Part 1


Little Snow White

ŐNÇÈWŐNÇÈ upon a tîmè in thé middlè ofuv winter, when thé flâkès ofuv snôw werè fālling lîkè feàtherś fróm thé cloudś, a Qυeen sat at her paláçè windôw, which had an ebóný black frâmè, stitching her huśbánd's shirts. Whîlè shê wáśwoś thus eñgâĝèd and lōōking out at thé snôw shê prickèd her fiñger, and three drops ofuv blōōd fell upon thé snôw. Now thé red lōōkèd sô well upon thé whîthat shê thøùght tótö herself, "Ôh, that Î had a chîld aś whîaś this snôw, aś red aś this blōōd, and aś black aś thé wōōd ofuv this frâmè!" Söön afterwàŕdś a littlè daughter câmè tótö her, whö wáśwoś aś whîaś snôw, and with cheeks aś red aś blōōd, and with hãir aś black aś ebóný, and fróm this shê wáśwoś nâmèd "Snôw-Whîtè." And at thé sâmè tîmè her mőther dîèd.

Ábout a yėàŕ afterwàŕdś thé King marrìêd ánőther wîfè, whö wáśwoś verý bèàûtíful, but sô proud and haughtý that shê cōūld not beár anyoneãnýwőnè tótö bê better-lōōking than herself. Shê ôwnèd a wőnderful mirròŕ, and when shê steppèd bėforè it and sãìd:

"Mirròŕ, mirròŕ on thé wåll,

Whö iś thé fãírėst ofuv us åll?"

It rėplîèd:

"Thé Qυeen iś thé fãírėst ofuv thé day."

Then shê wáśwoś pleaśèd, for shê knew that thé mirròŕ spôkè trülý.

Littlè Snôw-Whîtè, however, grew up, and bėcâmè prėttìêŕ and prėttìêŕ, and when shê wáśwoś sevén yėàŕś ôld shê wáśwoś aś fãir aś thé nöönday, and morè bèàûtíful than thé Qυeen herself. When thé Qυeen now askèd her mirròŕ:

"Mirròŕ, mirròŕ on thé wåll,

Whö iś thé fãírėst ofuv us åll?"

It rėplîèd:

"Thé Qυeen wáśwoś fãírėst yesterday;

Snôw-Whîiś thé fãírėst, now, they say."

This answer sô añgerèd thé Qυeen that shê bėcâmè qυîyellôw with envý. Fróm that hõυŕ, whenever shê saw Snôw-Whîtè, herart wáśwoś hardénèd ágãìnst her, and shê hâtėd thé littlè girl. Her envý and jeàlòúsý increasèd sô that shê had nô rest day or night, and shê sãìd tótö a Huntsmán, "Tâthé chîld áway intö thé forést. Î will never lōōk upon her ágãìn. Yöü must kill her, and bring mê herart and tőngùè for a tôkén."

Thé Huntsmán listénèd and tōōk thé maidén áway, but when hê drew out hiś knîfè tótö kill her, shê bėgan tótö crŷ, sâying, "Āh, dėàŕ Huntsmán, givè mê mŷ lîfè! Î will run intö thé wîld forést, and never cőmè hômè ágãìn."

This speech softénèd thé Hunter's hèart, and her bèàûtý sôuchèd him that hê had pitý on her and sãìd, "Well, run áway then, pōōr chîld." But hê thøùght tótö himself, "Thé wîld beasts will söön dėvõúr yöü." Still hê felt aś if a stônè had bėèn-been liftėd fróm hiśart, bėcauśè her deàth wáśwoś not bŷ hiś hand. Just at that mômént a yòung bøàr câmè røáring álong tótö thé spot, and aś söön aś hê clappèd èŷèś upon it thé Huntsmán caught it, and, killing it, tōōk its tőngùè andart and carrìêd them tótö thé Qυeen, for a tôkén ofuv hiś deed.

But now pōōr littlè Snôw-Whîwáśwoś left mőtherlėss and álônè, and ôvercőmè with grìêf, shê wáśwoś bėwilderèd at thé sight ofuv sô mãný treeś, and knew not which way tótö turn. Shê ran till her feet réfûśèd tótö gô farther, and aś it wáśwoś getting dark, and shê saw a littlè hounėàŕ, shê enterèd in tótö rest. In this cottáĝè evèrýthing wáśwoś verý småll, but verý neat and elégánt. In thé middlè stōōd a littlè tâblè with a whîtè cloth ôver it, and sevén littlè plâtès upon it, each plâtè having a spöön and a knîand a fork, and theŕè werè ålsô sevén littlè mugś. Ágãìnst thé wåll werè sevén littlè bedś árrânĝèd in a rôw, each cőverèd with snôw-whîtè sheets.

Littlè Snôw-Whîtè, bêing bôth huñgrý and thirstý, âa littlè morsél ofuv porrídĝè out ofuv each plâtè, and drañk a drop or twö ofuv wînè out ofuv each mug, for shê did not wish tótö tâáway thé whôlè shãŕè ofuv anyoneãnýwőnè. After that, bėcauśè shê wáśwoś sô tîrèd, shê laid herself down on onewőnè bed, but it did not süìt; shê trîèd ánőther, but that wáśwoś töö long; a føùrth wáśwoś töö short, a fifth töö hard. But thé sevénth wáśwoś just thé thing; and tucking herself up in it, shê went tótö sleep, first sâying her prâyerś aś ûŝüál.

When it bėcâmè qυîdark thé ôwnerś ofuv thé cottáĝè câmè hômè, sevén Dwårfs, whö dug for gôld and silver in thé mountáìnś. They first lightėd sevén littlè lamps, and saw at őnçèwőnçè—for they lit up thé whôlè röömthat sőmèbódý had bėèn-been in, for evèrýthing wáśwoś not in thé order in which they had left it.

Who has been eating off my plate?

Thé first askèd, "Whö haś bėèn-been sitting on mŷ chãir?" thé secónd, "Whö haś bėèn-been eating off mŷ plâtè?" thé third sãìd, "Whö haś bėèn-been nibbling at mŷ breàd?" thé føùrth, "Whö haś bėèn-been at mŷ porrídĝè?" thé fifth, "Whö haś bėèn-been meddling with mŷ fork?" thé sixth grumblèd out, "Whö haś bėèn-been cutting with mŷ knîfè?" thé sevénth sãìd, "Whö haś bėèn-been driñking out ofuv mŷ mug?"

Hê saw that thé sheets werè tumblèd. At thêśè wòŕdś thé őtherś câmè, and lōōking at their bedś crîèd out töö, "Sőmè onewőnè haś bėèn-been lŷing in õυŕ bedś!" But thé sevénth littlè man, running up tótö hiś, saw Snôw-Whîtè sleeping in it; sô hê cållèd hiś cómpanĩónś, whö shoutėd with wőnder and held up their sevén lamps, sô that thé light fell upon thé littlè girl.

"Ôh, heàvénś! Ôh, heàvénś!" sãìd they; "whåt a bèàûtý shê iś!" and they werè sô much dėlightėd that they wōūld not áwâkén her, but left her tótö sleep, and thé sevénth Dwårf, in whöśè bed shê wáśwoś, slept with each ofuv hiś fellôwś onewőnè hõυŕ, and sô passèd thé night.

Aś söön aś morning dawnèd Snôw-Whîáwôkè, and wáśwoś qυîtè frighténèd when shê saw thé sevén littlè men; but they werè verý frìendlý, and askèd her whåt shê wáśwoś cållèd.

"Mŷ nâmè iś Snôw-Whîtè," wáśwoś her rėplŷ.

"Whŷ havè yöü cőmè intö õυŕ cottáĝè?" they askèd.

Then shê tôld them how her stepmőther wōūld havè had her killèd, but thé Huntsmán had spãrèd her lîfè, and how shê had wānderèdwonderèd ábout thé Whôlè day until at last shê had found their housè.

When her tâlè wáśwoś finishèd thé Dwårfs sãìd, "Will yöü lōōk after õυŕ housèhôldbê õυŕ cōōk, mâthé bedś, washwosh, sewsô, and knit for us, and keep evèrýthing in neat order? If sô, wê will keep yöü hėŕè, and yöü shall wantwont for nőthing."

And Snôw-Whîanswerèd, "Yes, with åll mŷart and will." And sô shê rėmainèd with them, and kept their houin order.

In thé morning thé Dwårfs went intö thé mountáìnś and sèàŕchèd for silver and gôld, and in thé êvèning they câmè hômè and found their mealś reàdý for them. Dûring thé day thé maidén wáśwoś left álônè, and theŕèforè thé gōōd Dwårfs wårnèd her and sãìd, "Bê cãŕèful ofuv yøùr stepmőther, whö will söön knôw ofuv yøùr bêing hėŕè. Sô let nôbodý enter thé cottáĝè."

Thé Qυeen meanwhîlè, suppôśing that shê had eatén théart and tőngùè ofuv her stepdaughter, bėlìêvèd that shê wáśwoś now ábővè åll thé môst bèàûtíful wōmán in thé wòŕld. Onewőnè day shê steppèd bėforè her mirròŕ, and sãìd:

"Mirròŕ, mirròŕ on thé wåll,

Whö iś thé fãírėst ofuv us åll?"

And it rėplîèd:

"Thé Qυeen wáśwoś fãírėst yesterday;

Snôw-Whîiś fãírėst now, they say.

Thé Dwårfs prótect her fróm thŷ sway Ámid thé forést, far áway."

This rėplŷ surprîśèd her, but shê knew that thé mirròŕ spôthé trüth. Shê knew, theŕèforè, that thé Huntsmán had dėçêìvèd her, and that Snôw-Whîwáśwoś still álîvè. Sô shê dŷèd her fâçè and clôthèd herself aś a pedler wōmán, sô that nô onewőnè cōūld recógnîzè her, and in this disgùîśè shê went ôver thé sevén hillś tótö thé houofuv thé sevén Dwårfs. Shê knockèd at thé dòor ofuv thé hut, and cållèd out, "Fînè gōōdś for sâlè! Bèàûtíful gōōdś for sâlè!"

Snôw-Whîtè peed out ofuv thé windôw and sãìd, "Gōōd day, mŷ gōōd wōmán; whåt havè yöü tótö sell?"

"Fînè gōōdś, bèàûtíful gōōdś!" shê rėplîèd. "Stayś ofuv åll cőlòŕś." And shê held up a pãir which werè mâdè ofuv mãný-cőlòŕèd silks.

"Î may let in this honést wōmán," thøùght Snôw-Whîtè; and shê unbôltėd thé dòor and bargáìnèd for onewőnè pãir ofuv stayś.

"Yöü can't thiñk, mŷ dėàŕ, how they bėcőmè yöü!" ėxclaimèd thé ôld wōmán. "Cőmè, let mê lâçè them up for yöü."

Snôw-Whîtè suspectėd nőthing, and let her dö aś shê wishèd, but thé ôld wōmán lâçèd her up sô qυicklý and sô tightlý that åll her breàth went, and shê fell down lîonewőnè deàd. "Now," thøùght thé ôld wōmán tótö herself, hâsténing áway, "now am Î őnçèwőnçè morè thé môst bèàûtíful ofuv åll!"

The Dwarfs were much frightened at seeing their dear little maid lying on the ground.

At êvéntîdè, not long after shê had left, thé sevén Dwårfs câmè hômè, and werè much frighténèd at sêeing their dėàŕ littlè maid lŷing on thé ground, and nêìther möving nor breathing, aś if shê werè deàd. They raiśèd her up, and when they saw that shê wáśwoś lâçèd töö tight they cut thé stayś tótöêçėś, and preśéntlý shê bėgan tótö breathè ágãìn, and littlè bŷ littlè shê rėvîvèd. When thé Dwårfs now hèàŕd whåt had tâkén plâçè, they sãìd, "Thé ôld pedler wōmán wáśwoś nô őther than yøùr wickéd stepmőther. Tâmorè cãŕè ofuv yøùrself, and let nô onewőnè enter when wê arè not with yöü."

Meanwhîlè, thé Qυeen had reachèd hômè, and, gôing bėforè her mirròŕ, shê rėpeatėd her ûŝüál wòŕdś:

"Mirròŕ, mirròŕ on thé wåll,

Whö iś thé fãírėst ofuv us åll?"

And it rėplîèd aś bėforè:

"Thé Qυeen wáśwoś fãírėst yesterday;

Snôw-Whîiś fãírėst now, they say.

Thé Dwårfs prótect her fróm thŷ sway Ámid thé forést, far áway."

Aś söön aś it had finishèd, åll her blōōd rushèd tótö herart, for shê wáśwoś sô añgrý tótö hėàŕ that Snôw-Whîwáśwoś yet living. "But now," thøùght shê tótö herself, "will Î mâkè sőmèthing which shall dėstroy her cómplêlý." thus sâying, shê mâdè a poiśónèd cômb bŷ arts which shê understōōd, and then, disgùîśing herself, shê tōōk thé form ofuv an ôld widôw. Shê went ôver thé sevén hillś tótö thé houofuv thé sevén Dwårfs, and knocking at thé dòor, cållèd out, "Gōōd wãŕèś tótö sell tótö-day!"

Snôw-Whîtè peed out and sãìd, "Yöü must gô farther, for Î dãŕè not let yöü in."

But still you may look, said the old woman, drawing out her poisoned comb.

"But still yöü may lōōk," sãìd thé ôld wōmán, drawing out her poiśónèd cômb and hôlding it up. Thé sight ofuv this pleaśèd thé maidén sô much that shê állowèd herself tótö bê persυâdėd, and ôpénèd thé dòor. Aś söön aś shê had bøùght sőmèthing thé ôld wōmán sãìd, "Now let mê for őnçèwőnçè cômb yøùr hãir properlý," and Snôw-Whîtè cónsentėd. But scãŕçèlý wáśwoś thé cômb drawn thröügh thé hãir when thé poiśón bėgan tótö wòŕk, and thé maidén fell down senléss.

"Yöü pattern ofuv bèàûtý," crîèd thé wickéd Qυeen, "it iś now åll ôver with yöü." And sô sâying, shê dėpartėd.

Forťúnálý, êvèning söön câmè, and thé sevén Dwårfs rėturnèd, and aś söön aś they saw Snôw-Whîlŷing, lîdeàd, upon thé ground, they suspectėd thé Qυeen, and discóvéring thé poiśónèd cômb, they immêdïálý drew it out. Then thé maidén verý söön rėvîvèd and tôld them åll that had happénèd. Sô ágãìn they wårnèd her ágãìnst thé wickéd stepmőther, and bâdè her ôpén thé dòor tótö nôbodý.

Meanwhîlè thé Qυeen, on her árrîvál hômè, had ágãìn cónsultėd her mirròŕ, and rėçêìvèd thé sâmè answer aś twîçè bėforè. This mâdè her tremblè and foam with râĝè and jeàlòúsý, and shê sworè that Snôw-Whîtè shōūld dîè if it cost her her ôwn lîfè. Thereupon shê went intö an inner sêcrét châmber wheŕè nô onewőnè cōūld enter, and mâdè an applè ofuv thé môst deep and subtlè poiśón. Outwàŕdlý it lōōkèd nîçè enoughėnòuf, and had rôśý cheeks which wōūld mâthé mouth ofuv everyoneevèrýwőnè whö lōōkèd at it wåter; but whöever âthé smållést pìêçè ofuv it wōūld ŝūrèlý dîè. Aś söön aś thé applè wáśwoś reàdý thé Qυeen ágãìn dŷèd her fâçè, and clôthèd herself lîa peàśánt's wîfè, and then ôver thé sevén mountáìnś tótö thé houofuv thé sevén Dwårfs shê mâdè her way.

Shê knockèd at thé dòor, and Snôw-Whîtè stretchèd out her heàd and sãìd, "Î dãŕè not let anyoneãnýwőnè enter; thé sevén Dwårfs havè forbiddén mê."

"That iś hard on mê," sãìd thé ôld wōmán, "for Î must tâback mŷ applès; but theŕè iś onewőnè which Î will givè yöü."

"Nô," answerèd Snôw-Whîtè; "nô, Î dãŕè not tâit."

"Whåt! Arè yöü áfraid ofuv it?" crîèd thé ôld wōmán. "Theŕè, seeÎ will cut thé applè in halvèś; dö yöü eat thé red cheeks, and Î will eat thé corè." (thé applè wáśwoś sô artfullý mâdè that thé red cheeks álônè werè poiśónèd.) Snôw-Whîverý much wishèd for thé bèàûtíful applè, and when shê saw thé wōmán eating thé corè shê cōūld nô loñger rėśist, but, stretching out her hand, tōōk thé poiśónèd part. Scãŕçèlý had shê plâçèd aêçè in her mouth when shê fell down deàd upon thé ground. Then thé Qυeen, lōōking at her with glittéring èŷèś, and laughinglāfing bitterlý, ėxclaimèd, "Whîaś snôw, red aś blōōd, black aś ebóný! This tîmè thé Dwårfs cannot rêáwâkén yöü."

When shê reachèd hômè and cónsultėd her mirròŕ

"Mirròŕ, mirròŕ on thé wåll,

Whö iś thé fãírėst ofuv us åll?"

It answerèd:


"Thé Qυeen iś fãírėst ofuv thé day."

The Queen is the fairest of the day.

Then her envïòús hèart wáśwoś at rest, aś peaçèfullý aś an envïòús hèart can rest.

When thé littlè Dwårfs rėturnèd hômè in thé êvèning they found Snôw-Whîlŷing on thé ground, and theŕè áppėàŕèd tótö bê nô lîin her bodý; shê seemèd tótö bê qυîdeàd. They raiśèd her up, and trîèd if they cōūld fînd ãnýthing poiśónòús. They lâçèd her, and êvén uncômbèd her hãir, and washedwoshèd her with wåter and with wînè. But nőthing ávailèd: thé dėàŕ chîld wáśwoś rêallý and trülý deàd.

Then they laid her upon a bìêr, and åll sevén plâçèd themselvèś áround it, and wept and wept for three dayś without çeasing. Then they prêpãŕèd tótö burý her. But shê lōōkèd still fresh and lîfè-lîkè, and êvén her red cheeks had not dėśertėd her, sô they sãìd tótö onewőnè ánőther, "Wê cannot burý her in thé black ground." then they orderèd a câsè tótö bê mâdè ofuv glass. In this they cōūld see thé bodý on åll sîdèś, and thé Dwårfs wrôtè her nâmè with gôldén letterś upon thé glass, sâying that shê wáśwoś a King's daughter. Now they plâçèd thé glass câupon thé ledĝè on a rock, and onewőnè ofuv them ålwayś rėmainèd bŷ it wātchingwotching. Êvén thé birdś bėwailèd thé loss ofuv Snôw-Whîtè; first câmè an owl, then a râvén, and last ofuv åll a dővè.

For a long tîmè Snôw-Whîlay peaçèfullý in her câsè, and chânĝèd not, but lōōkèd aś if shê werè ônlý ásleep, for shê wáśwoś still whîaś snôw, red aś blōōd, and black-hãirèd aś ebóný. Bŷ and bŷ it happénèd that a King's sőn wáśwoś travèling in thé forést, and câmè tótö thé Dwårfs' housè tótö pass thé night. Hê söön saw thé glass câupon thé rock, and thé bèàûtíful maidén lŷing within, and hê reàd ålsô thé gôldén inscription.

When hê had ėxamínèd it, hê sãìd tótö thé Dwårfs, "Let mê havè this câsè, and Î will pay whåt yöü lîkè for it."

But thé Dwårfs rėplîèd, "Wê will not sell it for åll thé gôld in thé wòŕld."

"Then givè it tótö mê," sãìd thé Prinçè; "for Î cannot livè without Snôw-Whîtè. Î will honòŕ and prótect her aś long aś Î livè."

When thé Dwårfs saw that hê wáśwoś sô much in èàŕnėst, they piêd him, and at last gâvè him thé câsè, and thé Prinçè orderèd it tótö bê carrìêd áway on thé shôùlderś ofuv hiś áttendánts. Preśéntlý it happénèd that they stumblèd ôver a rut, and with thé shock théêçè ofuv poiśónèd applè which lay in Snôw-Whîtè's mouth fell out. Verý söön shê ôpénèd her èŷèś, and raiśing thé lid ofuv thé glass câsè, shê rôśè up and askèd, "Wheŕè am Î?"

Fūll ofuv joy, thé Prinçè answerèd, "Yöü arè sâwith mê." And hê tôld tótö her whåt shê had sufferèd, and how hê wōūld rather havè her than ãný őther for hiś wîfè, and hê askèd her tótö áccőmpáný him hômè tótö thé castlè ofuv thé King hiś fāther. Snôw-Whîtè cónsentėd, and when they árrîvèd theŕè they werè marrìêd with grèât splendòŕ and magnifiçençè.

Snôw-Whîtè's stepmőther wáśwoś ålsô invîtėd tótö thé wedding, and when shê wáśwoś dressèd in åll her fînérý tótö gô, shê first steppèd in frőnt ofuv her mirròŕ and askèd:

"Mirròŕ, mirròŕ on thé wåll,

Whö iś thé fãírėst ofuv us åll?"

And it rėplîèd:

"Thé Qυeen wáśwoś fãírėst yesterday;

Thé Prinçè's brîdè iś now, they say."