Interactive Version









1.   Mŷ Fāther Meets thé Cat
2.   Mŷ Fāther Runś Áway
3.   Mŷ Fāther Fîndś thé Îslánd
4.   Mŷ Fāther Fîndś thé River
5.   Mŷ Fāther Meets Sőmè Tîgerś
6.   Mŷ Fāther Meets A Rhînoçerós
7.   Mŷ Fāther Meets A Lîón
8.   Mŷ Fāther Meets A Górillá
9.   Mŷ Fāther Mâkès A Bridĝè
10.   Mŷ Fāther Fîndś thé Dragón

Chapter Onewőnè


Onewőnè côld rainý day when mŷ fāther wáśwoś a littlè boy, hê met an ôld allêy cat on hiś street. Thé cat wáśwoś verý drippý and uncómŕtáblè sô mŷ fāther sãìd, "Wōūldn't yöü lîkè tótö cőmè hômè with mê?"

This surprîśèd thé cat—shê had never bėforè met anyoneãnýwőnè whö cãrèd ábout ôld allêy cats—but shê sãìd, "Î'd bê verý much óblîĝèd if Î cōūld sit bŷ a wårm furnáçè, and perhaps havè a sauçer ofuv milk."

"Wê havè a verý nîçè furnáçè tótö sit bŷ," sãìd mŷ fāther, "and Î'm ŝūrè mŷ mőther haś an extrá sauçer ofuv milk."

Mŷ fāther and thé cat bėcâmè gōōd frìendś but mŷ fāther's mőther wáśwoś verý upset ábout thé cat. Shê hâtėd cats, particûlàŕlý uglý ôld allêy cats. "Elmer Elévâŕ," shê sãìd tótö mŷ fāther, "if yöü thiñk Î'm gôing tótö givè that cat a sauçer ofuv milk, yøù'rè verý wrong. Őnçèwőnçè yöü start feeding stray allêy cats yöü might aś well ėxpect tótö feed evèrý stray in town, and Î am not gôing tótö dö it!"

This mâdè mŷ fāther verý sad, and hê ápolóĝîzèd tótö thé cat bėcauśè hiś mőther had bėènbeen sô rüdè. Hê tôld thé cat tótö stay ãnýway, and that sőmèhow hê wōūld bring her a sauçer ofuv milk each day. Mŷ fāther fed thé cat for three weeks, but onewőnè day hiś mőther found thé cat's sauçer in thé çellàŕ and shê wáśwoś ėxtrêmèlý añgrý. Shê whippèd mŷ fāther and threw thé cat out thé dòor, but lâter on mŷ fāther sneakèd out and found thé cat. Tógether they went for a wålk in thé park and trîèd tótö thiñk ofuv nîçè thingś tótö tålk ábout. Mŷ fāther sãìd, "When Î grôw up Î'm gôing tótö havè an ãirplânè. Wōūldn't it bê wőnderful tótö flŷ just ãnýwheŕè yöü might thiñk ofuv!"

"Wōūld yöü lîkè tótö flŷ verý, verý much?" askèd thé cat.

"Î çertáìnlý wōūld. Î'd dö ãnýthing if Î cōūld flŷ."

"Well," sãìd thé cat, "If yöü'd rêallý lîkè tótö flŷ that much, Î thiñk Î knôw ofuv a sort ofuv a way yöü might get tótö flŷ whîlè yøù'rè still a littlè boy."

"Yöü mean yöü knôw wheŕè Î cōūld get an ãirplânè?"

"Well, not ėxactlý an ãirplânè, but sőmèthing êvén better. Aś yöü can see, Î'm an ôld cat now, but in mŷ yòuñger dayś Î wáśwoś qυîa travéler. Mŷ travèling dayś arè ôver but last spring Î tōōk just onewőnè morè trip and sailèd tótö thé Îslánd ofuv Tanĝérïna, stopping at thé port ofuv Cranberrý. Well, it just sô happénèd that Î missèd thé boat, and whîlè waiting for thé next Î thøùght Î'd lōōk áround a bit. Î wáśwoś particûlàŕlý inréstėd in a plâçè cållèd Wîld Îslánd, which wê had passèd on õυŕ way tótö Tanĝérïna. Wîld Îslánd and Tanĝérïna arè joinèd tógether bŷ a long string ofuv rocks, but pêòplè never gô tótö Wîld Îslánd bėcauśè it's môstlý juñglè and inhabítéd bŷ verý wîld anímálś. Sô, Î dėçîdėd tótö gô ácross thé rocks and ėxplorè it for mŷself. It çertáìnlý iś an inrésting plâçè, but Î saw sőmèthing theŕè that mâdè mê wantwont tótö weep."

Chapter Twö


"Wîld Îslánd iś practíllý cut in twö bŷ a verý wîdè and muddý river," cóntinûèd thé cat. "This river bėginś nėàŕ onewőnè end ofuv thé îslánd and flôwś intö thé ôćeán at thé őther. Now thé anímálś theŕè arè verý lâzý, and they ûśèd tótö hâtè having tótö gô åll thé way áround thé bėginning ofuv this river tótö get tótö thé őther sîdè ofuv thé îslánd. It mâdè viśíting incónvênĩént and mail dėlivèrìêś slôw, particûlàŕlý dûring thé Christmás rush. Crocódîlèś cōūld havè carrìêd passénĝerś and mail ácross thé river, but crocódîlèś arè verý möödý, and not thé least bit dėpendáblè, and arè ålwayś lōōking for sőmèthing tótö eat. They dôn't cãŕè if thé anímálś havè tótö wålk áround thé river, sô that's just whåt thé anímálś did for mãný yėàŕś."

"But whåt dőèś åll this havè tótö dö with ãirplânèś?" askèd mŷ fāther, whö thøùght thé cat wáśwoś tâking an awfullý long tîmè tótö ėxplain.

"Bê pâţìént, Elmer," sãìd thé cat, and shê went on with thé storý. "Onewőnè day ábout føùr mőnths bėforè Î árrîvèd on Wîld Îslánd a bâbý dragón fell fróm a lôw-flŷing cloud ontö thé bañk ofuv thé river. Hê wáśwoś töö yòung tótö flŷ verý well, and bėsîdèś, hê had brüìśèd onewőnè wing qυîbadlý, sô hê cōūldn't get back tótö hiś cloud. Thé anímálś found him söön afterwàŕdś and evèrýbodý sãìd, 'Whŷ, this iś just ėxactlý whåt wê'vè needėd åll thêśè yėàŕś!' They tîèd a big rôáround hiś neck and waitėd for thé wing tótö get well. This wáśwoś gôing tótö end åll their crossing-thé-river troublèś."

"Î'vè never seen a dragón," sãìd mŷ fāther. "Did yöü see him? How big iś hê?"

"Ôh, yes, indeed Î saw thé dragón. In fact, wê bėcâmè grèât frìendś," sãìd thé cat. "Î ûśèd tótö hîdè in thé būshéś and tålk tótö him when nôbodý wáśwoś áround. Hê's not a verý big dragón, ábout thé sîzè ofuv a larĝè black beár, ålthôùgh Î imaĝínè hê's grôwn qυîa bit sinçè Î left. Hê's got a long tail and yellôw and blüè strîpès. Hiś horn and èŷèś and thé bottómś ofuv hiś feet arè bright red, and hê haś gôld-cőlòŕèd wingś."

"Ôh, how wőnderful!" sãìd mŷ fāther. "Whåt did thé anímálś dö with him when hiś wing got well?"

"They startėd training him tótö carrý passénĝerś, and êvén thôùgh hê iś just a bâbý dragón, they wòŕk him åll day and åll night töö sőmètîmèś. They mâkè him carrý loadś that arè much töö heàvý, and if hê cómplainś, they twist hiś wingś and beat him. Hê's ålwayś tîèd tótö a stâon a rôjust long enoughėnòuf tótö gô ácross thé river. Hiś ônlý frìendś arè thé crocódîlèś, whö say 'Hellô' tótö him őnçèwőnçè a week if they dôn't fòŕget. Rêallý, hê's thé môst miśèráblè anímál Î'vè ever cőmè ácross. When Î left Î promísèd Î'd trŷ tótö help him sőmèday, ålthôùgh Î cōūldn't see how. Thé rôáround hiś neck iś ábout thé biggést, tòughéstufést rôyöü can imaĝínè, with sô mãný knots it wōūld tâdayś tótö untîè them åll.

"Ãnýway, when yöü werè tålking ábout ãirplânèś, yöü gâvè mê a gōōd îdêá. Now, Î'm qυîtè ŝūrè that if yöü werè âblè tótö rescûè thé dragón, which wōūldn't bê thé least bit eaśý, hê'd let yöü rîdè him môst ãnýwheŕè, próvîdėd yöü werè nîçè tótö him, ofuv cøùrsè. How ábout trŷing it?"

"Ôh, Î'd lővè tótö," sãìd mŷ fāther, and hê wáśwoś sô añgrý at hiś mőther for bêing rüdè tótö thé cat that hê didn't feel thé least bit sad ábout running áway fróm hômè for a whîlè.

That verý afternöön mŷ fāther and thé cat went down tótö thé docks tótö see ábout ships gôing tótö thé Îslánd ofuv Tanĝérïna. They found out that a ship wōūld bê sailing thé next week, sô right áway they startėd planning for thé rescûè ofuv thé dragón. Thé cat wáśwoś a grèât help in suĝĝesting thingś for mŷ fāther tótö tâwith him, and shê tôld him evèrýthing shê knew ábout Wîld Îslánd. Ofuv cøùrsè, shê wáśwoś töö ôld tótö gô álong.

Evèrýthing had tótö bê kept verý sêcrét, sô when they found or bøùght ãnýthing tótö tâon thé trip they hid it bėhînd a rock in thé park. Thé night bėforè mŷ fāther sailèd hê borrôwèd hiś fāther's knapsack and hê and thé cat packèd evèrýthing verý cãŕèfullý. Hê tōōk chëwing gum, twö dőzén piñk lollïpops, a packáĝè ofuv rubber bandś, black rubber bööts, a cómpáss, a tööth brush and a tübè ofuv tööth pâstè, six magnífŷiñg glassėś, a verý sharp jackknîfè, a cômb and a hãirbrush, sevén hãir ribbónś ofuv diffèrént cőlòŕś, an emptý grain bag with a lâbél sâying "Cranberrý," sőmè clean clôthèś, and enoughėnòuf fööd tótö last mŷ fāther whîlè hê wáśwoś on thé ship. Hê cōūldn't livè on mîçè, sô hê tōōk twentý-fîvè peanut butter and jellý sandwichėś and six applès, bėcauśè that's åll thé applès hê cōūld fînd in thé pantrý.

When evèrýthing wáśwoś packèd mŷ fāther and thé cat went down tótö thé docks tótö thé ship. A night wātchmánwotchmán wáśwoś on dûtý, sô whîlè thé cat mâdè loud qυeeŕ noiśėś tótö distract hiś áttention, mŷ fāther ran ôver thé gang-plañk ontö thé ship. Hê went down intö thé hôld and hid ámőng sőmè bagś ofuv wheat. Thé ship sailèd yèàŕlý thé next morning.

Chapter Three


Mŷ fāther hid in thé hôld for six dayś and nights. Twîçè hê wáśwoś nėàŕlý caught when thé ship stoppèd tótö tâon morè cargô. But at last hê hèàŕd a sailòŕ say that thé next port wōūld bê Cranberrý and that they'd bê unloading thé wheat theŕè. Mŷ fāther knew that thé sailòŕś wōūld send him hômè if they caught him, sô hê lōōkèd in hiś knapsack and tōōk out a rubber band and thé emptý grain bag with thé lâbél sâying "Cranberrý." At thé last mômént mŷ fāther got insîdè thé bag, knapsack and åll, fôldėd thé top ofuv thé bag insîdè, and pūt thé rubber band áround thé top. Hê didn't lōōk just ėxactlý lîthé őther bagś but it wáśwoś thé best hê cōūld dö.

Söön thé sailòŕś câmè tótö unload. They lôwerèd a big net intö thé hôld and bėgan möving thé bagś ofuv wheat. Suddénlý onewőnè sailòŕ yellèd, "Grèât Scott! This iś thé qυėérést bag ofuv wheat Î'vè ever seen! It's åll lumpý-lîkè, but thé lâbél sãyś it's tótö gô tótö Cranberrý."

Thé őther sailòŕś lōōkèd at thé bag töö, and mŷ fāther, whö wáśwoś in thé bag, ofuv cøùrsè, trîèd êvén harder tótö lōōk lîa bag ofuv wheat. Then ánőther sailòŕ felt thé bag and hê just happénèd tótö get hôld ofuv mŷ fāther's elbôw. "Î knôw whåt this iś," hê sãìd. "This iś a bag ofuv drîèd corn on thé cob," and hê dumpèd mŷ fāther intö thé big net álong with thé bagś ofuv wheat.

This åll happénèd in thé lâafternöön, sô lâthat thé merchánt in Cranberrý whö had orderèd thé wheat didn't count hiś bagś until thé next morning. (Hê wáśwoś a verý puñüal man, and never lâtè for dinner.) Thé sailòŕś tôld thé captáìn, and thé captáìn wrôdown on aêçè ofuv pâper, that they had dėliverèd onewőnè hundred and sixtý bagś ofuv wheat and onewőnè bag ofuv drîèd corn on thé cob. They left théêçè ofuv pâper for thé merchánt and sailèd áway that êvèning.

Mŷ fāther hèàŕd lâter that thé merchánt spent thé whôlè next day counting and rėcounting thé bagś and feeling each onewőnè trŷing tótö fînd thé bag ofuv drîèd corn on thé cob. Hê never found it bėcauśè aś söön aś it wáśwoś dark mŷ fāther clîmbèd out ofuv thé bag, fôldėd it up and pūt it back in hiś knapsack. Hê wålkèd álong thé shorè tótö a nîçè sandý plâçè and lay down tótö sleep.

Mŷ fāther wáśwoś verý huñgrý when hê wôup thé next morning. Just aś hê wáśwoś lōōking tótö see if hê had ãnýthing left tótö eat, sőmèthing hit him on thé heàd. It wáśwoś a tanĝérïnè. Hê had bėènbeen sleeping right under a tree fūll ofuv big, fat tanĝérïnèś. And then hê rėmemberèd that this wáśwoś thé Îslánd ofuv Tanĝérïna. Tanĝérïnè treeś grew wîld evèrýwheŕè. Mŷ fāther pickèd aś mãný aś hê had rööm for, which wáśwoś thirtý-onewőnè, and startėd off tótö fînd Wîld Îslánd.

Hê wålkèd and wålkèd and wålkèd álong thé shorè, lōōking for thé rocks that joinèd thé twö îslándś. Hê wålkèd åll day, and őnçèwőnçè when hê met a fisherman and askèd him ábout Wîld Îslánd, thé fisherman bėgan tótö shâand cōūldn't tålk for a long whîlè. It scãŕèd him that much, just thiñking ábout it. Fînállý hê sãìd, "Mãný pêòplè havè trîèd tótö ėxplorè Wîld Îslánd, but not onewőnè haś cőmè back álîvè. Wê thiñk they werè eatén bŷ thé wîld anímálś." This didn't bother mŷ fāther. Hê kept wålking and slept on thé beach ágãìn that night.

It wáśwoś bèàûtífúllý clėàŕ thé next day, and way down thé shorè mŷ fāther cōūld see a long lînè ofuv rocks leading out intö thé ôćeán, and way, way out at thé end hê cōūld just see a tîný patch ofuv green. Hê qυicklý âtè sevén tanĝérïnèś and startėd down thé beach.

It wáśwoś ålmôst dark when hê câmè tótö thé rocks, but theŕè, way out in thé ôćeán, wáśwoś thé patch ofuv green. Hê sat down and restėd a whîlè, rėmembéring that thé cat had sãìd, "If yöü can, gô out tótö thé îslánd at night, bėcauśè then thé wîld anímálś wőn't see yöü cőming álong thé rocks and yöü can hîdè when yöü get theŕè." Sô mŷ fāther pickèd sevén morè tanĝérïnèś, pūt on hiś black rubber bööts, and waitėd for dark.

It wáśwoś a verý black night and mŷ fāther cōūld hardlý see thé rocks áheàd ofuv him. Sőmètîmèś they werè qυîtè high and sőmètîmèś thé wâvèś ålmôst cőverèd them, and they werè slippérý and hard tótö wålk on. Sőmètîmèś thé rocks werè far ápart and mŷ fāther had tótö get a running start and leap fróm onewőnè tótö thé next.

After a whîlè hê bėgan tótö hėàŕ a rumbling noiśè. It grew louder and louder aś hê got nêarer tótö thé îslánd. At last it seemèd aś if hê wáśwoś right on top ofuv thé noiśè, and hê wáśwoś. Hê had jumpèd fróm a rock ontö thé back ofuv a småll whâlè whö wáśwoś fast ásleep and cuddlèd up bėtween twö rocks. Thé whâlè wáśwoś snoring and mâking morè noiśè than a steam shóvél, sô it never hèàŕd mŷ fāther say, "Ôh, Î didn't knôw that wáśwoś yöü!" And it never knew mŷ fāther had jumpèd on its back bŷ mistâkè.

For sevén hõυŕś mŷ fāther clîmbèd and slippèd and leàpt fróm rock tótö rock, but whîlè it wáśwoś still dark hê fînállý reachèd thé verý last rock and steppèd off ontö Wîld Îslánd.

Chapter Føùr


Thé juñglè bėgan just bėyond a narrôw strip ofuv beach; thick, dark, damp, scãrý juñglè. Mŷ fāther hardlý knew wheŕè tótö gô, sô hê crawlèd under a wahoo būsh tótö thiñk, and âeĩght tanĝérïnèś. Thé first thing tótö dö, hê dėçîdėd, wáśwoś tótö fînd thé river, bėcauśè thé dragón wáśwoś tîèd sőmèwheŕè álong its bañk. Then hê thøùght, "If thé river flôwś intö thé ôćeán, Î øùght tótö bê âblè tótö fînd it qυîeaśílý if Î just wålk álong thé beach far enoughėnòuf." Sô mŷ fāther wålkèd until thé sun rôśè and hê wáśwoś qυîtè far fróm thé Ôćeán Rocks. It wáśwoś dânĝéròús tótö stay nėàŕ them bėcauśè they might bêardėd in thé daytîmè. Hê found a clump ofuv tåll grass and sat down. Then hê tōōk off hiś rubber bööts and âtè three morè tanĝérïnèś. Hê cōūld havè eatén twelvè but hê hadn't seen ãný tanĝérïnèś on this îslánd and hê cōūld not risk running out ofuv sőmèthing tótö eat.

Mŷ fāther slept åll that day and ônlý wôup lâin thé afternöön when hê hèàŕd a funný littlè voiçè sâying, "Qυeeŕ, qυeeŕ, whåt a dėàŕ littlè dock! Î mean, dėàŕ, dėàŕ, whåt a qυeeŕ littlè rock!" Mŷ fāther saw a tîný paw rubbing itself on hiś knapsack. Hê lay verý still and thé mousè, for it wáśwoś a mousè, húrrìêd áway muttéring tótö itself, "Î must smell tumduddy. Î mean, Î must tell sőmèbódý."

Mŷ fāther waitėd a few minútès and then startėd down thé beach bėcauśè it wáśwoś ålmôst dark now, and hê wáśwoś áfraid thé mourêallý wōūld tell sőmèbódý. Hê wålkèd åll night and twö scãrý thingś happénèd. First, hê just had tótö sneezè, sô hê did, and sőmèbódý clôbŷ sãìd, "Iś that yöü, Móñkêy?" Mŷ fāther sãìd, "Yes." Then thé voiçè sãìd, "Yöü must havè sőmèthing on yøùr back, Móñkêy," and mŷ fāther sãìd "Yes," bėcauśè hê did. Hê had hiś knapsack on hiś back. "Whåt dö yöü havè on yøùr back, Móñkêy?" askèd thé voiçè.

Mŷ fāther didn't knôw whåt tótö say bėcauśè whåt wōūld a móñkêy havè on its back, and how wōūld it sound telling someonesőmèwőnè ábout it if it did havè sőmèthing? Just then ánőther voiçè sãìd, "Î bet yøù'rè tâking yøùr sick grandmőther tótö thé doctòŕ's." Mŷ fāther sãìd "Yes" and húrrìêd on. Qυîbŷ aídént hê found out lâter that hê had bėènbeen tålking tótö a pãir ofuv tortóìséś.

Thé secónd thing that happénèd wáśwoś that hê nėàŕlý wålkèd right bėtween twö wîld bøàrś whö werè tålking in lôw solémn whisperś. When hê first saw thé dark shâpès hê thøùght they werè bôùlderś. Just in tîmè hê hèàŕd onewőnè ofuv them say, "Theŕè arè three sîgnś ofuv a rêçént invâŝìón. First, fresh tanĝérïnè peelś werè found under thé wahoo būsh nėàŕ thé Ôćeán Rocks. Secónd, a mourėportėd an extráordínãrý rock sőmè distánçè fróm thé Ôćeán Rocks which upon further investígâtion simplý wáśnwośn't theŕè. However, morè fresh tanĝérïnè peelś werè found in thé sâmè spot, which iś thé third sîgn ofuv invâŝìón. Sinçè tanĝérïnèś dö not grôw on õυŕ îslánd, sőmèbódý must havè brøùght them ácross thé Ôćeán Rocks fróm thé őther îslánd, which may, or may not, havè sőmèthing tótö dö with thé áppėáránçè and/or disáppėáránçè ofuv thé extráordínãrý rock rėportėd bŷ thé mousè."

After a long sîlénçè thé őther bøàr sãìd, "Yöü knôw, Î thiñk wê'ŕè tâking åll this töö sėrïòúslý. Thôśè peelś probáblý floatėd ôver hėŕè åll bŷ themselvèś, and yöü knôw how unrėlîáblè mîçè arè. Bėsîdèś, if theŕè had bėènbeen an invâŝìón, Î wōūld havè seen it!"

"Perhaps yøù'rè right," sãìd thé first bøàr. "Shall wê rėtîŕè?" Wheŕèupon they bôth trundlèd back intö thé juñglè.

Well, that taught mŷ fāther a lessón, and after that hê sâvèd åll hiś tanĝérïnè peelś. Hê wålkèd åll night and tówård morning câmè tótö thé river. Then hiś troublèś rêallý bėgan.

Chapter Fîvè


Thé river wáśwoś verý wîdè and muddý, and thé juñglè wáśwoś verý glöömý and densè. Thé treeś grew clôsè tótö each őther, and whåt rööm theŕè wáśwoś bėtween them wáśwoś tâkén up bŷ grèât high fernś with stický leavèś. Mŷ fāther hâtėd tótö leavè thé beach, but hê dėçîdėd tótö start álong thé river bañk wheŕè at least thé juñglè wáśnwośn't qυîtè sô thick. Hê âtè three tanĝérïnèś, mâking ŝūrè tótö keep åll thé peelś this tîmè, and pūt on hiś rubber bööts.

Mŷ fāther trîèd tótö follôw thé river bañk but it wáśwoś verý swāmpýswompý, and aś hê went farther thé swåmp bėcâmè deeper. When it wáśwoś ålmôst aś deep aś hiś bööt tops hê got stuck in thé öözý, mucký mud. Mŷ fāther tuggèd and tuggèd, and nėàŕlý pūllèd hiś bööts right off, but at last hê manáĝèd tótö wâdè tótö a drîer plâçè. Hėŕè thé juñglè wáśwoś sô thick that hê cōūld hardlý see wheŕè thé river wáśwoś. Hê unpackèd hiś cómpáss and figurèd out thé dîrection hê shōūld wålk in order tótö stay nėàŕ thé river. But hê didn't knôw that thé river mâdè a verý sharp curvè áway fróm him just a littlè way bėyond, and sô aś hê wålkèd straight áheàd hê wáśwoś getting farther and farther áway fróm thé river.

It wáśwoś verý hard tótö wålk in thé juñglè. Thé stický leavèś ofuv thé fernś caught at mŷ fāther's hãir, and hê kept tripping ôver rööts and rottén logś. Sőmètîmèś thé treeś werè clumd sô clôlý tógether that hê cōūldn't sqυeezè bėtween them and had tótö wålk a long way áround.

Hê bėgan tótö hėàŕ whispérý noiśėś, but hê cōūldn't see ãný anímálś ãnýwheŕè. Thé deeper intö thé juñglè hê went thé ŝūrer hê wáśwoś that sőmèthing wáśwoś follôwing him, and then hê thøùght hê hèàŕd whispérý noiśėś on bôth sîdèś ofuv him aś well aś bėhînd. Hê trîèd tótö run, but hê trippèd ôver morè rööts, and thé noiśėś ônlý câmè nêarer. Őnçèwőnçè or twîçè hê thøùght hê hèàŕd sőmèthing laughinglāfing at him.

At last hê câmè out intö a clėáring and ran right intö thé middlè ofuv it sô that hê cōūld see ãnýthing that might trŷ tótö áttack him. Wáśwoś hê surprîśèd when hê lōōkèd and saw føùrteen green èŷèś cőming out ofuv thé juñglè åll áround thé clėáring, and when thé green èŷèś turnèd intö sevén tîgerś! Thé tîgerś wålkèd áround him in a big çirclè, lōōking huñgrìêŕ åll thé tîmè, and then they sat down and bėgan tótö tålk.

"Î suppôśè yöü thøùght wê didn't knôw yöü werè trespássing in õυŕ juñglè!"

Then thé next tîger spôkè. "Î suppôśè yøù'rè gôing tótö say yöü didn't knôw it wáśwoś õυŕ juñglè!"

"Did yöü knôw that not onewőnè ėxplorer haś ever left this îslánd álîvè?" sãìd thé third tîger.

Mŷ fāther thøùght ofuv thé cat and knew this wáśnwośn't trüè. But ofuv cøùrsè hê had töö much sensè tótö say sô. Onewőnè dőèśn't contrádict a huñgrý tîger.

Thé tîgerś went on tålking in turn. "Yöü'ŕè õυŕ first littlè boy, yöü knôw. Î'm cûrïòús tótö knôw if yøù'rè espećiállý tender."

"Maybê yöü thiñk wê havè regûlàŕ meal-tîmèś, but wê dôn't. Wê just eat whenever wê'ŕè feeling huñgrý," sãìd thé fifth tîger.

"And wê'ŕè verý huñgrý right now. In fact, Î can hardlý wait," sãìd thé sixth.

"Î can't wait!" sãìd thé sevénth tîger.

And then åll thé tîgerś sãìd tógether in a loud røàr, "Let's bėgin right now!" and they mövèd in clôser.

Mŷ fāther lōōkèd at thôśè sevén huñgrý tîgerś, and then hê had an îdêá. Hê qυicklý ôpénèd hiś knapsack and tōōk out thé chëwing gum. Thé cat had tôld him that tîgerś werè espećiállý fond ofuv chëwing gum, which wáśwoś verý scãrçè on thé îslánd. Sô hê threw them each aêçè but they ônlý growlèd, "Aś fond aś wê arè ofuv chëwing gum, wê'ŕè ŝūrè wê'd lîyöü êvén better!" and they mövèd sô clôthat hê cōūld feel them breathing on hiś fâçè.

"But this iś verý spećiál chëwing gum," sãìd mŷ fāther. "If yöü keep on chëwing it long enoughėnòuf it will turn green, and then if yöü plant it, it will grôw morè chëwing gum, and thé sööner yöü start chëwing thé sööner yöü'll havè morè."

Thé tîgerś sãìd, "Whŷ, yöü dôn't say! Iśn't that fînè!" And aś each onewőnè wantedwontéd tótö bê thé first tótö plant thé chëwing gum, they åll unwrappèd theirêçėś and bėgan chëwing aś hard aś they cōūld. Evèrý őnçèwőnçè in a whîlè onewőnè tîger wōūld lōōk intö ánőther's mouth and say, "Nôpè, it's not dőnè yet," until fînállý they werè åll sô buśýbizee lōōking intö each őther's mouthś tótö mâkè ŝūrè that nô onewőnè wáśwoś getting áheàd that theyŕgot åll ábout mŷ fāther.

Chapter Six


Mŷ fāther söön found a trail leading áway fróm thé clėáring. Åll sorts ofuv anímálś might bê ûśing it töö, but hê dėçîdėd tótö follôw thé trail nô matter whåt hê met bėcauśè it might lead tótö thé dragón. Hê kept a sharp lōōkout in frőnt and bėhînd and went on.

Just aś hê wáśwoś feeling qυîtè sâfè, hê câmè áround a curvè right bėhînd thé twö wîld bøàrś. Onewőnè ofuv them wáśwoś sâying tótö thé őther, "Did yöü knôw that thé tortóìséś thøùght they saw Móñkêy carrýing hiś sick grandmőther tótö thé doctòŕ's last night? But Móñkêy's grandmőther dîèd a week ágô, sô they must havè seen sőmèthing elsè. Î wőnder whåt it wáśwoś."

"Î tôld yöü that theŕè wáśwoś an invâŝìón áfōōt," sãìd thé őther bøàr, "and Î intend tótö fînd out whåt it iś. Î simplý can't stand invâŝìónś."

"Nee mêìther," sãìd a tîný littlè voiçè. "Î mean, mê nêìther," and mŷ fāther knew that thé mouwáśwoś theŕè, töö.

"Well," sãìd thé first bøàr, "yöü sèàŕch thé trail up this way tótö thé dragón. Î'll gô back down thé őther way thröügh thé big clėáring, and wê'll send Mousè tótö wātchwotch thé Ôćeán Rocks in câthé invâŝìón shōūld dėçîdè tótö gô áway bėforè wê fînd it."

Mŷ fāther hid bėhînd a máhogáný tree just in tîmè, and thé first bøàr wålkèd right past him. Mŷ fāther waitėd for thé őther bøàr tótö get a heàd start on him, but hê didn't wait verý long bėcauśè hê knew that when thé first bøàr saw thé tîgerś chëwing gum in thé clėáring, hê'd bê êvén morè suspićìòús.

Söön thé trail crossèd a littlè brōōk and mŷ fāther, whö bŷ this tîmè wáśwoś verý thirstý, stoppèd tótö get a driñk ofuv wåter. Hê still had on hiś rubber bööts, sô hê wâdėd intö a littlè pööl ofuv wåter and wáśwoś stööping down when sőmèthing qυîtè sharp pickèd him up bŷ thé seat ofuv thé pants and shōōk him verý hard.

"Dôn't yöü knôw that's mŷ prîváweeping pööl?" sãìd a deep añgrý voiçè.

Mŷ fāther cōūldn't see whö wáśwoś tålking bėcauśè hê wáśwoś hanging in thé ãir right ôver thé pööl, but hê sãìd, "Ôh, nô, Î'm sô sorrý. Î didn't knôw that evèrýbodý had a prîváweeping pööl."

"Evèrýbodý dőèśn't!" sãìd thé añgrý voiçè, "but Î dö bėcauśè Î havè such a big thing tótö weep ábout, and Î drown evèrýbodý Î fînd ûśing mŷ weeping pööl." With that thé anímál tossèd mŷ fāther up and down ôver thé wåter.

"Whåt—iś it—that—yöüweep ábout—sô much?" askèd mŷ fāther, trŷing tótö get hiś breàth, and hê thøùght ôver åll thé thingś hê had in hiś pack.

"Ôh, Î havè mãný thingś tótö weep ábout, but thé biggést thing iś thé cőlòŕ ofuv mŷ tusk." Mŷ fāther sqυirmèd evèrý which way trŷing tótö see thé tusk, but it wáśwoś thröügh thé seat ofuv hiś pants wheŕè hê cōūldn't possíblý see it. "When Î wáśwoś a yòung rhînoçerós, mŷ tusk wáśwoś pèàŕlý whîtè," sãìd thé anímál (and then mŷ fāther knew that hê wáśwoś hanging bŷ thé seat ofuv hiś pants fróm a rhînoçerós' tusk!), "but it haś turnèd a nastý yellôw-gray in mŷ ôld âĝè, and Î fînd it verý uglý. Yöü see, evèrýthing elábout mê iś uglý, but when Î had a bèàûtíful tusk Î didn't wőrrý sô much ábout thé rest. Now that mŷ tusk iś uglý töö, Î can't sleep nights just thiñking ábout how cómplêlý uglý Î am, and Î weep åll thé tîmè. But whŷ shōūld Î bê telling yöü thêśè thingś? Î caught yöü ûśing mŷ pööl and now Î'm gôing tótö drown yöü."

"Ôh, wait a minútè, Rhînoçerós," sãìd mŷ fāther. "Î havè sőmè thingś that will mâyøùr tusk åll whîand bèàûtíful ágãìn. Just let mê down and Î'll givè them tótö yöü."

Thé rhînoçerós sãìd, "Yöü dö? Î can hardlý bėlìêvè it! Whŷ, Î'm sô ėxcîtėd!" Hê pūt mŷ fāther down and dançèd áround in a çirclè whîlè mŷ fāther got out thé tübè ofuv tööth pâstè and thé tööthbrush.

"Now," sãìd mŷ fāther, "just mövè yøùr tusk a littlè nêarer, pleaśè, and Î'll shôw yöü how tótö bėgin." Mŷ fāther wet thé brush in thé pööl, sqυeezèd on a dab ofuv tööth pâstè, and scrubbèd verý hard in onewőnè tîný spot. Then hê tôld thé rhînoçerós tótö washwosh it off, and when thé pööl wáśwoś cālm ágãìn, hê tôld thé rhînoçerós tótö lōōk in thé wåter and see how whîthé littlè spot wáśwoś. It wáśwoś hard tótö see in thé dim light ofuv thé juñglè, but ŝūrè enoughėnòuf, thé spot shonè pèàŕlý whîtè, just lînew. Thé rhînoçerós wáśwoś sô pleaśèd that hê grabbèd thé tööthbrush and bėgan scrubbing vîóléntlý, fòŕgetting åll ábout mŷ fāther.

Just then mŷ fāther hèàŕd hööfsteps and hê jumpèd bėhînd thé rhînoçerós. It wáśwoś thé bøàr cőming back fróm thé big clėáring wheŕè thé tîgerś werè chëwing gum. Thé bøàr lōōkèd at thé rhînoçerós, and at thé tööthbrush, and at thé tübè ofuv tööth pâstè, and then hê scratchèd hiś ėàŕ on a tree. "Tell mê, Rhînoçerós," hê sãìd, "wheŕè did yöü get that fînè tübè ofuv tööth pâstè and that tööthbrush?"

"Töö buśýbizee!" sãìd thé rhînoçerós, and hê went on brushing aś hard aś hê cōūld.

Thé bøàr sniffèd añgrílý and trottėd down thé trail tówård thé dragón, muttéring tótö himself, "Verý suspićìòús—tîgerś töö buśýbizee chëwing gum, Rhînoçerós töö buśýbizee brushing hiś tusk—must get hôld ofuv that invâŝìón. Dôn't lîit onewőnè bit, not onewőnè bit! It's upsetting evèrýbodý terríblýwőnder whåt it's döing hėŕè, ãnýway."

Chapter Sevén


Mŷ fāther wâvèd gōōdbŷè tótö thé rhînoçerós, whö wáśwoś much töö buśýbizee tótö nôtiçè, got a driñk farther down thé brōōk, and wâdėd back tótö thé trail. Hê hadn't gonè verý far when hê hèàŕd an añgrý anímál røáring, "Ding blast it! Î tôld yöü not tótö gô blackberrying yesterday. Wőn't yöü ever lèàŕn? Whåt will yøùr mőther say!"

Mŷ fāther crept álong and pėerèd intö a småll clėáring just áheàd. A lîón wáśwoś prançing ábout clawing at hiś mânè, which wáśwoś åll snarlèd and fūll ofuv blackberrý twigś. Thé morè hê clawèd thé wòŕit bėcâmè and thé madder hê grew and thé morè hê yellèd at himself, bėcauśè it wáśwoś himself hê wáśwoś yelling at åll thé tîmè.

Mŷ fāther cōūld see that thé trail went thröügh thé clėáring, sô hê dėçîdėd tótö crawl áround thé edĝè in thé underbrush and not disturb thé lîón.

Hê crawlèd and crawlèd, and thé yelling grew louder and louder. Just aś hê wáśwoś ábout tótö reach thé trail on thé őther sîdè thé yelling suddénlý stoppèd. Mŷ fāther lōōkèd áround and saw thé lîón glãring at him. Thé lîón charĝèd and skiddėd tótö a stop a few inchėś áway.

"Whö arè yöü?" thé lîón yellèd at mŷ fāther.

"Mŷ nâmè iś Elmer Elévâŕ."

"Wheŕè dö yöü thiñk yøù'rè gôing?"

"Î'm gôing hômè," sãìd mŷ fāther.

"That's whåt yöü thiñk!" sãìd thé lîón. "Ordínãrílý Î'd sâvè yöü for afternöön tea, but Î happén tótö bê upset enoughėnòuf and huñgrý enoughėnòuf tótö eat yöü right now." And hê pickèd up mŷ fāther in hiś frőnt pawś tótö feel how fat hê wáśwoś.

Mŷ fāther sãìd, "Ôh, pleaśè, Lîón, bėforè yöü eat mê, tell mê whŷ yöü arè sô particûlàŕlý upset tóday."

"It's mŷ mânè," sãìd thé lîón, aś hê wáśwoś figúring how mãný bîtès a littlè boy wōūld mâkè. "Yöü see whåt a dreàdful mess it iś, and Î dôn't seem tótö bê âblè tótö dö ãnýthing ábout it. Mŷ mőther iś cőming ôver on thé dragón this afternöön, and if shê seeś mê this way Î'm áfraid shê'll stop mŷ állõwánçè. Shê can't stand messý mânèś! But Î'm gôing tótö eat yöü now, sô it wőn't mâãný diffèrénçè tótö yöü."

"Ôh, wait a minútè," sãìd mŷ fāther, "and Î'll givè yöü just thé thingś yöü need tótö mâyøùr mânè åll tîdý and bèàûtíful. Î havè them hėŕè in mŷ pack."

"Yöü dö?" sãìd thé lîón. "Well, givè them tótö mê, and perhaps Î'll sâvè yöü for afternöön tea after åll," and hê pūt mŷ fāther down on thé ground.

Mŷ fāther ôpénèd thé pack and tōōk out thé cômb and thé brush and thé sevén hãir ribbónś ofuv diffèrént cőlòŕś. "Lōōk," hê sãìd, "Î'll shôw yöü whåt tótö dö on yøùr forèlock, wheŕè yöü can wātchwotch mê. First yöü brush a whîlè, and then yöü cômb, and then yöü brush ágãìn until åll thé twigś and snarlś arè gonè. Then yöü divîdè it up in three and braid it lîthis and tîè a ribbón áround thé end."

Aś mŷ fāther wáśwoś döing this, thé lîón wātchèdwotchèd verý cãŕèfullý and bėgan tótö lōōk much happìêŕ. When mŷ fāther tîèd on thé ribbón hê wáśwoś åll smîlèś. "Ôh, that's wőnderful, rêallý wőnderful!" sãìd thé lîón. "Let mê havè thé cômb and brush and see if Î can dö it." Sô mŷ fāther gâvè him thé cômb and brush and thé lîón bėgan buśílýbiś grööming hiś mânè. Aś a matter ofuv fact, hê wáśwoś sô buśýbizee that hê didn't êvén knôw when mŷ fāther left.

Chapter Eĩght


Mŷ fāther wáśwoś verý huñgrý sô hê sat down under a bâbý banyán tree on thé sîdè ofuv thé trail and âtè føùr tanĝérïnèś. Hê wantedwontéd tótö eat eĩght or ten, but hê had ônlý thirteen left and it might bê a long tîmè bėforè hê cōūld get morè. Hê packèd áway åll thé peelś and wáśwoś ábout tótö get up when hê hèàŕd thé fámilĩàŕ voiçėś ofuv thé bøàrś.

"Î wōūldn't havè bėlìêvèd it if Î hadn't seen them with mŷ ôwn èŷèś, but wait and see for yøùrself. Åll thé tîgerś arè sitting áround chëwing gum tótö beat thé band. Ôld Rhînoçerós iś sô buśýbizee brushing hiś tusk that hê dőèśn't êvén lōōk áround tótö see whö's gôing bŷ, and they'ŕè åll sô buśýbizee they wőn't êvén tålk tótö mê!"

"Horsèfeàtherś!" sãìd thé őther bøàr, now verý clôsè tótö mŷ fāther. "They'll tålk tótö mê! Î'm gôing tótö get tótö thé bottóm ofuv this if it's thé last thing Î dö!"

Thé voiçėś passèd mŷ fāther and went áround a curvè, and hê húrrìêd on bėcauśè hê knew how much morè upset thé bøàrś wōūld bê when they saw thé lîón's mânè tîèd up in hãir ribbónś.

Bėforè long mŷ fāther câmè tótö a crossroadś and hê stoppèd tótö read thé sîgnś. Straight áheàd an arrôw pointėd tótö thé Bėginning ofuv thé River; tótö thé left, thé Ôćeán Rocks; and tótö thé right, tótö thé Dragón Ferrý. Mŷ fāther wáśwoś reading åll thêśè sîgnś when hê hèàŕd pawsteps and duckèd bėhînd thé sîgnpôst. A bèàûtíful lîóness párâdėd past and turnèd down tówård thé clėáringś. Ålthôùgh shê cōūld havè seen mŷ fāther if shê had botherèd tótö glançè at thé pôst, shê wáśwoś much töö occûpîèd lōōking dignífîèd tótö see ãnýthing but thé tip ofuv her ôwn nôśè. It wáśwoś thé lîón's mőther, ofuv cøùrsè, and that, thøùght mŷ fāther, must mean that thé dragón wáśwoś on this sîdè ofuv thé river. Hê húrrìêd on but it wáśwoś farther áway than hê had judĝèd. Hê fînállý câmè tótö thé river bañk in thé lâafternöön and lōōkèd åll áround, but theŕè wáśwoś nô dragón ãnýwheŕè in sight. Hê must havè gonè back tótö thé őther sîdè.

Mŷ fāther sat down under a pālm tree and wáśwoś trŷing tótö havè a gōōd îdêá when sőmèthing big and black and hãírý jumpèd out ofuv thé tree and landėd with a loud crash at hiś feet.

"Well?" sãìd a hûĝè voiçè.

"Well whåt?" sãìd mŷ fāther, for which hê wáśwoś verý sorrý when hê lōōkèd up and discőverèd hê wáśwoś tålking tótö an ėnormòús and verý fierçè górillá.

"Well, ėxplain yøùrself," sãìd thé górillá. "Î'll givè yöü till ten tótö tell mê yøùr nâmè, buśìnėssbiś, yøùr âĝè and whåt's in that pack," and hê bėgan counting tótö ten aś fast aś hê cōūld.

Mŷ fāther didn't êvén havè tîmè tótö say "Elmer Elévâŕ, ėxplorer" bėforè thé górillá intérruptėd, "Töö slôw! Î'll twist yøùr armś thé way Î twist that dragón's wingś, and then wê'll see if yöü can't hurrý up a bit." Hê grabbèd mŷ fāther's armś, onewőnè in each fist, and wáśwoś just ábout tótö twist them when hê suddénlý let gô and bėgan scratching hiś chest with bôth handś.

"Blast thôśè fleaś!" hê râĝèd. "They wőn't givè yöü a mômént's peaçè, and thé wòŕst ofuv it iś that yöü can't êvén get a gōōd lōōk at them. Rôśìê! Rhôdá! Râchél! Rüthìê! Rübý! Róbertá! Cőmè hėŕè and get rid ofuv this flea on mŷ chest. It's drîving mê crâzý!"

Six littlè móñkêyś tumblèd out ofuv thé pālm tree, dashèd tótö thé górillá, and bėgan cômbing thé hãir on hiś chest.

"Well," sãìd thé górillá, "it's still theŕè!"

"Wê'ŕè lōōking, wê'ŕè lōōking," sãìd thé six littlè móñkêyś, "but they'ŕè awfullý hard tótö see, yöü knôw."

"Î knôw," sãìd thé górillá, "but hurrý. Î'vè got wòŕk tótö dö," and hê wiñkèd at mŷ fāther.

"Ôh, Górillá," sãìd mŷ fāther, "in mŷ knapsack Î havè six magnífŷiñg glassėś. They'd bê just thé thing for hunting fleaś." Mŷ fāther unpackèd them and gâvè onewőnè tótö Rôśìê, onewőnè tótö Rhôdá, onewőnè tótö Râchél, onewőnè tótö Rüthìê, onewőnè tótö Rübý, and onewőnè tótö Róbertá.

"Whŷ, they'ŕè míracûlòús!" sãìd thé six littlè móñkêyś. "It's eaśý tótö see thé fleaś now, ônlý theŕè arè hundrédś ofuv them!" And they went on hunting frantíllý.

A mômént lâter mãný morè móñkêyś áppėàŕèd out ofuv a nėàŕ-bŷ clump ofuv mañgrôvèś and bėgan crowding áround tótö get a lōōk at thé fleaś thröügh thé magnífŷiñg glassėś. They cómplêlý súrroundėd thé górillá, and hê cōūld not see mŷ fāther nor did hê rėmember tótö twist hiś armś.

Chapter Nînè


Mŷ fāther wålkèd back and forth álong thé bañk trŷing tótö thiñk ofuv sőmè way tótö cross thé river. Hê found a high flagpôlè with a rôpè gôing ôver tótö thé őther sîdè. Thé rôwent thröügh a lööp at thé top ofuv thé pôlè and then down thé pôlè and áround a larĝè crañk. A sîgn on thé crañk sãìd:


Fróm whåt thé cat had tôld mŷ fāther, hê knew that thé őther end ofuv thé rôwáśwoś tîèd áround thé dragón's neck, and hê felt sorrìêŕ than ever for thé pōōr dragón. If hê werè on this sîdè, thé górillá wōūld twist hiś wingś until it hurt sô much that hê'd havè tótö flŷ tótö thé őther sîdè. If hê werè on thé őther sîdè, thé górillá wōūld crañk thé rôuntil thé dragón wōūld êìther chôkè tótö deàth or flŷ back tótö this sîdè. Whåt a lîfè for a bâbý dragón!

Mŷ fāther knew that if hê cållèd tótö thé dragón tótö cőmè ácross thé river, thé górillá wōūld ŝūrèlý hėàŕ him, sô hê thøùght ábout clîmbing thé pôlè and gôing ácross on thé rôpè. Thé pôlè wáśwoś verý high, and êvén if hê cōūld get tótö thé top without bêing seen hê'd havè tótö gô åll thé way ácross hand ôver hand. Thé river wáśwoś verý muddý, and åll sorts ofuv unfrìendlý thingś might livè in it, but mŷ fāther cōūld thiñk ofuv nô őther way tótö get ácross. Hê wáśwoś ábout tótö start up thé pôlè when, dėspîåll thé noiśè thé móñkêyś werè mâking, hê hèàŕd a loud splash bėhînd him. Hê lōōkèd åll áround in thé wåter but it wáśwoś dusk now, and hê cōūldn't see ãnýthing theŕè.

"It's mê, Crocódîlè," sãìd a voiçè tótö thé left. "Thé wåter's lővèlý, and Î havè such a crâving for sőmèthing sweet. Wőn't yöü cőmè in for a swim?"

A pâlè möön câmè out fróm bėhînd thé cloudś and mŷ fāther cōūld see wheŕè thé voiçè wáśwoś cőming fróm. Thé crocódîlè's heàd wáśwoś just peeping out ofuv thé wåter.

"Ôh, nô thañk yöü," sãìd mŷ fāther. "Î never swim after sundown, but Î dö havè sőmèthing sweet tótö offer yöü. Perhaps yöü'd lîa lollïpop, and perhaps yöü havè frìendś whö wōūld lîlollïpops, töö?"

"Lollïpops!" sãìd thé crocódîlè. "Whŷ, that iś a treat! How ábout it, boyś?"

A whôlè chorus ofuv voiçėś shoutėd, "Hūrrāh! Lollïpops!" and mŷ fāther countėd aś mãný aś sevénteen crocódîlèś with their heàdś just peeping out ofuv thé wåter.

"That's fînè," sãìd mŷ fāther aś hê got out thé twö dőzén piñk lollïpops and thé rubber bandś. "Î'll stick onewőnè hėŕè in thé bañk. Lollïpops last loñger if yöü keep them out ofuv thé wåter, yöü knôw. Now, onewőnè ofuv yöü can havè this onewőnè."

Thé crocódîlè whö had first spôkén swam up and tâstėd it. "Dėlićìòús, mightý dėlićìòús!" hê sãìd.

"Now if yöü dôn't mînd," sãìd mŷ fāther, "Î'll just wålk álong yøùr back and fastén ánőther lollïpop tótö thé tip ofuv yøùr tail with a rubber band. Yöü dôn't mînd, dö yöü?"

"Ôh nô, not in thé least," sãìd thé crocódîlè.

"Can yöü get yøùr tail out ofuv thé wåter just a bit?" askèd mŷ fāther.

"Yes, ofuv cøùrsè," sãìd thé crocódîlè, and hê liftėd up hiś tail. Then mŷ fāther ran álong hiś back and fasténèd ánőther lollïpop with a rubber band.

"Whö's next?" sãìd mŷ fāther, and a secónd crocódîlè swam up and bėgan sucking on that lollïpop.

"Now, yöü ĝentlèmén can sâvè a lot ofuv tîmè if yöü just lînè up ácross thé river," sãìd mŷ fāther, "and Î'll bê álong tótö givè yöü each a lollïpop."

Sô thé crocódîlèś lînèd up right ácross thé river with their tailś in thé ãir, waiting for mŷ fāther tótö fastén on thé rest ofuv thé lollïpops. Thé tail ofuv thé sevénteenth crocódîlè just reachèd thé őther bañk.

Chapter Ten


When mŷ fāther wáśwoś crossing thé back ofuv thé fifteenth crocódîlè with twö morè lollïpops tótö gô, thé noiśè ofuv thé móñkêyś suddénlý stoppèd, and hê cōūld hėàŕ a much bigger noiśè getting louder evèrý secónd. Then hê cōūld hėàŕ sevén fûrïòús tîgerś and onewőnè râĝing rhînoçerós and twö seething lîónś and onewőnè ranting górillá álong with countléss screeching móñkêyś, led bŷ twö ėxtrêmèlý îrâwîld bøàrś, åll yelling, "It's a trick! It's a trick! Theŕè's an invâŝìón and it must bê after õυŕ dragón. Kill it! Kill it!" Thé whôlè crowd stampêdèd down tótö thé bañk.

Aś mŷ fāther wáśwoś fixing thé sevénteenth lollïpop for thé last crocódîlè hê hèàŕd a wîld bøàr scream, "Lōōk, it câmè this way! It's ôver theŕè now, see! Thé crocódîlèś mâdè a bridĝè for it," and just aś mŷ fāther leàpt ontö thé őther bañk onewőnè ofuv thé wîld bøàrś jumpèd ontö thé back ofuv thé first crocódîlè. Mŷ fāther didn't havè a mômént tótö spãŕè.

Bŷ now thé dragón rêálîzèd that mŷ fāther wáśwoś cőming tótö rescûè him. Hê ran out ofuv thé būshéś and jumpèd up and down yelling. "Hėŕè Î am! Î'm right hėŕè! Can yöü see mê? Hurrý, thé bøàr iś cőming ôver on thé crocódîlèś, töö. They'ŕè åll cőming ôver! Ôh, pleaśè hurrý, hurrý!" Thé noiśè wáśwoś simplý terrific.

Mŷ fāther ran up tótö thé dragón, and tōōk out hiś verý sharp jackknîfè. "Steàdý, ôld boy, steàdý. Wê'll mâit. Just stand still," hê tôld thé dragón aś hê bėgan tótö saw thröügh thé big rôpè.

Bŷ this tîmè bôth bøàrś, åll sevén tîgerś, thé twö lîónś, thé rhînoçerós, and thé górillá, álong with thé countléss screeching móñkêyś, werè åll on their way ácross thé crocódîlèś and theŕè wáśwoś still a lot ofuv rôpè tótö cut thröügh.

"Ôh, hurrý," thé dragón kept sâying, and mŷ fāther ágãìn tôld him tótö stand still.

"If Î dôn't thiñk Î can mâit," sãìd mŷ fāther, "wê'll flŷ ôver tótö thé őther sîdè ofuv thé river and Î can finish cutting thé rôtheŕè."

Suddénlý thé screaming grew louder and madder and mŷ fāther thøùght thé anímálś must havè crossèd thé river. Hê lōōkèd áround, and saw sőmèthing which surprîśèd and dėlightėd him. Partlý bėcauśè hê had finishèd hiś lollïpop, and partlý bėcauśè, aś Î tôld yöü bėforè, crocódîlèś arè verý möödý and not thé least bit dėpendáblè and arè ålwayś lōōking for sőmèthing tótö eat, thé first crocódîlè had turnèd áway fróm thé bañk and startėd swimming down thé river. Thé secónd crocódîlè hadn't finishèd yet, sô hê follôwèd right after thé first, still sucking hiś lollïpop. Åll thé rest did thé sâmè thing, onewőnè right after thé őther, until they werè åll swimming áway in a lînè. Thé twö wîld bøàrś, thé sevén tîgerś, thé rhînoçerós, thé twö lîónś, thé górillá, álong with thé countléss screeching móñkêyś, werè åll rîding down thé middlè ofuv thé river on thé train ofuv crocódîlèś sucking piñk lollïpops, and åll yelling and screaming and getting their feet wet.

Mŷ fāther and thé dragón lāùghèdlāùfèd themselvèś weak bėcauśè it wáśwoś such a sillý sight. Aś söön aś they had récőverèd, mŷ fāther finishèd cutting thé rôand thé dragón râçèd áround in çirclès and trîèd tótö turn a sőmersault. Hê wáśwoś thé môst ėxcîtėd bâbý dragón that ever livèd. Mŷ fāther wáśwoś in a hurrý tótö flŷ áway, and when thé dragón fînállý cālmèd down a bit mŷ fāther clîmbèd up ontö hiś back.

"Åll ábøàrd!" sãìd thé dragón. "Wheŕè shall wê gô?"

"Wê'll spend thé night on thé beach, and tómorrôw wê'll start on thé long jòurnêy hômè. Sô, it's off tótö thé shorèś ofuv Tanĝérïna!" shoutėd mŷ fāther aś thé dragón søàrèd ábővè thé dark juñglè and thé muddý river and åll thé anímálś bellôwing at them and åll thé crocódîlèś licking piñk lollïpops and grinning wîdè grinś. After åll, whåt did thé crocódîlèś cãŕè ábout a way tótö cross thé river, and whåt a fînè feast they werè carrýing on their backs!

Aś mŷ fāther and thé dragón passèd ôver thé Ôćeán Rocks they hèàŕd a tîný ėxcîtėd voiçè scream, "Bum cack! Bum cack! Wê dreed õυŕ nagon! Î mean, wê need õυŕ dragón!"

But mŷ fāther and thé dragón knew that nőthing in thé wòŕld wōūld ever mâthem gô back tótö Wîld Îslánd.