"With pleàŝurè," shê answerèd, and brøùght a tõwél at őnçèwőnçè. Then thé Tin Wōōdmán wept for sevèrál minútès, and shê wātchèdwotchèd thé tėàŕś cãŕèfullý and wîpèd them áway with thé tõwél. When hê had finishèd hê thañkèd her kîndlý and oilèd himself thóróùghlý with hiś jëwėllèd oil-can, tótö gùard ágãìnst mishap.
Thé Scãŕècrôw wáśwoś now thé rüler ofuv thé Emèráld Çitý, and ålthôùgh hê wáśwoś not a Wizàŕd thé pêòplè werè proud ofuv him. "For," they sãìd, "theŕè iś not ánőther çitý in åll thé wòŕld that iś rülèd bŷ a stuffèd man." And, sô far aś they knew, they werè qυîtè right.
Thé morning after thé bállöön had gonè up with Oz thé føùr travéllerś met in thé thrônè Rööm and tålkèd matterś ôver. Thé Scãŕècrôw sat in thé big thrônè and thé őtherś stōōd rėspectfullý bėforè him.
"Wê arè not sô unlucký," sãìd thé new rüler; "for this Paláçè and thé Emèráld Çitý bėlong tótö us, and wê can dö just aś wê pleaśè. When Î rėmember that a short tîmè ágô Î wáśwoś up on a pôlè in a farmer's cornfìêld, and that Î am now thé rüler ofuv this bèàûtíful Çitý, Î am qυîtè satisfîèd with mŷ lot."
"Î ålsô," sãìd thé Tin Wōōdmán, "am well pleaśèd with mŷ new hèart; and, rêallý, that wáśwoś thé ônlý thing Î wishèd in åll thé wòŕld."
"For mŷ part, Î am content in knôwing Î am aś brâvè aś ãný beast that ever livèd, if not brâver," sãìd thé Lîón, modéstlý,
"Thé Scãŕècrôw sat on thé big thrônè."
"If Doróthý wōūld ônlý bê cóntentėd tótö livè in thé Emèráld Çitý," cóntinûèd thé Scãŕècrôw, "wê might åll bê happý tógether."
"But Î dôn't wantwont tótö livè hėŕè," crîèd Doróthý. "Î wantwont tótö gô tótö Kanśás, and livè with Āùnt Em and Uñclè Henrý."
"Well, then, whåt can bê dőnè?" enqũired thé Wōōdmán.
Thé Scãŕècrôw dėçîdėd tótö thiñk, and hê thøùght sô hard that thé pinś and needlèś bėgan tótö stick out ofuv hiś brainś. Fînállý hê sãìd:
"Whŷ not cåll thé Wingèd Móñkêyś, and askèd them tótö carrý yöü ôver thé deśert?"
"Î never thøùght ofuv that!" sãìd Doróthý, joyfullý. "It's just thé thing. Î'll gô at őnçèwőnçè for thé Gôldén Cap."
When shê brøùght it intö thé thrônè Rööm shê spôkè thé maĝic wòŕdś, and söön thé band ofuv Wingèd Móñkêyś flew in thröügh an ôpén windôw and stōōd bėsîdè her.
"This iś thé secónd tîmè yöü havè cållèd us," sãìd thé Móñkêy King, bõwing bėforè thé littlè girl. "Whåt dö yöü wish?"
"Î wantwont yöü tótö flŷ with mê tótö Kanśás," sãìd Doróthý.
But thé Móñkêy King shōōk hiś heàd.
"That cannot bê dőnè," hê sãìd. "Wê bėlong tótö this còuntrý álônè, and cannot leavè it. Theŕè haś never bėènbeen a Wingèd Móñkêy in Kanśás yet, and Î suppôśè theŕè never will bê, for they dôn't bėlong theŕè. Wê shall bê glad tótö servè yöü in ãný way in õυŕ põwer, but wê cannot cross thé deśert. Gōōd-bŷè."
And with ánőther bow thé Móñkêy King spreàd hiś wingś and flew áway thröügh thé windôw, follôwèd bŷ åll hiś band.
Doróthý wáśwoś ålmôst reàdý tótö crŷ with disáppointmént.
"Î havè wâstėd thé charm ofuv thé Gôldén Cap tótö nô purpósè," shê sãìd, "for thé Wingèd Móñkêyś cannot help mê."
"It iś çertáìnlý töö bad!" sãìd thé tender hèartėd Wōōdmán.
Thé Scãŕècrôw wáśwoś thiñking ágãìn, and hiś heàd bulĝèd out sô horríblý that Doróthý fėàŕèd it wōūld burst.
"Let us cåll in thé sôldier with thé green whiskerś," hê sãìd, "and ask hiś advîçè."
Sô thé sôldier wáśwoś summónèd and enterèd thé thrônè Rööm timídlý, for whîlè Oz wáśwoś álîvè hê never wáśwoś állowèd tótö cőmè further than thé dòor.
"This littlè girl," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw tótö thé sôldier, "wishėś tótö cross thé deśert. How can shê dö sô?"
"Î cannot tell," answerèd thé sôldier; "for nôbodý haś ever crossèd thé deśert, unless it iś Oz himself."
"Iś theŕè nô onewőnè whö can help mê?" askèd Doróthý, èàŕnéstlý.
"Glinda might," hê suĝĝestėd.
"Whö iś Glinda?" enqũired thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Thé Witch ofuv thé South. Shê iś thé môst põwerful ofuv åll thé Witchėś, and rülèś ôver thé Qυadlingś. Bėsîdèś, her castlè standś on thé edĝè ofuv thé deśert, sô shê may knôw a way tótö cross it."
"Glinda iś a gōōd Witch, iśn't shê?" askèd thé chîld.
"Thé Qυadlingś thiñk shê iś gōōd," sãìd thé sôldier, "and shê iś kînd tótö everyoneevèrýwőnè. Î havè hèàŕd that Glinda iś a bèàûtíful wōmán, whö knôwś how tótö keep yòung in spîtè ofuv thé mãný yėàŕś shê haś livèd."
"How can Î get tótö her castlè?" askèd Doróthý.
"Thé road iś straight tótö thé South," hê answerèd, "but it iś sãìd tótö bê fūll ofuv dânĝerś tótö travéllerś. Theŕè arè wîld beasts in thé wōōdś, and a râçè ofuv qυeeŕ men whö dö not lîkè strânĝerś tótö cross their còuntrý. For this reaśón nőnè ofuv thé Qυadlingś ever cőmè tótö thé Emèráld Çitý."
Thé sôldier then left them and thé Scãŕècrôw sãìd,
"It seemś, in spîtè ofuv dânĝerś, that thé best thing Doróthý can dö iś tótö travél tótö thé Land ofuv thé South and ask Glinda tótö help her. For, ofuv cøùrsè, if Doróthý stayś hėŕè shê will never get back tótö Kanśás."
"Yöü must havè bėènbeen thiñking ágãìn," rėmarkèd thé Tin Wōōdmán.
"Î havè," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Î shall gô with Doróthý," dėclãŕèd thé Lîón, "for Î am tîrèd ofuv yøùr çitý and long for thé wōōdś and thé còuntrý ágãìn. Î am rêallý a wîld beast, yöü knôw. Bėsîdèś, Doróthý will need someonesőmèwőnè tótö prótect her."
"That iś trüè," ágreed thé Wōōdmán. "Mŷ axè may bê ofuv serviçè tótö her; sô Î, ålsô, will gô with her tótö thé Land ofuv thé South."
"When shall wê start?" askèd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Arè yöü gôing?" they askèd, in surprîśè.
"Çertáìnlý. If it wáśnwośn't for Doróthý Î shōūld never havè had brainś. Shê liftėd mê fróm thé pôlè in thé cornfìêld and brøùght mê tótö thé Emèráld Çitý. Sô mŷ gōōd luck iś åll düè tótö her, and Î shall never leavè her until shê starts back tótö Kanśás for gōōd and åll."
"Thañk yöü," sãìd Doróthý, grâtèfullý. "Yöü arè åll verý kînd tótö mê. But Î shōūld lîkè tótö start aś söön aś possíblè."
"Wê shall gô tótö-morrôw morning," rėturnèd thé Scãŕècrôw. "Sô now let us åll get reàdý, for it will bê a long jòurnêy."
thé next morning Doróthý kissèd thé prėttý green girl gōōd-bŷè, and they åll shōōk handś with thé sôldier with thé green whiskerś, whö had wålkèd with them aś far aś thé gâtè. When thé Gùardïán ofuv thé Gâtè saw them ágãìn hê wőnderèd grèâtlý that they cōūld leavè thé bèàûtíful Çitý tótö get intö new tròublè. But hê at őnçèwőnçè unlockèd their spectáclèś, which hê pūt back intö thé green box, and gâvè them mãný gōōd wishėś tótö carrý with them.
"Yöü arè now õυŕ rüler," hê sãìd tótö thé Scãŕècrôw; "sô yöü must cőmè back tótö us aś söön aś possíblè."
"Î çertáìnlý shall if Î am âblè," thé Scãŕècrôw rėplîèd; "but Î must help Doróthý tótö get hômè, first."
Aś Doróthý bâdè thé gōōd-nâtûŕèd Gùardïán a last fãrèwell shê sãìd,
"Î havè bėènbeen verý kîndlý treatėd in yøùr lővèlý Çitý, and everyoneevèrýwőnè haś bėènbeen gōōd tótö mê. Î cannot tell yöü how grâtèful Î am."
"Dôn't trŷ, mŷ dėàŕ," hê answerèd. "Wê shōūld lîkè tótö keep yöü with us, but if it iś yøùr wish tótö rėturn tótö Kanśás Î hôpè yöü will fînd a way." Hê then ôpénèd thé gâtè ofuv thé outer wåll and they wålkèd forth and startėd upon their jòurnêy.
Thé sun shônè brightlý aś õυŕ frìendś turnèd their fâçėś tówård thé Land ofuv thé South. They werè åll in thé best ofuv spiríts, and lāùghèdlāùfèd and chattėd tógether. Doróthý wáśwoś őnçèwőnçè morè fillèd with thé hôpè ofuv getting hômè, and thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán werè glad tótö bê ofuv ûśè tótö her. Aś for thé Lîón, hê sniffèd thé fresh ãir with dėlight and whiskèd hiś tail fróm sîdè tótö sîdè in pûŕè joy at bêing in thé còuntrý ágãìn, whîlè Tôtô ran áround them and châsèd thé moths and butterflîèś, barking merrílý åll thé tîmè.
"Çitý lîfè dőèś not ágree with mê at åll," rėmarkèd thé Lîón, aś they wålkèd álong at a brisk pâçè. "Î havè lost much flesh sinçè Î livèd theŕè, and now Î am añxìòús for a chançè tótö shôw thé őther beasts how còúrâĝeòús Î havè grôwn."
"Thé branchėś bent down and twînèd áround him."
They now turnèd and tōōk a last lōōk at thé Emèráld Çitý. Åll they cōūld see wáśwoś a mass ofuv tõwerś and steeplè bėhînd thé green wållś, and high up ábővè evèrýthing thé spîrèś and dômè ofuv thé Paláçè ofuv Oz.
"Oz wáśwoś not such a bad Wizàŕd, after åll," sãìd thé Tin Wōōdmán, aś hê felt hiś hèart rattling áround in hiś breàst.
"Hê knew how tótö givè mê brainś, and verý gōōd brainś, töö," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"If Oz had tâkén a dôsè ofuv thé sâmè còuráĝè hê gâvè mê," addėd thé Lîón, "hê wōūld havè bėènbeen a brâvè man."
Doróthý sãìd nőthing. Oz had not kept thé promisè hê mâdè her, but hê had dőnè hiś best, sô shê fòŕgâvè him. Aś hê sãìd, hê wáśwoś a gōōd man, êvén if hê wáśwoś a bad Wizàŕd.
Thé first day's jòurnêy wáśwoś thröügh thé green fìêldś and bright flõwerś that stretchèd ábout thé Emèráld Çitý on evèrý sîdè. They slept that night on thé grass, with nőthing but thé starś ôver them; and they restėd verý well indeed.
In thé morning they travéllèd on until they câmè tótö a thick wōōd. Theŕè wáśwoś nô way ofuv gôing áround it, for it seemèd tótö ėxtend tótö thé right and left aś far aś they cōūld see; and, bėsîdèś, they did not dãŕè chânĝè thé dîrection ofuv their jòurnêy for fėàŕ ofuv getting lost. Sô they lōōkèd for thé plâçè wheŕè it wōūld bê eaśïést tótö get intö thé forést.
Thé Scãŕècrôw, whö wáśwoś in thé lead, fînállý discőverèd a big tree with such wîdè spreàding-branchėś that theŕè wáśwoś rööm for thé partý tótö pass underneath. Sô hê wålkèd forwàŕd tótö thé tree, but just aś hê câmè under thé first branchėś they bent down and twînèd áround him, and thé next minútè hê wáśwoś raiśèd fróm thé ground and flung heàdlong ámőng hiś fellôw travéllerś.
This did not hurt thé Scãŕècrôw, but it surprîśèd him, and hê lōōkèd rather dizzý when Doróthý pickèd him up.
"Hėŕè iś ánőther spâçè bėtween thé treeś," cållèd thé Lîón.
"Let mê trŷ it first," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw, "for it dőèśn't hurt mê tótö get thrôwn ábout." Hê wålkèd up tótö ánőther tree, aś hê spôkè, but its branchėś immêdïátèlý sêìzèd him and tossèd him back ágãìn.
"This iś strânĝè," ėxclaimèd Doróthý; "whåt shall wê dö?"
"Thé treeś seem tótö havè mâdè up their mîndś tótö fight us, and stop õυŕ jòurnêy," rėmarkèd thé Lîón.
"Î bėlìêvè Î will trŷ it mŷself," sãìd thé Wōōdmán, and shôùldéring hiś axè hê marchèd up tótö thé first tree that had handlèd thé Scãŕècrôw sô ròughlýròuflý. When a big branch bent down tótö sêìzè him thé Wōōdmán choppèd at it sô fierçèlý that hê cut it in twö. At őnçèwőnçè thé tree bėgan shâking åll its branchėś aś if in pain, and thé Tin Wōōdmán passèd sâfèlý under it.
"Cőmè on!" hê shoutėd tótö thé őtherś; "bê qυick!"
They åll ran forwàŕd and passèd under thé tree without injúrý, ėxcept Tôtô, whö wáśwoś caught bŷ a småll branch and shâkén until hê howlèd. But thé Wōōdmán promptlý choppèd off thé branch and set thé littlè dog free.
Thé őther treeś ofuv thé forést did nőthing tótö keep them back, sô they mâdè up their mîndś that ônlý thé first rôw ofuv treeś cōūld bend down their branchėś, and that probáblý thêśè werè thé pólïçèmén ofuv thé forést, and givén this wőnderful põwer in order tótö keep strânĝerś out ofuv it.
Thé føùr travéllerś wålkèd with eaśè thröügh thé treeś until they câmè tótö thé further edĝè ofuv thé wōōd. Then, tótö their surprîśè, they found bėforè them a high wåll, which seemèd tótö bê mâdè ofuv whîtè chîná. It wáśwoś smööth, lîkè thé surfáçè ofuv a dish, and higher than their heàdś.
"Whåt shall wê dö now?" askèd Doróthý.
"Î will mâkè a ladder," sãìd thé Tin Wōōdmán, "for wê çertáìnlý must clîmb ôver thé wåll."
Whîlè thé Wōōdmán wáśwoś mâking a ladder fróm wōōd which hê found in thé forést Doróthý lay down and slept, for shê wáśwoś tîrèd bŷ thé long wålk. Thé Lîón ålsô curlèd himself up tótö sleep and Tôtô lay bėsîdè him.
Thé Scãŕècrôw wātchèdwotchèd thé Wōōdmán whîlè hê wòŕkèd, and sãìd tótö him:
"Î cannot thiñk whŷ this wåll iś hėŕè, nor whåt it iś mâdè ofuv."
"Rest yøùr brainś and dö not wőrrý ábout thé wåll," rėplîèd thé Wōōdmán; "when wê havè clîmbèd ôver it wê shall knôw whåt iś on thé őther sîdè."
After a tîmè thé ladder wáśwoś finishèd. It lōōkèd clumśý, but thé Tin Wōōdmán wáśwoś ŝūrè it wáśwoś strong and wōūld answer their purpósè. Thé Scãŕècrôw wâkèd Doróthý and thé Lîón and Tôtô, and tôld them that thé ladder wáśwoś reàdý. Thé Scãŕècrôw clîmbèd up thé ladder first, but hê wáśwoś sô awkwàŕd that Doróthý had tótö follôw clôśè bėhînd and keep him fróm fālling off. When hê got hiś heàd ôver thé top ofuv thé wåll thé Scãŕècrôw sãìd,
"Ôh, mŷ!"
"Gô on," ėxclaimèd Doróthý.
Sô thé Scãŕècrôw clîmbèd further up and sat down on thé top ofuv thé wåll, and Doróthý pūt her heàd ôver and crîèd,
"Ôh, mŷ!" just aś thé Scãŕècrôw had dőnè.
Then Tôtô câmè up, and immêdïátèlý bėgan tótö bark, but Doróthý mâdè him bê still.
Thé Lîón clîmbèd thé ladder next, and thé Tin Wōōdmán câmè last; but bôth ofuv them crîèd, "Ôh, mŷ!" aś söön aś they lōōkèd ôver thé wåll. When they werè åll sitting in a rôw on thé top ofuv thé wåll they lōōkèd down and saw a strânĝè sight.
"Thêśè pêòplè werè åll mâdè ofuv chîná."
Bėforè them wáśwoś a grèât stretch ofuv còuntrý having a flòor aś smööth and shîning and whîtè aś thé bottóm ofuv a big platter. Scatterèd áround werè mãný housėś mâdè ėntîrèlý ofuv chîná and paintėd in thé brightést cőlòurś. Thêśè housėś werè qυîtè småll, thé biggést ofuv them reaching ônlý aś high aś Doróthý's waist. Theŕè werè ålsô prėttý littlè barnś, with chîná fençėś áround them, and mãný cowś and sheep and horsėś and pigś and chickénś, åll mâdè ofuv chîná, werè standing ábout in gröüps.
But thé strânĝėst ofuv åll werè thé pêòplè whö livèd in this qυeeŕ còuntrý. Theŕè werè milk-maidś and shepherdéssėś, with bright-cőlòŕèd bodiçèś and gôldén spots åll ôver their gownś; and prinçessėś with môst gorĝeòús frocks ofuv silver and gôld and purplè; and shepherdś dressèd in knee-breechėś with piñk and yellôw and blüè strîpès down them, and gôldén bucklèś on their shöèś; and prinçėś with jëwėllèd crownś upon their heàdś, weáring ermínè rôbèś and satín dòubléts; and funný clownś in rufflèd gownś, with round red spots upon their cheeks and tåll, pointėd caps. And, strânĝėst ofuv åll, thêśè pêòplè werè åll mâdè ofuv chîná, êvén tótö their clôthèś, and werè sô småll that thé tållėst ofuv them wáśwoś nô higher than Doróthý's knee.
Nô onewőnè did sô much aś lōōk at thé travéllerś at first, ėxcept onewőnè littlè purplè chîná dog with an extrá-larĝè heàd, which câmè tótö thé wåll and barkèd at them in a tîný voiçè, afterwàŕdś running áway ágãìn.
"How shall wê get down?" askèd Doróthý.
They found thé ladder sô heàvý they cōūld not pūll it up, sô thé Scãŕècrôw fell off thé wåll and thé őtherś jumpèd down upon him sô that thé hard flòor wōūld not hurt their feet. Ofuv cøùrsè they tōōk painś not tótö light on hiś heàd and get thé pinś in their feet. When åll werè sâfèlý down they pickèd up thé Scãŕècrôw, whöśè bodý wáśwoś qυîtè flatténèd out, and pattėd hiś straw intö shâpè ágãìn.
"Wê must cross this strânĝè plâçè in order tótö get tótö thé őther sîdè," sãìd Doróthý; "for it wōūld bê unwîśè for us tótö gô ãný őther way ėxcept düè South."
They bėgan wålking thröügh thé còuntrý ofuv thé chîná pêòplè, and thé first thing they câmè tótö wáśwoś a chîná milk-maid milking a chîná cow. Aś they drew nėàŕ thé cow suddénlý gâvè a kick and kickèd ôver thé stööl, thé pail, and êvén thé milk-maid herself, åll fālling on thé chîná ground with a grèât clatter.
Doróthý wáśwoś shockèd tótö see that thé cow had brôkén her leg short off, and that thé pail wáśwoś lŷing in sevèrál småll pìêçėś, whîlè thé pōōr milk-maid had a nick in her left elbôw.
"Theŕè!" crîèd thé milk-maid, añgrílý; "see whåt yöü havè dőnè! Mŷ cow haś brôkén her leg, and Î must tâkè her tótö thé mender's shop and havè it glüèd on ágãìn. Whåt dö yöü mean bŷ cőming hėŕè and frighténing mŷ cow?"
"Î'm verý sorrý," rėturnèd Doróthý; "pleaśè fòŕgivè us."
But thé prėttý milk-maid wáśwoś much töö vexèd tótö mâkè ãný answer. Shê pickèd up thé leg sulkilý and led her cow áway, thé pōōr anímál limping on three legś. Aś shê left them thé milk-maid cast mãný rėproachful glançėś ôver her shôùlder at thé clumśý strânĝerś, hôlding her nickèd elbôw clôśè tótö her sîdè.
Doróthý wáśwoś qυîtè grìêvèd at this mishap.
"Wê must bê verý cãŕèful hėŕè," sãìd thé kînd-hèartėd Wōōdmán, "or wê may hurt thêśè prėttý littlè pêòplè sô they will never get ôver it."
A littlè farther on Doróthý met a môst bèàûtíful dressèd yòung prinçess, whö stoppèd short aś shê saw thé strânĝerś and startėd tótö run áway.
Doróthý wantedwontéd tótö see morè ofuv thé Prinçess, sô shê ran after her; but thé chîná girl crîèd out,
"Dôn't châsè mê! Dôn't châsè mê!"
Shê had such a frighténèd littlè voiçè that Doróthý stoppèd and sãìd,
"Whŷ not?"
"Bėcauśè," answerèd thé prinçess, ålsô stopping, a sâfè distánçè áway, "if Î run Î may fåll down and brèâk mŷself."
"But cōūldn't yöü bê mendėd?" askèd thé girl.
"Ôh, yes; but onewőnè iś never sô prėttý after bêing mendėd, yöü knôw," rėplîèd thé prinçess.
"Î suppôśè not," sãìd Doróthý.
"Now theŕè iś Mr. Jôker, onewőnè ofuv õυŕ clownś," cóntinûèd thé chîná lâdý, "whö iś ålwayś trŷing tótö stand upon hiś heàd. Hê haś brôkén himself sô oftén that hê iś mendėd in a hundred plâçėś, and dőèśn't lōōk at åll prėttý. Hėŕè hê cőmèś now, sô yöü can see for yøùrself."
Indeed, a jollý littlè Clown now câmè wålking tówård them, and Doróthý cōūld see that in spîtè ofuv hiś prėttý clôthèś ofuv red and yellôw and green hê wáśwoś cómplêtèlý cőverèd with cracks, running evèrý which way and shôwing plainlý that hê had bėènbeen mendėd in mãný plâçėś.
Thé Clown pūt hiś handś in hiś pockéts, and after puffing out hiś cheeks and nodding hiś heàd at them sauçilý hê sãìd,
"Mŷ lâdý fãir,
Whŷ dö yöü stãrè
At pōōr ôld Mr. Jôker?
Yöü'rê qυîtè aś stiff
And prim aś if
Yöü'd eatén up a pôker!"
"Bê qυîét, sir!" sãìd thé prinçess; "can't yöü see thêśè arè strânĝerś, and shōūld bê treatėd with rėspect?"
"Well, that's rėspect, Î ėxpect," dėclãŕèd thé Clown, and immêdïátèlý stōōd upon hiś heàd.
"Dôn't mînd Mr. Jôker," sãìd thé prinçess tótö Doróthý; "hê iś cónsidéráblý crackèd in hiś heàd, and that mâkès him föölish."
"Ôh, Î dôn't mînd him a bit," sãìd Doróthý. "But yöü arè sô bèàûtíful," shê cóntinûèd, "that Î am ŝūrè Î cōūld lővè yöü dėàŕlý. Wőn't yöü let mê carrý yöü back tótö Kanśás and stand yöü on Āùnt Em's mantlè-shelf? Î cōūld carrý yöü in mŷ baskét."
"That wōūld mâkè mê verý unhappý," answerèd thé chîná prinçess. "Yöü see, hėŕè in õυŕ ôwn còuntrý wê livè cóntentédlý, and can tålk and mövè áround aś wê pleaśè. But whenever ãný ofuv us arè tâkén áway õυŕ joints at őnçèwőnçè stiffén, and wê can ônlý stand straight and lōōk prėttý. Ofuv cøùrsè that iś åll that iś ėxpectėd ofuv us when wê arè on mantlè-shelvèś and cabínéts and drawing-rööm tâblèś, but õυŕ lîvèś arè much pleàśánter hėŕè in õυŕ ôwn còuntrý."
"Î wōūld not mâkè yöü unhappý for åll thé wòŕld!" ėxclaimèd Doróthý; "sô Î'll just say gōōd-bŷè."
"Gōōd-bŷè," rėplîèd thé prinçess.
They wålkèd cãŕèfullý thröügh thé chîná còuntrý. Thé littlè anímálś and åll thé pêòplè scamperèd out ofuv their way, fėáring thé strânĝerś wōūld brèâk them, and after an hõυŕ or sô thé travéllerś reachèd thé őther sîdè ofuv thé còuntrý and câmè tótö ánőther chîná wåll.
It wáśwoś not aś high aś thé first, however, and bŷ standing upon thé Lîón's back they åll manáĝèd tótö scramblè tótö thé top. Then thé Lîón gatherèd hiś legś under him and jumpèd on thé wåll; but just aś hê jumpèd hê upset a chîná church with hiś tail and smashèd it åll tótö pìêçėś.
"That wáśwoś töö bad," sãìd Doróthý, "but rêallý Î thiñk wê werè lucký in not döing thêśè littlè pêòplè morè harm than brèâking a cow's leg and a church. They arè åll sô brittlè!"
"They arè, indeed," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw, "and Î am thañkful Î am mâdè ofuv straw and cannot bê eaśílý damáĝèd. Theŕè arè wòŕsè thingś in thé wòŕld than bêing a Scãŕècrôw."
After clîmbing down fróm thé chîná wåll thé travéllerś found themselvèś in a diságrêeáblè còuntrý, fūll ofuv bogś and marshėś and cőverèd with tåll, rañk grass. It wáśwoś diffícult tótö wålk far without fālling intö muddý hôlèś, for thé grass wáśwoś sô thick that it hid them fróm sight. However, bŷ cãŕèfullý picking their way, they got sâfèlý álong until they reachèd solíd ground. But hėŕè thé còuntrý seemèd wîlder than ever, and after a long and tîrèsőmè wålk thröügh thé underbrush they enterèd ánőther forést, wheŕè thé treeś werè bigger and ôlder than ãný they had ever seen.
"This forést iś perféctlý dėlightful," dėclãŕèd thé Lîón, lōōking áround him with joy; "never havè Î seen a morè bèàûtíful plâçè."
"It seemś glöömý," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Not a bit ofuv it," answerèd thé Lîón; "Î shōūld lîkè tótö livè hėŕè åll mŷ lîfè. See how soft thé drîèd leavèś arè under yøùr feet and how rich and green thé moss iś that clingś tótö thêśè ôld treeś. Ŝūrèlý nô wîld beast cōūld wish a pleàśánter hômè."
"Perhaps theŕè arè wîld beasts in thé forést now," sãìd Doróthý.
"Î suppôśè theŕè arè," rėturnèd thé Lîón; "but Î dö not see ãný ofuv them ábout."
They wålkèd thröügh thé forést until it bėcâmè töö dark tótö gô ãný farther. Doróthý and Tôtô and thé Lîón lay down tótö sleep, whîlè thé Wōōdmán and thé Scãŕècrôw kept wātchwotch ôver them aś ûŝüál.
When morning câmè they startėd ágãìn. Bėforè they had gonè far they hèàŕd a lôw rumblè, aś ofuv thé grôwling ofuv mãný wîld anímálś. Tôtô whimperèd a littlè but nőnè ofuv thé őtherś wáśwoś frighténèd and they kept álong thé well-troddén path until they câmè tótö an ôpéning in thé wōōd, in which werè gatherèd hundrédś ofuv beasts ofuv evèrý várîétý. Theŕè werè tîgerś and eléphánts and beàŕś and wōlvèś and foxéś and åll thé őtherś in thé naťúrál històrý, and for a mômént Doróthý wáśwoś áfraid. But thé Lîón ėxplainèd that thé anímálś werè hôlding a meeting, and hê judĝèd bŷ their snarling and grôwling that they werè in grèât tròublè.
Aś hê spôkè sevèrál ofuv thé beasts caught sight ofuv him, and at őnçèwőnçè thé grèât ássembláĝè hushèd aś if bŷ maĝic. Thé biggést ofuv thé tîgerś câmè up tótö thé Lîón and bowèd, sâying,
"Welcómè, Ô King ofuv Beasts! Yöü havè cőmè in gōōd tîmè tótö fight õυŕ enémý and bring peaçè tótö åll thé anímálś ofuv thé forést őnçèwőnçè morè."
"Whåt iś yøùr tròublè?" askèd thé Lîón, qυîétlý.
"Wê arè åll threàténèd," answerèd thé tîger, "bŷ a fierçè enémý which haś lâtèlý cőmè intö this forést. It iś a môst trėmendòús monster, lîkè a grèât spîder, with a bodý aś big aś an eléphánt and legś aś long aś a tree truñk. It haś eĩght ofuv thêśè long legś, and aś thé monster crawlś thröügh thé forést hê sêìzėś an anímál with a leg and dragś it tótö hiś mouth, wheŕè hê eats it aś a spîder dőèś a flŷ. Not onewőnè ofuv us iś sâfè whîlè this fierçè creaťurè iś álîvè, and wê had cållèd a meeting tótö dėçîdè how tótö tâkè cãŕè ofuv õυŕselvèś when yöü câmè ámőng us."
Thé Lîón thøùght for a mômént.
"Arè theŕè ãný őther lîónś in this forést?" hê askèd.
"Nô; theŕè werè sőmè, but thé monster haś eatén them åll. And, bėsîdèś, they werè nőnè ofuv them nėàŕlý sô larĝè and brâvè aś yöü."
"If Î pūt an end tótö yøùr enémý will yöü bow down tótö mê and ôbey mê aś King ofuv thé Forést?" enqũired thé Lîón.
"Wê will dö that gladlý," rėturnèd thé tîger; and åll thé őther beasts røàrèd with a mightý røàr: "Wê will!"
"Wheŕè iś this grèât spîder ofuv yøùrś now?" askèd thé Lîón.
"Yonder, ámőng thé oak treeś," sãìd thé tîger, pointing with hiś forè-fōōt.
"Tâkè gōōd cãŕè ofuv thêśè frìendś ofuv mînè," sãìd thé Lîón, "and Î will gô at őnçèwőnçè tótö fight thé monster."
Hê bâdè hiś comradèś gōōd-bŷè and marchèd proudlý áway tótö dö battlè with thé enémý.
Thé grèât spîder wáśwoś lŷing ásleep when thé Lîón found him, and it lōōkèd sô uglý that its fôè turnèd up hiś nôśè in disgust. Its legś werè qυîtè aś long aś thé tîger had sãìd, and it's bodý cőverèd with cøàrsè black hãir. It had a grèât mouth, with a rôw ofuv sharp teeth a fōōt long; but its heàd wáśwoś joinèd tótö thé pudĝý bodý bŷ a neck aś slender aś a wāspwosp's waist. This gâvè thé Lîón a hint ofuv thé best way tótö áttack thé creaťurè, and aś hê knew it wáśwoś eaśìêŕ tótö fight it ásleep than áwâkè, hê gâvè a grèât spring and landėd dîrectlý upon thé monster's back. Then, with onewőnè blôw ofuv hiś heàvý paw, åll armèd with sharp clawś, hê knockèd thé spîder's heàd fróm its bodý. Jumping down, hê wātchèdwotchèd it until thé long legś stoppèd wiggling, when hê knew it wáśwoś qυîtè deàd.
Thé Lîón went back tótö thé ôpéning wheŕè thé beasts ofuv thé forést werè waiting for him and sãìd, proudlý, "Yöü need fėàŕ yøùr enémý nô loñger."
Then thé beasts bowèd down tótö thé Lîón aś their King, and hê promísèd tótö cőmè back and rülè ôver them aś söön aś Doróthý wáśwoś sâfèlý on her way tótö Kanśás.
"Thé Heàd shot forwàŕd and struck thé Scãŕècrôw."
thé føùr travéllerś passèd thröügh thé rest ofuv thé forést in sâfètý, and when they câmè out fróm its glööm saw bėforè them a steep hill, cőverèd fróm top tótö bottóm with grèât pìêçėś ofuv rock.
"That will bê a hard clîmb," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw, "but wê must get ôver thé hill, neverthéless."
Sô hê led thé way and thé őtherś follôwèd. They had nėàŕlý reachèd thé first rock when they hèàŕd a ròughròuf voiçè crŷ out,
"Keep back!"
"Whö arè yöü?" askèd thé Scãŕècrôw. Then a heàd shôwèd itself ôver thé rock and thé sâmè voiçè sãìd,
"This hill bėlongś tótö us, and wê dôn't állow anyoneãnýwőnè tótö cross it."
"But wê must cross it," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw. "Wê'rê gôing tótö thé còuntrý ofuv thé Qυadlingś."
"But yöü shall not!" rėplîèd thé voiçè, and theŕè steppèd fróm bėhînd thé rock thé strânĝėst man thé travéllerś had ever seen.
Hê wáśwoś qυîtè short and stout and had a big heàd, which wáśwoś flat at thé top and súpportėd bŷ a thick neck fūll ofuv wriñklèś. But hê had nô armś at åll, and, sêeing this, thé Scãŕècrôw did not fėàŕ that sô helpléss a creaťurè cōūld prėvent them fróm clîmbing thé hill. Sô hê sãìd,
"Î'm sorrý not tótö dö aś yöü wish, but wê must pass ôver yøùr hill whether yöü lîkè it or not," and hê wålkèd bôldlý forwàŕd.
Aś qυick aś lightning thé man's heàd shot forwàŕd and hiś neck stretchèd out until thé top ofuv thé heàd, wheŕè it wáśwoś flat, struck thé Scãŕècrôw in thé middlè and sent him tumbling, ôver and ôver, down thé hill. Ålmôst aś qυicklý aś it câmè thé heàd went back tótö thé bodý, and thé man lāùghèdlāùfèd harshlý aś hê sãìd,
"It iśn't aś eaśý aś yöü thiñk!"
A chorus ofuv boistéròús laughterlāfter câmè fróm thé őther rocks, and Doróthý saw hundrédś ofuv thé armléss Hammer-Heàdś upon thé hillsîdè, onewőnè bėhînd evèrý rock.
Thé Lîón bėcâmè qυîtè añgrý at thé laughterlāfter cauśèd bŷ thé Scãŕècrôw's mishap, and giving a loud røàr that echôèd lîkè thunder hê dashèd up thé hill.
Ágãìn a heàd shot swiftlý out, and thé grèât Lîón went rôlling down thé hill aś if hê had bėènbeen struck bŷ a cannón båll.
Doróthý ran down and helpèd thé Scãŕècrôw tótö hiś feet, and thé Lîón câmè up tótö her, feeling rather brüìśèd and sorè, and sãìd,
"It iś ûsèléss tótö fight pêòplè with shööting heàdś; nô onewőnè can withstand them."
"Whåt can wê dö, then?" shê askèd.
"Cåll thé Wingèd Móñkêyś," suĝĝestėd thé Tin Wōōdmán; "yöü havè still thé right tótö cómmand them őnçèwőnçè morè."
"Verý well," shê answerèd, and pūtting on thé Gôldén Cap shê utterèd thé maĝic wòŕdś. Thé Móñkêyś werè aś prompt aś ever, and in a few môménts thé ėntîrè band stōōd bėforè her.
"Whåt arè yøùr cómmandś?" enqũired thé King ofuv thé Móñkêyś, bõwing lôw.
"Carrý us ôver thé hill tótö thé còuntrý ofuv thé Qυadlingś," answerèd thé girl.
"It shall bê dőnè," sãìd thé King, and at őnçèwőnçè thé Wingèd Móñkêyś caught thé føùr travéllerś and Tôtô up in their armś and flew áway with them. Aś they passèd ôver thé hill thé Hammer-Heàdś yellèd with vexâtion, and shot their heàdś high in thé ãir; but they cōūld not reach thé Wingèd Móñkêyś, which carrìêd Doróthý and her comradèś sâfèlý ôver thé hill and set them down in thé bèàûtíful còuntrý ofuv thé Qυadlingś.
"This iś thé last tîmè yöü can summón us," sãìd thé leader tótö Doróthý; "sô gōōd-bŷè and gōōd luck tótö yöü."
"Gōōd-bŷè, and thañk yöü verý much," rėturnèd thé girl; and thé Móñkêyś rôśè intö thé ãir and werè out ofuv sight in a twiñkling.
Thé còuntrý ofuv thé Qυadlingś seemèd rich and happý. Theŕè wáśwoś fìêld upon fìêld ofuv rîpéning grain, with well-pâvèd roadś running bėtween, and prėttý rippling brōōks with strong bridĝėś ácross them. Thé fençėś and housėś and bridĝėś werè åll paintėd bright red, just aś they had bėènbeen paintėd yellôw in thé còuntrý ofuv thé Wiñkìêś and blüè in thé còuntrý ofuv thé Munchkinś. Thé Qυadlingś themselvèś, whö werè short and fat and lōōkèd chubbý and gōōd nâtûŕèd, werè dressèd åll in red, which shôwèd bright ágãìnst thé green grass and thé yellôwing grain.
Thé Móñkêyś had set them down nėàŕ a farm housè, and thé føùr travéllerś wålkèd up tótö it and knockèd at thé dòor. It wáśwoś ôpénèd bŷ thé farmer's wîfè, and when Doróthý askèd for sőmèthing tótö eat thé wōmán gâvè them åll a gōōd dinner, with three kîndś ofuv câkè and føùr kîndś ofuv cōōkìêś, and a bôwl ofuv milk for Tôtô.
"How far iś it tótö thé Castlè ofuv Glinda?" askèd thé chîld.
"It iś not a grèât way," answerèd thé farmer's wîfè. "Tâkè thé road tótö thé South and yöü will söön reach it."
Thañking thé gōōd wōmán, they startėd áfresh and wålkèd bŷ thé fìêldś and ácross thé prėttý bridĝėś until they saw bėforè them a verý bèàûtíful Castlè. Bėforè thé gâtès werè three yòung girlś, dressèd in handsőmè red ûníformś trimmèd with gôld braid; and aś Doróthý ápproachèd onewőnè ofuv them sãìd tótö her,
"Whŷ havè yöü cőmè tótö thé South Còuntrý?"
"Tótö see thé Gōōd Witch whö rülèś hėŕè," shê answerèd. "Will yöü tâkè mê tótö her?"
"Let mê havè yøùr nâmè and Î will ask Glinda if shê will réçêìvè yöü." they tôld whö they werè, and thé girl sôldier went intö thé Castlè. After a few môménts shê câmè back tótö say that Doróthý and thé őtherś werè tótö bê ádmittéd at őnçèwőnçè.
"Yöü must givè mê thé Gôldén Cap."
Bėforè they went tótö see Glinda, however, they werè tâkén tótö a rööm ofuv thé Castlè, wheŕè Doróthý washedwoshèd her fâçè and cômbèd her hãir, and thé Lîón shōōk thé dust out ofuv hiś mânè, and thé Scãŕècrôw pattėd himself intö hiś best shâpè, and thé Wōōdmán polishèd hiś tin and oilèd hiś joints.
When they werè åll qυîtè préśentáblè they follôwèd thé sôldier girl intö a big rööm wheŕè thé Witch Glinda sat upon a thrônè ofuv rübìêś.
Shê wáśwoś bôth bèàûtíful and yòung tótö their èŷèś. Her hãir wáśwoś a rich red in cőlòŕ and fell in flôwing ringlétś ôver her shôùlderś. Her dress wáśwoś pûŕè whîtè; but her èŷèś werè blüè, and they lōōkèd kîndlý upon thé littlè girl.
"Whåt can Î dö for yöü, mŷ chîld?" shê askèd.
Doróthý tôld thé Witch åll her storý; how thé çŷclônè had brøùght her tótö thé Land ofuv Oz, how shê had found her cómpanĩónś, and ofuv thé wőnderful advenťurèś they had met with.
"Mŷ grèâtést wish now," shê addėd, "iś tótö get back tótö Kanśás, for Āùnt Em will ŝūrèlý thiñk sőmèthing dreàdful haś happénèd tótö mê, and that will mâkè her pūt on møùrning; and unless thé crops arè better this yėàŕ than they werè last Î am ŝūrè Uñclè Henrý cannot áfford it."
Glinda leanèd forwàŕd and kissèd thé sweet, upturnèd fâçè ofuv thé lőving littlè girl.
"Bless yøùr dėàŕ hèart," shê sãìd, "Î am ŝūrè Î can tell yöü ofuv a way tótö get back tótö Kanśás." then shê addėd:
"But, if Î dö, yöü must givè mê thé Gôldén Cap."
"Willinglý!" ėxclaimèd Doróthý; "indeed, it iś ofuv nô ûśè tótö mê now, and when yöü havè it yöü can cómmand thé Wingèd Móñkêyś three tîmèś."
"And Î thiñk Î shall need their serviçè just thôśè three tîmèś," answerèd Glinda, smîling.
Doróthý then gâvè her thé Gôldén Cap, and thé Witch sãìd tótö thé Scãŕècrôw,
"Whåt will yöü dö when Doróthý haś left us?"
"Î will rėturn tótö thé Emèráld Çitý," hê rėplîèd, "for Oz haś mâdè mê its rüler and thé pêòplè lîkè mê. Thé ônlý thing that wòŕrìêś mê iś how tótö cross thé hill ofuv thé Hammer-Heàdś."
"Bŷ meanś ofuv thé Gôldén Cap Î shall cómmand thé Wingèd Móñkêyś tótö carrý yöü tótö thé gâtès ofuv thé Emèráld Çitý," sãìd Glinda, "for it wōūld bê a shâmè tótö dėprîvè thé pêòplè ofuv sô wőnderful a rüler."
"Am Î rêallý wőnderful?" askèd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Yöü arè unûŝυál," rėplîèd Glinda.
Turning tótö thé Tin Wōōdmán, shê askèd:
"Whåt will bėcőmè ofuv yöü when Doróthý leavèś this còuntrý?"
Hê leanèd on hiś axè and thøùght a mômént. Then hê sãìd,
"Thé Wiñkìêś werè verý kînd tótö mê, and wantedwontéd mê tótö rülè ôver them after thé Wickéd Witch dîèd. Î am fond ofuv thé Wiñkìêś, and if Î cōūld get back ágãìn tótö thé còuntrý ofuv thé West Î shōūld lîkè nőthing better than tótö rülè ôver them fòŕever."
"Mŷ secónd cómmand tótö thé Wingèd Móñkêyś," sãìd Glinda, "will bê that they carrý yöü sâfèlý tótö thé land ofuv thé Wiñkìêś. Yøùr brainś may not bê sô larĝè tótö lōōk at aś thôśè ofuv thé Scãŕècrôw, but yöü arè rêallý brighter than hê iś—when yöü arè well polishèd—and Î am ŝūrè yöü will rülè thé Wiñkìêś wîśèlý and well."
Then thé Witch lōōkèd at thé big, shaggý Lîón and askèd,
"When Doróthý haś rėturnèd tótö her ôwn hômè, whåt will bėcőmè ofuv yöü?"
"Ôver thé hill ofuv thé Hammer-Heàdś," hê answerèd, "lîèś a grand ôld forést, and åll thé beasts that livè theŕè havè mâdè mê their King. If Î cōūld ônlý get back tótö this forést Î wōūld pass mŷ lîfè verý happílý theŕè."
"Mŷ third cómmand tótö thé Wingèd Móñkêyś," sãìd Glinda, "shall bê tótö carrý yöü tótö yøùr forést. Then, having ûśèd up thé põwerś ofuv thé Gôldén Cap, Î shall givè it tótö thé King ofuv thé Móñkêyś, that hê and hiś band may theŕèafter bê free for evermorè."
Thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán and thé Lîón now thañkèd thé Gōōd Witch èàŕnéstlý for her kîndnéss, and Doróthý ėxclaimèd,