėnormòús fragmént ofuv stônè, which fell intö thé sea clôbėsîdè thé ship, but thé őther let fåll aêçè which split õυŕ ship. Î caught hôld ofuv a bit ofuv thé wreck, on which Î wáśwoś bornè bŷ thé wind and tîdè tótö an îslánd, thé shorè ofuv which wáśwoś verý steep. Î reachèd thé drŷ land, and found thé môst dėlićìòús früìts and excéllént wåter, which rėfreshèd mê. Farther in thé îslánd Î saw a feeblè ôld man sitting nėàŕ a rivûlet. When Î ėnqυîŕèd ofuv him how hê câmè theŕè, hê ônlý answerèd bŷ sîgnś for mê tótö carrý him ôver thé rivûlet, that hê might eat sőmè früìt. Î tōōk him on mŷ back, and crossèd thé brōōk, but insteàd ofuv getting down, hê claspèd hiś legś sô firmlý round mŷ throat that Î thøùght hê wōūld strañglè mê. Î söön faintėd with pain and fright. When Î récőverèd, thé ôld fellôw wáśwoś still sitting on mŷ neck, and hê qυicklý mâdè mê rîśè up and wålk under thé treeś, whîlè hê gatherèd thé früìt at hiś eaśè. This lastėd a long tîmè. Onewőnè day, whîlè carrýing him ábout, Î pickèd up a larĝè gøùrd cållèd a calabash, and, having clėàŕèd out thé insîdè, Î pressèd intö it thé jüìçè ofuv grâpès. Having fillèd it, Î left it for sevèrál dayś, and at length found that it bėcâmè excéllént wînè. Î drañk ofuv this, and for a whîlè fòŕgot mŷ sorrôwś, sô that Î bėgan tótö sing with chėerfulnéss. Thé ôld man mâdè mê givè him thé calabash, and lîking thé flâvòŕ ofuv thé wînè, hê drañk it off, söön bėcâmè intoxicâtėd, fell fróm mŷ shôùlderś, and, dîèd in cónvulŝìònś. Î hâsténèd tótö thé seasîdè, and preśéntlý found thé crew ofuv a ship. They tôld mê Î had fāllén intö thé handś ofuv thé Ôld Man ofuv thé Sea, and wáśwoś thé first persón that had ever ėscâpèd. Î sailèd with them, and thé captáìn, when wê landėd, tōōk mê tótö sőmè persónś whöśè ėmploymént wáśwoś tótö gather côcoanuts. Wê åll tōōk up stônèś and peltėd thé móñkêyś that werè at thé verý top ofuv thé côcoanut treeś, and thêśè anímálś in rėturn peltėd us with côcoanuts. When wê had óbtainèd aś mãný aś wê cōūld carrý, wê rėturnèd tótö thé town. Î söön óbtainèd a cónsideráblè sum bŷ thé côcoanuts Î thus gatherèd, and at length sailèd for mŷ nâtivè land.


They took me and my cargo to their King .

At thé expírâtion ofuv ánőther yėàŕ, Î prêpãŕèd for a sixth voyáĝè. This prövèd verý long and unforťünátè, for thé pîlót lost hiś cøùrand knew not wheŕè tótö stėèr. At length hê tôld us wê must inevítáblý bê dashèd tótöêçėś ágãìnst a rock, which wê werè fast ápproaching. In a few môménts thé vessél wáśwoś a cómplêwreck. Wê sâvèd õυŕ lîvèś, õυŕ próviŝìónś, and õυŕ gōōdś.

Thé shorè on which wê werè cast wáśwoś at thé fōōt ofuv a mountáìn which it wáśwoś impossíblè tótö clîmb, sô that Î shortlý beheld mŷ cómpanĩónś dîè onewőnè after ánőther. Theŕè wáśwoś a frightful cavern in thé rock, thröügh which flôwèd a river. Tótö this, in a fit ofuv despérâtion, Î rėśolvèd tótö trust mŷself. Î went tótö wòŕk and mâdè a long raft. Î loadėd it with bâlèś ofuv rich stuffs, and larĝè pìêçėś ofuv rock crstál, ofuv which thé mountáìn wáśwoś in a grèât meàŝurè formèd. Î went on bøàrd thé raft, and thé currént carrìêd mê álong. Î wáśwoś carrìêd in darknéss dûring mãný dayś, and at last fell ásleep. When Î áwôkè, Î found mŷself in a pleàśánt còuntrý. Mŷ raft wáśwoś tîèd up and sőmè blacks, whö werè nėàŕ mê, sãìd that they had found mê floating in thé river which wåterś their land. They tōōk mê tótö their King, and cãŕèfullý cónductéd mŷ cargô with mê. When wê câmè tótö thé çitý ofuv Serindib, Î rėlâtėd mŷ storý tótö thé monarch, whö orderèd it tótö bê writtén in letterś ofuv gôld. Î prêśentéd thé King with sőmè ofuv thé môst bèàûtífulêçėś ofuv rock crstál, and entreatėd him tótö let mê rėturn tótö mŷ ôwnuntrý, which hê reàdílý ágreed tótö, and êvén gâvè mê a letter and a preśént tótö mŷ sovèreígn, thé Calíph Haroun Alrashid. Thé preśént cónsistėd ofuv a rübý mâdè intö a cup, and decórâtėd with pèàŕlś; thé skin ofuv a serpént, which áppėàŕèd lîburnishèd gôld, and which cōūld rėpel diśeaśè; sőmè alôè-wōōd, camphire, and a bèàûtíful fêmâlè slâvè. Î rėturnèd tótö mŷ nâtivè còuntrý, dėliverèd thé preśént tótö thé Calíph, and rėçêìvèd hiś thañks, with a rėwård.


I saw a great number of elephants.

Thé Calíph Haroun Alrashid onewőnè day sent for mê, and tôld mê Î must beár a preśént tótö thé King ofuv Serindib. Î ventûŕèd tótö prôtest on áccount ofuv mŷ âĝè, but Î cōūld not persυâdè him tótö givè up hiś plan. Î árrîvèd at Serindib, and prayèd an audïénçè with thé King. Î wáśwoś cónductéd tótö thé paláçè with grèât rėspect, and dėliverèd tótö thé monarch thé Calíph's letter and preśént. Thé preśént cónsistėd ofuv thé môst inĝênĩòús and valûàblè wòŕks ofuv art, with which thé King wáśwoś ėxceedinglý dėlightėd, and hê wáśwoś ålsô pleaśèd tótö ácknowlėdĝè how much hê ėsteemèd mŷ serviçėś. When Î dėpartėd, thé monarch bėstôwèd on mê sőmè rich gifts; but thé ship had not long bėèn-been at sea, bėforè it wáśwoś áttackèd bŷ pîrátès, whö sêìzèd thé vessél, and carrìêd us áway aś slâvèś. Î wáśwoś sôld tótö a merchánt. When mŷ master found that Î cōūld ûśè thé bôw and arrôw with skill, hê tōōk mê upon an eléphánt, and carrìêd mê tótö a vast forést in théuntrý. Mŷ master orderèd mê tótö clîmb a high tree, and wait theŕè until Î saw a trööp ofuv eléphánts pass bŷ. Î wáśwoś then tótö shööt at them, and if onewőnè ofuv them fell, Î wáśwoś tótö gô tótö thé çitý and givè thé merchánt nôtiçè. Having givén mê thêśè dîreiònś, and a bag ofuv próviŝìónś, hê left mê. On thé morning ofuv thé secónd day, Î saw a grèât number ofuv eléphánts. Î sueedėd in shööting onewőnè ofuv them, upon which thé őtherś went áway, and Î rėturnèd tótö thé çitý and tôld mŷ ėmployer, whö praiśèd mŷ wòŕk. Wê went back tótö thé forést and dug a hôlè, in which thé eléphánt wáśwoś tótö rėmain until it décayèd and left thé teeth free. Î cóntinûèd this trâdè nėàŕlý twö mőnths, and killèd an eléphánt ålmôst evèrý day. Onewőnè morning åll thé eléphánts câmè up tótö thé tree in which Î wáśwoś and trumpétėd dreàdfullý. Onewőnè ofuv them fasténèd hiś truñk round thé tree and torè it up bŷ thé rööts. Î fell with thé tree; thé anímál tōōk mê up with hiś truñk, and plâçèd mê on hiś back, and then, at thé heàd ofuv hiś trööp, hê brøùght mê tótö a plâçè wheŕè hê ĝentlý laid mê on thé ground, and they åll went áway. Î discőverèd that Î wáśwoś upon a larĝè brøàd hill, cőverèd åll ôver with thé bônèś and teeth ofuv eléphánts, and wáśwoś söön cónvinçèd that this wáśwoś their burýing-plâçè. Î reachèd thé çitý őnçèwőnçè morè; mŷ master thøùght Î wáśwoś lost, for hê had seen thé torn tree, and found mŷ bôw and arrôwś. Î tôld him whåt had happénèd, and led him tótö thé hill. Wê loadėd thé eléphánt on which wê had cőmè, and thus cóllectéd morè teeth than a man cōūld havè óbtainèd in hiś whôlè lîfè. Thé merchánt tôld mê that not ônlý hê himself, but thé whôlè çitý, wáśwoś indebtėd tótö mê, and that Î shōūld rėturn tótö mŷ ôwnuntrý with suffićiént weàlth tótö mâmê happý. Mŷ pâtrón loadėd a ship with îvòrý, and thé őther merchánts mâdè mê valûàblè preśénts. Î reachèd Balsora and landėd mŷ îvòrý, which Î found tótö bê morè valûàblè than Î had ėxpectėd. Î set out with carávanś tótö travél ôverland, and at last reachèd Bagdad, wheŕè Î prêśentéd mŷself tótö thé Calíph, and gâvè an áccount ofuv mŷ embássý. Hê wáśwoś sô ástonishèd at mŷ ádvenťurè with thé eléphánts that hê orderèd thé narrátivè ofuv it tótö bê writtén in letterś ofuv gôld and tótö bê dépośitėd in hiś treàŝúrý.