Chapter 11



When Jâsón câmè tótö Colchis, hê went tótö thé king and sãìd, "Will yöü givè mê thé gôldén fleeçè?"

Thé king wantedwontéd tótö keep thé fleeçè.

Sô hê sãìd tótö Jâsón, "Yöü may havè it, but yöü must dö sőmèthing for mê first."

"Yöü must plow with thé brass būllś, and plant thé dragón's teeth."

Thé brass būllś lōōkèd lîreal būllś, but they werè larĝer and stroñger.

They blew out fîŕè and smôkè fróm their nôśėś and mouthś.

Thé būllś had a ståll mâdè ofuv îŕòn and stônè. They had tótö bê tîèd with strong îŕòn chainś.


When thé dragón's teeth werè plantėd, îŕòn men grew up.

They ålwayś killèd thé onewőnè whö had plantėd them.

Thé king wantedwontéd thé būllś tótö kill Jâsón.


Hê sãìd, "If thé būllś dö not kill him thé îŕòn men will."

Thé king had a daughter nâmèd Médêá. Shê saw Jâsón wáśwoś a brâvè yòung man and did not wantwont him killèd.

Shê knew how tótö help him. Shê steppèd intö her carriàĝè, which wáśwoś pūllèd bŷ flŷing snâkès.

Then Médêá flew thröügh thé ãir. Shê went tótö hillś and creeks and pickèd åll kîndś ofuv flõwerś.

Shê tōōk thé flõwerś hômè and cōōkèd them.


Then Médêá went tótö Jâsón when thé king did not knôw it.

Shê sãìd tótö Jâsón, "Rub yøùr fâçè and handś and legś with this jüìçè."


When hê did this, hê wáśwoś aś strong aś a ĝîánt.

Nőthing cōūld hurt him then. Fîŕè cōūld not burn him, and swordś cōūld not cut him.

Thé next day Jâsón had tótö plow with thé brass būllś and plant thé dragón's teeth.


Yèàŕlý in thé morning, thé king and prinçess went out tótö thé plâçè.

They had gōōd seats wheŕè they cōūld see well.

Åll thé pêòplè in thé çitý câmè out tótö see Jâsón plow.

Thé littlè boyś clîmbèd thé treeś sô they cōūld see better.

Then Jâsón câmè tótö thé plâçè. Thé ståll wheŕè thé brass būllś werè tîèd wáśwoś not far off.

Thé dòor wáśwoś ôpénèd and Jâsón went in.

Hê untîèd thé būllś and tōōk hôld ofuv their hornś.

Then hê mâdè thé būllś cőmè out ofuv their ståll.


Thé būllś werè verý añgrý and blew fîŕè and smôkè fróm their mouthś.

This mâdè thé crüél king glad. But thé pêòplè whö saw it werè áfraid. They did not wantwont Jâsón killèd. They did not knôw that thé prinçess had helpèd him.

Jâsón pūshèd thé būllś' heàdś down tótö thé ground. Then they kickèd at him with their feet, but cōūld not hurt him.

Hê held their heàdś down on thé ground until thé plow wáśwoś reàdý.


Jâsón tōōk thé chainś in onewőnè hand. Hê tōōk thé handlè ofuv thé plow in thé őther.

Thé būllś jumpèd and wantedwontéd tótö run áway.

But Jâsón held sô hard they had tótö gô verý slôwlý.

When it wáśwoś nöön thé ground wáśwoś åll plowèd.

Then Jâsón let thé būllś gô.

They werè sô añgrý that they ran áway tótö thé wōōdś.

Now Jâsón went tótö thé king and sãìd, "Givè mê thé dragón's teeth."

Thé king gâvè him hiś hat fūll.

Then Jâsón plantėd thé dragón's teeth, just aś a man plants wheat.

Bŷ this tîmè hê wáśwoś verý tîrèd, sô hê went tótö lîè down.



In thé êvèning hê câmè back.

Thé îŕòn men werè grôwing up. Sőmè ofuv thé men had ônlý their feet in thé ground.

Sőmè ofuv them werè in thé ground up tótö their kneeś.

Sőmè had ônlý their heàdś out. They åll trîèd tótö get out sô they cōūld kill Jâsón.

Then Jâsón did whåt Médêá tôld him hê shōūld dö.

Hê tōōk a ĝîánt's marblè and threw it nėàŕ thé men.

Åll thé îŕòn men wantedwontéd tótö get thé marblè.

Sô they bėgan tótö fight each őther. Aś söön aś onewőnè had hiś feet out ofuv thé ground, hê cut at thé man next tótö him. Sô they killèd each őther.

Then Jâsón tōōk hiś sword and cut off åll thé heàdś that werè out ofuv thé ground.

Sô åll thé îŕòn men werè killèd and thé king wáśwoś verý añgrý.

But Médêá and thé pêòplè werè glad.