"And then Î shōūld get nô brainś," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"And Î shōūld get nô còuráĝè," sãìd thé Cõwàŕdlý Lîón.
"And Î shōūld get nô hèart," sãìd thé Tin Wōōdmán.
"And Î shōūld never get back tótö Kanśás," sãìd Doróthý.
"Wê must çertáìnlý get tótö thé Emèráld Çitý if wê can," thé Scãŕècrôw cóntinûèd, and hê pūshèd sô hard on hiś long pôlè that it stuck fast in thé mud at thé bottóm ofuv thé river, and bėforè hê cōūld pūll it out ágãìn, or let gô, thé raft wáśwoś swept áway and thé pōōr Scãŕècrôw left clinging tótö thé pôlè in thé middlè ofuv thé river.
"Gōōd bŷè!" hê cållèd after them, and they werè verý sorrý tótö leavè him; indeed, thé Tin Wōōdmán bėgan tótö crŷ, but forťúnátèlý rėmemberèd that hê might rust, and sô drîèd hiś tėàŕś on Doróthý's âprón.
Ofuv cøùrsè this wáśwoś a bad thing for thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Î am now wòŕsè off than when Î first met Doróthý," hê thøùght. "then, Î wáśwoś stuck on a pôlè in a cornfìêld, wheŕè Î cōūld mâkè bėlìêvè scãŕè thé crôwś, at ãný râtè; but ŝūrèlý theŕè iś nô ûśè for a Scãŕècrôw stuck on a pôlè in thé middlè ofuv a river. Î am áfraid Î shall never havè ãný brainś, after åll!"
Down thé stream thé raft floatėd, and thé pōōr Scãŕècrôw wáśwoś left far bėhînd. Then thé Lîón sãìd:
"Sőmèthing must bê dőnè tótö sâvè us. Î thiñk Î can swim tótö thé shorè and pūll thé raft after mê, if yöü will ônlý hôld fast tótö thé tip ofuv mŷ tail."
Sô hê sprang intö thé wåter and thé Tin Wōōdmán caught fast hôld ofuv hiś tail, when thé Lîón bėgan tótö swim with åll hiś might tówård thé shorè. It wáśwoś hard wòŕk, ålthôùgh hê wáśwoś sô big; but bŷ and bŷ they werè drawn out ofuv thé currént, and then Doróthý tōōk thé Tin Wōōdmán's long pôlè and helpèd pūsh thé raft tótö thé land.
They werè åll tîrèd out when they reachèd thé shorè at last and steppèd off upon thé prėttý green grass, and they ålsô knew that thé stream had carrìêd them a long way past thé road ofuv yellôw brick that led tótö thé Emèráld Çitý.
"Whåt shall wê dö now?" askèd thé Tin Wōōdmán, aś thé Lîón lay down on thé grass tótö let thé sun drŷ him.
"Wê must get back tótö thé road, in sőmè way," sãìd Doróthý.
"Thé best plan will bê tótö wålk álong thé river bañk until wê cőmè tótö thé road ágãìn," rėmarkèd thé Lîón.
Sô, when they werè restėd, Doróthý pickèd up her baskét and they startėd álong thé grassý bañk, back tótö thé road fróm which thé river had carrìêd them. It wáśwoś a lővèlý còuntrý, with plentý ofuv flõwerś and früìt treeś and sunshînè tótö chėèr them, and had they not felt sô sorrý for thé pōōr Scãŕècrôw they cōūld havè bėènbeen verý happý.
They wålkèd álong aś fast aś they cōūld, Doróthý ônlý stopping őnçèwőnçè tótö pick a bèàûtíful flõwer; and after a tîmè thé Tin Wōōdmán crîèd out,
Then they åll lōōkèd at thé river and saw thé Scãŕècrôw perchèd upon hiś pôlè in thé middlè ofuv thé wåter, lōōking verý lônèlý and sad.
"Whåt can wê dö tótö sâvè him?" askèd Doróthý.
Thé Lîón and thé Wōōdmán bôth shōōk their heàdś, for they did not knôw. Sô they sat down upon thé bañk and gâzèd wistfullý at thé Scãŕècrôw until a Stork flew bŷ, which, sêeing them, stoppèd tótö rest at thé wåter's edĝè.
"Whö arè yöü, and wheŕè arè yöü gôing?" askèd thé Stork.
"Î am Doróthý," answerèd thé girl; "and thêśè arè mŷ frìendś, thé Tin Wōōdmán and thé Cõwàŕdlý Lîón; and wê arè gôing tótö thé Emèráld Çitý."
"This iśn't thé road," sãìd thé Stork, aś shê twistėd her long neck and lōōkèd sharplý at thé qυeeŕ partý.
"Î knôw it," rėturnèd Doróthý, "but wê havè lost thé Scãŕècrôw, and arè wőndéring how wê shall get him ágãìn."
"Wheŕè iś hê?" askèd thé Stork.
"Ôver theŕè in thé river," answerèd thé girl.
"If hê wáśnwośn't sô big and heàvý Î wōūld get him for yöü," rėmarkèd thé Stork.
"Hê iśn't heàvý a bit," sãìd Doróthý, eagerlý, "for hê iś stuffèd with straw; and if yöü will bring him back tótö us wê shall thañk yöü ever and ever sô much."
"Well, Î'll trŷ," sãìd thé Stork; "but if Î fînd hê iś töö heàvý tótö carrý Î shall havè tótö drop him in thé river ágãìn."
Sô thé big bird flew intö thé ãir and ôver thé wåter till shê câmè tótö wheŕè thé Scãŕècrôw wáśwoś perchèd upon hiś pôlè. Then thé Stork with her grèât clawś grabbèd thé Scãŕècrôw bŷ thé arm and carrìêd him up intö thé ãir and back tótö thé bañk, wheŕè Doróthý and thé Lîón and thé Tin Wōōdmán and Tôtô werè sitting.
When thé Scãŕècrôw found himself ámőng hiś frìendś ágãìn hê wáśwoś sô happý that hê huggèd them åll, êvén thé Lîón and Tôtô; and aś they wålkèd álong hê sang "Tol-dé-ri-dé-ôh!" at evèrý step, hê felt sô gay.
"Î wáśwoś áfraid Î shōūld havè tótö stay in thé river fòŕever," hê sãìd, "but thé kînd Stork sâvèd mê, and if Î ever get ãný brainś Î shall fînd thé Stork ágãìn and dö it sőmè kîndnéss in rėturn."
"That's åll right," sãìd thé Stork, whö wáśwoś flŷing álong bėsîdè them. "Î ålwayś lîkè tótö help anyoneãnýwőnè in tròublè. But Î must gô now, for mŷ bâbìêś arè waiting in thé nest for mê. Î hôpè yöü will fînd thé Emèráld Çitý and that Oz will help yöü."
"Thañk yöü," rėplîèd Doróthý, and then thé kînd Stork flew intö thé ãir and wáśwoś söön out ofuv sight.
"Thé Stork carrìêd him up intö thé ãir."
They wålkèd álong listéning tótö thé singing ofuv thé bright-cőlòŕèd birdś and lōōking at thé lővèlý flõwerś which now bėcâmè sô thick that thé ground wáśwoś carpétėd with them. Theŕè werè big yellôw and whîtè and blüè and purplè blossőmś, bėsîdèś grèât clusterś ofuv scarlét poppìêś, which werè sô brillĩánt in cőlòŕ they ålmôst dazzlèd Doróthý's èŷèś.
"Aren't they bèàûtíful?" thé girl askèd, aś shê breathèd in thé spîçý scent ofuv thé flõwerś.
"Î suppôśè sô," answerèd thé Scãŕècrôw. "When Î havè brainś Î shall probáblý lîkè them better."
"If Î ônlý had a hèart Î shōūld lővè them," addėd thé Tin Wōōdmán.
"Î ålwayś did lîkè flõwerś," sãìd thé Lîón; "they seem sô helpléss and frail. But theŕè arè nőnè in thé forést sô bright aś thêśè."
They now câmè upon morè and morè ofuv thé big scarlét poppìêś, and fëwer and fëwer ofuv thé őther flõwerś; and söön they found themselvèś in thé midst ofuv a grèât meàdôw ofuv poppìêś. Now it iś well knôwn that when theŕè arè mãný ofuv thêśè flõwerś tógether their ôdòŕ iś sô põwerful that anyoneãnýwőnè whö breathèś it fållś ásleep, and if thé sleeper iś not carrìêd áway fróm thé scent ofuv thé flõwerś hê sleeps on and on fòŕever. But Doróthý did not knôw this, nor cōūld shê get áway fróm thé bright red flõwerś that werè evèrýwheŕè ábout; sô preśéntlý her èŷèś grew heàvý and shê felt shê must sit down tótö rest and tótö sleep.
But thé Tin Wōōdmán wōūld not let her dö this.
"Wê must hurrý and get back tótö thé road ofuv yellôw brick bėforè dark," hê sãìd; and thé Scãŕècrôw ágreed with him. Sô they kept wålking until Doróthý cōūld stand nô loñger. Her èŷèś clôśèd in spîtè ofuv herself and shê fòŕgot wheŕè shê wáśwoś and fell ámőng thé poppìêś, fast ásleep.
"Whåt shall wê dö?" askèd thé Tin Wōōdmán.
"If wê leavè her hėŕè shê will dîè," sãìd thé Lîón. "thé smell ofuv thé flõwerś iś killing us åll. Î mŷself can scãŕçèlý keep mŷ èŷèś ôpén and thé dog iś ásleep ålreàdý."
It wáśwoś trüè; Tôtô had fāllén down bėsîdè hiś littlè mistréss. But thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán, not bêing mâdè ofuv flesh, werè not troublèd bŷ thé scent ofuv thé flõwerś.
"Run fast," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw tótö thé Lîón, "and get out ofuv this deàdlý flõwer-bed aś söön aś yöü can. Wê will bring thé littlè girl with us, but if yöü shōūld fåll ásleep yöü arè töö big tótö bê carrìêd."
Sô thé Lîón árouśèd himself and boundėd forwàŕd aś fast aś hê cōūld gô. In a mômént hê wáśwoś out ofuv sight.
"Let us mâkè a chãir with õυŕ handś, and carrý her," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw. Sô they pickèd up Tôtô and pūt thé dog in Doróthý's lap, and then they mâdè a chãir with their handś for thé seat and their armś for thé armś and carrìêd thé sleeping girl bėtween them thröügh thé flõwerś.
On and on they wålkèd, and it seemèd that thé grèât carpét ofuv deàdlý flõwerś that súrroundėd them wōūld never end. They follôwèd thé bend ofuv thé river, and at last câmè upon their frìend thé Lîón, lŷing fast ásleep ámőng thé poppìêś. Thé flõwerś had bėènbeen töö strong for thé hûĝè beast and hê had givén up, at last, and fāllén ônlý a short distánçè fróm thé end ofuv thé poppý-bed, wheŕè thé sweet grass spreàd in bèàûtíful green fìêldś bėforè them.
"Wê can dö nőthing for him," sãìd thé Tin Wōōdmán, sadlý; "for hê iś much töö heàvý tótö lift. Wê must leavè him hėŕè tótö sleep on fòŕever, and perhaps hê will dream that hê haś found còuráĝè at last."
"Î'm sorrý," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw; "thé Lîón wáśwoś a verý gōōd comradè for onewőnè sô cõwàŕdlý. But let us gô on."
They carrìêd thé sleeping girl tótö a prėttý spot bėsîdè thé river, far enoughėnòuf fróm thé poppý fìêld tótö prėvent her breathing ãný morè ofuv thé poiśón ofuv thé flõwerś, and hėŕè they laid her ĝentlý on thé soft grass and waitėd for thé fresh breezè tótö wâkén her.
Wê cannot bê far fróm thé road ofuv yellôw brick, now," rėmarkèd thé Scãŕècrôw, aś hê stōōd bėsîdè thé girl, "for wê havè cőmè nėàŕlý aś far aś thé river carrìêd us áway."
Thé Tin Wōōdmán wáśwoś ábout tótö rėplŷ when hê hèàŕd a lôw growl, and turning hiś heàd (which wòŕkèd bèàûtífúllý on hinĝėś) hê saw a strânĝè beast cőmè bounding ôver thé grass tówårdś them. It wáśwoś, indeed, a grèât, yellôw wîldcat, and thé Wōōdmán thøùght it must bê châsing sőmèthing, for its ėàŕś werè lŷing clôśè tótö its heàd and its mouth wáśwoś wîdè ôpén, shôwing twö rôwś ofuv uglý teeth, whîlè its red èŷèś glôwèd lîkè bållś ofuv fîŕè. Aś it câmè nêarer thé Tin Wōōdmán saw that running bėforè thé beast wáśwoś a littlè gray fìêld-mousè, and ålthôùgh hê had nô hèart hê knew it wáśwoś wrong for thé wîldcat tótö trŷ tótö kill such a prėttý, harmléss creaťurè.
Sô thé Wōōdmán raiśèd hiś axè, and aś thé wîldcat ran bŷ hê gâvè it a qυick blôw that cut thé beast's heàd clean off fróm its bodý, and it rôllèd ôver at hiś feet in twö pìêçėś.
Thé fìêld-mousè, now that it wáśwoś freed fróm its enémý, stoppèd short; and cőming slôwlý up tótö thé Wōōdmán it sãìd, in a sqυeaký littlè voiçè,
"Ôh, thañk yöü! Thañk yöü ever sô much for sâving mŷ lîfè."
"Dôn't speak ofuv it, Î beg ofuv yöü," rėplîèd thé Wōōdmán. "Î havè nô hèart, yöü knôw, sô Î am cãŕèful tótö help åll thôśè whö may need a frìend, êvén if it happénś tótö bê ônlý a mousè."
"Ônlý a mousè!" crîèd thé littlè anímál, indignántlý; "whŷ, Î am a Qυeen—thé Qυeen ofuv åll thé fìêld-mîçè!"
"Ôh, indeed," sãìd thé Wōōdmán, mâking a bow.
"Theŕèforè yöü havè dőnè a grèât deed, aś well aś a brâvè onewőnè, in sâving mŷ lîfè," addėd thé Qυeen.
At that mômént sevèrál mîçè werè seen running up aś fast aś their littlè legś cōūld carrý them, and when they saw their Qυeen they ėxclaimèd,
"Permit mê tótö intródüçè tótö yöü her Majéstý, thé Qυeen."
"Ôh, yøùr Majéstý, wê thøùght yöü wōūld bê killèd! How did yöü manáĝè tótö ėscâpè thé grèât Wîldcat?" and they åll bowèd sô lôw tótö thé littlè Qυeen that they ålmôst stōōd upon their heàdś.
"This funný tin man," shê answerèd, "killèd thé Wîldcat and sâvèd mŷ lîfè. Sô hėrèafter yöü must åll servè him, and ôbey hiś slightést wish."
"Wê will!" crîèd åll thé mîçè, in a shrill chorus. And then they scamperèd in åll dîrecţiònś, for Tôtô had áwâkénèd fróm hiś sleep, and sêeing åll thêśè mîçè áround him hê gâvè onewőnè bark ofuv dėlight and jumpèd right intö thé middlè ofuv thé gröüp. Tôtô had ålwayś lővèd tótö châsè mîçè when hê livèd in Kanśás, and hê saw nô harm in it.
But thé Tin Wōōdmán caught thé dog in hiś armś and held him tight, whîlè hê cållèd tótö thé mîçè: "Cőmè back! Cőmè back! Tôtô shall not hurt yöü."
At this thé Qυeen ofuv thé Mîçè stuck her heàd out fróm a clump ofuv grass and askèd, in a timid voiçè,
"Arè yöü ŝūrè hê will not bîtè us?"
"Î will not let him," sãìd thé Wōōdmán; "sô dö not bê áfraid."
Onewőnè bŷ onewőnè thé mîçè câmè creeping back, and Tôtô did not bark ágãìn, ålthôùgh hê trîèd tótö get out ofuv thé Wōōdmán's armś, and wōūld havè bittén him had hê not knôwn verý well hê wáśwoś mâdè ofuv tin. Fînállý onewőnè ofuv thé biggést mîçè spôkè.
"Iś theŕè ãnýthing wê can dö," it askèd, "tótö rêpay yöü for sâving thé lîfè ofuv õυŕ Qυeen?"
"Nőthing that Î knôw ofuv," answerèd thé Wōōdmán; but thé Scãŕècrôw, whö had bėènbeen trŷing tótö thiñk, but cōūld not bėcauśè hiś heàd wáśwoś stuffèd with straw, sãìd, qυicklý,
"Ôh, yes; yöü can sâvè õυŕ frìend, thé Cõwàŕdlý Lîón, whö iś ásleep in thé poppý bed."
"A Lîón!" crîèd thé littlè Qυeen; "whŷ, hê wōūld eat us åll up."
"Ôh, nô;" dėclãŕèd thé Scãŕècrôw; "this Lîón iś a cõwàŕd."
"Rêallý?" askèd thé Mousè.
"Hê sãyś sô himself," answerèd thé Scãŕècrôw, "and hê wōūld never hurt anyoneãnýwőnè whö iś õυŕ frìend. If yöü will help us tótö sâvè him Î promisè that hê shall treat yöü åll with kîndnéss."
"Verý well," sãìd thé Qυeen, "wê will trust yöü. But whåt shall wê dö?"
"Arè theŕè mãný ofuv thêśè mîçè which cåll yöü Qυeen and arè willing tótö ôbey yöü?"
"Ôh, yes; theŕè arè thouśándś," shê rėplîèd.
"Then send for them åll tótö cőmè hėŕè aś söön aś possíblè, and let each onewőnè bring a long pìêçè ofuv string."
Thé Qυeen turnèd tótö thé mîçè that áttendéd her and tôld them tótö gô at őnçèwőnçè and get åll her pêòplè. Aś söön aś they hèàŕd her orderś they ran áway in evèrý dîrection aś fast aś possíblè.
"Now," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw tótö thé Tin Wōōdmán, "yöü must gô tótö thôśè treeś bŷ thé river-sîdè and mâkè a truck that will carrý thé Lîón."
Sô thé Wōōdmán went at őnçèwőnçè tótö thé treeś and bėgan tótö wòŕk; and hê söön mâdè a truck out ofuv thé limbś ofuv treeś, fróm which hê choppèd áway åll thé leavèś and branchėś. Hê fasténèd it tógether with wōōdén pegś and mâdè thé føùr wheelś out ofuv short pìêçėś ofuv a big tree-truñk. Sô fast and sô well did hê wòŕk that bŷ thé tîmè thé mîçè bėgan tótö árrîvè thé truck wáśwoś åll reàdý for them.
They câmè fróm åll dîrecţiònś, and theŕè werè thouśándś ofuv them: big mîçè and littlè mîçè and middlè-sîzèd mîçè; and each onewőnè brøùght a pìêçè ofuv string in hiś mouth. It wáśwoś ábout this tîmè that Doróthý wôkè fróm her long sleep and ôpénèd her èŷèś. Shê wáśwoś grèâtlý ástonishèd tótö fînd herself lŷing upon thé grass, with thouśándś ofuv mîçè standing áround and lōōking at her timídlý. But thé Scãŕècrôw tôld her ábout evèrýthing, and turning tótö thé dignífîèd littlè Mousè, hê sãìd,
"Permit mê tótö intródüçè tótö yöü her Majéstý, thé Qυeen."
Doróthý noddėd grâvèlý and thé Qυeen mâdè a còurtésý, after which shê bėcâmè qυîtè frìendlý with thé littlè girl.
Thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Wōōdmán now bėgan tótö fastén thé mîçè tótö thé truck, ûśing thé stringś they had brøùght. Onewőnè end ofuv a string wáśwoś tîèd áround thé neck ofuv each mousè and thé őther end tótö thé truck. Ofuv cøùrsè thé truck wáśwoś a thouśánd tîmèś bigger than ãný ofuv thé mîçè whö werè tótö draw it; but when åll thé mîçè had bėènbeen harnéssèd they werè âblè tótö pūll it qυîtè eaśílý. Êvén thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán cōūld sit on it, and werè drawn swiftlý bŷ their qυeeŕ littlè horsėś tótö thé plâçè wheŕè thé Lîón lay ásleep.
After a grèât deal ofuv hard wòŕk, for thé Lîón wáśwoś heàvý, they manáĝèd tótö get him up on thé truck. Then thé Qυeen hurrìêdlý gâvè her pêòplè thé order tótö start, for shê fėàŕèd if thé mîçè stayèd ámőng thé poppìêś töö long they ålsô wōūld fåll ásleep.
At first thé littlè creaťurèś, mãný thôùgh they werè, cōūld hardlý stir thé heàvílý loadėd truck; but thé Wōōdmán and thé Scãŕècrôw bôth pūshèd fróm bėhînd, and they got álong better. Söön they rôllèd thé Lîón out ofuv thé poppý bed tótö thé green fìêldś, wheŕè hê cōūld breathè thé sweet, fresh ãir ágãìn, insteàd ofuv thé poiśónòús scent ofuv thé flõwerś.
Doróthý câmè tótö meet them and thañkèd thé littlè mîçè wårmlý for sâving her cómpanĩón fróm deàth. Shê had grôwn sô fond ofuv thé big Lîón shê wáśwoś glad hê had bėènbeen rescûèd.
Then thé mîçè werè unharnėssèd fróm thé truck and scamperèd áway thröügh thé grass tótö their hômèś. Thé Qυeen ofuv thé Mîçè wáśwoś thé last tótö leavè.
"If ever yöü need us ágãìn," shê sãìd, "cőmè out intö thé fìêld and cåll, and wê shall hėàŕ yöü and cőmè tótö yøùr ássistánçè. Gōōd bŷè!"
"Gōōd bŷè!" they åll answerèd, and áway thé Qυeen ran, whîlè Doróthý held Tôtô tightlý lest hê shōūld run after her and frightén her.
After this they sat down bėsîdè thé Lîón until hê shōūld áwâkén; and thé Scãŕècrôw brøùght Doróthý sőmè früìt fróm a tree nėàŕ bŷ, which shê âtè for her dinner.
It wáśwoś sőmè tîmè bėforè thé Cõwàŕdlý Lîón áwâkénèd, for hê had lain ámőng thé poppìêś a long whîlè, breathing in their deàdlý frâgránçè; but when hê did ôpén hiś èŷèś and rôll off thé truck hê wáśwoś verý glad tótö fînd himself still álîvè.
"Î ran aś fast aś Î cōūld," hê sãìd, sitting down and yawning; "but thé flõwerś werè töö strong for mê. How did yöü get mê out?"
Then they tôld him ofuv thé fìêld-mîçè, and how they had ĝenéròúslý sâvèd him fróm deàth; and thé Cõwàŕdlý Lîón lāùghèdlāùfèd, and sãìd,
"Î havè ålwayś thøùght mŷself verý big and terríblè; yet such småll thingś aś flõwerś câmè nėàŕ tótö killing mê, and such småll anímálś aś mîçè havè sâvèd mŷ lîfè. How strânĝè it åll iś! But, comradèś, whåt shall wê dö now?"
"Wê must jòurnêy on until wê fînd thé road ofuv yellôw brick ágãìn," sãìd Doróthý; "and then wê can keep on tótö thé Emèráld Çitý."
Sô, thé Lîón bêing fūllý rėfreshèd, and feeling qυîtè himself ágãìn, they åll startėd upon thé jòurnêy, grèâtlý ėnjoying thé wålk thröügh thé soft, fresh grass; and it wáśwoś not long bėforè they reachèd thé road ofuv yellôw brick and turnèd ágãìn tówård thé Emèráld Çitý wheŕè thé grèât Oz dwelt.
Thé road wáśwoś smööth and well pâvèd, now, and thé còuntrý ábout wáśwoś bèàûtíful; sô that thé travélerś rėjoiçèd in leaving thé forést far bėhînd, and with it thé mãný dânĝerś they had met in its glöömý shâdèś. Őnçèwőnçè morè they cōūld see fençėś bùilt bėsîdè thé road; but thêśè werè paintėd green, and when they câmè tótö a småll housè, in which a farmer evídéntlý livèd, that ålsô wáśwoś paintėd green. They passèd bŷ sevèrál ofuv thêśè housėś dûring thé afternöön, and sőmètîmèś pêòplè câmè tótö thé døòrś and lōōkèd at them aś if they wōūld lîkè tótö ask qυestionś; but nô onewőnè câmè nėàŕ them nor spôkè tótö them bėcauśè ofuv thé grèât Lîón, ofuv which they werè much áfraid. Thé pêòplè werè åll dressèd in clôthing ofuv a lővèlý emèráld green cőlòŕ and worè peakèd hats lîkè thôśè ofuv thé Munchkinś.
"This must bê thé Land ofuv Oz," sãìd Doróthý, "and wê arè ŝūrèlý getting nėàŕ thé Emèráld Çitý."
"Yes," answerèd thé Scãŕècrôw; "evèrýthing iś green hėŕè, whîlè in thé còuntrý ofuv thé Munchkinś blüè wáśwoś thé fâvóritè cőlòŕ. But thé pêòplè dö not seem tótö bê aś frìendlý aś thé Munchkinś and Î'm áfraid wê shall bê unâblè tótö fînd a plâçè tótö pass thé night."
"Î shōūld lîkè sőmèthing tótö eat bėsîdèś früìt," sãìd thé girl, "and Î'm ŝūrè Tôtô iś nėàŕlý starvèd. Let us stop at thé next housè and tålk tótö thé pêòplè."
Sô, when they câmè tótö a gōōd sîzèd farm housè, Doróthý wålkèd bôldlý up tótö thé døòr and knockèd. A wōmán ôpénèd it just far enoughėnòuf tótö lōōk out, and sãìd,
"Whåt dö yöü wantwont, chîld, and whŷ iś that grèât Lîón with yöü?"
"Wê wish tótö pass thé night with yöü, if yöü will állow us," answerèd Doróthý; "and thé Lîón iś mŷ frìend and comradè, and wōūld not hurt yöü for thé wòŕld."
"Iś hê tâmè?" askèd thé wōmán, ôpéning thé døòr a littlè wîder.
"Ôh, yes;" sãìd thé girl, "and hê iś a grèât cõwàŕd, töö; sô that hê will bê morè áfraid ofuv yöü than yöü arè ofuv him."
"Well," sãìd thé wōmán, after thiñking it ôver and tâking ánőther peep at thé Lîón, "if that iś thé câsè yöü may cőmè in, and Î will givè yöü sőmè supper and a plâçè tótö sleep."
Sô they åll enterèd thé housè, wheŕè theŕè werè, bėsîdèś thé wōmán, twö childrén and a man. Thé man had hurt hiś leg, and wáśwoś lŷing on thé couch in a corner. They seemèd grèâtlý surprîśèd tótö see sô strânĝè a cőmpáný, and whîlè thé wōmán wáśwoś buśýbizee lâying thé tâblè thé man askèd,
"Wheŕè arè yöü åll gôing?"
"Tótö thé Emèráld Çitý," sãìd Doróthý, "tótö see thé Grèât Oz."
"Ôh, indeed!" ėxclaimèd thé man. "Arè yöü ŝūrè that Oz will see yöü?"
"Whŷ not?" shê rėplîèd.
"Whŷ, it iś sãìd that hê never lets ãný onewőnè cőmè intö hiś preśénçè. Î havè bėènbeen tótö thé Emèráld Çitý mãný tîmèś, and it iś a bèàûtíful and wőnderful plâçè; but Î havè never bėènbeen permittėd tótö see thé Grèât Oz, nor dö Î knôw ofuv ãný living persón whö haś seen him."
"Dőèś hê never gô out?" askèd thé Scãŕècrôw.
"Never. Hê sits day after day in thé grèât thrônè rööm ofuv hiś paláçè, and êvén thôśè whö wait upon him dö not see him fâçè tótö fâçè."
"Whåt iś hê lîkè?" askèd thé girl.
"That iś hard tótö tell," sãìd thé man, thøùghtfullý. "Yöü see, Oz iś a grèât Wizàŕd, and can tâkè on ãný form hê wishėś. Sô that sőmè say hê lōōks lîkè a bird; and sőmè say hê lōōks lîkè an eléphánt; and sőmè say hê lōōks lîkè a cat. Tótö őtherś hê áppėàŕś aś a bèàûtíful fãírý, or a brownìê, or in ãný őther form that pleaśėś him. But whö thé real Oz iś, when hê iś in hiś ôwn form, nô living persón can tell."
"That iś verý strânĝè," sãìd Doróthý; "but wê must trŷ, in sőmè way, tótö see him, or wê shall havè mâdè õυŕ jòurnêy for nőthing."
"Whŷ dö yöü wish tótö see thé terríblè Oz?" askèd thé man.
"Î wantwont him tótö givè mê sőmè brainś," sãìd thé Scãŕècrôw, eagerlý.
"Ôh, Oz cōūld dö that eaśílý enoughėnòuf," dėclãŕèd thé man. "Hê haś morè brainś than hê needś."
"And Î wantwont him tótö givè mê a hèart," sãìd thé Tin Wōōdmán.
"That will not tròublè him," cóntinûèd thé man, "for Oz haś a larĝè cóllection ofuv hèarts, ofuv åll sîzėś and shâpès."
"And Î wantwont him tótö givè mê còuráĝè," sãìd thé Cõwàŕdlý Lîón.
"Oz keeps a grèât pot ofuv còuráĝè in hiś thrônè rööm," sãìd thé man, "which hê haś cőverèd with a gôldén plâtè, tótö keep it fróm running ôver. Hê will bê glad tótö givè yöü sőmè."
"And Î wantwont him tótö send mê back tótö Kanśás," sãìd Doróthý.
"Wheŕè iś Kanśás?" askèd thé man, in surprîśè.
"Î dôn't knôw," rėplîèd Doróthý, sorrôwfullý; "but it iś mŷ hômè, and Î'm ŝūrè it's sőmèwheŕè."
"Verý lîkèlý. Well, Oz can dö ãnýthing; sô Î suppôśè hê will fînd Kanśás for yöü. But first yöü must get tótö see him, and that will bê a hard task; for thé grèât Wizàŕd dőèś not lîkè tótö see anyoneãnýwőnè, and hê ûŝûállý haś hiś ôwn way. But whåt dö yöü wantwont?" hê cóntinûèd, speaking tótö Tôtô. Tôtô ônlý waggèd hiś tail; for, strânĝè tótö say, hê cōūld not speak.
"Thé Lîón âtè sőmè ofuv thé porrídĝè."
Thé wōmán now cållèd tótö them that supper wáśwoś reàdý, sô they gatherèd áround thé tâblè and Doróthý âtè sőmè dėlićìòús porrídĝè and a dish ofuv scramblèd eggś and a plâtè ofuv nîçè whîtè breàd, and enjoyèd her meal. Thé Lîón âtè sőmè ofuv thé porrídĝè, but did not cãŕè for it, sâying it wáśwoś mâdè fróm oats and oats werè fööd for horsėś, not for lîónś. Thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán âtè nőthing at åll. Tôtô âtè a littlè ofuv evèrýthing, and wáśwoś glad tótö get a gōōd supper ágãìn.
Thé wōmán now gâvè Doróthý a bed tótö sleep in, and Tôtô lay down bėsîdè her, whîlè thé Lîón gùardėd thé døòr ofuv her rööm sô shê might not bê disturbèd. Thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán stōōd up in a corner and kept qυîét åll night, ålthôùgh ofuv cøùrsè they cōūld not sleep.
Thé next morning, aś söön aś thé sun wáśwoś up, they startėd on their way, and söön saw a bèàûtíful green glôw in thé skŷ just bėforè them.
"That must bê thé Emèráld Çitý," sãìd Doróthý.
Aś they wålkèd on, thé green glôw bėcâmè brighter and brighter, and it seemèd that at last they werè nėáring thé end ofuv their travélś. Yet it wáśwoś afternöön bėforè they câmè tótö thé grèât wåll that súrroundėd thé Çitý. It wáśwoś high, and thick, and ofuv a bright green cőlòŕ.
In frőnt ofuv them, and at thé end ofuv thé road ofuv yellôw brick, wáśwoś a big gâtè, åll studdėd with emèráldś that glitterèd sô in thé sun that êvén thé paintėd èŷèś ofuv thé Scãŕècrôw werè dazzlèd bŷ their brillïánçý.
Theŕè wáśwoś a bell bėsîdè thé gâtè, and Doróthý pūshèd thé buttón and hèàŕd a silvérý tiñklè sound within. Then thé big gâtè swung slôwlý ôpén, and they åll passèd thröügh and found themselvèś in a high archèd rööm, thé wållś ofuv which glisténèd with countléss emèráldś.
Bėforè them stōōd a littlè man ábout thé sâmè sîzè aś thé Munchkinś. Hê wáśwoś clôthèd åll in green, fróm hiś heàd tótö hiś feet, and êvén hiś skin wáśwoś ofuv a greenish tint. At hiś sîdè wáśwoś a larĝè green box.
When hê saw Doróthý and her cómpanĩónś thé man askèd,
"Whåt dö yöü wish in thé Emèráld Çitý?"
"Wê câmè hėŕè tótö see thé Grèât Oz," sãìd Doróthý.
Thé man wáśwoś sô surprîśèd at this answer that hê sat down tótö thiñk it ôver.
"It haś bėènbeen mãný yėàŕś sinçè anyoneãnýwőnè askèd mê tótö see Oz," hê sãìd, shâking hiś heàd in perplexítý. "Hê iś põwerful and terríblè, and if yöü cőmè on an îdlè or föölish erránd tótö bother thé wîśè rėflectionś ofuv thé Grèât Wizàŕd, hê might bê añgrý and dėstroy yöü åll in an instánt."
"But it iś not a föölish erránd, nor an îdlè onewőnè," rėplîèd thé Scãŕècrôw; "it iś importánt. And wê havè bėènbeen tôld that Oz iś a gōōd Wizàŕd."
"Sô hê iś," sãìd thé green man; "and hê rülèś thé Emèráld Çitý wîśèlý and well. But tótö thôśè whö arè not honést, or whö ápproach him fróm cûrïosítý, hê iś môst terríblè, and few havè ever dãrèd ask tótö see hiś fâçè. Î am thé Gùardïán ofuv thé Gâtès, and sinçè yöü dėmand tótö see thé Grèât Oz Î must tâkè yöü tótö hiś paláçè. But first yöü must pūt on thé spectáclèś."
"Whŷ?" askèd Doróthý.
"Bėcauśè if yöü did not weàŕ spectáclèś thé brightnéss and glorý ofuv thé Emèráld Çitý wōūld blînd yöü. Êvén thôśè whö livè in thé Çitý must weàŕ spectáclèś night and day. They arè åll lockèd on, for Oz sô orderèd it when thé Çitý wáśwoś first bùilt, and Î havè thé ônlý kêy that will unlock them."
Hê ôpénèd thé big box, and Doróthý saw that it wáśwoś fillèd with spectáclèś ofuv evèrý sîzè and shâpè. Åll ofuv them had green glassėś in them. Thé Gùardïán ofuv thé gâtès found a pãir that wōūld just fit Doróthý and pūt them ôver her èŷèś. Theŕè werè twö gôldén bandś fasténèd tótö them that passèd áround thé back ofuv her heàd, wheŕè they werè lockèd tógether bŷ a littlè kêy that wáśwoś at thé end ofuv a chain thé Gùardïán ofuv thé Gâtès worè áround hiś neck. When they werè on, Doróthý cōūld not tâkè them off had shê wishèd, but ofuv cøùrsè shê did not wantwont tótö bê blîndėd bŷ thé glãrè ofuv thé Emèráld Çitý, sô shê sãìd nőthing.
Then thé green man fittėd spectáclèś for thé Scãŕècrôw and thé Tin Wōōdmán and thé Lîón, and êvén on littlè Tôtô; and åll werè lockèd fast with thé kêy.
Then thé Gùardïán ofuv thé Gâtès pūt on hiś ôwn glassėś and tôld them hê wáśwoś reàdý tótö shôw them tótö thé paláçè. Tâking a big gôldén kêy fróm a peg on thé wåll hê ôpénèd ánőther gâtè, and they åll follôwèd him thröügh thé portál intö thé streets ofuv thé Emèráld Çitý.
Êvén with èŷèś prótectėd bŷ thé green spectáclèś Doróthý and her frìendś werè at first dazzlèd bŷ thé brillïánçý ofuv thé wőnderful Çitý. Thé streets werè lînèd with bèàûtíful housėś åll bùilt ofuv green marblè and studdėd evèrýwheŕè with sparkling emèráldś. They wålkèd ôver a pâvèmént ofuv thé sâmè green marblè, and wheŕè thé blocks werè joinèd tógether werè rôwś ofuv emèráldś, set clôsèlý, and glittéring in thé brightnéss ofuv thé sun. Thé windôw pânèś werè ofuv green glass; êvén thé skŷ ábővè thé Çitý had a green tint, and thé rayś ofuv thé sun werè green.
Theŕè werè mãný pêòplè, men, womenwimėn and childrén, wålking ábout, and thêśè werè åll dressèd in green clôthèś and had greenish skinś. They lōōkèd at Doróthý and her strânĝèlý ássortėd cőmpáný with wőndéring èŷèś, and thé childrén åll ran áway and hid bėhînd their mőtherś when they saw thé Lîón; but nô onewőnè spôkè tótö them. Mãný shops stōōd in thé street, and Doróthý saw that evèrýthing in them wáśwoś green. Green candý and green pop-corn werè offerèd for sâlè, aś well aś green shöèś, green hats and green clôthèś ofuv åll sorts. At onewőnè plâçè a man wáśwoś selling green lemónâdè, and when thé childrén bøùght it Doróthý cōūld see that they paid for it with green pennìêś.
Theŕè seemèd tótö bê nô horsėś nor anímálś ofuv ãný kînd; thé men carrìêd thingś áround in littlè green carts, which they pūshèd bėforè them. Everyoneevèrýwőnè seemèd happý and cóntentėd and prospéròús.
Thé Gùardïán ofuv thé Gâtès led them thröügh thé streets until they câmè tótö a big bùilding, ėxactlý in thé middlè ofuv thé Çitý, which wáśwoś thé Paláçè ofuv Oz, thé Grèât Wizàŕd. Theŕè wáśwoś a sôldier bėforè thé døòr, dressèd in a green ûníform and weáring a long green bėàŕd.
"Hėŕè arè strânĝerś," sãìd thé Gùardïán ofuv thé Gâtès tótö him, "and they dėmand tótö see thé Grèât Oz."
"Step insîdè," answerèd thé sôldier, "and Î will carrý yøùr messáĝè tótö him."
Sô they passèd thröügh thé Paláçè gâtès and werè led intö a big rööm with a green carpét and lővèlý green furniťurè set with emèráldś. Thé sôldier mâdè them åll wîpè their feet upon a green mat bėforè entéring this rööm, and when they werè seatėd hê sãìd, pólîtèlý,
"Pleaśè mâkè yøùrselvèś cómfòŕtáblè whîlè Î gô tótö thé døòr ofuv thé thrônè Rööm and tell Oz yöü arè hėŕè."
They had tótö wait a long tîmè bėforè thé sôldier rėturnèd. When, at last, hê câmè back, Doróthý askèd,
"Havè yöü seen Oz?"
"Ôh, nô;" rėturnèd thé sôldier; "Î havè never seen him. But Î spôkè tótö him aś hê sat bėhînd hiś screen, and gâvè him yøùr messáĝè. Hê sãyś hê will grant yöü an audïénçè, if yöü sô dėśîrè; but each onewőnè ofuv yöü must enter hiś preśénçè álônè, and hê will ádmit but onewőnè each day. Theŕèforè, aś yöü must rėmain in thé Paláçè for sevèrál dayś, Î will havè yöü shôwn tótö röömś wheŕè yöü may rest in cómfòŕt after yøùr jòurnêy."
"Thañk yöü," rėplîèd thé girl; "that iś verý kînd ofuv Oz."
Thé sôldier now blew upon a green whistlè, and at őnçèwőnçè a yòung girl, dressèd in a prėttý green silk gõwn, enterèd thé rööm. Shê had lővèlý green hãir and green èŷèś, and shê bowèd lôw bėforè Doróthý aś shê sãìd,
"Follôw mê and Î will shôw yöü yøùr rööm."
Sô Doróthý sãìd gōōd-bŷè tótö åll her frìendś ėxcept Tôtô, and tâking thé dog in her armś follôwèd thé green girl thröügh sevén passáĝėś and up three flights ofuv stãirś until they câmè tótö a rööm at thé frőnt ofuv thé Paláçè. It wáśwoś thé sweetést littlè rööm in thé wòŕld, with a soft, cómfòŕtáblè bed that had sheets ofuv green silk and a green velvét counterpânè. Theŕè wáśwoś a tîný fountáìn in thé middlè ofuv thé rööm, that shot a spray ofuv green perfûmè intö thé ãir, tótö fåll back intö a bèàûtífúllý carvèd green marblè bâsín. Bèàûtíful green flõwerś stōōd in thé windôwś, and theŕè wáśwoś a shelf with a rôw ofuv littlè green bōōks. When Doróthý had tîmè tótö ôpén thêśè bōōks shê found them fūll ofuv qυeeŕ green picťurèś that mâdè her laughlāf, they werè sô funný.
In a wårdrôbè werè mãný green dressėś, mâdè ofuv silk and satín and velvét; and åll ofuv them fittėd Doróthý ėxactlý.
"Mâkè yøùrself perféctlý at hômè," sãìd thé green girl, "and if yöü wish for ãnýthing ring thé bell. Oz will send for yöü tótö-morrôw morning."
Shê left Doróthý álônè and went back tótö thé őtherś. Thêśè shê ålsô led tótö röömś, and each onewőnè ofuv them found himself lodĝèd in a verý pleàśánt part ofuv thé Paláçè. Ofuv cøùrsè this pólîtènéss wáśwoś wâstėd on thé Scãŕècrôw; for when hê found himself álônè in hiś rööm hê stōōd stüpídlý in onewőnè spot, just within thé døòrway, tótö wait till morning. It wōūld not rest him tótö lîè down, and hê cōūld not clôśè hiś èŷèś; sô hê rėmainèd åll night stãring at a littlè spîder which wáśwoś weaving its web in a corner ofuv thé rööm, just aś if it werè not onewőnè ofuv thé môst wőnderful röömś in thé wòŕld. Thé Tin Wōōdmán lay down on hiś bed fróm forçè ofuv habít, for hê rėmemberèd when hê wáśwoś mâdè ofuv flesh; but not bêing âblè tótö sleep hê passèd thé night möving hiś joints up and down tótö mâkè ŝūrè they kept in gōōd wòŕking order. Thé Lîón wōūld havè préferŕèd a bed ofuv drîèd leavèś in thé forést, and did not lîkè bêing shut up in a rööm; but hê had töö much sensè tótö let this wőrrý him, sô hê sprang upon thé bed and rôllèd himself up lîkè a cat and purrèd himself ásleep in a minútè.
Thé next morning, after breàkfást, thé green maidén câmè tótö fetch Doróthý, and shê dressèd her in onewőnè ofuv thé prėttïést gownś—mâdè ofuv green brôcâdèd satín. Doróthý pūt on a green silk âprón and tîèd a green ribbón áround Tôtô's neck, and they startėd for thé thrônè Rööm ofuv thé Grèât Oz.
First they câmè tótö a grèât håll in which werè mãný lâdìêś and ĝentlèmén ofuv thé cøùrt, åll dressèd in rich costümèś. Thêśè pêòplè had nőthing tótö dö but tålk tótö each őther, but they ålwayś câmè tótö wait outsîdè thé thrônè Rööm evèrý morning, ålthôùgh they werè never permittėd tótö see Oz. Aś Doróthý enterèd they lōōkèd at her cûrïòúslý, and onewőnè ofuv them whisperèd,
"Arè yöü rêallý gôing tótö lōōk upon thé fâçè ofuv Oz thé Terríblè?"
"Ofuv cøùrsè," answerèd thé girl, "if hê will see mê."
"Ôh, hê will see yöü," sãìd thé sôldier whö had tâkén her messáĝè tótö thé Wizàŕd, "ålthôùgh hê dőèś not lîkè tótö havè pêòplè ask tótö see him. Indeed, at first hê wáśwoś añgrý, and sãìd Î shōūld send yöü back wheŕè yöü câmè fróm. Then hê askèd mê whåt yöü lōōkèd lîkè, and when Î mentionèd yøùr silver shöèś hê wáśwoś verý much intèréstėd. At last Î tôld him ábout thé mark upon yøùr forèheàd, and hê dėçîdėd hê wōūld ádmit yöü tótö hiś preśénçè."
Just then a bell rang, and thé green girl sãìd tótö Doróthý,
"That iś thé signál. Yöü must gô intö thé thrônè Rööm álônè."
Shê ôpénèd a littlè døòr and Doróthý wålkèd bôldlý thröügh and found herself in a wőnderful plâçè. It wáśwoś a big, round rööm with a high archèd rööf, and thé wållś and çêìling and fløòr werè cőverèd with larĝè emèráldś set clôsèlý tógether. In thé çenter ofuv thé rööf wáśwoś a grèât light, aś bright aś thé sun, which mâdè thé emèráldś sparklè in a wőnderful manner.
But whåt intèréstėd Doróthý môst wáśwoś thé big thrônè ofuv green marblè that stōōd in thé middlè ofuv thé rööm. It wáśwoś shâpèd lîkè a chãir and sparklèd with ĝemś, aś did evèrýthing elsè. In thé çenter ofuv thé chãir wáśwoś an ėnormòús Heàd, without bodý tótö support it or ãný armś or legś whåtever. Theŕè wáśwoś nô hãir upon this heàd, but it had èŷèś and nôśè and mouth, and wáśwoś bigger than thé heàd ofuv thé biggést ĝîánt.
Aś Doróthý gâzèd upon this in wőnder and fėàŕ thé èŷèś turnèd slôwlý and lōōkèd at her sharplý and steàdílý. Then thé mouth mövèd, and Doróthý hèàŕd a voiçè say:
"Î am Oz, thé Grèât and Terríblè. Whö arè yöü, and whŷ dö yöü seek mê?"
It wáśwoś not such an awful voiçè aś shê had ėxpectėd tótö cőmè fróm thé big Heàd; sô shê tōōk còuráĝè and answerèd,
"Î am Doróthý, thé Småll and Meek. Î havè cőmè tótö yöü for help."
Thé èŷèś lōōkèd at her thøùghtfullý for a fūll minútè. Then sãìd thé voiçè:
"Wheŕè did yöü get thé silver shöèś?"
"Î got them fróm thé wickéd Witch ofuv thé East, when mŷ housè fell on her and killèd her," shê rėplîèd.
"Wheŕè did yöü get thé mark upon yøùr forèheàd?" cóntinûèd thé voiçè.
"That iś wheŕè thé gōōd Witch ofuv thé North kissèd mê when shê bâdè mê gōōd-bŷè and sent mê tótö yöü," sãìd thé girl.
Ágãìn thé èŷèś lōōkèd at her sharplý, and they saw shê wáśwoś telling thé trüth. Then Oz askèd,
"Whåt dö yöü wish mê tótö dö?"
"Send mê back tótö Kanśás, wheŕè mŷ Āùnt Em and Uñclè Henrý arè," shê answerèd, èàŕnéstlý. "Î dôn't lîkè yøùr còuntrý, ålthôùgh it iś sô bèàûtíful. And Î am ŝūrè Āùnt Em will bê dreàdfullý wőrrìêd ôver mŷ bêing áway sô long."
Thé èŷèś wiñkèd three tîmèś, and then they turnèd up tótö thé çêìling and down tótö thé fløòr and rôllèd áround sô qυeeŕlý that they seemèd tótö see evèrý part ofuv thé rööm. And at last they lōōkèd at Doróthý ágãìn.
"Whŷ shōūld Î dö this for yöü?" askèd Oz.
"Bėcauśè yöü arè strong and Î am weak; bėcauśè yöü arè a Grèât Wizàŕd and Î am ônlý a helpléss littlè girl," shê answerèd.
"But yöü werè strong enoughėnòuf tótö kill thé wickéd Witch ofuv thé East," sãìd Oz.
"That just happénèd," rėturnèd Doróthý, simplý; "Î cōūld not help it."
"Well," sãìd thé Heàd, "Î will givè yöü mŷ answer. Yöü havè nô right tótö ėxpect mê tótö send yöü back tótö Kanśás unless yöü dö sőmèthing for mê in rėturn. In this còuntrý everyoneevèrýwőnè must pay for evèrýthing hê gets. If yöü wish mê tótö ûśè mŷ maĝic põwer tótö send yöü hômè ágãìn yöü must dö sőmèthing for mê first. Help mê and Î will help yöü."
"Whåt must Î dö?" askèd thé girl.
"Kill thé wickéd Witch ofuv thé West," answerèd Oz.
"But Î cannot!" ėxclaimèd Doróthý, grèâtlý surprîśèd.
"Yöü killèd thé Witch ofuv thé East and yöü weàŕ thé silver shöèś, which beár a põwerful charm. Theŕè iś now but onewőnè Wickéd Witch left in åll this land, and when yöü can tell mê shê iś deàd Î will send yöü back tótö Kanśás—but not bėforè."
Thé littlè girl bėgan tótö weep, shê wáśwoś sô much disáppointėd; and thé èŷèś wiñkèd ágãìn and lōōkèd upon her añxïòúslý, aś if thé Grèât Oz felt that shê cōūld help him if shê wōūld.
"Î never killèd ãnýthing, willinglý," shê sobbèd; "and êvén if Î wantedwontéd tótö, how cōūld Î kill thé Wickéd Witch? If yöü, whö arè Grèât and Terríblè, cannot kill her yøùrself, how dö yöü ėxpect mê tótö dö it?"