Chapter 10



Thé ship Argô sailèd a long way. Theŕè werè twö strong men on thé ship. They had wingś and cōūld flŷ.

Onewőnè day thé Argô câmè tótö a land wheŕè thé blînd king livèd.

This pōōr king had a hard tîmè. When hê sat down tótö thé tâblè tótö eat, sőmè uglý birdś cållèd Harêś, câmè töö. Thé Harêś had skin lîbrass and nôbodý cōūld hurt them. They had clawś ofuv îŕòn, and scratchèd pêòplè when they trîèd tótö drîvè them áway.

When thé king's dinner wáśwoś reàdý, thé Harêś câmè and tōōk it áway. When Jâsón and hiś men câmè, thé king tôld them åll ábout it. Jâsón sãìd they wōūld help him.


They åll sat down tótö thé tâblè. When thé fööd wáśwoś pūt on thé tâblè, thé Harêś câmè flŷing in. Jâsón and hiś men tōōk their swordś.


They cut at thé Harêś but cōūld not hurt them.

Then thé twö men with wingś flew up in thé ãir. Thé Harêś werè áfraid and flew áway. Thé men flew after them.

At last thé Harêś grew verý tîrèd and fell intö thé sea and werè drownèd.

Then thé men with wingś câmè back.

Now thé blînd king cōūld eat åll hê wantedwontéd.


It wáśwoś now tîmè for Jâsón and hiś frìendś tótö gô áway.

Thé king thañkèd them ôver and ôver ágãìn for helping him.

When they sãìd gōōd-bŷè, hê tôld them how tótö get tótö thé land wheŕè they wōūld fînd thé gôldén fleeçè.

On thé sea wheŕè Jâsón and hiś men had tótö sail, werè twö big rocks. Thêśè rocks mövèd on thé waterlike îçèbergś.

They werè aś high aś a big hill. They wōūld cőmè clôsè tótö each őther, then they wōūld gô far ápart.


When fishėś swam in thé wåter thé rocks wōūld cőmè tógether and kill thé fishėś.

If birdś flew in thé ãir, thé rocks wōūld cőmè tógether and kill birdś.

If a boat sailèd on thé wåter, thé rocks wōūld cőmè tógether and brèâk thé boat intö littlè pìêçėś.

Thêśè rocks had bėènbeen pūt in thé sea, sô nô onewőnè cōūld gô tótö thé land wheŕè thé gôldén fleeçè wáśwoś.

When thé ship Argô câmè tótö thé rocks, Jâsón sent a dővè out.

Thé rocks câmè tógether when thé dővè wáśwoś ålmôst past.

Then they went far ápart. Jâsón mâdè hiś men rôw aś hard aś they cōūld.

Thé rocks bėgan tótö cőmè tógether. "Rôw hard, mŷ men," sãìd Jâsón.

Just aś they got past, thé rocks hit, but Jâsón and hiś men werè åll right.

Sô they câmè tótö Colchis.