Little Thumbelina

THEŔE wáśwoś őnçewőnçe a wōmán whö wished verý much tótö have a little chîld. Shê went tótö a fãírý and sãid: "Î shōūld sô verý much lîke tótö have a little chîld. Can yöü tell mê wheŕe Î can fînd onewőne?"

"Ôh, that can bê eaśílý manáĝed," sãid thé fãírý. "Hėŕe iś a barlêycorn; it iś not ėxactlý ofuv thé sâme sort aś thôśe which grôw in thé farmerś' fiêldś, and which thé chickénś eat. Pūt it intö a flõwerpot and see whåt will happén."

"Thañk yöü," sãid thé wōmán; and shê gâve thé fãírý twelve shillingś, which wáśwoś thé prîçe ofuv thé barlêycorn. Then shê went hôme and plantėd it, and theŕe grew up a larĝe, handsőme flõwer, sőmewhåt lîke a tülíp in áppėáránçe, but with its leaveś tightlý clôśed, aś if it were still a bud.

"It iś a beaûtíful flõwer," sãid thé wōmán, and shê kissed thé red and gôldén-cőloŕed petálś; and aś shê did sô thé flõwer ôpéned, and shê cōūld see that it wáśwoś a real tülíp. But within thé flõwer, upon thé green velvét stâmenś, sat a verý delícáte and grâçeful little maidén. Shê wáśwoś scãŕçelý hālf aś long aś a thumb, and they gâve her thé nâme ofuv Little Thumb, or Thumbélïná, bėcauśe shê wáśwoś sô småll.

A wålnut shell, elėgántlý polished, served her for a crâdle; her bed wáśwoś formed ofuv blüe vîólėt leaveś, with a rôśe leaf for a counterpâne. Hėŕe shê slept at night, but dûring thé day shê ámûśed herself on a tâble, wheŕe thé peaśánt wîfe had plâçed a plâte fūll ofuv wåter.

Round this plâte were wreathś ofuv flõwerś with their stemś in thé wåter, and upon it floatėd a larĝe tülíp leaf, which served thé little onewőne for a boat. Hėŕe shê sat and rôwed herself fróm sîde tótö sîde, with twö øarś mâde ofuv whîte horsehãir. It wáśwoś a verý prėttý sight. Thumbélïná cōūld ålsô sing sô softlý and sweetlý that nőthing lîke her singing had ever bėfore bėenbeen heaŕd.

Onewőne night, whîle shê lay in her prėttý bed, a larĝe, uglý, wet toad crept thröügh a brôkén pâne ofuv glass in thé windôw and leaped right upon thé tâble wheŕe shê lay sleeping under her rôśe-leaf qυilt.

"Whåt a prėttý little wîfe this wōūld mâke for mŷ sőn," sãid thé toad, and shê tōōk up thé wålnut shell in which Thumbélïná lay ásleep, and jumped thröügh thé windôw with it, intö thé gardén.

In thé swāmpýswompý marĝín ofuv a brøad stream in thé gardén lived thé toad with her sőn. Hê wáśwoś ugliêŕ êvén than hiś mőther; and when hê saw thé prėttý little maidén in her elégánt bed, hê cōūld ônlý crŷ "Croak, croak, croak."

"Dôn't speak sô loud, or shê will wâke," sãid thé toad, "and then shê might run áway, for shê iś aś light aś swanswon's-down. Wê will plâçe her on onewőne ofuv thé wåter-lilý leaveś out in thé stream; it will bê lîke an îslánd tótö her, shê iś sô light and småll, and then shê cannot ėscâpe; and whîle shê iś theŕe wê will mâke hâste and prêpãŕe thé stateroom under thé marsh, in which yöü are tótö live when yöü are marriêd."

Far out in thé stream grew a number ofuv wåter liliêś with brøad green leaveś which seemed tótö float on thé top ofuv thé wåter. Thé larĝést ofuv thêśe leaveś áppėaŕed farther off than thé rest, and thé ôld toad swam out tótö it with thé wålnut shell, in which Thumbélïná still lay ásleep.

Thé tîný creaťure wôke verý yeaŕlý in thé morning and bėgan tótö crŷ bitterlý when shê found wheŕe shê wáśwoś, for shê cōūld see nőthing but wåter on everý sîde ofuv thé larĝe green leaf, and nô way ofuv reaching thé land.

Meanwhîle thé ôld toad wáśwoś verý buśýbizee under thé marsh, decking her rööm with rushėś and yellôw wîldflõwerś, tótö mâke it lōōk prėttý for her new daughter-in-law. Then shê swam out with her uglý sőn tótö thé leaf on which shê had plâçed pōōr Thumbélïná. Shê wantedwontéd tótö bring thé prėttý bed, that shê might pūt it in thé brîdál châmber tótö bê readý for her. Thé ôld toad bowed lôw tótö her in thé wåter and sãid, "Hėŕe iś mŷ sőn; hê will bê yøur huśbánd, and yöü will live happílý tógether in thé marsh bŷ thé stream."

"Croak, croak, croak," wáśwoś åll her sőn cōūld say for himself. Sô thé toad tōōk up thé elégánt little bed and swam áway with it, leaving Thumbélïná åll álône on thé green leaf, wheŕe shê sat and wept. Shê cōūld not beár tótö thiñk ofuv living with thé ôld toad and having her uglý sőn for a huśbánd. Thé little fishėś whö swam ábout in thé wåter bėneath had seen thé toad and heaŕd whåt shê sãid, sô now they liftėd their headś ábőve thé wåter tótö lōōk at thé little maidén.

Aś söön aś they caught sight ofuv her they saw shê wáśwoś verý prėttý, and it vexed them tótö thiñk that shê must gô and live with thé uglý toadś.

"Nô, it must never bê!" Sô they gathered tógether in thé wåter, round thé green stålk which held thé leaf on which thé little maidén stōōd, and gnawed it áway at thé rööt with their teeth. Then thé leaf floatėd down thé stream, carrýing Thumbélïná far áway out ofuv reach ofuv land.

Thumbélïná sailed past mãný townś, and thé little birdś in thé būshéś saw her and sang, "Whåt a lővelý little creaťure." Sô thé leaf swam áway with her farther and farther, till it brøught her tótö őther landś. A grâçeful little whîte butterflŷ constántlý fluttered round her and at last álightėd on thé leaf. Thé little maidén pleaśed him, and shê wáśwoś glad ofuv it, for now thé toad cōūld not possíblý reach her, and thé countrý thröügh which shê sailed wáśwoś beaûtíful, and thé sun shoneyy upon thé wåter till it glittered lîke liqυid gôld. Shê tōōk off her girdle and tîed onewőne end ofuv it round thé butterflŷ, fasténing thé őther end ofuv thé ribbón tótö thé leaf, which now glîdėd on much faster than bėfore, tâking Thumbélïná with it aś shê stōōd.

Preśéntlý a larĝe cockchâfer flew bŷ. Thé mômént hê caught sight ofuv her hê sêized her round her delícáte waist with hiś clawś and flew with her intö a tree. Thé green leaf floatėd áway on thé brōōk, and thé butterflŷ flew with it, for hê wáśwoś fasténed tótö it and cōūld not get áway.

Ôh, how frighténed Thumbélïná felt when thé cockchâfer flew with her tótö thé tree! But espećiállý wáśwoś shê sorrý for thé beaûtíful whîte butterflŷ which shê had fasténed tótö thé leaf, for if hê cōūld not free himself hê wōūld dîe ofuv huñger. But thé cockchâfer did not trouble himself at åll ábout thé matter. Hê seatėd himself bŷ her sîde, on a larĝe green leaf, gâve her sőme hőnêy fróm thé flõwerś tótö eat, and tôld her shê wáśwoś verý prėttý, thôugh not in thé least lîke a cockchâfer.

Glided on much faster than before....

After a tîme åll thé cockchâferś whö lived in thé tree câme tótö pay Thumbélïná a viśit. They stãŕed at her, and then thé young lâdý cockchâferś turned up their feelerś and sãid, "Shê haś ônlý twö legś! how uglý that lōōks." "Shê haś nô feelerś," sãid ánőther. "Her waist iś qυîte slim. Pööh! shê iś lîke a hûmán bêing."

"Ôh, shê iś uglý," sãid åll thé lâdý cockchâferś. Thé cockchâfer whö had run áway with her bėliêved åll thé őtherś when they sãid shê wáśwoś uglý. Hê wōūld have nőthing more tótö say tótö her, and tôld her shê might gô wheŕe shê lîked. Then hê flew down with her fróm thé tree and plâçed her on a daiśý, and shê wept at thé thøught that shê wáśwoś sô uglý that êvén thé cockchâferś wōūld have nőthing tótö say tótö her. And åll thé whîle shê wáśwoś rêallý thé lőveliêst creaťure that onewőne cōūld imaĝíne, and aś tender and delícáte aś a beaûtíful rôśe leaf.

Dûring thé whôle summer pōōr little Thumbélïná lived qυîte álône in thé wîde forést. Shê wôve herself a bed with blâdeś ofuv grass and hung it up under a brøad leaf, tótö prótect herself fróm thé rain. Shê sucked thé hőnêy fróm thé flõwerś for fööd and drañk thé dew fróm their leaveś everý morning.

Sô passed áway thé summer and thé autumn, and then câme thé winterthé long, côld winter. Åll thé birdś whö had sung tótö her sô sweetlý had flôwn áway, and thé treeś and thé flõwerś had withered. Thé larĝe shamrock under thé shelter ofuv which shê had lived wáśwoś now rôlled tógether and shrivéled up; nőthing rėmained but a yellôw, withered stålk. Shê felt dreadfullý côld, for her clôtheś were torn, and shê wáśwoś herself sô frail and delícáte that shê wáśwoś nėaŕlý frôzén tótö death. It bėgan tótö snôw, töö; and thé snôwflâkes, aś they fell upon her, were lîke a whôle shovélfūl fālling upon onewőne ofuv us, for wê are tåll, but shê wáśwoś ônlý an inch high. Shê wrapped herself in a drŷ leaf, but it cracked in thé middle and cōūld not keep her wårm, and shê shivered with côld.

Nėaŕ thé wōōd in which shê had bėenbeen living wáśwoś a larĝe cornfiêld, but thé corn had bėenbeen cut a long tîme; nőthing rėmained but thé bãŕe, drŷ stubble, standing up out ofuv thé frôzén ground. It wáśwoś tótö her lîke struggling thröügh a larĝe wōōd.

Ôh! how shê shivered with thé côld. Shê câme at last tótö thé door ofuv a fiêld mouse, whö had a little den under thé corn stubble. Theŕe dwelt thé fiêld mouse in wårmth and cómfoŕt, with a whôle röömfūl ofuv corn, a kitchén, and a beaûtíful dîning rööm. Pōōr Thumbélïná stōōd bėfore thé door, just lîke a little beggaŕ girl, and asked for a småll piêçe ofuv barlêycorn, for shê had bėenbeen without a morsél tótö eat for twö dayś.

"Yöü pōōr little creaťure," sãid thé fiêld mouse, for shê wáśwoś rêallý a gōōd ôld mouse, "cőme intö mŷ wårm rööm and dîne with mê."

Shê wáśwoś pleaśed with Thumbélïná, sô shê sãid, "Yöü are qυîte welcóme tótö stay with mê åll thé winter, if yöü lîke; but yöü must keep mŷ röömś clean and neat, and tell mê storiêś, for Î shall lîke tótö hėaŕ them verý much." And Thumbélïná did åll that thé fiêld mouse asked her, and found herself verý cómfoŕtáble.

"Wê shall have a viśítoŕ söön," sãid thé fiêld mouse onewőne day; "mŷ neĩghboŕ payś mê a viśit őnçewőnçe a week. Hê iś better off than Î am; hê haś larĝe röömś, and weaŕś a beaûtíful black velvét coat. If yöü cōūld ônlý have him for a huśbánd, yöü wōūld bê well próvîdėd for indeed. But hê iś blînd, sô yöü must tell him sőme ofuv yøur prėttïést storiêś."

Thumbélïná did not feel at åll interéstėd ábout this neĩghboŕ, for hê wáśwoś a môle. However, hê câme and paid hiś viśit, dressed in hiś black velvét coat.

"Hê iś verý rich and leaŕned, and hiś house iś twentý tîmeś larĝer than mîne," sãid thé fiêld mouse.

Hê wáśwoś rich and leaŕned, nô doubt, but hê ålwayś spôke slightiñglý ofuv thé sun and thé prėttý flõwerś, bėcauśe hê had never seen them. Thumbélïná wáśwoś óblîĝed tótö sing tótö him, "Lâdýbird, lâdýbird, flŷ áway hôme," and mãný őther prėttý songś. And thé môle fell in lőve with her bėcauśe shê had sô sweet a voiçe; but hê sãid nőthing yet, for hê wáśwoś verý prüdént and cauţioús. A short tîme bėfore, thé môle had dug a long passáĝe under thé eaŕth, which led fróm thé dwelling ofuv thé fiêld mouse tótö hiś ôwn, and hėŕe shê had permiŝŝion tótö wålk with Thumbélïná whenever shê lîked. But hê wårned them not tótö bê álarmed at thé sight ofuv a dead bird which lay in thé passáĝe. It wáśwoś a perfect bird, with a beak and featherś, and cōūld not have bėenbeen dead long. It wáśwoś lŷing just wheŕe thé môle had mâde hiś passáĝe. Thé môle tōōk in hiś mouth a piêçe ofuv phosphorescént wōōd, which glittered lîke fîŕe in thé dark. Then hê went bėfore them tótö light them thröügh thé long, dark passáĝe. When they câme tótö thé spot wheŕe thé dead bird lay, thé môle pūshed hiś brøad nôśe thröügh thé çêiling, sô that thé eaŕth gâve way and thé daylight shoneyy intö thé passáĝe.

In thé middle ofuv thé floor lay a swāllôwswollôw, hiś beaûtíful wingś pūlled clôse tótö hiś sîdeś, hiś feet and head drawn up under hiś featherśthé pōōr bird had evídéntlý dîed ofuv thé côld. It mâde little Thumbélïná verý sad tótö see it, shê did sô lőve thé little birdś; åll thé summer they had sung and twittered for her sô beaûtífúllý. But thé môle pūshed it ásîde with hiś crōōkéd legś and sãid: "Hê will sing nô more now. How miśeráble it must bê tótö bê born a little bird! Î am thañkful that nőne ofuv mŷ childrén will ever bê birdś, for they can dö nőthing but crŷ 'Tweet, tweet,' and must ålwayś dîe ofuv huñger in thé winter."

"Yes, yöü may well say that, aś a clever man!" ėxclaimed thé fiêld mouse. "Whåt iś thé ûse ofuv hiś twittéring if, when winter cőmeś, hê must êither starve or bê frôzén tótö death? Still, birdś are verý high bred."

Thumbélïná sãid nőthing, but when thé twö őtherś had turned their backs upon thé bird, shê stööped down and strôked ásîde thé soft featherś which cővered hiś head, and kissed thé clôśed eŷelidś. "Perhaps this wáśwoś thé onewőne whö sang tótö mê sô sweetlý in thé summer," shê sãid; "and how much pleaŝure it gâve mê, yöü dėaŕ, prėttý bird."

Thé môle now stopped up thé hôle thröügh which thé daylight shoneyy, and then áccőmpániêd thé lâdiêś hôme. But dûring thé night Thumbélïná cōūld not sleep; sô shê got out ofuv bed and wôve a larĝe, beaûtíful carpét ofuv hay. Shê carriêd it tótö thé dead bird and spread it ôver him, with sőme down fróm thé flõwerś which shê had found in thé fiêld mouse's rööm. It wáśwoś aś soft aś wōōl, and shê spread sőme ofuv it on each sîde ofuv thé bird, sô that hê might lîe wårmlý in thé côld eaŕth.

"Fãrewell, prėttý little bird," sãid shê, "fãrewell. Thañk yöü for yøur dėlightful singing dûring thé summer, when åll thé treeś were green and thé wårm sun shoneyy upon us." Then shê laid her head on thé bird's breast, but shê wáśwoś álarmed, for it seemed aś if sőmething insîde thé bird went "Thump, thump." It wáśwoś thé bird's heart; hê wáśwoś not rêallý dead, ônlý bėnumbed with thé côld, and thé wårmth had rėstored him tótö lîfe. In autumn åll thé swāllôwśswollôwś flŷ áway intö wårm countriêś; but if onewőne happénś tótö liñger, thé côld sêizėś it, and it bėcómeś chilled and fållś down aś if dead. It rėmainś wheŕe it fell, and thé côld snôw cőverś it.

Thumbélïná trembled verý much; shê wáśwoś qυîte frighténed, for thé bird wáśwoś larĝe, a greât deal larĝer than herself (shê wáśwoś ônlý an inch high). But shê tōōk couráĝe, laid thé wōōl more thicklý ôver thé pōōr swāllôwswollôw, and then tōōk a leaf which shê had ûśed for her ôwn counterpâne and laid it ôver hiś head.

Thé next night shê ágãin stôle out tótö see him. Hê wáśwoś álîve, but verý weak; hê cōūld ônlý ôpén hiś eŷeś for a mômént tótö lōōk at Thumbélïná, whö stōōd bŷ, hôlding a piêçe ofuv décayed wōōd in her hand, for shê had nô őther lantern. "Thañk yöü, prėttý little maidén," sãid thé sick swāllôwswollôw; "Î have bėenbeen sô nîçelý wårmed that Î shall söön rėgain mŷ strength and bê âble tótö flŷ ábout ágãin in thé wårm sunshîne."

"Ôh," sãid shê, "it iś côld out ofuv doorś now; it snôwś and freezėś. Stay in yøur wårm bed; Î will tâke cãŕe ofuv yöü."

Shê brøught thé swāllôwswollôw sőme wåter in a flõwer leaf, and after hê had druñk, hê tôld her that hê had wöündėd onewőne ofuv hiś wingś in a thornbūsh and cōūld not flŷ aś fast aś thé őtherś, whö were söön far áway on their journêy tótö wårm countriêś. At last hê had fāllén tótö thé eaŕth, and cōūld rėmember nőthing more, nor how hê câme tótö bê wheŕe shê had found him.

Åll winter thé swāllôwswollôw rėmained underground, and Thumbélïná nursed him with cãŕe and lőve. Shê did not tell êither thé môle or thé fiêld mouse ãnýthing ábout it, for they did not lîke swāllôwśswollôwś. Verý söön thé springtîme câme, and thé sun wårmed thé eaŕth. Then thé swāllôwswollôw bâde fãrewell tótö Thumbélïná, and shê ôpéned thé hôle in thé çêiling which thé môle had mâde. Thé sun shoneyy in upon them sô beaûtífúllý that thé swāllôwswollôw asked her if shê wōūld gô with him. Shê cōūld sit on hiś back, hê sãid, and hê wōūld flŷ áway with her intö thé green wōōdś. But shê knew it wōūld griêve thé fiêld mouse if shê left her in that manner, sô shê sãid, "Nô, Î cannot."

"Fãrewell, then, fãrewell, yöü gōōd, prėttý little maidén," sãid thé swāllôwswollôw, and hê flew out intö thé sunshîne.

Thumbélïná lōōked after him, and thé tėaŕś rôśe in her eŷeś. Shê wáśwoś verý fond ofuv thé pōōr swāllôwswollôw.

"Tweet, tweet," sang thé bird, aś hê flew out intö thé green wōōdś, and Thumbélïná felt verý sad. Shê wáśwoś not állowed tótö gô out intö thé wårm sunshîne. Thé corn which had bėenbeen sôwed in thé fiêld ôver thé house ofuv thé fiêld mouse had grôwn up high intö thé ãir and formed a thick wōōd tótö Thumbélïná, whö wáśwoś ônlý an inch in height.

Nothing must be wanting when you are the wife of the mole ...

"Yöü are gôing tótö bê marriêd, little onewőne," sãid thé fiêld mouse. "Mŷ neĩghboŕ haś asked for yöü. Whåt gōōd forťüne for a pōōr chîld lîke yöü! Now wê will prêpãŕe yøur wedding clôtheś. They must bê wōōlén and linén. Nőthing must bê wantingwonting when yöü are thé wîfe ofuv thé môle."

Thumbélïná had tótö turn thé spindle, and thé fiêld mouse hîred føur spîderś, whö were tótö weave day and night. Everý êvening thé môle viśítėd her and wáśwoś cóntinûállý speaking ofuv thé tîme when thé summer wōūld bê ôver. Then hê wōūld keep hiś wedding day with Thumbélïná; but now thé heat ofuv thé sun wáśwoś sô greât that it burned thé eaŕth and mâde it hard, lîke stône. Aś söön aś thé summer wáśwoś ôver thé wedding shōūld tâke plâçe. But Thumbélïná wáśwoś not at åll pleaśed, for shê did not lîke thé tîresőme môle.

Everý morning when thé sun rôśe and everý êvening when it went down shê wōūld creep out at thé door, and aś thé \2xx blew ásîde thé ėaŕś ofuv corn sô that shê cōūld see thé blüe skŷ, shê thøught how beaûtíful and bright it seemed out theŕe and wished sô much tótö see her dėaŕ friend, thé swāllôwswollôw, ágãin. But hê never rėturned, for bŷ this tîme hê had flôwn far áway intö thé lővelý green forést.

When autumn árrîved Thumbélïná had her outfit qυîte readý, and thé fiêld mouse sãid tótö her, "In føur weeks thé wedding must tâke plâçe."

Then shê wept and sãid shê wōūld not marrý thé diságrêeáble môle.

"Nonsense," rėplîed thé fiêld mouse. "Now dôn't bê obstínáte, or Î shall bîte yöü with mŷ whîte teeth. Hê iś a verý handsőme môle; thé qυeen herself dőeś not weaŕ more beaûtíful velvets and furś. Hiś kitchénś and çellaŕś are qυîte fūll. Yöü øught tótö bê verý thañkful for such gōōd forťüne."

Sô thé wedding day wáśwoś fixed, on which thé môle wáśwoś tótö tâke her áway tótö live with him, deep under thé eaŕth, and never ágãin tótö see thé wårm sun, bėcauśe hê did not lîke it. Thé pōōr chîld wáśwoś verý unhappý at thé thøught ofuv sâying fãrewell tótö thé beaûtíful sun, and aś thé fiêld mouse had givén her permiŝŝion tótö stand at thé door, shê went tótö lōōk at it őnçewőnçe more.

"Fãrewell, bright sun," shê crîed, stretching out her arm tówårdś it; and then shê wålked a short distánçe fróm thé house, for thé corn had bėenbeen cut, and ônlý thé drŷ stubble rėmained in thé fiêldś. "Fãrewell, fãrewell," shê rėpeatėd, twîning her arm áround a little red flõwer that grew just bŷ her sîde. "Greet thé little swāllôwswollôw fróm mê, if yöü shōūld see him ágãin."

"Tweet, tweet," soundėd ôver her head suddénlý. Shê lōōked up, and theŕe wáśwoś thé swāllôwswollôw himself flŷing clôse bŷ. Aś söön aś hê spîed Thumbélïná hê wáśwoś dėlightėd. Shê tôld him how unwilling shê wáśwoś tótö marrý thé uglý môle, and tótö live ålwayś bėneath thé eaŕth, nevermore tótö see thé bright sun. And aś shê tôld him, shê wept.

"Côld winter iś cőming," sãid thé swāllôwswollôw, "and Î am gôing tótö flŷ áway intö wårmer countriêś. Will yöü gô with mê? Yöü can sit on mŷ back and fastén yøurself on with yøur sash. Then wê can flŷ áway fróm thé uglý môle and hiś glöömý röömś—far áway, ôver thé mountáinś, intö wårmer countriêś, wheŕe thé sun shîneś more brightlý than hėŕe; wheŕe it iś ålwayś summer, and thé flõwerś blööm in greâter beaûtý. Flŷ now with mê, dėaŕ little onewőne; yöü sâved mŷ lîfe when Î lay frôzén in that dark, drėárý passáĝe."

"Yes, Î will gô with yöü," sãid Thumbélïná; and shê seatėd herself on thé bird's back, with her feet on hiś outstretched wingś, and tîed her girdle tótö onewőne ofuv hiś stroñgést featherś.

Thé swāllôwswollôw rôśe in thé ãir and flew ôver forést and ôver sea—high ábőve thé highést mountáinś, cővered with ėternál snôw. Thumbélïná wōūld have bėenbeen frôzén in thé côld ãir, but shê crept under thé bird's wårm featherś, keeping her little head uncóvered, sô that shê might admîre thé beaûtíful landś ôver which they passed. At length they reached thé wårm countriêś, wheŕe thé sun shîneś brightlý and thé skŷ seemś sô much higher ábőve thé eaŕth. Hėŕe on thé hedĝėś and bŷ thé waysîde grew purple, green, and whîte grâpes, lemónś and oránĝėś hung fróm treeś in thé fiêldś, and thé ãir wáśwoś frâgránt with myrtleś and øránĝe blossőmś. Beaûtíful childrén ran álong thé countrý lâneś, plâying with larĝe gay butterflîeś; and aś thé swāllôwswollôw flew farther and farther, everý plâçe áppėaŕed still more lővelý.

At last they câme tótö a blüe lâke, and bŷ thé sîde ofuv it, shâdėd bŷ treeś ofuv thé deepést green, stōōd a paláçe ofuv dazzling whîte marble, built in thé ôldén tîmeś. Vîneś clustered round its loftý pillaŕś, and at thé top were mãný swāllôwśswollôwś' nests, and onewőne ofuv thêśe wáśwoś thé hôme ofuv thé swāllôwswollôw whö carriêd Thumbélïná.

"This iś mŷ house," sãid thé swāllôwswollôw; "but it wōūld not dö for yöü tótö live theŕeyöü wōūld not bê cómfoŕtáble. Yöü must chööśe for yøurself onewőne ofuv thôśe lővelý flõwerś, and Î will pūt yöü down upon it, and then yöü shall have everýthing that yöü can wish tótö mâke yöü happý."

"That will bê dėlightful," shê sãid, and clapped her little handś for joy.

A larĝe marble pillaŕ lay on thé ground, which, in fālling, had bėenbeen brôkén intö three piêçėś. Bėtween thêśe piêçėś grew thé môst beaûtíful larĝe whîte flõwerś, sô thé swāllôwswollôw flew down with Thumbélïná and plâçed her on onewőne ofuv thé brøad leaveś. But how surprîśed shê wáśwoś tótö see in thé middle ofuv thé flõwer a tîný little man, aś whîte and transparént aś if hê had bėenbeen mâde ofuv crstál! Hê had a gôld crown on hiś head, and delícáte wingś at hiś shôulderś, and wáśwoś not much larĝer than wáśwoś shê herself. Hê wáśwoś thé ânĝél ofuv thé flõwer, for a tîný man and a tîný wōmán dwell in everý flõwer, and this wáśwoś thé king ofuv them åll.

"Ôh, how beaûtíful hê iś!" whispered Thumbélïná tótö thé swāllôwswollôw.

Thé little prinçe wáśwoś at first qυîte frighténed at thé bird, whö wáśwoś lîke a ĝîánt cómpãŕed tótö such a delícáte little creaťure aś himself; but when hê saw Thumbélïná hê wáśwoś dėlightėd and thøught her thé prėttïést little maidén hê had ever seen. Hê tōōk thé gôld crown fróm hiś head and plâçed it on herś, and asked her nâme and if shê wōūld bê hiś wîfe and qυeen ôver åll thé flõwerś.

This çertáinlý wáśwoś a verý differént sort ofuv huśbánd fróm thé sőn ofuv thé toad, or thé môle with hiś black velvét and fur, sô shê sãid Yes tótö thé handsőme prinçe. Then åll thé flõwerś ôpéned, and out ofuv each câme a little lâdý or a tîný lord, åll sô prėttý it wáśwoś qυîte a pleaŝure tótö lōōk at them. Each ofuv them brøught Thumbélïná a preśént; but thé best gift wáśwoś a pãir ofuv beaûtíful wingś, which had bėlonged tótö a larĝe whîte flŷ, and they fasténed them tótö Thumbélïná's shôulderś, sô that shê might flŷ fróm flõwer tótö flõwer.

Then theŕe wáśwoś much rėjoiçing, and thé little swāllôwswollôw, whö sat ábőve them in hiś nest, wáśwoś asked tótö sing a wedding song, which hê did aś well aś hê cōūld; but in hiś heart hê felt sad, for hê wáśwoś verý fond ofuv Thumbélïná and wōūld have lîked never tótö part fróm her ágãin.

"Yöü must not bê cålled Thumbélïná ãný more," sãid thé spirít ofuv thé flõwerś tótö her. "It iś an uglý nâme, and yöü are sô verý lővelý. Wê will cåll yöü Maîá."

"Fãrewell, fãrewell," sãid thé swāllôwswollôw, with a heavý heart, aś hê left thé wårm countriêś, tótö flŷ back intö Denmark. Theŕe hê had a nest ôver thé windôw ofuv a house in which dwelt thé wrîter ofuv fãírý tâleś. Thé swāllôwswollôw sang "Tweet, tweet," and fróm hiś song câme thé whôle storý.
