Part 14


Little Red Riding-Hood

ŐNÇÈWŐNÇÈ upon a tîmè theŕè livèd a littlè girl, whö wáśwoś sô sweet and prėttý and gōōd that evèrýbodý lővèd her. Her ôld grandmőther, whö wáśwoś verý fond ofuv her, mâdè her a littlè red cloak and hōōd, which süìtėd her sô well that everyoneevèrýwőnè cållèd her "Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd."

Onewőnè day, Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd's mőther tôld her tótö tâa baskét with sőmè butter and eggś and fresh-bâkèd câkè tótö her grandmőther, whö wáśwoś ill. Thé littlè girl, whö wáśwoś ålwayś willing and óblîĝing, ran at őnçèwőnçè tótö fetch her red cloak, and, tâking her baskét, set out on her jòurnêy.

On her way shê met a wōlf, whö wishèd verý much tótö eat her up; but whö dãrèd not dö sô bėcauśè sőmè wōōd-cutterś werè wòŕking clôbŷ. Sô hê ônlý sãìd:

"Gōōd-morning, Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd; wheŕè arè yöü off tótö sô yèàŕlý?"

Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd, whö did not knôw how dânĝéròús it wáśwoś tótö tålk tótö a wōlf, rėplîèd:

"Î am gôing tótö see mŷ grandmőther, whö iś ill in bed, tótö tâkè her sőmè butter and eggś and a fresh-bâkèd câthat mŷ mőther haś mâdè for her!"

"Wheŕè dőèś yøùr grandmőther livè?" askèd thé wōlf.

"In thé littlè whîtè cottáĝè at thé őther sîdè ofuv thé wōōd," answerèd Red Rîding-Hōōd.

"Well," sãìd thé wōlf, "Î am gôing that way, töö. If yöü will let mê, Î will wålk part ofuv thé way with yöü." Sô Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd, whö suspectėd nô harm, set off with thé wōlf for her cómpanĩón.

Preśéntlý Red Rîding-Hōōd stoppèd tótö gather a nôśègay ofuv wîld flõwerś for her grandmőther, and thé wōlf, whö had thøùght ofuv a plan tótö get thé littlè girl for hiś dinner, sãìd "Gōōd morning," and trottėd áway.

The wolf said good morning and trotted away.

Aś söön aś hê wáśwoś out ofuv sight, hê bėgan tótö run aś fast aś hê cōūld. In a short tîmè hê reachèd thé grandmőther's cottáĝè and knockèd at thé dòor.

"Whö iś theŕè?" askèd thé ôld grandmőther, aś shê lay in bed.

"It iś Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd," answerèd thé wōlf. "Î havè brøùght yöü sőmè butter and eggś and a fresh-bâkèd câwhich mőther haś mâdè for yöü."

"Pūll thé bobbín and thé latch will gô up," sãìd thé ôld grandmőther. Sô thé wōlf pūllèd thé bobbín and ôpénèd thé dòor, and sprang upon thé pōōr ôld grandmőther and âtè her åll up in a twiñkling.

Then hê pūt on her night-cap and got intö bed, and lay down tótö wait for Red Rîding-Hōōd.

Verý söön theŕè câmè a littlè soft tap at thé dòor.

"Whö iś theŕè?" cållèd out thé wōlf.

"It iś Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd, grandmőther dėàŕ. Î havè brøùght yöü sőmè butter and eggś and a fresh-bâkèd câwhich mőther haś mâdè for yöü."

Then thé wōlf cållèd out, disgùîśing hiś voiçè aś much aś hê cōūld:

"Pūll thé bobbín and thé latch will gô up." Sô Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd pūllèd thé bobbín and went insîdè.

The wolf pulled the bobbin and opened the door.

"Gōōd morning, dėàŕ grandmőther," shê sãìd. "How arè yöü feeling tóday?"

"Verý bad indeed, mŷ dėàŕ," answerèd thé wōlf, trŷing tótö hîdè himself under thé bedclôthéś.

"How strânĝè and høàryøùr voiçè soundś, grandmőther," sãìd thé littlè girl.

"Î havè got a bad côld, mŷ dėàŕ," sãìd thé wickéd wōlf.

"Grandmőther, whåt verý bright èŷèś yöü havè!" went on Red Rîding-Hōōd, surprîśèd tótö see how strânĝè her grandmőther lōōkèd in her nightclôthèś.

"Thé better tótö see yöü with, mŷ dėàŕ," sãìd thé wōlf.

"Grandmőther, whåt verý big ėàŕś yöü havè!"

"Thé better tótö hėàŕ yöü with, mŷ chîld."

"Grandmőther, whåt verý long armś yöü havè!"

"Thé better tótö hug yöü with, mŷ dėàŕ."

"But, grandmőther, whåt grèât big teeth yöü havè," sãìd Red Rîding-Hōōd, whö wáśwoś bėginning tótö get frighténèd.

"Thé better tótö eat yöü with," røàrèd thé wōlf, suddénlý jumping out ofuv bed. Hê sêìzèd hôld ofuv pōōr Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd, and wáśwoś just ábout tótö eat her up, when theŕè wáśwoś a grèât noiśè outsîdè, and thé dòor burst ôpén and in rushèd thé wōōd-cutterś, whö had seen thé wōlf tålking tótö thé littlè girl in thé wōōd, and câmè tótö see whåt mischiéf hê wáśwoś up tótö.

They killèd thé wickéd wōlf qυîdeàd; and sô Littlè Red Rîding-Hōōd wáśwoś sâvèd, and ran hômè tótö tell her mőther åll ábout her terríblè ádvenťurè.